5,808 research outputs found

    P-resonant control for the neutral point of three phase inverter

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    In this project, a Proportional resonant (PR) current controller is proposed to maintain a balanced neutral point for a three-phase four wire inverter, which can be used in microgrid applications. The neutral-point circuit consists of a conventional neutral leg and a split DC link. The neutral point is balanced with respect to the two DC source terminals (as required, in neutral-point clamped three-level converters) even when the neutral current is large so that the inverter can be connected to an unbalanced load. The controller, designed by using the Proportional resonant control techniques, which attain eliminate for the current flowing through the split capacitors. This leads to very small variation of the neutral point from the mid-point of the DC source, in spite of the possibly large neutral current. The simulation of inverter circuit, neutral-point and P-resonant has been performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The simulation results confirm the validity of the proposed method, which can be seen as a promising that ensure P-resonant control suitable for microgrid applications

    Practical Provably Secure Multi-node Communication

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    We present a practical and provably-secure multimode communication scheme in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. The scheme is based on a random scheduling approach that hides the identity of the transmitter from the eavesdropper. This random scheduling leads to ambiguity at the eavesdropper with regard to the origin of the transmitted frame. We present the details of the technique and analyze it to quantify the secrecy-fairness-overhead trade-off. Implementation of the scheme over Crossbow Telosb motes, equipped with CC2420 radio chips, shows that the scheme can achieve significant secrecy gain with vanishing outage probability. In addition, it has significant overhead advantage over direct extensions to two-nodes schemes. The technique also has the advantage of allowing inactive nodes to leverage sleep mode to further save energy.Comment: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2014

    \u27The best interests of the child\u27: international child law as interpreted in the Libyan High Court jurisdiction

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    The intent of this thesis is to examine how local cultures affect the interpretation of international human rights law. By exploring the Islamic legal system in its approach to the concept of ‘the best interests of the child’ and, more specifically, the approach of the Libyan legal system through a study of existing legislation and Libyan High Court (LHC) interpretation as revealed in its decisions, this thesis aims to show how the cultural background affects the interpretation of international human rights in domestic legal systems. The approach adopted in studying the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC), Libyan law and Islamic law, has been to examine: CROC and its official implementation body, the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and its responses to the reports of the State party (Libya); Libyan legislation, specifically the provisions of the Law of Marriage and Divorce Rules and their Effects (10/1984) and its interpretation by the LHC regarding its guardianship jurisdiction; and an examination of guardianship (Hadanah) from the perspective of the Islamic schools of thought (Mathhabs), with the focus on the Malikiyah Mathhab, as the official and historical Islamic interpretation applying in Libya. The main question addressed here is: ‘How is the international human rights concept of “the best interests of the child” being implemented in the Libyan legal system?’ Having examined relevant data and evidence for the research areas selected and the questions formulated, the thesis argues that the interpretation of international human rights in domestic legal systems will inevitably, understandably and legitimately be affected by local cultures. This process of ‘translation’ occurs when legislatures take concepts outlined in international law and seek to integrate or restate them within domestic legislation. It is evident in the approach that Libya has taken to implementing ‘the best interests of the child’, where the influence of Islamic law is apparent. The ‘best interests of the child’ has also been an area of concern for, and a focus of interpretation by, the LHC in the implementation by Libyan law of the international law. The CRC claims that Libyan law does not cater for the needs of the child.α This thesis has proven otherwise and shown examples and cases (representative of different situations) which illustrate how ‘the best interests of the child’ have been catered for. There are cultural differences that exist among and within countries and among lawmakers of the various countries, and Libya is no exception. Yet legislation is in place to uphold and protect the rights of all citizens, including those of children. Although reasons may vary, as may beliefs, the underlying aim of most systems of law is to take into consideration ‘the best interests of the child’. The Libyan legal system has aimed to cater for the needs of the children and take into account ‘the best interests of the child’ according to the circumstances that pertain to each case. Thus, ‘the best interests of the child’ are clearly exercised and affected by the cultural values. This thesis has also shown that this area of research is, as a whole, one worthy of further development and examination

    Tinjauan Persepsi Staf Dan Pelajar Terhadap Amalan Pelaksanaan Sistem ISO 9002 Di POLIMAS

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    This study is an investigation into the staff and customer's (students) perception in implementing excellent applications of quality principles based on ISO 9000. Its specific objective focuses on the following evident: (a) the existence of excellent applications of quality principles based on ISO 9000, (b) the difference in perception among Commerce and Engineering staff on excellent applicatiors, (c) the existence of customers satisfaction towards teaching and learning practices, (d) the difference in perception among Commerce and Engineering customers toward teaching and learning practices and (e) the relationship between customer satisfaction and the excellent application based on ISO 9000 quality principles. Data from variables of leadership commitment on quality, customer-oriented quality, staff participation, recognition, training and development, continual improvement, teaching quality, performance-evaluation quality and counseling quality had been compiled using questionnaires from 92 pairs of respondents (qualified lecturers and final-year student) who had been chosen by simple random procedure. Six specific hypotheses were designed for justifications. Statistical instruments like descriptive, t-test and ANOVA, Pearson Correlation test and multiple regression analysis were used. The outcome of the study reveal: descriptively, the excellent application of the quality principles based on ISO 9000 reached an almost high level, indicating the mean to be between 2.80 - 3.42, while customers satisfaction toward teaching and learning practices showed at the satisfactory level in which the mean was between 4.09 - 4.28. Both the t and ANOVA tests depicted a difference in the perception of Commerce and Engneering lecturers on the implementation of excellent operations in POLIMAS. Similarly, there was a difference in customers satisfaction between Commerce and Engineering Department towards teaching and learning practices. Both differences were proven statistically due to gender factors. Findings through correlation and regression tests, showed significant relationships among the four variables; leadership commitment towards quality, customers-oriented quality, staff participation and recognition with teachlng quality, performance-evaluation quality and counseling quality. However the result indicated a relatively low level (1 1.9%)

    The Consequences of Zakat for Capital Accumulation

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    The payment of zakat by the owners of wealth is one of the five pillars of Islam. Many countries operate with no enforcement of the obligation to pay, making zakat a form of voluntary redistribution. We analyze how zakat affects capital accumulation in a model that explicitly recognizes the voluntary nature of zakat. The voluntary payment is modelled using both warm-glow and social custom frameworks. These are embedded within an overlapping generations model with heterogenous consumers and endogenous population growth. The results show that zakat can raise the capital-labor ratio when it is motivated by the warm-glow but welfare can be non-monotonic in the strength of the warm-glow. In social custom model reduced participation can lead to a reduced capital labor ratio as the rate of zakat is increased.

    Implementing Transimpedance Amplifier in 0.35 ”m CMOS Technology

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    The following will be the design mechanism of the transimpedance amplifier and the RF resistor feedback, as well as how it is performed using the 0.35ÎŒm CMOS technique. The NMOS transistor has been placed from the conventional transimpedance amplifier as an active feedback contractor. We apply 3.3V voltage and 0.5ÎŒA photocurrent works in a circuit. The transimpedance amplifier is proposed after noise reduction, thus quantitating the larger dynamic range and in same time large gain. The simulation work of the transimpedance gain results in both of the single-phase and three-phase transimpedance amplifiers at the voltage gate which is 4.43 cubic meters and 4.39 cubic meters. Then the one-phase power dissipation and three-phase transimpedance amplifier is 602.04 ÎŒW and 1.781mW in the voltage gate of 2.0V [1,2]

    Ishkāliyyah al-Taáč­arruf al-SiyāsÄ« wa al-DÄ«nÄ« wa cAlāqatuh bi al-Irhāb

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    Kajian ini membincangkan secara ringkas tentang konflik yang berlaku di antara negara timur dan barat. Kajian ini telah mendapati bahawa konflik di antara timur dan barat bukanlah satu perkara yang baru, bahkan telah pun lama terjadi dan konflik tersebut adalah seumpama letusan gunung berapi yang sesekali mengganas serta akan tenang untuk seketika. Perang Salibiyyah yang berlaku pada kurun ke sebelas masihi merupakan salah satu contohnya. Kajian ini juga menerangkan tentang konsep ekstrimisme dari segi bahasa dan istilah dan telah didapati bahawa keganasan merupakan satu fenomena jenayah manakala ekstrimisme adalah satu fenomena penyakit yang mempunyai beberapa tahap. Di peringkat intelektual fenomena ini menghilangkan keupayaan akal untuk berfikir secara sepatutnya. Adapun pada peringkat emosi dan jiwa, seorang yang ekstrimis membawa perbuatan ganas dan menanam rasa benci kepada sesiapa sahaja yang berselisih pendapat dengannya. Kepentingan kajian ini adalah untuk merungkaikan topik ekstrimisme agama berideologi dan keganasan, dalam bentuk perbincangan akademik dan ilmiyah. Melalui kajian ini juga, penulis cuba untuk membuka ruang untuk kajian ilmiyah susulan, juga sebagai medan perbincangan tentang isu-isu yang berkaitan dengannya yang boleh menyelesaikan konflik dalam masyarakat Timur dan Barat. Kajian ini bertujan untuk menjelaskan konsep ekstrimisme agama dan politik serta menjelaskan hubungkaitnya dengan keganasan. Bagi merealisasikan tujuan ini, penulis menggunakan kaedah kajian diskriptif analisis iaitu kaedah kajian yang berdasarkan kepada kajian isu yang berlaku secara realiti sebelum membuat analisis mendalam tentangnya. Di antara dapatan kajian ialah bahawa ekstrimisme sebenarnya memang terdapat di dalam setiap masyarakat, parti mahupun kumpulan. Budaya taasub kepada pandangan tertentu, dan menafikan serta tidak menghiraukan pandangan orang lain telah ada semenjak manusia itu diciptakan. Sikap ini akan terus ada selagi manusia masih hidup kerana ia berkaitan dengan sikap manusia, kecenderungan dan peribadi mereka sendiri. Secara umumnya ekstrimisme juga boleh membawa kepada keganasan. Oleh yang demikian ekstrimisme merupakan permulaan kepada keganasan. Masyarakat yang ekstrim merupakan punca kepada gerakan keganasan

    Design of triple band microstrip patch antenna for multipurpose application

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    A multipurpose triple-band microstrip patch antenna with frequencies of 2.45 GHz, 3.66 GHz, and 4.46 GHz has been constructed. The proposed antenna is fed by 50 ohm microstrip feed lines. Inserting five rectangular slots in the patch improves the impedance bandwidth, gain, and reflection coefficient. The antenna was constructed on FR 4 substrate of (Ɛr=4.3) with a loss tangent of 0.035. The overall dimensions of the antenna are 29 × 38 × 1.6 mm. The simulation results were generated using CST Microwave Studio. The reflection coefficient (S11) operates at –26.7 dB at 2.45 GHz, -24.1 dB at 3.66 GHz, and -54.9 dB at 4.46 GHz. The gain of the design is 4.08 dB, 3.49 dB and 3.49 dB at 2.45 GHz, 3.66 GHz and 4.46GHz, respectively, with a VSWR of less than 2.0. The proposed antenna covers a large section of the ISM-S and C bands. Because of its tiny size, narrow bandwidth, and appropriate gain can be incorporated in mobile devices for mobile WiMAX, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and WLAN operations. It can also be used for surveillance and communication by weather radar, surface ship radar, and some communications satellites. As a result, the presented microstrip rectangular patch antenna could be helpful for ISM, S, and C bands applications
