39 research outputs found

    Houses of Worship in Fallujah in the Ottoman and Royal Eras

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    This research tackles in detail the houses of Islamic worship and others in Fallujah since its contemporary creation following the construction of the wooden Ottoman bridge in 1885. An Ottoman Firman was issued in 1899-1900 to make the village of Fallujah a town and the administrative center of the surrounding area, a position it retained until the end of the monarchy in 1958. The study sheds new light on the ways in which houses of worship convey a vivid picture of the faith, doctrinal beliefs, and religiosity of the town’s citizens. These houses of worship also offer insights into the conduct and daily activities of the citizens as they seek to achieve prosperity while adhering to the teachings and guidance of their Creator and Prophet. With the will and divine patronage, the contemporary town of Fallujah has been closely associated with its first mosque, founded in 1898 by Kazem Pasha (may Allah have mercy on him). The mosque highlights the dedication of the early Fallujah people to their religion, the first building project they undertook when Fallujah was made a town. The establishment of a mosque displays their devotion to the work of their Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) when he entered the town of Yathrib as an immigrant. The mosque was designed to be the religious and moral centre of the town, and reflecting the fact that the life, pride, renaissance and education of its people start from the mosque. This blessed work conveys a divine blessing upon the modern contemporary town, making it famous within a short time of its founding as if it is a heavenly message to those who raise the remembrance of God, in reward may Allah raise his remembrance. Because of the great expansion of the town, other houses of worship were established, including temple (the synagogue) which the people of Fallujah call (the Torah) in 1915, to be the second house of worship. This construction signals the importance of the Jews in Fallujah as well as highlighting the lack of religions or sectarian intolerance amongst the early people of Fallujah who did not oppose the construction of a house of worship for a second, minority religion. This also shows that they lived in affection, compassion, peace and respect for all religions and nationalities. This study also displays the wonderful and diverse Fallujian fabric at the beginning of the formation of their contemporary town, a diverse societal mosaic, as if it were a miniature Iraq. This religious diversity and tolerance was an important feature of Fallujah during its formative years as it grew rapidly. As the population expanded, additional mosques were needed to accommodate all the worshipers. The Shaker al-Dahi Mosque which was constructed in 1948, followed by the Al-Siddiq Mosque in 1950, and then the Al- Farouq Mosque in 1953. In addition, there were a number of small mosques scattered around the town, such as the Mulla Wahib Mosque, founded in 1936 and later called the Mosque of Saadoun, and the Mulla Ahmed Sarhan Abdali Mosque which was founded on the ruins of the Siddiq Mosque. Each house of worship gives us unique glimpses of the history of the emergence of the neighborhood in which it was founded. The growing number of mosques from 1948 onwards undersxcores the dramatic and rapid expansion of Fallujah during the first 50 years following its inception. The population doubled, and started competing in the construction and reconstruction of mosques until the town came to be called ‘the town of mosques’ and ‘the town of the gloried people’. Keywords: The history of Fallujah, The Waqf Mosque, The Great Mosque, The Torah (The Synagogue), Al-Saadoun Mosque, Shaker Al- Dahi Mosque, Al- Sidiq Mosque , Abu Baker , Al-Faruq Mosque, Omar Bin Al-Khattab

    An Assessment of Translating Rhetorical Devices in King Abdullah II’s Political Speeches into English: Metonymic Expressions as a Case Study

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    Rhetorical devices are certain means of aesthetic and considerable values added to texts in general, and to both expressive and vocative in particular. The general concept and purpose of rhetorical devices are commonly shared between English and Arabic; yet, the subclassifications and branches of rhetoric as a unique discipline are not equal. Their mismatch makes the assessment of rendering those concerned devices in the text thorny and not quite an easy task. In addition, the study sheds light on the act of translating such texts taking into account how the aesthetic value and equivalent effect are maintained in the TLTs. The study hypothesizes that translating rhetorical devices is a thorny task to translators, due to their different types. Also, translators are not consistent with certain methods of translation as far as rendering such rhetorical devices is concerned. The model adopted to make the translation quality assessment is that of Reiss (1971/2000) who submits a thorough method of assessment and considers text type a focal point in conducting a specific approach to translation. As for procedure and data collection concerning this study, (5) texts compising metonymic expressions have been selected to be analyzed and discussed in accordance with criteria of the model adopted. The study comes up with certain concluded points which almost verify the relevent hypotheses of the study

    The Translation of Puns in Shakespeare’s Plays into Arabic

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    The term "pun" refers to a literary device that is described as a play on words. This term means using words in an amusing and tricky manner, to produce a pun. However, it is difficult to translate puns between English and Aabic because of their distinctively different linguistic systems, especially the phonology and morphology which are the basic skills in the use of puns. This study aims to study the influence of context in discovering the intended meaning of the pun and also to investigate the problems that translators may face when they translate puns from English into Arabic in some selected Shakespeares’ plays. Two main problems and interrelated issues are discussed: How puns are translated? And how they should or can be translated? It is obvious that, in some cases, the translator fails to convey the intended meaning of SL puns due to the fact that they involve more than one meaning (many shades of meaning). Thus, they lead to ambiguity and serious loss or a distortion of meaning. For analysis the data, three models are eclectically adopted, namely: Delabastita\u27s model of translation puns (1996), Kasper\u27s model of pragmatic transfer (PT) (1992), and Hatim and Mundy\u27s model of pun decomposition process (PDP) (2004) to determine the appropraite translation of puns

    Binuclear Cu(II) and Co(II) Complexes of Tridentate Heterocyclic Shiff Base Derived from Salicylaldehyde with 4-Aminoantipyrine

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    New binuclear Co(II) and Co(II) complexes of ONO tridentate heterocyclic Schiff base derived from 4-aminoantipyrine with salicylaldehyde have been synthesized and characterized on the bases of elemental analysis, UV-Vis., FT-IR, and also by aid of molar conductivity measurements, magnetic measurements, and melting points. It has been found that the Schiff bases with Cu(II) or Co(II) ion forming binuclear complexes on (1 : 1) "metal : ligand" stoichiometry. The molar conductance measurements of the complexes in DMSO correspond to be nonelectrolytic nature for all prepared complexes. Distorted octahedral environment is suggested for metal complexes. A theoretical treatment of the formation of complexes in the gas phase was studied, and this was done by using the HyperChem-6 program for the molecular mechanics and semi-empirical calculations. The free ligand and its complexes have been tested for their antibacterial activities against two types of human pathogenic bacteria: the first type (Staphylococcus aureus) is Gram positive and the second type (Escherichia coli) is Gram negative (by using agar well diffusion method). Finally, it was found that compounds show different activity of inhibition on growth of the bacteria

    Synthesis, Spectroscopic Identification for Mixed-Ligand Complexes and Evaluating Their Biological Effectiveness

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    in this paper show Mix ligand composed of (HL1) Dimidone and (HL2) 1,2-dibenzothiophene were allowed to react with next metal ions: Cobalt (III), Manganese (II), iron (III), Cobalt (II), Nickle (II), Cupper (II), Zinc (II) and Cadmium (II) individually forming stable metal complexes with different geometries as indicated using various techniques. The formation of the complexes as well as the geometries of the complexes were detected by Fourier-transform-infrared, mass_spectra, elemental analysis and electronic spectra. Moreover, the solubility of the compounds was tested in various solvents including: CHCl3, THF, DMF, DMSO, C2H5OH and H2O. Furthermore, the vital effectiveness was tested toward two types of bacteria gram negative bacteria (Spuedomonas & Escherichia coli was abbreviate (E. Coli) and positive bacteria ( Staphylococcus aureus was abbreviate Staph. Aureas & Bacillus) and two types another of fungi (Aspergillus niger & Fuzaium) giving different inhibition values (either effective or noneffective) as detailed in the manuscript

    Induction of Photodegradation of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Using a Cobalt Binary Mixed Ligand Complex

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    The present study included optical degradation of pure polyvinyl films and also when mixing the complex [Aqua diphylcarbazide thiourea Cobalt (||)]chloride by weight (0.1% - 0.00625 %) and polymer films dissolved in water and thickness (60±5) microns. The optical degradation of the prepared chips was followed up with the presence and absence of the added complex by violet-visible spectroscopy (U.V) using light with a maximum wavelength (356nm) and at different irradiation times (0,10,20,40,80) hours by calculating the constant rate of photolysis of the polymer additive. Using (FT. IR) by increasing the absorption coefficient of the hydroxyl group (IOH). It was found that an increase in the concentration of the additive complex leads to an increase in the photolysis of polymer sheets compared to sheets without it, which in turn leads to an increase in the values of hydroxyl absorption coefficients. These results are consistent with the value of the speed constant of optical degradation the highest value of the dissociation constant (KD) and follow-up by changing the viscosity to weight ratio, degree of degradation and rate of chain cutting

    Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in the Soil of Fellujah City

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    Inductively coupled Plasma- Atomic Emmision Spectroscopy (ICPE-AES) was applied for the analysis of the soil of Fallujah city. The samples were taken from 50 different locations in the city and at the depths 20, 40 and 60 cm. No Cd ions were detected in the soil. Yet significant contamination was dtected with elements, Pb, Cr, Ni, Co, Zn and Cu. Fe concentration value was found to be less than the international average concentration value. The results showed a diffusion of the contaminating elements into the soil ( at 20, 40 and 60 cm) of the sampling location

    Researches on the control of the common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steud.) in areas of the irrigation or drainage channels

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    The research was undertaken during 2016 and 2017 in the pedoclimatic conditions at the farm SC Agroprod Seaca SA (aluviosol type soil, with a humus content of 4.2%), refers to the possibility of controlling the invasive species Phragmites australis (common reed) in the draining systems from the area. Tt was studied the influence of different methods of common reed control, in corn field and different methods applyed on from the area, (still in experiment for the next year), by comparing the use of glyphosate, with other Phragmites australis (common reed) control methods. In treated area (dry drainage canals), herbicide efficacy was evaluated 30 and 60 days after treatment considering a scale from 0 to 100% for control of common reed (in 2016-2017). In autumn of 2016, the common reed was burned or cut, the effectiveness of these methods, applied, on flood protection dams, in 2016, was appreciated on 11 April 2017, together with the efficacy assessment after application, at different time, in 2017

    Characterization of agriculture wastes based activated carbon for removal of hydrogen sulfide from petroleum refinery waste water

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) (aq) is one of the most toxic pollutants in petroleum refinery waste water. It is very harmful to human health and causes environmental and economic problems. The removal of H2S (aq) from a simulated petroleum refinery waste water using activated carbons produced from agricultural by-product such as, coconut shell (CNS), palm kernel shell (PKS), and wood sawdust (WSD) were investigated. The activated carbons obtained from the CNS, PKS, and WSD were chemically activated using KOH. The prepared ACs was characterized using SEM/EDX, FTIR, BET, and TGA. Comparative studies between all the three adsorbents for the removal of H2S (aq) from the simulated waste water were carried out. The adsorption studies revealed that modified PKS-based activated carbon (ACPKS) has shown best performance for the removal of H2S (aq). It can be concluded that ACPKS has an effective adsorbent for the removal of H2S (aq) from simulated waste water