20 research outputs found

    Amodiaquine-Associated Asthenia: A Case Based Review and Gaps in Literature

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    Introduction: Amodiaquine is a partner drug in the artemisinin-based combination therapy artesunate-amodiaquine. Reports of the adverse drug reaction known as amodiaquine-associated asthenia are scarce, and this adverse reaction needs to be investigated in detail. This article presents and reviews a case of amodiaquine-associated asthenia. A literature search for the characteristics of this adverse reaction highlighted gaps in the literature. Methods: A case of probable amodiaquine asthenia was described and discussed under the sub-headings of epidemiology, clinical features, laboratory features, aetiopathogenesis, and management. A literature search limited to Medline Health Databases (Medline and PubMed Central, PMC) using the search terms and was conducted on 10 March 2015. Retrieved literature on the subject was closely scrutinized for relevant details of adverse drug reactions to amodiaquine when used in the management or prophylaxis of malaria. Cited literature within retrieved manuscripts was examined manually for other relevant literature. Papers retrieved from the search were used to describe the existing knowledge and gaps in it of the adverse drug reaction under sub-categories of incidence, clinical features, laboratory features, aetiopathogenesis, and management.  Results: Thirty-nine manuscripts were retrieved; 20 had content relevant to the objectives of this review. The frequency of amodiaquine-associated asthenia in different populations ranged from 12–36%. There is a paucity of reports, and no detailed study of this adverse reaction has been published in popular English medical literature. Conclusion: With the use of amodiaquine as a partner drug in antimalarial combination therapies being scaled up, well-structured studies are needed on adverse reactions to amodiaquine and to investigate amodiaquine-associated asthenia. In addition, approaches to elucidating this adverse reaction more effectively in children need to be developed

    Potential antimalarial activity of Methyl Jasmonate and its effect on lipid profiles in Plasmodium Berghei infected mice

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    Background: The antimalarial activity and lipid profiles of Methyl Jasmonate (MJ) were investigated against established malaria infection in vivo using BALB/c mice. Methods: Arteether (AE) and chloroquine (CQ) were used as reference drugs while ethanol was used as the vehicle for drug delivery for MJ. Results: Mice treated with 10 and 25 mg/kg MJ showed a remarkable reduction in percentage parasitemia by 68.3% and 78.2% on day 10(post treatment) respectively while 45.4% and 87.2% reduction in percentage parasitemia were observed in the group treated with 50 mg/kg on day 3 and 10 ( post treatment ) respectively. The highest mean survival time was observed in CQ followed by AE and MJ in dose-dependent manner. A progressive decrease in packed cell volume (PCV) was observed in infected untreated mice which led to the death of all the mice by day 9 (post treatment). Infected mice treated with MJ showed reduced level of HDL and LDL compared with infected untreated group. As the dose of MJ increased in infected mice cholesterol levels increased while there was reduction in triglyceride. Conclusion: Overall there was marked decrease in parasitemia in Plasmodium berghei infected mice treated with graded doses of MJ but appears to have reduced antimalarial activity compared with CQ and AE

    Contributions of malaria, helminths, HIV and iron deficiency to anaemia in pregnant women attending ante-natal clinic in SouthWest Nigeria

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    Background: Iron deficiency is a dominant source of anaemia in many settings. To evaluate the key cause of anaemia in the study area, the prevalence of anaemia due to major public health diseases was compared with anaemia due to iron deficiency. Methods: Pregnant women were recruited from ante-natal (n=490) and HIV clinics (n=217) with their personal data documented using a questionnaire. Microscopy of Giemsa-stained thick smears was used for detection of malaria parasites while helminths in stools were detected using direct smear method. Haematocrit values were determined by capillary method. Serum ferritin levels were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Data was analysed using SPSS version 22.0. Results: The mean age of the recruited women was 28.6\ub15.4 years old. There were 68.1% cases of anaemia of which 35.5% was due to infections only predominantly HIV and malaria, 14.9% from unknown sources while anaemia due to iron deficiency only was 7.1%. Conclusion: It can safely be inferred that malaria and HIV predispose to anaemia than iron deficiency in the study area. Although pregnant women are dewormed and given IPTp for helminths and malaria treatment respectively, there should be complementary routine malaria screening at ANC visits for those with HCT values <33% and those infected with HIV

    Recombinase polymerase amplification assay for rapid detection of Monkeypox virus

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    In this study, a rapid method for the detection of Central and West Africa clades of Monkeypox virus (MPXV) using recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay targeting the G2R gene was developed. MPXV, an Orthopoxvirus, is a zoonotic dsDNA virus, which is listed as a biothreat agent. RPA was operated at a single constant temperature of 42°C and produced results within 3 to 10 minutes. The MPXV-RPA-assay was highly sensitive with a limit of detection of 16 DNA molecules/μl. The clinical performance of the MPXV-RPA-assay was tested using 47 sera and whole blood samples from humans collected during the recent MPXV outbreak in Nigeria as well as 48 plasma samples from monkeys some of which were experimentally infected with MPXV. The specificity of the MPXV-RPA-assay was 100% (50/50), while the sensitivity was 95% (43/45). This new MPXV-RPA-assay is fast and can be easily utilised at low resource settings using a solar powered mobile suitcase laboratory

    Effect of chloroquine, methylene blue and artemether on red cell and hepatic antioxidant defence system in mice infected with Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis.

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    Reactive oxygen species are mediators of tissue injury and are involved in malaria infection. In this study, the status of red cell and hepatic oxidative stress and antioxidant defence indices were investigated during Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis (P. yoelii) infection, and treatment with chloroquine (CQ), methylene blue (MB) or artemether (ART) in mice. P. yoelii infection caused a significant (p 0.05) in the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of infected mice when compared to untreated normal. Treatment of infected mice with the three antimalarials showed that the drugs suppressed the parasitaemia in the order CQ > ART > MB. CQ, MB and ART treatment of infected mice caused a significant (p < 0.05) increase in the levels of hepatic GSH and GST. Specifically, CQ, MB and ART increased the levels of hepatic GSH by 108, 124 and 98 %, respectively, at day 6. Also, ART treatment of infected mice significantly (p < 0.05) elevated the red cell SOD level by 200 % at day 3. Taken together, the findings suggest that the antimalarial effect of CQ, MB and ART countered the P. yoelii-induced oxidative stress leading to the elevation of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in the host system

    Perceptions and recommendations by scientists for a potential release of genetically modified mosquitoes in Nigeria.

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    BackgroundThe use of genetically modified mosquitoes (GMMs) for the control of malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases has been proposed in malaria-endemic countries, such as Nigeria, which has the largest burden in Africa. Scientists are major stakeholders whose opinions and perceptions can adversely affect the success of the trials of GMMs if they are not involved early. Unfortunately, information on the awareness of Nigerians scientists and their overall perception of the GMMs is practically non-existent in the literature. Therefore, this study aimed at understanding how receptive Nigerian scientists are to a potential release of GMMs for the control of malaria.MethodsThe sample consisted of 164 scientists selected from academic and research institutions in Nigeria. Data were collected from participants using a semi-structured, self-administered questionnaire. Questions were asked about the cause and prevention of malaria, genetic modification and biotechnology. Specific questions on perception and acceptable conditions for the potential release of GM mosquitoes in Nigeria were also covered.ResultsAll participants cited mosquitoes as one of several causes of malaria and used various methods for household control of mosquitoes. The main concerns expressed by the scientists were that GMMs can spread in an uncontrolled way beyond their release sites (89%) and will mate with other mosquito species to produce hybrids with unknown consequences (94.5%). Most participants (92.7%) agreed that it was important that before approving the release of GMMs in Nigeria, there had to be evidence of contingency measures available to remove the GMMs should a hazard become evident during the course of the release. In general, a majority (83.5%) of scientists who participated in this study were sceptical about a potential release in Nigeria, while 16.5% of the participants were in support.ConclusionsAlthough a majority of the participants are sceptical about GMMs generally, most encourage the use of genetic modification techniques to make mosquitoes incapable of spreading diseases provided that there are contingency measures to remove GMMs if a hazard becomes evident during the course of the release