14 research outputs found

    Kannabis landarearen kimika

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    Atal honetan, Kannabis landareari buruz arituko gara, landarea osatzen duten molekula bereziei buruz hain zuzen ere. Euren molekula-egitura eta ezagutzen diren ezaugarriak azalduz, usain eta eragin psikotropikoaren erantzule diren molekulak aztertuko dira. Bestalde, landarea kontsumitzeko modu anitz egon daitezke, eta haien deskribapena eta bakoitzaren berezitasunak emango dira. Amaitzeko, hasiera batean azaldutako molekulen analisi-teknikak adieraziko dira

    Dimentsio biko gas-kromatografia dimentsio bakarreko gas-kromatografiaren beharrak asetzen

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    Gas-kromatografia teknika oso hedatua dago analisi kimikoan, osagai kimikoak bereiztu, identifikatu, detektatu eta kuantifikatu nahi direnean. Analisi teknika honen ibilbidea ezaguna eta garatua bada ere, konplexutasun handiko laginen analisia egiteko, funtsezkoa bilakatzen ari da bereizmen handiko teknikak garatzea. Egungo berrikuntzetako bat dimentsio biko kromatografiaren garapena da, modu horretan, dimentsio bakarreko kromatografiarekin bereizi ezinak diren konposatuak azter daitezkeelarik. Lan honetan, beraz, aztergai hartuko dira dimentsio biko gas-kromatografiaren ezaugarriak, abantailak eta geologia, ingurumena edo elikadura bezalako zientzia arlo batzuetako erabilerak

    Chemometric approach for discriminating tobacco trademarks by near infrared spectroscopy

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    Cigarettes are consumer products with a broad market-driven orientation. In order to satisfy the different needs of smokers, cigarette brands with different aroma, taste and appearance are available on the market. In this study near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics was applied in order to distinguish cigarette brands by analysing the tobacco. Calibration models were developed to differentiate three tobacco brands and their respective producers. The developed models also allowed the discrimination of the tobacco according to their geographical origin and may serve as a tool for the detection of counterfeit tobacco.JRC.F.4-Fraud Detection and Preventio

    Raman spectroscopy for quality control and detection of substandard painkillers

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    Raman spectroscopy and multivariate data evaluation were used to verify the chemical nature and the content of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and paracetamol) in painkillers. A class-modelling approach (SIMCA) of spectral data was used to verify that the correct API was indeed present in the pharmaceutical preparation and to prove the selectivity of the developed method towards other commercial APIs; PLS regression was used for the verification of the API amount. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the PLS models for the quantitation of the APIs were 11.3 % for paracetamol, 13.2 % for acetylsalicylic acid, and 6.2 % for ibuprofen in drug preparations containing the API at levels between 7.1 and 92.3 %. This level of accuracy appears to be acceptable for a rapid screening method, which makes it fit-for-purpose for deployment in customs and forensic laboratories involved in the surveillance of the legal and illicit drug market.JRC.F.4-Fraud Detection and Preventio

    Differentiation of coccidiostats-containing feed additives by Mid and Near Infra-Red Microscopy

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    Coccidiostats belong to the group of feed additives, which are authorised within the European Union exclusively for specific preparations. These preparations do not only contain one or more coccidiostats as active substance(s) but also various ingredients such as the carrier, which are included in the European legislation authorising the product. In order to allow the full traceability of the use of feed additives and to check for compliance with legal provisions, there is a strong need for analytical methods that enable the rapid characterisation of these products. This paper describes the applicability of non-destructive techniques such as Mid Infra-Red (MIR) and Near Infra-Red (NIR) microscopy supported by multivariate analysis for the characterisation of coccidiostats-containing feed additives. The application of these methods demonstrated that different feed additives could be distinguished from each other even when containing the same active substance. The use of chemometrics turned out to be crucial especially in cases, where the differentiation of spectra by visual inspection was very difficult.JRC.D.5-Standards for Food Bioscienc

    Kannabis landarearen kimika

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    Atal honetan, Kannabis landareari buruz arituko gara, landarea osatzen duten molekula bereziei buruz hain zuzen ere. Euren molekula-egitura eta ezagutzen diren ezaugarriak azalduz, usain eta eragin psikotropikoaren erantzule diren molekulak aztertuko dira. Bestalde, landarea kontsumitzeko modu anitz egon daitezke, eta haien deskribapena eta bakoitzaren berezitasunak emango dira. Amaitzeko, hasiera batean azaldutako molekulen analisi-teknikak adieraziko dira

    Optimisation of asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation for the characterisation of polydisperse TiO2 with applications in food and feed

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    In the present work an optimisation process for the characterisation of a polydisperse TiO2 is presented. As a first step probe ultrasonication was optimised in which the amplitude and time were the selected variables in order to disperse, i.e. to break up agglomerates and/or aggregates of the material. The results showed that high amplitudes favoured a better dispersion while time had no impact. In a next step the important factors of Assymmetric Flow Field Flow Fraction (AF4), namely cross flow (CF), detector flow (DF), cross flow rate or exponential decay of the cross flow (CFexp) and focus time (Ft) were studied by experimental design. Firstly a full factorial design was employed to establish the statistically significant factors (p-level < 0.05). Then, the information obtained from the full factorial design was utilised to apply a central composite design, in order to get the following optimum conditions of the system: CF, 1.6 mL/min; DF, 0.4 mL/min; Ft, 5 min and CFexp 0.6. Once the optimum conditions were obtained the stability of the dispersed sample was measured during 24 h by analysing 10 replicates with AF4, in order to assess the performance of the optimised dispersion protocol. Finally, the effect of the temperature on the particle size distribution, recovery and retention time was studied in the range of 25-45 °C, to check whether the method was robust against the variation of the temperature.JRC.F.5-Food and Feed Complianc

    Dimentsio biko gas-kromatografia dimentsio bakarreko gas-kromatografiaren beharrak asetzen

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    Gas-kromatografia teknika oso hedatua dago analisi kimikoan, osagai kimikoak bereiztu, identifikatu, detektatu eta kuantifikatu nahi direnean. Analisi teknika honen ibilbidea ezaguna eta garatua bada ere, konplexutasun handiko laginen analisia egiteko, funtsezkoa bilakatzen ari da bereizmen handiko teknikak garatzea. Egungo berrikuntzetako bat dimentsio biko kromatografiaren garapena da, modu horretan, dimentsio bakarreko kromatografiarekin bereizi ezinak diren konposatuak azter daitezkeelarik. Lan honetan, beraz, aztergai hartuko dira dimentsio biko gas-kromatografiaren ezaugarriak, abantailak eta geologia, ingurumena edo elikadura bezalako zientzia arlo batzuetako erabilerak