40 research outputs found

    Station keeping of high power communication satellites

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    Station keeping of high power communication satellite

    Some results on the divergence criterion used to solve the feature selection problem

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    Techniques for solving the feature selection problem are presented. Topics discussed include the reduction of the number of variables in "best b", and the iterative selection of H sub i

    Regional landscape change: A case for ERTS-1

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    A counter example in linear feature selection theory

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    The linear feature selection problem in multi-class pattern recognition is described as that of linearly transforming statistical information from n-dimensional (real Euclidean) space into k-dimensional space, while requiring that average interclass divergence in the transformed space decrease as little as possible. Divergence is the expected interclass divergence derived from Hajek two-class divergence; it is known that there always exists a k x n matrix B such that the transformation determined by B maximizes the divergence in k-dimensional space. It is known that, if Q is any k x k invertible matrix, and B is as defined above, then QB again maximizes the divergence in k-space. It is shown that the converse of this result is false: two matrices exist, B sub 1 and B sub 2, each of which maximizes transformed divergence, which are not related in the fashion B sub 2 = QB sub 1 for any k x k matrix Q

    A fixed point theorem for certain operator valued maps

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    In this paper, we develop a family of Neuberger-like results to find points z epsilon H satisfying L(z)z = z and P(z) = z. This family includes Neuberger's theorem and has the additional property that most of the sequences q sub n converge to idempotent elements of B sub 1(H)

    On Nth roots of positive operators

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    A bounded operator A on a Hilbert space H was positive. These operators were symmetric, and as such constitute a natural generalization of nonnegative real diagonal matrices. The following result is thus both well known and not surprising: A positive operator has a unique positive square root (under operator composition)

    The role of eigenvalues in linear feature selection theory

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    A particular measure of pattern class distinction called the average interclass divergence, or more simply, divergence, is considered. Here divergence will be the pairwise average of the expected interclass divergence derived from Hajek's two-class divergence

    Numerical methods for stiff systems of two-point boundary value problems

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    Numerical procedures are developed for constructing asymptotic solutions of certain nonlinear singularly perturbed vector two-point boundary value problems having boundary layers at one or both endpoints. The asymptotic approximations are generated numerically and can either be used as is or to furnish a general purpose two-point boundary value code with an initial approximation and the nonuniform computational mesh needed for such problems. The procedures are applied to a model problem that has multiple solutions and to problems describing the deformation of thin nonlinear elastic beam that is resting on an elastic foundation

    Analysis of wind tunnel test results for a 9.39-per cent scale model of a VSTOL fighter/attack aircraft. Volume 1: Study overview

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    The ability of current methodologies to accurately predict the aerodynamic characteristics identified as uncertainties was evaluated for two aircraft configurations. The two wind tunnel models studied horizontal altitude takeoff and landing V/STOL fighter aircraft derivatives

    Analysis of wind tunnel test results for a 9.39-per cent scale model of a VSTOL fighter/attack aircraft. Volume 3: Effects of configuration variations from baseline

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    The aerodynamic characteristics of the components of the baseline E205 configuration is presented. Geometric variations from the baseline E205 configuration are also given including a matrix of conrad longitudinal locations and strake shapes