84 research outputs found

    Carbon sequestration using bio-refinery residues

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    Biomass consists of four main constituents, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and minerals. The first two, are the key targets for various conversion processes producing biofuels and chemicals, leaving behind different forms of lignin, depending on extraction process used. Please click on the file below for full content of the abstract

    Process modelling and life cycle assessment of algal biochar- bioenergy system

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    Minerals-carbon interaction during biomass pyrolysis: Implications to biochar carbon sequestration and bioenergy

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    Biomass carbon could be sequestrated in form of biochar, an aromatized carbon structure produced by pyrolysis. Minerals are reactive constituents, which could transform species and interact with organic fractions during pyrolysis, significantly affecting the products, biochar and bio-oil. This study reviewed researches by authors recent years related to removing inherent minerals from biomass and doping alkaline and alkaline earth metal (K, Na, Ca and Mg), as well as phosphorus (P) into biomass to understand their influences on carbon (C) retention and C stability in biochar during pyrolysis; How this minerals-doping induces the alteration of primary products in bio-oil? Some conclusions have been drawn by other researchers. It is of great importance that this should be analyzed synthetically with C sequestration in biochar. Some of our key conclusions are as follows: Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Biochar as additive for enhanced dark fermentation and anaerobic digestion

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    Strategies for producing biochars with minimum PAH contamination

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    With the aim to develop initial recommendations for production of biochars with minimal contamination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), we analysed a systematic set of 46 biochars produced under highly controlled pyrolysis conditions. The effects of the highest treatment temperature (HTT), residence time, carrier gas flow and typical feedstocks (wheat / oilseed rape straw pellets (WSP), softwood pellets (SWP)) on 16 US EPA PAH concentration in biochar were investigated. Overall, the PAH concentrations ranged between 1.2 and 100 mg kg-1. On average, straw-derived biochar contained 5.8 times higher PAH concentrations than softwood-derived biochar. In a batch pyrolysis reactor, increasing carrier gas flow significantly decreased PAH concentrations in biochar; in case of straw, the concentrations dropped from 43.1 mg kg-1 in the absence of carrier gas to 3.5 mg kg-1 with a carrier gas flow of 0.67 L min-1; for woody biomass PAHs concentrations declined from 7.4 mg kg-1 to 1.5 mg kg-1 with the same change of carrier gas flow. In the temperature range of 350-650°C the HTT did not have any significant effect on PAH content in biochars, irrespective of feedstock type, however, in biochars produced at 750°C the PAH concentrations were significantly higher. After detailed investigation it was deduced that this intensification in PAH contamination at high temperatures was most likely down to the specifics of the unit design of the continuous pyrolysis reactor used. Overall, it was concluded that besides PAH formation, vaporisation is determining the PAH concentration in biochar. The fact that both of these mechanisms intensify with pyrolysis temperature (one increasing and the other one decreasing the PAH concentration in biochar) could explain why no consistent trend in PAH content in biochar with temperature has been found in the literature

    Standard Czech Morphology in TV Show

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    The aim of the diploma thesis was to find out to what extent there is a violation of the standard of writing in two specific interview programs, namely the XTalk and Interview ČT24. Both shows have similar footage (around 22-28 minutes), essentially the same dialogical composition (the host asks questions and the guest answers), but the personality of the host is different. The hosts of both shows are professionals in their field, so non-standard phenomena occur only sporadically (often in more emotionally loaded situations), but their moderation style, which creates a different atmosphere in the studio in both shows, may leads to more frequent violations of the standard norm of the Czech language in XTalk. Of course, the selection of guests also played a role, in which we noticed the frequency of occurrence of non-standard variants, the influence of the communication role, selected sociolinguistic factors and the host. The obtained data was compared with two years older research of dialogical texts of radio journalism by two corpus sources of commonly spoken Czech. The research sample consisted of a total of thirty interviews from 2018-2021. The analysis of the obtained data showed that the speakers could be divided into three groups in terms of the occurrence of non-standard variants: speakers...Diplomová práce si dala za cíl zjistit, do jaké míry dochází k porušování spisovné normy v rámci dvou konkrétních interview pořadů, a to XTalk a Interview ČT24. Každý z dílů obou pořadů má podobnou stopáž (kolem 22-28 minut), v podstatě totožnou dialogickou kompozici (moderátor klade otázky a host odpovídá), ale rozdílnou osobnost moderátora. Moderátoři obou pořadů jsou profesionálové svého oboru, takže nespisovné jevy se objevují jen sporadicky (často v emočně vytíženějších situacích), ale jejich styl moderování, kterým vytvářejí v obou pořadech odlišnou atmosféru ve studiu, mohl vést k tomu, že v pořadu XTalk docházelo častěji k porušování spisovné normy českého jazyka. Svou roli samozřejmě sehrál i výběr hostů, u nichž jsme sledovali frekvenci výskytu nespisovných variant, vliv komunikační role, vybraných sociolingvistických faktorů a osoby moderátora. Získaná data jsme porovnávali s o několik let starším výzkumem dialogických textů rozhlasové publicistiky dvěma korpusovými zdroji běžně mluvené češtiny. Výzkumný vzorek byl tvořen celkem třiceti interview z let 2018-2021. Analýzou získaných dat bylo zjištěno, že mluvčí by se z hlediska míry výskytu nespisovných variant dali rozdělit do tří skupin: mluvčí, jejichž projev mířil k celkové spisovnosti, mluvčí, jejichž projev byl z hlediska frekvence...Katedra českého jazykaFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Product Management as an ultimate tool for operating large and major enterprises

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    katedra: KIN; přílohy: CD-R; rozsah: 55 s., 5s. přílohProduktový management a s ním spojené řízení velkých společností a korporací nejsou záležitostí novou. V zahraničí má tento typ řízení tradici bezmála osmdesáti let. V této práci jsem se však zaměřil na to, jak vypadá produktový management dnes, pro jaké firmy je vhodný a jaké kroky by měla firma udělat, pokud chce úspěšně zavést produktové oddělení. Zároveň jsem popsal jednotlivá úskalí práce samotných produktových manažerů a to zejména v kontextu poslední doby charakteristické bouřlivým rozvojem informačních a komunikačních technologií. Díky výzkumu provedenému mezi českými společnostmi se mi navíc podařilo získat přehled o využití produktového managementu v českých podmínkách. Závěry vyvozené z tohoto výzkumu jsem porovnal s informacemi dostupnými v zahraniční literatuře a doplnil o vlastní zkušenosti získané v době mé praxe v produktovém oddělení společnosti GTS Novera, a.s. Pro tuto společnost jsem pak s využitím výsledků výzkumu navrhl optimalizaci začlenění a vnitřní struktury produktového oddělení.Product management as a tool for operating large and major enterprises is not any hot new. This type of management has almost 80-year tradition in the abroad. However, in this thesis I have focused mainly on how the product management looks today, for which companies it is appropriate and which steps should a company make, if it wants to implement product department successfully. I have also described many different aspects of product manager´s job, particularly in context of recent years which are characterized by rapid advancement of information and communication technologies. Besides, thanks to the research I had done among Czech companies, I have acquired a view about the use of product management under Czech circumstances. I compared the results of this research with information from available foreign literature and added my own experience gained during my practice in the product department of GTS Novera company. Finally, I have designed the optimization of integration and internal structure of the product department for this company, with the use of the research results