34 research outputs found
Copyright Protection For Software
The United States blazed the trail in giving copyright protection for software. Until just recently, many other countries favored sui generis protection for software, but that argument was finally settled in GATT/TRIPs and last December\u27s World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty
The Copyright Clause: A Charter for a Living People
Mr. Oman has chosen the 200th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution to deliver the following paean to the copyright clause
Copyright Piracy in China, 5 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 583 (2006)
Copyrights play a major role in promoting economic development and creating a national identity, and they have a tremendous impact on the social and economic well-being of nations. Within the past fifteen years, China has passed a strong copyright law, upgraded enforcement, and joined the Berne Convention. However, since then, the forward momentum has subsided and piracy has grown deep roots in China. If protecting their own citizens’ rights was not important enough, the threat of international trade sanctions for having inadequate intellectual property protection may force China to reevaluate their current situation and step up international protection
Bob Kastenmeier and the Legislative Process: Sui Generis and Proud of It
The legislative legacy of Robert W. Kastenmeier, Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks, is discussed. Kastenmeier\u27s contributions to intellectual property law are discussed
The Copyright Clause: A Charter for a Living People
Mr. Oman has chosen the 200th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution to deliver the following paean to the copyright clause