282 research outputs found


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    Entre los aspectos centrales relativos al proceso social migratorio de mexicanos hacia la Unión Americana, dada la estructura demográfica todavía predominante de los migrantes, destaca el de su participación en los mercados laborales en ese país. Los estudios tradicionales al respecto pusieron énfasis en la situación de autorización para permanecer en Estados Unidos y la ocupación por sector desempeñada. Estudios de las dos últimas décadas se han centrado en el análisis de las habilidades adquiridas en su calidad de inmigrantes que favorecen mejores puestos de trabajo y mejores salarios, como el lenguaje, y los valores de la cultura estadounidense. Parece natural que este tipo de estudios tengan como trasfondo o guía reflexiva la preocupación por la asimilación o integración social y cultural

    Effect of the RGB Wavelengths of LED Light on Growth Rates of Nile Tilapia Fry in Biofloc Technology (BFT) Systems

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    This research evaluates the effect of wavelengths of the light on growth rates of Nile tilapia fry in the order of improving sustainability in aquaculture production. For this purpose, four tanks of water with tilapias were studied. Three tanks were illuminated with LED lamps each one with monochromatic peak wavelengths (): Blue light (BL) tank with = 451.67 nm, Green light (GL) with = 513.33 nm and Red light (RL) tank with = 627.27 nm. All tanks were illuminated with a light intensity of 0.832 ⁄2, and they had a photoperiod of 18L:6D throughout the study. Besides, the fourth tank was illuminated only by Natural light (NL) tank, which had the function of witness tank. Each treatment included the fourth, were randomly assigned to 150L tanks that were stocked with 122 Nile tilapia fry. The Nile tilapia fry had an initial average weight of 0.24 ± 0.01 , and were grown for 73 days. The average final weight for BL, GL, RL and NL treatments were 15.54 g, 16.84 g, 17.27 g and 16.22 g, respectively. The results suggest that Nile tilapia fry was positively influenced by the red light wavelength, which was represented in the greatest mass gain

    Metallization of colloidal crystals

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    Colloidal crystals formed by size-asymmetric binary particles co-assemble into a wide variety of colloidal compounds with lattices akin to ionic crystals. Recently, a transition from a compound phase with a sublattice of small particles to a metal-like phase in which the small particles are delocalized has been predicted computationally and observed experimentally. In this colloidal metallic phase, the small particles roam the crystal maintaining the integrity of the lattice of large particles, as electrons do in metals. A similar transition also occurs in superionic crystals, termed sublattice melting. Here, we use energetic principles and a generalized molecular dynamics model of a binary system of functionalized nanoparticles to analyze the transition to sublattice delocalization in different co-assembled crystal phases as a function of T, number of grafted chains on the small particles, and number ratio between the small and large particles nsn_s:nln_l. We find that nsn_s:nln_l is the primary determinant of crystal type due to energetic interactions and interstitial site filling, while the number of grafted chains per small particle determines the stability of these crystals. We observe first-order sublattice delocalization transitions as T increases, in which the host lattice transforms from low- to high-symmetry crystal structures, including A20 to BCT to BCC, Ad to BCT to BCC, and BCC to BCC/FCC to FCC transitions and lattices. Analogous sublattice transitions driven primarily by lattice vibrations have been seen in some atomic materials exhibiting an insulator-metal transition also referred to as metallization. We also find minima in the lattice vibrations and diffusion coefficient of small particles as a function of nsn_s:nln_l, indicating enhanced stability of certain crystal structures for nsn_s:nln_l values that form compounds.Comment: AE and HL-R contributed equally to this wor

    Delocalization Transition in Colloidal Crystals

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    Sublattice melting is the loss of order of one lattice component in binary or ternary ionic crystals upon increase in temperature. A related transition has been predicted in colloidal crystals. To understand the nature of this transition, we study delocalization in self-assembled, size asymmetric binary colloidal crystals using a generalized molecular dynamics model. Focusing on BCC lattices, we observe a smooth change from localized-to-delocalized interstitial particles for a variety of interaction strengths. Thermodynamic arguments, mainly the absence of a discontinuity in the heat capacity, suggest that the passage from localization-to-delocalization is continuous and not a phase transition. This change is enhanced by lattice vibrations, and the temperature of the onset of delocalization can be tuned by the strength of the interaction between the colloid species. Therefore, the localized and delocalized regimes of the sublattice are dominated by enthalpic and entropic driving forces, respectively. This work sets the stage for future studies of sublattice melting in colloidal systems with different stoichiometries and lattice types, and it provides insights into superionic materials, which have potential for application in energy storage technologies.Comment: Hector Lopez-Rios and Ali Ehlen contributed equall

    Effects of Colored Light on Growth and Nutritional Composition of Tilapia, and Biofloc as a Food Source

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    Light stimulation and biofloc technology can be combined to improve the efficiency and sustainability of tilapia production. A 73-day pilot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of colored light on growth rates and nutritional composition of the Nile tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus) in biofloc systems. The effect of colored light on the nutritional composition of bioflocs as a food source for fish was measured. Three groups were illuminated in addition to natural sunlight with colored light using RGB light emitting diodes (LEDs) with peak wavelengths ( ) of 627.27 nm for red (R), 513.33 nm for green (G), and 451.67 nm for blue (B) light. LED light intensity was constant (0.832 mW/cm2), and had an 18-h photoperiod of light per day throughout the study. The control group was illuminated only with natural sunlight (natural). Tilapia had an average initial weight of 0.242 g. There was a significant effect of colored light on tilapia growth and composition. The R group showed the best growth rate, highest survival, and highest lipid content. The B group showed homogeneous growth with the lowest growth rate and lipid content, but the highest protein level. On the other hand, the biofloc composition was influenced by the green light in the highest content of lipids, protein, and nitrogen-free extract

    Blubber and serum cortisol concentrations as indicators of the stress response and overall health status in striped dolphins

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    The impacts of environmental changes and anthropogenic threats in marine mammals are a growing concern for their conservation. In recent years, efforts have been directed to understand how marine mammals cope with stressors and to assess and validate stress biomarkers, mainly levels of glucocorticoid hormones (e.g. cortisol) in certain body tissues. The aims of this study were to assess the impact of different causes of stranding (chronically affected and bycaught striped dolphins) on cortisol concentrations in serum and in blubber; and to evaluate the association between cortisol levels in these tissues. Blubber and blood samples were collected from striped dolphins (n = 42) stranded on the Mediterranean coast between 2012 and 2018. Cortisol concentrations were measured by using enzyme immunoassay. A high correlation was found between circulating and blubber cortisol concentrations (R2 = 0.85, p < 0.01). Necropsies and pathological studies concluded that a third of the dolphins were bycaught in fishing nets and released by fishermen (Bycaught animals group), while the other two thirds were euthanized, or died, due to a disease or chronic condition (e.g. calves separated from the mother or animals infected with dolphin morbillivirus or Brucella ceti) that impeded survival (Chronically affected animals group). Cortisol concentrations (mean ± SD) were six times higher in chronically affected animals (35.3 ± 23 ng cortisol/g blubber and 6.63 ± 3.22 μg cortisol/dl serum) compared to those bycaught in fishing nets (6.2 ± 4.3 ng cortisol/g blubber and 1.15 ± 1.51 μg cortisol/dl serum). Results suggests that serum and blubber cortisol concentrations can contribute in inferring the overall health and welfare of free-ranging cetaceans. However, further research is required to understand better the kinetics of blubber cortisol incorporation and removal, the factors involved in these processes, and the local conversion of cortisol in the blubber.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ileal perforation caused by cytomegalovirus in an immunocompetent patient

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a subclinical infection that causes catastrophic consequences for patients, specifically those who are immunocompromised. In this article we review a 71-year-old male patient with history of ischemic cardiopathy, he begins with abdominal pain localized in right inferior quadrant. The abdominopelvic CT scan reported an acute complicated appendicitis with pneumoperitoneum. We realized a laparotomy, identifying an ileal perforation. CMV diagnosis was made by histological findings

    Real-time measurement of the average temperature profiles in liquid cooling using digital holographic interferometry

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    We present an alternative optical method to estimate the temperature during the cooling process of a liquid using digital holographic interferometry (DHI). We make use of phase variations that are linked to variations in the refractive index and the temperature property of a liquid. In DHI, a hologram is first recorded using an object beam scattered from a rectangular container with a liquid at a certain reference temperature. A second hologram is then recorded when the temperature is decreased slightly. A phase difference between the two holograms indicates a temperature variation, and it is possible to obtain the temperature value at each small point of the sensed optical field. The relative phase map between the two object states is obtained simply and quickly through Fourier-transform method. Our experimental results reveal that the temperature values measured using this method and those obtained with a thermometer are consistent. We additionally show that it is possible to analyze the heat-loss process of a liquid sample in dynamic events using DHI. (C) 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE