19 research outputs found


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    Medicinal plants have been used in healthcare since time immemorial. Studies have been carried out globally to verify their efficacy and some of the findings have led to the production of plant-based medicines. The global market value of medicinal plant products exceeds $100 billion per annum. This paper discusses the role, contributions and usefulness of medicinal plants in tackling the diseases of public health importance, with particular emphasis on the current strategic approaches to disease prevention. A comparison is drawn between the ‘whole population’ and ‘high-risk’ strategies. The usefulness of the common-factor approach as a method of engaging other health promoters in propagating the ideals of medicinal plants is highlighted. The place of medicinal plants in preventing common diseases is further examined under the five core principles of the Primary Health Care (PHC) approach. Medicinal plants play vital roles in disease prevention and their promotion and use fit into all existing prevention strategies. However, conscious efforts need to be made to properly identify, recognise and position medicinal plants in the design and implementation of these strategies. These approaches present interesting and emerging perspectives in the field of medicinal plants. Recommendations are proposed for strategising the future role and place for medicinal plants in disease prevention

    Incidence, determinants and perinatal outcomes of near miss maternal morbidity in Ile-Ife Nigeria: a prospective case control study

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    BACKGROUND: Maternal mortality ratio in Nigeria is one of the highest in the world. Near misses occur in larger numbers than maternal deaths hence they allow for a more comprehensive analysis of risk factors and determinants as well as outcomes of life-threatening complications in pregnancy. The study determined the incidence, characteristics, determinants and perinatal outcomes of near misses in a tertiary hospital in South-west Nigeria. METHODS: A prospective case control study was conducted at the maternity units of the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife Nigeria between July 2006 and July 2007. Near miss cases were defined based on validated disease-specific criteria which included severe haemorrhage, hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, prolonged obstructed labour, infection and severe anemia. Four unmatched controls of pregnant women were selected for every near miss case. Three categories of risk factors (background, proximate, clinical) which derived from a conceptual framework were examined. The perinatal outcomes were also assessed. Bi-variate logistic regressions were used for multivariate analysis of determinants and perinatal outcomes of near miss. RESULTS: The incidence of near miss was 12%. Severe haemorrhage (41.3%), hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (37.3%), prolonged obstructed labour (23%), septicaemia (18.6%) and severe anaemia (14.6%) were the direct causes of near miss. The significant risk factors with their odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals were: chronic hypertension [OR=6.85; 95% CI: (1.96 – 23.93)] having experienced a phase one delay [OR=2.07; 95% CI (1.03 – 4.17)], Emergency caesarian section [OR=3.72; 95% CI: (0.93 – 14.9)], assisted vaginal delivery [OR=2.55; 95% CI: (1.34 – 4.83)]. The protective factors included antenatal care attendance at tertiary facility [OR=0.19; 95% CI: (0.09 – 0.37)], knowledge of pregnancy complications [OR=0.47; 95% CI (0.24 – 0.94)]. Stillbirth [OR=5.4; 95% CI (2.17 – 13.4)] was the most significant adverse perinatal outcomes associated with near miss event. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of near misses has evolved as a useful tool in the investigation of maternal health especially in life-threatening situations. The significant risk factors identified in this study are amenable to appropriate public health and medical interventions. Adverse perinatal outcomes are clearly attributable to near miss events. Therefore the findings should contribute to Nigeria’s effort to achieving MDG 4 and 5

    Environmental Working Conditions, Lung Function and Total Serum Bile Acids of Spray Painters Exposed to Organic Solvents in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    Background. Nigeria has a growing spray painting industry, however, the burden of occupational health problems related to organic solvent exposure among spray painters in Nigeria is under-studied. Objectives. This study aimed to assess workshop characteristics and ambient concentration of total volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in spray painting workshops and to compare lung function status and total serum bile acid levels of spray painters and controls. Methods. A cross-sectional study design was employed to survey 120 spray painters and 120 controls (electronic technicians). A semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain data on socio-demographics characteristics of the respondents. Weight, height and lung function of respondents were measured. In addition, a checklist was used to survey the spray painting workshops. Total VOC levels were determined in 37 spray painting and 31 electronic workshops. Data were analyzed using Statistical Program for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 and a p-value of <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results. Windows were present in only 5 (13.5%) spray painting workshops and 23 (62%) workshops had a retractable tarpaulin at the entrance. Only 9 (24%) workshops had changing rooms, while fire extinguishers and first aid kits were not present in any of the surveyed workshops. A respirator with filter was sighted in only 1 (3%) workshop. The 8-hour time weighted average concentration of total VOCs in spray painting workshops was 13.4 ppm, which is above the national permissible exposure limits of 1.9 ppm. Forced vital capacity (FVC) percent predicted was significantly lower in spray painters (93.9 ±10.8%) than controls (96.7± 8.2%) (t = −2.326, df=238 p< 0.001). In addition, forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) percent predicted was lower in spray painters (94.6±12.2%) than controls (100.3±9.1%) (t=−4.058, df=238, p=0.002). FEV1/FVC% was significantly lower among spray painters (85.48±8.70%) compared with controls (87.88±6.22%) (t=−2.861 df=238, p= 0.005). Total serum bile acids was significantly elevated in painters (8.71±3.39 mmol/l) compared to controls (4.67 ±2.15 mmol/l) (t=10.358, df=213, p<0.05). Conclusions. Spray painters in the present study conduct their activities in hazardous work settings. More needs to be done concerning workplace regulation and enforcements to ensure that spray painters comply with minimum standards of occupational safety, workplace hygiene and sanitation. Patient Consent. Obtained Ethics Approval. Ethical approval was granted by the Health Research and Ethics Committee of the Institute of Public Health, Obafemi Awolowo University. Competing Interests. The authors declare no competing financial interests

    Combination prevention package of interventions for reducing vulnerability to HIV among adolescent girls and young women in Nigeria: An action research

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    Background Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Nigeria are especially at risk of HIV in Nigeria. Their vulnerability to HIV is linked to multiple concurrent sexual relationships, transgenerational sex, and transactional sex, amongst other factors. These factors have sociocultural contexts that vary across a multi-cultural country like Nigeria. The aim of this study was to use an innovative collaborative approach to develop a minimum HIV prevention package for AGYW which is responsive to sociocultural settings and based on combination HIV prevention. Methods We conducted action research to develop and implement actionable HIV prevention intervention models that address AGYW’s vulnerabilities to HIV in three Nigerian States and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja. The action research adopted the breakthrough series (BTS) collaborative, which accelerates improvement through mutual learning. The BTS implementation involved rapid Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles: an iterative process to plan and implement a basket of interventions. Problems or problematic situations, termed change topics, for which interventions could be carried out were identified in each study location. Using participatory approaches during a series of meetings called learning sessions, specific and innovative interventions, termed change ideas, were developed. These learning sessions were conducted with young women groups and other stakeholders. The change ideas were tested, studied, adapted, adopted, or discarded at each participating site. Exposure to and uptake of the implemented interventions was assessed in the study areas using a household survey with 4308 respondents, 53 focus group discussions, and 40 one-on-one interviews in intervention and control study sites. Results Five categories of interventions were collaboratively developed, namely: Parental communication; Peer to peer interventions; Facilitator-led interventions; Non-traditional outlets for condoms, and Social media-based interventions. A good reach of the interventions was demonstrated as 77.5% of respondents reported exposure to at least one type of intervention. Nearly half of the respondents reported being exposed to the parental communication interventions, while 45.1% reported being exposed to the youth facilitator-driven interventions. Social media interventions had the lowest penetration. Also, there was between 15 to 20 positive percentage point difference between intervention and control for the uptake of HIV testing, and between 5 to 9 positive percentage point difference for uptake of male condoms. These differences were statistically significant at pConclusions Interventions developed through participatory approaches with young people and well-tailored to local realities can improve the acceptability and accessibility of programs that are able to reduce the risk of HIV infection among AGYW

    Process evaluation of the ‘Lafiyan Yara’ project on enhancing access to HIV testing services using existing community structures in Nigeria

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    Abstract Background The Lafiyan Yara Project aimed to increase demand for HIV counselling, testing, treatment, and prevention services among pregnant women and children in Taraba State, Nigeria. Implemented from 2019 to 2021, the project utilized existing community structures, including traditional birth attendants, village health workers, and patent and proprietary medicine vendors, for mobilization. This study assessed the project’s activities, contributors, relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency. Methods The process evaluation was conducted using focus group discussions and key informant interviews with beneficiaries, community leaders, project staff, health facility personnel, and government officials. Data analysis employed framework analysis. Results The Lafiyan Yara project was reported to have achieved notable successes, including increased HIV testing rates among children and pregnant women, improved linkage to care services, reduced mother-to-child transmission of HIV, increased HIV/AIDS awareness and knowledge, and enhanced community engagement and support. Challenges identified included insufficient funding for community mobilizers, training needs for health workers, and inadequate availability of test kits at health facilities. Confidentiality and stigma issues arose during community mobilizations. A key lesson learned was the importance of a comprehensive HIV care approach, emphasizing testing and ensuring support for individuals testing positive. Conclusions The project’s approach of leveraging community structures to create demand for HIV services among women and children proved effective, provided proper linkage to care for those testing positive. Addressing stigma and involving husbands/fathers in the community approach are crucial for improving outcomes. Trial registration IPHOAU/12/1384

    Original Article Invasive bacteria isolates from children with severe infections in a Nigerian

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    Background: Little information is available about the aetiology and epidemiology of serious bacterial infections in Nigeria. This study determined bacterial isolates from blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of children presenting in the emergency room of a teaching hospital in Nigeria. Method: From October 2005 to December 2006, children aged two to 60 months presenting with signs of acute systemic infections were recruited. Blood culture and CSF specimens were collected and processed using standard microbiological protocols. Data were analysed using SPSS version 11 software. Results: Two hundred and two blood and 69 CSF samples were cultured. Fifty-five (27%) of the blood cultures yielded Gram-negative bacilli and Gram-positive cocci in almost equal proportions. The most common isolates from the blood cultures were Staphylococcus aureus, 26 (12.9%) and atypical coliforms, 13 (6.5%). Others are Klebsiella spp, 3 (1.5%); Klebsiella pneumonia, 2 (1.0%); Escherichia coli, 3 (1.5%); Enterobacter agglomerans, 2 (1.1%); Proteus mirabilis, 2(1%); Pseudomonas spp, 2 (1.0%); Haemophilus influenza, 1 (1.0%); and Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, 1 (1.0%). Fourteen out of 67 (20.9%) of the CSF samples yielded bacterial isolates: Streptococcu

    Local Epidemiology of Nosocomial Staphylococcus aureus Infection in a Nigerian University Teaching Hospital

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    Population-based studies of Staphylococcus aureus contribute to understanding the epidemiology of S. aureus infection. We enrolled surgical inpatients admitted to an African tertiary-care hospital in order to prospectively analyze the nosocomial impact of S. aureus. Data collection included an active sampling of the anterior nares and infectious foci within 48 h after admission and subsequently when clinically indicated. All S. aureus isolates were spa and agr genotyped. Possession of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) and other toxin genes was determined. We analyzed antibiotic susceptibility profiles by VITEK 2 systems and verified methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) by mecA/C PCR. Among 325 patients, 15.4% carried methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) at admission, while 3.7% carried MRSA. The incidence densities of nosocomial infections due to MSSA and MRSA were 35.4 and 6.2 infections per 10,000 patient-days, respectively. Among all 47 nosocomial infections, skin and soft-tissue (40.4%) and bones or joints’ (25.5%) infections predominated. Six (12.7%) infection-related S. aureus isolates harbored PVL genes including two (4.2%) MRSA: overall, seventeen (36.2%) isolates carried pyrogenic toxin superantigens or other toxin genes. This study illustrates the considerable nosocomial impact of S. aureus in a Nigerian University hospital. Furthermore, they indicate a need for effective approaches to curtail nosocomial acquisition of multidrug-resistant S. aureus