32 research outputs found


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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá stavebně technologickým řešením skeletové konstrukce komerčního objektu ve Zlíně. Jedná se o čtyřpodlažní nepodsklepenou budovu. Skeletová konstrukce je tvořena železobetonovým monolitickým skeletem a ocelovými sloupy. Objekt bude sloužit jako školicí středisko a sídlo ředitelství firmy Technodat s.r.o. V rámci jiného zadání je proveden návrh bednění stropů v programu ELPOS, který byl zapůjčen od společnosti PERI s.r.o.Bachelor thesis deals with construkctionally technological solving skeleton of commercial building in Zlín. The building is four-storey and hasn´t floor bellow the ground. The skeleton of the buiding consists of monolithic core structure and steel columns. The budilding serves as a training center and headquarters company Technodat s.r.o. As another task is executed draft od formwork for slabs, beams and walls in ELPOS program, which was lent by PERI Ltd.

    Sewerage and wastewater treatment plants - construction technology project

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá stavebně technologickým řešením stavby kanalizace a ČOV ve Veverské Bítýšce. Jedná se o celkovou rekonstrukci původní ČOV, kde bude většina původních objektů demolována a nahrazena objekty novými. Cílem rekonstrukce bude zvýšení technické a technologické úrovně čištění odpadních vod a snížení spotřeby elektrické energie. Součástí rekonstrukce bude i vybudování nové přečerpávací stanice na opačném břehu řeky a sanace souvisejícího výtlačného potrubí.Master´s thesis deals with construction technology project of Sewerage and wastewater treatment plants. The old building objects will be demolished and there will be built new objects on the same place as before. The target of the reconstruction is reducing the amount of energy and increase technological and technology level of wastewater treatment. One of the part of the reconstruction is build new filling station and the sanitation of pipelines on the other side of the river.

    Quantitative and comparative analysis of effectivity and robustness for enhanced and optimized non-local mean filter combining pixel and patch information on MR images of musculoskeletal system

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    In the area of musculoskeletal MR images analysis, the image denoising plays an important role in enhancing the spatial image area for further processing. Recent studies have shown that non-local means (NLM) methods appear to be more effective and robust when compared with conventional local statistical filters, including median or average filters, when Rician noise is presented. A significant limitation of NLM is the fact that thy have the tendency to suppress tiny objects, which may represent clinically important information. For this reason, we provide an extensive quantitative and objective analysis of a novel NLM algorithm, taking advantage of pixel and patch similarity information with the optimization procedure for optimal filter parameters selection to demonstrate a higher robustness and effectivity, when comparing with NLM and conventional local means methods, including average and median filters. We provide extensive testing on variable noise generators with dynamical noise intensity to objectively demonstrate the robustness of the method in a noisy environment, which simulates relevant, variable and real conditions. This work also objectively evaluates the potential and benefits of the application of NLM filters in contrast to conventional local-mean filters. The final part of the analysis is focused on the segmentation performance when an NLM filter is applied. This analysis demonstrates a better performance of tissue identification with the application of smoothing procedure under worsening image conditions.Web of Science2112art. no. 416

    Performance and robustness of regional image segmentation driven by selected evolutionary and genetic algorithms: Study on MR articular cartilage images

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    The analysis and segmentation of articular cartilage magnetic resonance (MR) images belongs to one of the most commonly routine tasks in diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system of the knee area. Conventional regional segmentation methods, which are based either on the histogram partitioning (e.g., Otsu method) or clustering methods (e.g., K-means), have been frequently used for the task of regional segmentation. Such methods are well known as fast and well working in the environment, where cartilage image features are reliably recognizable. The well-known fact is that the performance of these methods is prone to the image noise and artefacts. In this context, regional segmentation strategies, driven by either genetic algorithms or selected evolutionary computing strategies, have the potential to overcome these traditional methods such as Otsu thresholding or K-means in the context of their performance. These optimization strategies consecutively generate a pyramid of a possible set of histogram thresholds, of which the quality is evaluated by using the fitness function based on Kapur's entropy maximization to find the most optimal combination of thresholds for articular cartilage segmentation. On the other hand, such optimization strategies are often computationally demanding, which is a limitation of using such methods for a stack of MR images. In this study, we publish a comprehensive analysis of the optimization methods based on fuzzy soft segmentation, driven by artificial bee colony (ABC), particle swarm optimization (PSO), Darwinian particle swarm optimization (DPSO), and a genetic algorithm for an optimal thresholding selection against the routine segmentations Otsu and K-means for analysis and the features extraction of articular cartilage from MR images. This study objectively analyzes the performance of the segmentation strategies upon variable noise with dynamic intensities to report a segmentation's robustness in various image conditions for a various number of segmentation classes (4, 7, and 10), cartilage features (area, perimeter, and skeleton) extraction preciseness against the routine segmentation strategies, and lastly the computing time, which represents an important factor of segmentation performance. We use the same settings on individual optimization strategies: 100 iterations and 50 population. This study suggests that the combination of fuzzy thresholding with an ABC algorithm gives the best performance in the comparison with other methods as from the view of the segmentation influence of additive dynamic noise influence, also for cartilage features extraction. On the other hand, using genetic algorithms for cartilage segmentation in some cases does not give a good performance. In most cases, the analyzed optimization strategies significantly overcome the routine segmentation methods except for the computing time, which is normally lower for the routine algorithms. We also publish statistical tests of significance, showing differences in the performance of individual optimization strategies against Otsu and K-means method. Lastly, as a part of this study, we publish a software environment, integrating all the methods from this study.Web of Science2217art. no. 633

    The marketing mix proposal of the diesel mobile tank product

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    Import 30/10/2006Prezenční116 - Katedra marketingu a obchod

    Návrh vhodných strategií pro podnik

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    Prokop O. Design of appropriate strategies for a company. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2017. Bachelor thesis deals with design of appropriate strategies for a company, which operates on the Czech market. Bachelor thesis is divided to two parts. The first part is theoretical and based on professional literature. The second part is practical and deals with analysis of the external and internal environment. This thesis includes PEST analysis, Porter´s five forces analysis, Porter´s value chain, financial analysis and SWOT analysis. Conclusion contains developed strategies, which should contribute to company´s progress. For example organization of a children´s camp, building a salt cave, establishment of bonus program or cooperation with sports teams

    Translation with Commentary. Viner, Katharine, How Technology Disrupted the Truth. Guardian, 12 July 2016. guardian.com [online], 2016. Available at https: www.theguardian.com/media/2016/jul/12/how-technology-disrupted-the-truth.

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    The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to translate a text by Katharine Viner called "How technology disrupted the truth" from English to Czech. The second part of the thesis contains an analysis of the source text as well as a description of the translation problems

    Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany Tasks within an Electricity Grid of the Czech Republic

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je popsat roli elektrárny Dukovany (EDU) v elektrizační soustavě ČR. Zvýšením výroby elektrické energie z obnovitelných zdrojů, dochází v elektrizační soustavě častěji k nedodržování kritéria N-1 a tím i ke snížení spolehlivost celé soustavy. Zvyšuje se tak riziko blackoutu soustavy, který by měl za následek velké hospodářské škody a ohrožení lidských životů. Proto spolehlivé, dobře regulovatelné a bezpečné zdroje elektrické energie jsou velmi důležité. Úvodní část práce popisuje úlohu EDU při regulaci základních elektrických parametrů v normálním provozu elektrizační soustavy. Druhá část práce se zabývá stavy a funkcí EDU při úplném nebo částečném rozpadu elektrizační soustavy. V závěrečné části je analyzován význam EDU v elektrizační soustavě ČR a budoucí vývoj s možnou výstavbou nových jaderných bloků po ukončení životnosti v roce 2035. Elektrárna Dukovany je důležitým regulátorem jalového výkonu, protože v jihovýchodní části ČR není jiná elektrárna, která by mohla jalový výkon významně regulovat. Výkon poskytovaný EDU na podpůrné služby regulace činného výkonu a frekvence v posledních letech výrazně roste. To je dáno vlivem zvýšené výroby z obnovitelných zdrojů. Při částečném rozpadu elektrizační soustavy přechází bloky do ostrovního provozu. Pokud frekvence přesáhne dovolené meze, EDU zreguluje na vlastní spotřebu. V tomto stavu může být provozována bez časového omezení. Následně se může na pokyn dispečinku podílet na obnově soustavy. Pokud blok nezreguluje na vlastní spotřebu a nejsou dostupné rezervní zdroje napájení ani nouzové dieselgenerátory, musí být co nejrychleji obnoveno napájení. Pro obnovu napájení se využívá šest na sobě nezávislých možností. Další možností obnovy napájení bude AAC síť po dokončení v roce 2014. Ta bude odolná extrémním klimatickým vlivům a bude umístěna v areálu elektrárny, čímž bude EDU více nezávislá na vnější síti.The aim of the Bachelor’s thesis is to describe the role of The Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany (Dukovany NPP) in the Czech electricity grid. Increasing of the production of electricity from renewable energy sources in the electricity grid causes more frequently compliance of N-1 criterion and it decrease the reliability of the electricity grid. The risk of Blackout increases, which would cause large economic losses and danger to the life of human beings. Therefore, reliable, good controllable and safety sources of electricity are very important. The first part of the thesis describes the role of Dukovany NPP in the process of regulation of basic electrical parameters during the normal operation of electricity grid. The second part of the thesis deals with states and the function of Dukovany NPP after full or partial disintegration of the electricity grid. Final part analyzes the importance of Dukovany NPP in Czech electricity grid and future development Dukovany NPP with possibility of the construction of new nuclear units after the end of the operation in 2035. The Dukovany NPP is an important regulator of the reactive power. There isn’t other power plant in the southeastern part of the Czech Republic, which could significantly control reactive power. The power from Dukovany NPP, which is provided on ancillary services controlling the real power and frequency has been increasing in recent years. This is due to the increasing production of renewable sources. Units switch to island operation after partial disintegration of electricity grid. If frequency exceeds the limit, the units will switch to it is own consumption. In this stage of operation at own consumption can Dukovany NPP operated without the time limit. Dukovany NPP may participate in restoring the electricity grid, based on dispatch control instruct. If switching to own consumption is not successful and back up sources and emergency’s dieselgenerator are unavailable, the power supply has to be restored as soon as possible. There are six independent solutions to restore the power supply. Next option of restore power supply will be the AAC network after the completion of construction in 2014. The AAC network will be resistant to the extreme weather and will be place it in the area of the power station, thereby Dukovany NPP will be more independent on external network.

    Dopady vstupu ČR do Evropské unie na faktory ovlivňující  bankovní sektor

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    Prokop, O., Impacts of the Czech Republic's join to the European Union on factors affecting the banking sector. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. Diploma thesis is focused on Impacts of the Czech Republic's join to the European Union on factors affecting the banking sector. The attention is focused on factors affecting provided services to clients of the banking sector. The time series are analysed by testing structural breaks. The growth rates of this time series and changes are also analysed. For example, in this thesis are analysed this time se-ries: profits, number of employees, distribution networks, amount of loans or amount of deposits. The issue of deposits and loans is further analysed in detail, for example on a time, sector or specific basis