428 research outputs found

    Semi-Huber quadratic function and comparative study of some MRFs for Bayesian image restoration

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    The present work introduces an alternative method to deal with digital image restoration into a Bayesian framework, particularly, the use of a new half-quadratic function is proposed which performance is satisfactory compared with respect to some other functions in existing literature. The bayesian methodology is based on the prior knowledge of some information that allows an efficient modelling of the image acquisition process. The edge preservation of objects into the image while smoothing noise is necessary in an adequate model. Thus, we use a convexity criteria given by a semi-Huber function to obtain adequate weighting of the cost functions (half-quadratic) to be minimized. The principal objective when using Bayesian methods based on the Markov Random Fields (MRF) in the context of image processing is to eliminate those effects caused by the excessive smoothness on the reconstruction process of image which are rich in contours or edges. A comparison between the new introduced scheme and other three existing schemes, for the cases of noise filtering and image deblurring, is presented. This collection of implemented methods is inspired of course on the use of MRFs such as the semi-Huber, the generalized Gaussian, the Welch, and Tukey potential functions with granularity control. The obtained results showed a satisfactory performance and the effectiveness of the proposed estimator with respect to other three estimators

    Europium doped-double sodium bismuth molybdate nanoparticles as contrast agents for luminescence bioimaging and X-ray computed tomography

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    A one-pot method for the synthesis of uniform Eu3+-doped NaBi(MoO4)2 nanoparticles with an ellipsoidal shape and tetragonal crystal structure functionalized with polyacrylic acid is reported for the first time in the literature. The method is based on a homogeneous precipitation reaction from solutions in an ethylene glycol/water medium containing appropriate bismuth, sodium, and molybdate precursors and polyacrylic acid. The luminescence properties (excitation and emission spectra and luminescence lifetime) of such nanoparticles are evaluated for different Eu3+ doping levels, finding an intense red emission for all synthesized samples. The X-ray attenuation properties of the nanoparticles have been also analyzed, which were found to be better than those of a commercially computed tomography contrast agent (iohexol). The dispersibility of the nanoparticles in a physiological medium was also analyzed, finding that they could be well dispersed in a 2-N-morpholinoethanesulfonic acid monohydrate medium (pH = 6.5). Finally, the cell viability of such a phosphor has been analyzed using MIA-PaCa-2 cells and its in vivo toxicity has been evaluated using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans model finding no significant toxicity in both cases up to a nanoparticle concentration of 100 μg mL−1, which is within the range required for most in vivo applications. The developed Eu3+-doped NaBi(MoO4)2 nanoparticles are, therefore, excellent candidates for their use as bimodal probes for luminescence imaging and X-ray computed tomography

    Synthesis and Characterization of Zn-Ni x

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    Mechanical ball milling assisted by sintering in the solid state was used in this research to produce the Zn-Nix system alloy. The derivative powder compositions of Zn-Nix (x = 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt.%) were obtained to study the Ni effects on the microstructural and mechanical properties. It is worth remarking that conventional methods are not appropriate for the manufacture of the Zn-Nix system alloy. The morphological structure and phases were examined by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and SEM/EDS elemental mapping, whereas the mechanical behavior was accomplished by means of a diamond indentation print (Hardness Vickers). The results showed that the intermetallic γ-ZnNi phase did not form during milling time (<4 h); it appears after the sintering process, which is associated with atomic diffusion mechanism through grain boundary at the minimum interfacial energy (ΔG256°C = −13.83 kJ·mol−1). The powder Zn-Ni10 was found to have better properties. Semispherical coarser particles were seen into the metal matrix (Zn δ-hcp structure) as segregates; however, each particle contains an intermetallic compound Zn-Ni that encloses the Ni (α-fcc structure) pure phase. The Ni-α phase was then transformed into a γ-ZnNi intermetallic compound which shifts to higher values of mechanical hardness from about 60 HV to 400 HV units

    Síntesis y caracterización de óxido de grafito dopado con carbonato de plata y su aplicación como fotocatalizador en la degradación del azul de metileno

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    Óxido grafito (OG) y OG dopado con Ag₂CO₃ (OG-Ag) fueron sintetizados por un método de Hummers modificado y evaluados en la fotodegradación de azul de metileno (AM). El OG y OG-Ag obtuvieron 50 y 80% de conversión en 30 min de reacción, respectivamente. Donde ambas reacciones se ajustaron a cinéticas de pseudo-primer orden respecto a 100 ppm de AM. Los materiales grafiticos fueron caracterizados por medio de espectroscopia FTIR, Raman, fotoelectrónica de rayos X (XPS) y Microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM) con Espectroscopia de energía dispersiva de rayos X (EDS o EDX). Dichas micrografías mostraron comportamiento nemático debido a la formación de cúmulos superficiales de plata en la red de grafito asociados a una mala dispersión y un alto contenido de plata (c.a. 39.4% peso) obtenido por EDS.Graphite oxide (GO) and GO doped with Ag₂CO₃ (GO-Ag) were synthesized by a modified Hummers' method and evaluated in the methylene blue (MB) photodegradation. OG and OG-Ag obtained 50 and 80% conversion in 30 min of reaction, respectively. Where both reactions were adjusted to pseudo-first order kinetics with respect to 100 ppm of MB. The graphitic materials were characterized by FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS or EDX). These micrographs showed nematic behaviour due to the formation of superficial clusters of silver in the graphite network associated with a poor dispersion and a high silver content (c.a. 39.4% weight) obtained by EDS

    Assessing sustainability in North America’s ecosystems using criticality and information theory

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    Sustainability is a key concept in economic and policy debates. Nevertheless, it is usually treated only in a qualitative way and has eluded quantitative analysis. Here, we propose a sustainability index based on the premise that sustainable systems do not lose or gain Fisher Information over time. We test this approach using time series data from the AmeriFlux network that measures ecosystem respiration, water and energy fluxes in order to elucidate two key sustainability features: ecosystem health and stability. A novel definition of ecosystem health is developed based on the concept of criticality, which implies that if a system’s fluctuations are scale invariant then the system is in a balance between robustness and adaptability. We define ecosystem stability by taking an information theory approach that measures its entropy and Fisher information. Analysis of the Ameriflux consortium big data set of ecosystem respiration time series is contrasted with land condition data. In general we find a good agreement between the sustainability index and land condition data. However, we acknowledge that the results are a preliminary test of the approach and further verification will require a multi-signal analysis. For example, high values of the sustainability index for some croplands are counter-intuitive and we interpret these results as ecosystems maintained in artificial health due to continuous human-induced inflows of matter and energy in the form of soil nutrients and control of competition, pests and disease

    p27(Kip1 )is expressed in proliferating cells in its form phosphorylated on threonine 187

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    BACKGROUND: G1/S cell cycle progression requires p27(Kip1 )(p27) proteolysis, which is triggered by its phosphorylation on threonine (Thr) 187. Since its levels are abundant in quiescent and scarce in cycling cells, p27 is an approved marker for quiescent cells, extensively used in histopathology and cancer research. METHODS: However here we showed that by using a specific phosphorylation site (pThr187) antibody, p27 is detectable also in proliferative compartments of normal, dysplastic and neoplastic tissues. RESULTS: In fact, whereas un-phosphorylated p27 and MIB-1 showed a significant inverse correlation (Spearman R = -0.55; p < 0,001), pThr187-p27 was positively and significantly correlated with MIB-1 expression (Spearman R = 0.88; p < 0,001). Thus proliferating cells only stain for pThr187-p27, whereas they are un-reactive with the regular p27 antibodies. However increasing the sensitivity of the immunocytochemistry (ICH) by the use of an ultra sensitive detection system based on tiramide signal amplification, simultaneous expression and colocalisation of both forms of p27 was shown in proliferating compartments nuclei by double immunofluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy studies. CONCLUSION: Overall, our data suggest that p27 expression also occurs in proliferating cells compartments and the combined use of both regular and phospho- p27 antibodies is suggested

    In ovarian cancer the prognostic influence of HER2/neu is not dependent on the CXCR4/SDF-1 signalling pathway

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    HER2/neu overexpression is a driving force in the carcinogenesis of several human cancers. In breast cancer the prognostic influence of HER2/neu was shown to be at least partly based on increased metastatic potential mediated by the chemokine–chemokine receptor pair SDF-1(CXCL12)/CXCR4. We wanted to evaluate the influence of HER2/neu on ovarian cancer prognosis and to investigate whether compromised survival would correlate with CXCR4 expression and/or SDF-1 abundance. Therefore, we analysed HER2/neu, CXCR4, and SDF-1 in 148 ovarian tumour samples by means of immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays. Overexpression of HER2/neu was found in 27.6% of ovarian cancer tissues and in 15% of ovarian borderline tumours. In ovarian cancer patients, overexpression of HER2/neu correlated closely with overall survival (univariate hazard ratio (HR) 2.59, P=0.005; multiple corrected HR 1.92, P=0.074). In contrast, CXCR4 expression and SDF-1 abundance had no impact on overall survival, and both parameters were not correlated with HER2/neu expression. As expected, cytoplasmic CXCR4 expression and SDF-1 abundance correlated closely (P<0.0001). Our results confirm a univariate influence of HER2/neu expression on overall survival, which was completely independent of the expression of CXCR4 and the abundance of SDF-1, implying significant differences between the HER2/neu downstream pathways in ovarian cancer compared with breast cancer
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