7 research outputs found

    Towards fast prototyping of IVAs behavior: Pogamut 2.

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    Abstract. We present the platform for IVAs development in the human like environment of the first-person shooter game Unreal Tournament 2004. This environment is extendible and supported by vast community of users. Based on our previous experience the problem of fast verification of models of artificial intelligence or IVAs is in implementation issues. The developer spends most of his time solving technical environment dependent issues and malfunctions, which drives him away from his goals. Therefore our modular platform provides a tool, which helps solving those problems and the developer can spend saved time by solving another AI based issues and model verification. The platform is aimed for research and educational purposes

    Konekcionistický model episodické paměti pro virtuální lidi

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    The goal of this work is to design and implement a prototype of the episodic memory for virtual humans. The memory is inspired by up to date research on function of human memory for personal events (episodes) and human time perception. We design a model of memory based on this theoretical knowledge. We took as the point of departure episodic memory system and decision making system of Peskova. The decision making system is based on the BDI, theory of affordances and AND-OR trees. The former episodic memory suffered deficiencies in the recall for time-cued questions. Thus proposed model is working with a unique subsystem for the time perception which allows for more realistic storage and recall of past events. The agent enhanced by this model can reply to questions like "What did you do last week afternoons?". The prototype is programmed in Java using the framework Pogamut 2. Pogamut 2 is connected to the complex continuous 3D world of Unreal Tournament 2004 which allows us to verify the design in the challenging environment. We have conducted several experiments. The results show that the model extends agents cognitive abilities with a capability to understand socially established temporal patterns. That allows him to answer to the questions with a vaguely specified time information. Moreover, the memory..

    Unreal Tournament Twins

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    This bachelor thesis is focused on team cooperation of a couple of agents in the enviroment of Unreal Tournament (UT) in the fundamental team-play mode. I worked on realization of autonomous behavior, communication, synchronization of important informations and implementation of tactical operations. Better informed agent could deliver more sofisticated performance and credibility. I implemented the project on the framework made from the game UT, the middleware Gamebots, POSH (the architecture for making agent's logic) and the middleware Pogamut. When I succesfully finished implementation, I have made set of tests to find out the impact of some approaches on agents performance in the game. I found out that the level of cooperation affects the performance. Couple of agents who were cooperating only by sharing informations proved to be the most effective and suitable for the choosen mode of the game.Práce je zaměřena na problematiku týmové spolupráce dvou agentů v prostředí hry Unreal Tournament (UT) v základním týmovém módu hry. Řešil jsem hlavně realizace autonomního chování, komunikace, synchronizace důležitých informací a implementace taktických operací. Vhodné využití lepší informovanosti agenta vede ke zlepšení jeho herních dovedností a uvěřitelnosti. Projekt byl implementován na platformě tvořené spojením hry UT, middleware Gamebots, architektury pro návrh logiky agentů POSH a middlewaru Pogamut. Po úspěšné implementaci jsem provedl sadu testů, kterými jsem zjišťoval dopad některých postupů na chování agentů. Zjistil jsem, že míra spolupráce ovlivňuje výsledný herní projev. Dvojice agentů, která spolupracuje jen na základě předávání informací, se ukázala jako velmi efektivní a vhodná pro daný mód hry.Katedra softwaru a výuky informatikyDepartment of Software and Computer Science EducationMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Unreal Tournament Twins

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    This bachelor thesis is focused on team cooperation of a couple of agents in the enviroment of Unreal Tournament (UT) in the fundamental team-play mode. I worked on realization of autonomous behavior, communication, synchronization of important informations and implementation of tactical operations. Better informed agent could deliver more sofisticated performance and credibility. I implemented the project on the framework made from the game UT, the middleware Gamebots, POSH (the architecture for making agent's logic) and the middleware Pogamut. When I succesfully finished implementation, I have made set of tests to find out the impact of some approaches on agents performance in the game. I found out that the level of cooperation affects the performance. Couple of agents who were cooperating only by sharing informations proved to be the most effective and suitable for the choosen mode of the game

    Unreal Tournament Twins

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    This bachelor thesis is focused on team cooperation of a couple of agents in the enviroment of Unreal Tournament (UT) in the fundamental team-play mode. I worked on realization of autonomous behavior, communication, synchronization of important informations and implementation of tactical operations. Better informed agent could deliver more sofisticated performance and credibility. I implemented the project on the framework made from the game UT, the middleware Gamebots, POSH (the architecture for making agent's logic) and the middleware Pogamut. When I succesfully finished implementation, I have made set of tests to find out the impact of some approaches on agents performance in the game. I found out that the level of cooperation affects the performance. Couple of agents who were cooperating only by sharing informations proved to be the most effective and suitable for the choosen mode of the game

    Mechanické vlastnosti lidských aortálních a pulmonárních alograftů se během prvních deseti let kryoprezervace nemení

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    Cíle: Jedním ze způsobů náhrady semilunárních chlopní je transplantace lidských alograftů srdečních chlopní (ASCH). Aortální a pulmonální ASCH jsou skladovány v kryobance chlopenních štěpů. Exspirační doba kryoprezervovaných chlopenních štěpů byla arbitrárně stanovena na 5 let. Cílem práce bylo ověření hypotézy, že ASCH ani po 5 letech skladování v tekutém dusíku neztrácejí své příznivé mechanické a strukturální vlastnosti. Materiál a metody: Z celkového počtu 64 lidských ASCH (31 aortálních a 33 pulmonálních) různé délky kryoprezervace (čerstvých, do 5 let, 5-10 let a více než 10 let) byly odebrány vzorky tepenné stěny, cípů, ventrikulo-arteriální junkce a arteriálních ringů. Všechny vzorky byly podrobeny mechanickému testování na trakčním stroji, dokud nedošlo k narušení jejich integrity. Histologické zpracování hodnotilo podíl kolagenu a elastinu ve vzorcích přilehlé tkáně. Získané hodnoty prošly statistickým zpracováním. Výsledky: U aortálních ASCH nedošlo k významným změnám schopnosti deformovat se při působení tahu ani při kryoprezervaci ani v průběhu 10letého skladování v tekutém dusíku. Síla nutná k natržení aortální stěny nebo cípu, byla ve všech skupinách kryoprezervovaných vzorků do 10 let skladování podobná. V případě pulmonálních ASCH byla u vzorků stěn ve skupině s délkou kryoprezervace 5-10 let zachycena nižší schopnost deformace. Mezní napětí se však pro všechny vzorky pulmonálních ASCH (včetně stěn) mezi jednotlivými skupinami do 10 let kryoprezervace nelišilo. Změny v zastoupení kolagenu I a elastinu ve vzorcích o různé délce kryoprezervace nekorelovaly s jejich mechanickými vlastnostmi. Závěr: Potvrdili jsme hypotézu, že kryoprezervované ASCH neztrácejí ani po 5 letech skladování v tekutém dusíku své zásadní mechanické a strukturální vlastnosti. Závěr výzkumu bude aplikován do provozu tkáňové banky, umožní prodloužení doby exspirace ASCH.Background: The aortic and pulmonary allograft heart valves (AHV) are used in the cardiac surgery for replacing the impaired semilunar valves. They are harvested from donor hearts and cryostored in tissue banks. The expiration period was set to 5 years arbitrarily. We hypothesized that their mechanical and structural properties do not deteriorate after this period. Methods: A total of 64 human AHV (31 aortic and 33 pulmonary) of different length of cryopreservation (fresh, 0-5, 5-10, over 10 years) were sampled to different tissue strips (artery, leaflet, ventriculo-arterial junction) and tested by tensile test with loading velocity 10 mm/min until tissue rupture. Neighbouring regions of tissue were processed histologically and evaluated for elastin and collagen area fraction. The results were evaluated statistically. Results: In aortic AHV, the physical deformation response of wall samples to stress did not changed significantly neither during the process of cryopreservation nor during the first 10 years of storage. In pulmonary AHV, the ultimate strain dropped after 5 years of cryopreservation indicating that pulmonary artery was significantly less deformable at the time of rupture. On the other hand, the ultimate stress was equal during the first 10 years of cryostorage. The changes in collagen and elastin amount in the tissue samples were not associated with mechanical impairment. Conclusion: Neither elasticity, stiffness and solidity nor morphology of aortic and pulmonary AHV did not change reasonably with cryopreservation and in the first 10 years of cryostorage. This evidence suggests that the expiration period might be extended in the future