17 research outputs found

    Monolithic on-chip nonreciprocal photonics based on magneto-optical thin films

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    Monolithic integration of nonreciprocal optical devices on semiconductor substrates has been a long-sought goal of the photonics community. One promising route to achieve this goal is to deposit high quality magneto-optical (MO) oxide thin films directly on a semiconductor substrate. In this article, we will review our ongoing progress in material development and device engineering towards enabling a monolithically integrated, high-performance magneto-optical nonreciprocal photonics platform. In particular, we will discuss our recent work which has led to a new pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique of Ce or Bi substituted yttrium iron garnet (YIG) thin films with reduced thermal budget, simplified growth protocols and improved magneto-optical characteristics. These materials were incorporated in monolithic resonator and interferometer based isolator devices to demonstrate on-chip optical isolation with improved device figure of merit. Challenges and opportunities for monolithic magneto-optical devices will be discussed in the context of our latest material and device performance metrics

    Optical and magneto-optical behavior of Cerium Yttrium Iron Garnet thin films at wavelengths of 200–1770 nm

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    Magneto-optical cerium-substituted yttrium iron garnet (Ce:YIG) thin films display Faraday and Kerr rotation (rotation of light polarisation upon transmission and reflection, respectively) as well as a nonreciprocal phase shift due to their non-zero off-diagonal permittivity tensor elements, and also possess low optical absorption in the near-infrared. These properties make Ce:YIG useful in providing nonreciprocal light propagation in integrated photonic circuits, which is essential for accomplishing energy-efficient photonic computation and data transport architectures. In this study, 80 nm-thick Ce:YIG films were grown on Gadolinium Gallium Garnet substrates with (100), (110) and (111) orientations using pulsed laser deposition. The films had bulk-like structural and magnetic quality. Faraday and Kerr spectroscopies along with spectroscopic ellipsometry were used to deduce the complete permittivity tensor of the films in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared spectral region, and the magneto-optical figure of merit as a function of wavelength was determined. The samples showed the highest IR Faraday rotation reported for thin films of Ce:YIG, which indicates the importance of this material in development of nonreciprocal photonic devices.National Science Foundation (U.S.)Semiconductor Research Corporation. Function Accelerated nanoMaterial Engineerin

    Magneto-Optical Thin Films for On-Chip Monolithic Integration of Non-Reciprocal Photonic Devices

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    Achieving monolithic integration of nonreciprocal photonic devices on semiconductor substrates has been long sought by the photonics research society. One way to achieve this goal is to deposit high quality magneto-optical oxide thin films on a semiconductor substrate. In this paper, we review our recent research activity on magneto-optical oxide thin films toward the goal of monolithic integration of nonreciprocal photonic devices on silicon. We demonstrate high Faraday rotation at telecommunication wavelengths in several novel magnetooptical oxide thin films including Co substituted CeO2−δ, Co- or Fe-substituted SrTiO3−δ, as well as polycrystalline garnets on silicon. Figures of merit of 3~4 deg/dB and 21 deg/dB are achieved in epitaxial Sr(Ti0.2Ga0.4Fe0.4)O3−δ and polycrystalline (CeY2)Fe5O12 films, respectively. We also demonstrate an optical isolator on silicon, based on a racetrack resonator using polycrystalline (CeY2)Fe5O12/silicon strip-loaded waveguides. Our work demonstrates that physical vapor deposited magneto-optical oxide thin films on silicon can achieve high Faraday rotation, low optical loss and high magneto-optical figure of merit, therefore enabling novel high-performance non-reciprocal photonic devices monolithically integrated on semiconductor substrates.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Division of Materials Research (Grant No. DMR 0604430)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Division of Materials Research (Grant No. 1231392, Electronic, Photonic, and Magnetic Devices Program

    Length Scale of the Spin Seebeck Effect

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    We investigate the origin of the spin Seebeck effect in yttrium iron garnet (YIG) samples for film thicknesses from 20 nm to 50  μm at room temperature and 50 K. Our results reveal a characteristic increase of the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect amplitude with the thickness of the insulating ferrimagnetic YIG, which levels off at a critical thickness that increases with decreasing temperature. The observed behavior cannot be explained as an interface effect or by variations of the material parameters. Comparison to numerical simulations of thermal magnonic spin currents yields qualitative agreement for the thickness dependence resulting from the finite magnon propagation length. This allows us to trace the origin of the observed signals to genuine bulk magnonic spin currents due to the spin Seebeck effect ruling out an interface origin and allowing us to gauge the reach of thermally excited magnons in this system for different temperatures. At low temperature, even quantitative agreement with the simulations is found.United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Science (Solid-State Solar-Thermal Energy Conversion Center Grant DE-SC0001299)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award ECCS1231392

    Enhancing Magnetic Ordering in Cr-doped Bi2Se3 using High-TC Ferrimagnetic Insulator

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    We report a study of enhancing the magnetic ordering in a model magnetically doped topological insulator (TI), Bi2-xCrxSe3, via the proximity effect using a high-TC ferrimagnetic insulator Y3Fe5O12. The FMI provides the TI with a source of exchange interaction yet without removing the nontrivial surface state. By performing the elemental specific X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements, we have unequivocally observed an enhanced TC of 50 K in this magnetically doped TI/FMI heterostructure. We have also found a larger (6.6 nm at 30 K) but faster decreasing (by 80% from 30 K to 50 K) penetration depth compared to that of diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors (DMSs), which could indicate a novel mechanism for the interaction between FMIs and the nontrivial TIs surface

    Magnetism and Faraday Rotation in Oxygen-Deficient Polycrystalline and Single-Crystal Iron-Substituted Strontium Titanate

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    Both polycrystalline and single-crystal films of iron-substituted strontium titanate, Sr(Ti[subscript 0.65]Fe[subscript 0.35])O[subscript 3−δ], prepared by pulsed laser deposition, show room-temperature magnetism and Faraday rotation, with the polycrystalline films exhibiting higher saturation magnetization and Faraday rotation. The magnetic properties vary with the oxygen pressure at which the films are grown, showing a maximum at pressures of approximately 4  μ Torr at which the unit-cell volume is largest. The results are discussed in terms of the oxygen stoichiometry and corresponding Fe valence states, the structure and strain state, and the presence of small-volume fractions of metallic Fe in single-crystal films grown at the optimum deposition pressure. Integration of magneto-optical polycrystalline films on an optical-waveguide device demonstrates a nonreciprocal phase shift.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grants DMR1419807 and ECCS1607865)Semiconductor Research Corporation. Function Accelerated nanoMaterial Engineerin

    Spin-torque oscillation in a magnetic insulator probed by a single-spin sensor

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    © 2020 American Physical Society. insulator yttrium-iron-garnet using the spin of a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond. The combined spectral resolution and sensitivity of the NV sensor allows us to resolve multiple spin-wave modes and characterize their damping. When damping is decreased sufficiently via spin injection, the modes auto-oscillate, as indicated by a strongly reduced linewidth, a diverging magnetic power spectral density, and synchronization of the STO frequency to an external microwave source. These results open the way for quantitative, nanoscale mapping of the microwave signals generated by STOs, as well as harnessing STOs as local probes of mesoscopic spin systems

    Nanoantenna couplers for metal-insulator-metal waveguide interconnects

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    State-of-the-art copper interconnects suffer from increasing spatial power dissipation due to chip downscaling and RC delays reducing operation bandwidth. Wide bandwidth, minimized Ohmic loss, deep sub-wavelength confinement and high integration density are key features that make metal-insulator-metal waveguides (MIM) utilizing plasmonic modes attractive for applications in on-chip optical signal processing. Size-mismatch between two fundamental components (micron-size fibers and a few hundred nanometers wide waveguides) demands compact coupling methods for implementation of large scale on-chip optoelectronic device integration. Existing solutions use waveguide tapering, which requires more than 4λ-long taper distances. We demonstrate that nanoantennas can be integrated with MIM for enhancing coupling into MIM plasmonic modes. Two-dimensional finite-difference time domain simulations of antennawaveguide structures for TE and TM incident plane waves ranging from λ = 1300 to 1600 nm were done. The same MIM (100-nm-wide Ag/100-nm-wide SiO2/100-nm-wide Ag) was used for each case, while antenna dimensions were systematically varied. For nanoantennas disconnected from the MIM; field is strongly confined inside MIM-antenna gap region due to Fabry-Perot resonances. Major fraction of incident energy was not transferred into plasmonic modes. When the nanoantennas are connected to the MIM, stronger coupling is observed and E-field intensity at outer end of core is enhanced more than 70 times

    Genetic algorithm-driven surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy substrate optimization

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    Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a highly sensitive and molecule-specific detection technique that uses surface plasmon resonances to enhance Raman scattering from analytes. In SERS system design, the substrates must have minimal or no background at the incident laser wavelength and large Raman signal enhancement via plasmonic confinement and grating modes over large areas (i.e., squared millimeters). These requirements impose many competing design constraints that make exhaustive parametric computational optimization of SERS substrates pro-hibitively time consuming. Here, we demonstrate a genetic-algorithm (GA)-based optimization method for SERS substrates to achieve strong electric field localization over wide areas for recon-figurable and programmable photonic SERS sensors. We analyzed the GA parameters and tuned them for SERS substrate optimization in detail. We experimentally validated the model results by fabricating the predicted nanostructures using electron beam lithography. The experimental Raman spectrum signal enhancements of the optimized SERS substrates validated the model predictions and enabled the generation of a detailed Raman profile of methylene blue fluorescence dye. The GA and its optimization shown here could pave the way for photonic chips and components with arbitrary design constraints, wavelength bands, and performance targets

    Design and Adoption of Low-Cost Point-of-Care Diagnostic Devices: Syrian Case

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    Civil wars produce immense humanitarian crises, causing millions of individuals to seek refuge in other countries. The rate of disease prevalence has inclined among the refugees, increasing the cost of healthcare. Complex medical conditions and high numbers of patients at healthcare centers overwhelm the healthcare system and delay diagnosis and treatment. Point-of-care (PoC) testing can provide efficient solutions to high equipment cost, late diagnosis, and low accessibility of healthcare services. However, the development of PoC devices in developing countries is challenged by several barriers. Such PoC devices may not be adopted due to prejudices about new technologies and the need for special training to use some of these devices. Here, we investigated the concerns of end users regarding PoC devices by surveying healthcare workers and doctors. The tendency to adopt PoC device changes is based on demographic factors such as work sector, education, and technology experience. The most apparent concern about PoC devices was issues regarding low accuracy, according to the surveyed clinicians