103 research outputs found

    Je feministická filosofie vědy politicky korektní?

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    Článek se zabývá problematickou politické korektnosti ve vztahu k feministické filosofii vědy. Zaměřuje pozornost na užší pojem politické korektnosti - hodnotově motivovanou nekorektní práci s fakty. Konstatuje, že navzdory explicitnímu soustředění feministických autorek a autorů na význam hodnot v projektu vědy nelze chápat feministickou filosofii vědy jako politicky korektní nebo jako vybízení k politicky korektní vědě. Naopak se politicky korektní argumentace v tomto užším smyslu mohou dopouštět i práce vystupující proti feministické či politicky korektní agendě ve vědě

    Wittgensteinian Perspectives on the Turing Test

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    This paper discusses some difficulties in understanding the Turing test. It emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between conceptual and empirical perspectives and highlights the former as introducing more serious problems for the TT. Some objections against the Turingian framework stemming from the later Wittgenstein’s philosophy are exposed. The following serious problems are examined: 1) It considers a unique and exclusive criterion for thinking which amounts to their identification; 2) it misidentifies the relationship of speaking to thinking as that of a criterion; 3) it neglects the “natural” course of the development in semantics. However, these considerations suggest only that it is problematic to label a successful chatbot as a “thinking entity” without further qualifications, but not necessarily and once and for all incorrect. Philosophy has only little to say about the technical possibility of creating such an effective program

    "Give Me an Example": Peter Winch and Learning from the Particular

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    The text deals with the role of particular examples in our understanding, especially in the encounters with unfamiliar cases that may require us to expand our concepts. I try to show that Peter Winch’s reflections on the nature of understanding can provide the foundations for such an account. Understanding consists in a response informed by a background network of particular canonical examples. It is against this background that the distinction between appropriate differentiated reactions and misplaced ones makes sense. To accommodate applications of known concepts (such as love, or humour) to unfamiliar cases, particular examples are needed that invite the recipient in a certain direction of understanding, while providing a “closure” against arbitrary mis- or re-interpretations. This capacity has to do with a capacity or incapacity to convey the sense of seriousness of an example dealing with the lives of the persons (or characters) concerned

    Incidence and clinical and immunological characteristics of primary Toxoplasma gondii infection in HIV-infected patients

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    SummaryObjectivesTo determine the incidence and laboratory characteristics of primary Toxoplasma gondii infection in HIV-infected individuals.MethodsThis retrospective study was conducted between 1988 and 2012 on a cohort of 1130 HIV-infected patients at the AIDS Center Prague. Toxoplasma serology, standard laboratory parameters, and health status were evaluated at 3–6-month intervals for all patients.ResultsThe total person-time of follow-up of patients at risk of Toxoplasma seroconversion was 3046.3 years; there were 14 primary T. gondii infections, yielding an incidence rate of 0.0046 (95% confidence interval 0.0027–0.0078). Most of the subjects were clinically asymptomatic, but in one case seroconversion was accompanied by transient cervical lymphadenopathy. The CD4+ T-lymphocyte count geometric mean increased from 418 (95% confidence interval 303–579) cells/μl before seroconversion to 501 (95% confidence interval 363–691) cells/μl after seroconversion (p = 0.004), while other parameters (CD8+ T-lymphocytes, natural killer cells, viral load, beta2-microglobulin, total immunoglobulins) remained unchanged. As compared to the control group, patients with primary toxoplasmosis had higher initial levels of total immunoglobulins IgA and IgG and a tendency to higher CD8+ T lymphocyte counts.ConclusionsNeither the incidence nor the course of the primary Toxoplasma infection was influenced by the immune status of the patients. Immune parameters of patients with primary Toxoplasma infection did not differ from those of the controls

    Calicophoron daubneyi (Diginea: Paramphiszomidae): Účinnost anthelmintik u přirozeně infikovaného skotu

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    The effectiveness of anthelmintics in the treatment of paramphistomosis in farm animals in the Czech Republic has not been sufficiently investigated. This study was focused on selected breeds of beef cattle. Identification of Calicophoron daubneyi was performed by sedimentation and verified by PCR using the 5.8S rRNA gene. Animals were treated specifically for C. daubneyi infection only. Totally 400 positive animals were included in the study. The anthelmintic Closamectin (Closantel/Ivermectin) was evaluated as the most effective veterinary medicinal product with an efficiency of 80%, followed by Distocur (Oxyclozanid) with an efficiency of 78%, Aldifal (Albendazol) with an efficiency of 71% and Levatum Plus (Ivermectin/Clorsulon) with an efficiency of 62%.Účinnost anthelmintik při léčbě paramfistózy u hospodářských zvířat v České republice není dostatečně prozkoumána. Tato studie byla zaměřena na vybraná plemena masného skotu. Identifikace Calicophoron daubneyi byla provedena sedimentací a ověřena pomocí PCR s využitím genu 5,8S rRNA. Zvířata byla léčena specificky pouze na infekci C. daubneyi. Do studie bylo zařazeno celkem 400 pozitivních zvířat. Jako nejúčinnější veterinární léčivý přípravek bylo vyhodnoceno anthelmintikum Closamectin (Closantel/Ivermectin) s účinností 80 %, následované Distocurem (Oxyclozanid) s účinností 78 %, Aldifalem (Albendazol) s účinností 71 % a Levatum Plus (Ivermectin/Clorsulon) s účinností 62 %

    Von Beispielen lernen. Der Mensch und das Nicht-Menschliche

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    The paper argues that examples are not only used as rhetorical support for a presented general thesis but also circulate without explanation (whether or not with a hidden agenda). We often encounter particulars (persons, cases, situations, stories, etc.) that only with time assume the meaning of an example of something. Learning from so encountered examples is a lengthy process, based on recognizing serious and significant stakes (often related to essential structures of human life) reflected within them, resulting in i) the ability to trace significant connections to other particulars and ii) acting upon this recognition. It is disputable whether i) and ii) are intrinsically connected. The elusive nature of learning from examples – the difficulty of deciding whether learning has taken place – is illustrated using the example of environment-related actions.In diesem Beitrag wird argumentiert, dass Beispiele nicht nur als rhetorische Unterstützung für eine vorgestellte allgemeine These verwendet werden, sondern auch ohne Erklärung zirkulieren (ob mit oder ohne versteckte Absicht). Wir treffen oft auf Besonderheiten (Personen, Fälle, Situationen, Geschichten usw.), die erst mit der Zeit die Bedeutung eines Beispiels für etwas annehmen. Das Lernen aus solchen Beispielen ist ein langwieriger Prozess, der darauf beruht, dass man ernsthafte und bedeutsame Aspekte (oft im Zusammenhang mit wesentlichen Strukturen des menschlichen Lebens) erkennt, die sich in ihnen widerspiegeln, und der dazu führt, dass man i) in der Lage ist, bedeutsame Verbindungen zu anderen Besonderheiten zu erkennen und ii) nach dieser Erkenntnis zu handeln. Es ist umstritten, ob i) und ii) untrennbar miteinander verbunden sind. Der schwer fassbare Charakter des Lernens an Beispielen - die Schwierigkeit, zu entscheiden, ob ein Lernen stattgefunden hat - wird am Beispiel umweltbezogener Handlungen illustriert

    To Each Incel According to His Needs?

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    This text presents an analysis of some aspects of the phenomenon of so-called incels. It focuses on the sexist and male supremacist ideology inherent to the incels’ narrative. It also follows a link between this ideology and the assumptions made by some commentators on the incels’ problem, who have been relying on a mixture of conservative views on society and reductionist naturalism. I present a critique of these background assumptions, relating to concepts that feature centrally in them. First, I criticise the characterisation of a particular (simplistic and anachronistic) concept of ‘monogamy’ as natural and its possible construal as normative. Then I explore the rhetoric of sex as a ‘basic need’, pointing out the tendency to mistake what one wants for a ‘need’. I conclude by criticising the particular kind of idea of the science of human nature that underpin the reductionist accounts of sex-related violence.This text presents an analysis of some aspects of the phenomenon of so-called incels. It focuses on the sexist and male supremacist ideology inherent to the incels’ narrative. It also follows a link between this ideology and the assumptions made by some commentators on the incels’ problem, who have been relying on a mixture of conservative views on society and reductionist naturalism. I present a critique of these background assumptions, relating to concepts that feature centrally in them. First, I criticise the characterisation of a particular (simplistic and anachronistic) concept of ‘monogamy’ as natural and its possible construal as normative. Then I explore the rhetoric of sex as a ‘basic need’, pointing out the tendency to mistake what one wants for a ‘need’. I conclude by criticising the particular kind of idea of the science of human nature that underpin the reductionist accounts of sex-related violence

    Addiction as degradation of life

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    The paper discusses equivocations involved in the concept of addiction and suggests its understanding in terms of one's (degraded) way of leading one's whole life. I argue against common conceptions of addiction, identifying its core either in a physiological (substance-induced) condition of craving or in weakness of will as insufficient. Using Fingarette's notion of “central activity,” I explore addiction as a peculiar kind of central interest, pervading and predating on one's other interests and characterized by a corrosion of a sense of temporality and responsibility. Since addiction is a response to events in the addict's life (a personally specific lack of healthy sources of positive reinforcement), therapy-consisting in reestablishment of the capacity of navigating responsibly one's activities and interests-must proceed in a way that takes the particular aspects of each case into account

    Targeting women on a telecommunication services market

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    This bachelor thesis analyses the problematics of targeting womem on a telecommunication services market. The aim of this thesis is to create an effective targeting model of products and services to women using three target segments - young students, women who take maternity leave and working mothers. Marketing and its features, the three target markets as well as current target markets of the three Czech cell service providers are defined in the theoretical part, the analysis section focuses on a research how women percept advertisments and follows with an application of the collected knowledge mentioned above on Vodafone as the youngest and latest cell service provider in the Czech republic.Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje problematice targetingu žen na trhu telekomunikačních služeb. Cílem této práce je sestavit model efektivního cílení svých služeb a produktů na ženy za pomocí tří cílových skupin - mladých studentek, žen na mateřské dovolené a pracujících matek. V teoretické části je definován marketing a jeho nástroje, dále jsou zde vymezeny výše uvedené cílové skupiny a nakonec jsou zde vypsány klíčové segmenty všech tří českých mobilních operátorů. Analytická část práce se zabývá výzkumem vnímání reklam na mobilní operátory ženami a následnou aplikací shromážděných poznatků na příkladu společnosti Vodafone jakožto nejmladšího a nejmenšího mobilního operátora v České republice