63 research outputs found

    Attitudes Toward Updated Genetic Testing Among Patients with Unexplained Mismatch Repair Deficiency

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    Individuals who have colorectal cancer (CRC) or endometrial cancer (EC) displaying loss of immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of one or more mismatch repair (MMR) proteins without a causative germline mutation are said to have unexplained mismatch repair deficiency (UMMRD, also known as mutation-negative Lynch syndrome). Comprehensive genetic testing that could potentially further clarify Lynch syndrome (LS) carrier status is essential to provide tailored screening guidelines to affected individuals and their family members; however, patient understanding of the potential impact of updated genetic testing for LS is unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the interest in and perceived impact of updated genetic testing among individuals with UMMRD at a tertiary academic center. A survey evaluating interest in updated genetic testing was mailed to 98 potential participants, and an electronic health record review was completed for the 31 individuals who returned the survey. Results indicate that this population is highly interested in updated genetic testing, and their perceived impact is primarily for family members to have appropriate testing and screening options. Updated risk assessment and genetic counseling, along with a discussion of the benefits and limitations of genetic testing, is essential as the understanding of potential causes of UMMRD evolves. Updated genetic counseling may allow patients with UMMRD to better understand the interpretation of their tumor and germline testing, as well as the impact of comprehensive genetic testing for themselves and their family members

    Book review: Making of an american community: A case study of democracy in a frontier county

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    Vulnerabilidad sísmica de las viviendas autoconstruidas, en la urbanización La Perla, distrito de Trujillo, La Libertad, 2021

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    Este proyecto se realizó en la urbanización Perla, se evaluó las viviendas autoconstruidas de esta urbanización, para la ejecución del proyecto de investigación se empleó un diseño no experimental transversal expresivo, la técnica utilizada fue la observación, para el análisis de información se hizo uso de la estadística expresiva como técnica de análisis de información, utilizando el software Excel para la recolección de información obtenido por la guía de observación N°01 el cual se procesará los datos obtenidos en campo para su análisis por medio de tablas de frecuencia y gráficos en barras para una mejor representación de la información procesada, el presente proyecto se basa en la valoración de la fragilidad sísmica en las casas autoconstruidas de mampostería, en la urbanización La Perla, distrito de Trujillo, utilizandola metodología de índices de vulnerabilidad de Benedetti - Petrini. La cual estima los rasgos de cada edificación en principio a 11 indicadores y en donde cada uno de ellos tiene una significancia que los distancia entre sí, para seguidamente evaluar su rango de vulnerabilidad, en un grado fijado por los creadores, frente a sucesos sísmicos. De los efectos conseguidos valorando a 31 viviendas, se precisó que el 100% de ellas tienen un nivel de vulnerabilidad media alta

    Dominance and affiliation as factors in the social organization of same-sex groups of elementary school children

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    The interactional patterns among first- and second- grade children in same-sex activity groups were analyzed in order to describe the relationships among several aspects of social organization and to examine the centrality of dominance and affiliation in social organization. Videotapes of one group of boys (N = 12) and one group of girls (N = 12) were coded. The results indicated that for both male and female groups, it was possible to specify dominance, leadership initiation, and leadership organization hierarchies. Moreover, there was a highly convergent pattern among multiple indicators of social organization centering on dominance and affiliation. However, the correlation patterns after controlling for social play suggested that the initially similar patterns were accounted for in different ways. Among the girls, the primary element linking the various dimensions was level of social play. Among the boys, there remained a smaller yet interrelated network indicating regularity in rank position for dominance, successful bids, recipient of requests, and number of play partners.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/24982/1/0000409.pd

    Simulering av friktion mellan däck och väg med borstmodellen

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the friction between a tire and the road can be simulated with a so called brush model, and how this simulation model can be used to improve friction measurements on roads.A tire has a complex structure that is not suitable for the same analytical treatment as used for isotropic and solid structures and materials. This thesis aims towards a way to simulate tire-road friction with a contact model often referred to as the brush model. The brush model is a contact-simulation model that is simplified by the assumption that the contact is thought of as an elastic foundation with a number of springs, or bristles, that deform independently. The influence from neighboring springs is neglected. This means that the contact calculations can be performed much faster than for more complex contact models.In order to calculate the friction forces from a tire, a friction coefficient is needed. The coefficient should be dependent on the rubber material and the road, and not on the tire geometry, contact pressure, etc. However, it is only the total forces (load, longitudinal, and lateral) that can be measured in the tire-road interface. To calculate the geometry-independent coefficient from the measured friction forces, a contact model is needed to describe the tire-road interface. The brush model presented in this thesis could be used for computing a friction coefficient from forces measured in a road-friction tester. This computed friction coefficient can be independent of tire size, inflation pressure and load, and thus be a better measure of the friction in the tire-road interface than a simple ratio between the tangential and normal force that is often referred to as the tire-road friction coefficient. A friction tester is a measurement device, usually equipped to a vehicle, that measures different parameters, for instance tangential forces (longitudinal or lateral), in order to get knowledge about the state of the friction between the tire and the road. A friction tester is used by, for example, transport administrations to get information about current road conditions, and by tire manufacturers to develop new tires.Validerat; 20140219 (global_studentproject_submitter

    Financial literacy’s effect on financial risk tolerance : A quantitative study on whether financial literacy has an increasing or decreasing impact on financial risk tolerance

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    As of today, our perception is that there has been an increased focus put on personal financial management, such as managing your own savings and retirement planning. By way of example, the Swedish pension system is a tool that has been implemented in order to incentivize Swedish citizens to manage their capital put aside for their retirement, as well for increasing financial risk tolerance and financial literacy. In fact, financial risk tolerance is a subject that has been extensively explored more or less globally, where predictors such as age, gender, marital status, education and wealth has been proved to affect financial risk tolerance. More importantly, financial literacy is one variable that has not been receiving enough attention in light of financial risk tolerance.   With this in mind, our objective is to investigate the relationship between financial risk tolerance and financial literacy. More specifically, how financial literacy affects financial risk tolerance. In addition, we aim shed light on underlying predictors of financial literacy, such as the distinction between how financial literacy derived from formal education and stock market experience affects financial risk tolerance. Therefore we will attempt to answer the following research question:   Do individuals differ in financial risk tolerance due to their level of financial literacy?   The theoretical point of reference of this study will have its central foundation in preceding studies on financial risk tolerance, however some established theories that will be used are risk aversion and overconfidence. With regards to the practical method of this study, this is a quantitative study, where we use an established questionnaire developed by Grable and Lytton (1999). The survey is distributed at Umeå University, where the aim is to obtain a sample containing both students with an economic and non-economic background.    Finally, the results of this study reveals that financial literacy, regardless of academic background, has an increasing effect on financial risk tolerance. In other words, an increase in financial literacy implies an increase in financial risk tolerance. In addition, we also find evidence that points to the fact that individuals that rely on their intuition rather than financial literacy when facing financial risks, are more inclined to display higher financial risk tolerance. Even more, our study exhibits evidence on the fact that having stock market experience, rather than having a formal economic background, showed an increased impact on financial risk tolerance

    Factors of motivation for physical activity for women

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    Idag är fysisk aktivitet en av de viktigaste friskfaktorerna inom hälsopromotion som har stora hälsofrämjande effekter på hälsan och välbefinnandet.  För att främja hälsan behöver man uppnå minst 150 minuters fysisk aktivitet per vecka där aktiviteterna delas upp på flera av veckans dagar.  Motivation och motivationsfaktorer är en viktig del för dem som håller sig aktiva genom hela livet. Syftet med studien var att få en djupare förståelse för hur kvinnor i åldern 20–40 år håller motivationen till att vara fysiskt aktiv när kroppen är som bäst. Men hjälp av en digital enkät som inspirerats utifrån REMM frågeformulär från tidigare forskning, gjordes en deskriptiv undersökning för motivationsfaktorer där 112 kvinnor deltog. Resultatet fokuserar på de motivationsfaktorer som sticker ut och är mest motiverande för kvinnorna i studien, där majoriteten utför fysisk aktivitet 4–5 gånger i veckan. Att må bra både psykiskt och fysiskt är den främsta motivationsfaktor för studiens målgrupp till att utöva fysisk aktivitet. Today physical activity is one of the most important health factors in health promotion that has big effects on health and wellbeing.  To benefit from physical activity, you need to be active at least 150 minutes per week and split it up over the days of the week.  Motivation and motivational factors are an important part for those that keep being active throughout life.  The aim of this study was to get a deeper understanding about how women in the age group 20–40 years old keep the motivation for physical activity during the body´s best years.  With a digital survey that was inspired by the REMM questionnaire from earlier research, a descriptive investigation was performed to measure motivational factors amongst 112 female participants.  The results analysis focused on the motivational factors that are of most importance for the women in this study, where the majority of participants are physically active 4-5 times per week. To enhance both physical and psychological wellbeing were the most important reasons for participating in regular physical activities.