456 research outputs found

    Repertorio de pruebas psicotécnicas

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    Multiculturality and education

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    Education in diversity, based on the Universal Declarations of the Human Rights, gains a bigger importance because the context of globalization stresses homogeneous trends and also individual reactions in the face of this phenomenon. The richness of the diversity and the possibility of communication among the human beings are, without doubt, essential contents in educative curriculum. They are not isolated actions directed to concrete social groups: it is a global project to understand and assume the difference among people as a part of the identities and as a positive value in all societies

    Puppets and education: Ideas, beliefs, and school practices of Spanish teachers

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    Puppets have been used in education for decades and they havebecome an indisputable educational tool. However, puppetry hasa minimal presence in teacher training. This study uses aquestionnaire to explore 453 teachers'use, perceptions, andknowledge of puppets as an educational tool in Valencianschools between 2020/2022 to reveal the relationship betweenpuppetry and the school system. This study reaches severalconclusions, mainly about the limited knowledge of this tool andits possibilities, that will open up new dialogue in today's schools.This study proposes some valuable reflections to achieve realchange in the school-puppet relationship

    On Puppets and Literary Education in Diverse Schools: A Review from Spain

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    Intercultural education and the attention to diversity have become two of the most important aspects of education in recent decades. There are many areas of diversity that can be addressed in the classroom, always based on tolerance and the acceptance of difference. However, intercultural education is destined to go one step further: from an inalienable foundation of respect and tolerance for everyone, we aim to develop diversity as a positive value that must be understood and accepted. There is no doubt that we are faced with one of the great challenges of education. Literature and theatre, on the other hand, is always a meeting point, first and foremost between the author and the recipient, often separated by temporal, spatial, linguistic, and cultural factors. In this sense, as Josep Ballester (2015) reminds us that the different sets of values and worldviews presented by the different human communities, as well as certain patterns of conduct and folk wisdom developed over generations, are stored and alive in language and literature. We will focus our educational approach precisely in this capacity of literature and drama -puppets specifically- to confront different human cultures and bring them to dialogue

    Learning Diversity: A Collaborative Work Experience of Literary Education in a Spanish Teacher Training Classroom

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    The aim of this paper is to present an experience carried out in a group of 50 university students of the subject Literary Education in the Childhood Classroom in the 2014/2015 academic year. The activity is based on the need to educate on diversity and includes literature, drama and puppets as powerful tools for the awareness, reflection and dialogue about the topic of diversity. Based on research about children's literature focused on diversity, the work groups started a debate on the (in)visibility of most of these works. Once a text was chosen, students produced and dramatized a puppet play. The process included every aspect of production, from the initial conception to the final performance, focusing on an element of reflection and multiplicity of roles during the entire process. We believe the experience was very positive and beneficial for the literary training of the teacher. It provided a framework for the programming and development of activities about all kinds of diversity in the early childhood education classroom

    Teacher Training and Linguistic Diversity: Methodological and Outcome Analysis of an Online Course

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    This research aims to delve into sociolinguistic content in the context of teacher training itineraries at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). Using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, the presence of sociolinguistic content will be justified. Likewise, we will analyze the contents and methodology of the subject based on the access data to the materials and the evaluation of the students. The results obtained refer both in terms of the importance of dealing with linguistic attitudes in class and of assessing the tool itself and some of the students' work habits, which we can extrapolate to others similar training environments, in order to extract good practices

    L'éducation interculturelle, la diversité et la créativité dans la classe à travers le théâtre: les marionnettes

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    Intercultural education and treatment of diversity in the school are certainly some aspects of education on which more has been written in recent decades. With this work we intend to take a tour of the current approaches in intercultural education and deepening the idea of creativity and collaborative work as effective ways to meet the challenge posed by the difference. Finally, we propose literature, specifically puppetry as an optimal teaching tool for intercultural work in all educational levels, from the appreciation of diversity in its multiple meanings.La educación intercultural y el tratamiento de la diversidad en la escuela son sin duda algunos de los aspectos de la educación sobre los que más se ha escrito en las últimas décadas. Con el presente trabajo pretendemos hacer un recorrido por los planteamientos más actuales en la educación intercultural, así como la profundización en la idea de creatividad y en el trabajo colaborativo como formas eficaces de afrontar el reto que nos plantea la diferencia. Finalmente, propondremos literatura, concretamente el teatro de títeres, como herramienta didáctica óptima para el trabajo intercultural en todos los niveles educativos, partiendo de la valoración positiva de la diversidad en sus múltiples significados.L'éducation interculturelle et le traitement de la diversité à l'école sont certainement des aspects de l'éducation sur lesquels plus ont été écrit au cours des dernières décennies. Avec ce travail, nous voulons faire un tour des approches actuelles en matière d'éducation interculturelle et d'approfondir l'idée de la créativité et le travail collaboratif comme des moyens efficaces pour relever le défi que représente la différence. Enfin, nous proposons la littérature, en particulier la marionnette comme un instrument optimal d'enseignement pour le travail interculturel de tous les niveaux educatifs, à partir de l'appréciation de la diversité dans ses multiples significations

    Family and Affective Models in Children's Literature. An Approach from the Texts for Early Readers at Valencian Schools

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    In previous researches we have offered a panoramic view about the presence of family structures different from the traditional one in children's literature, (Oltra Albiach, 2011), about the (shy) presence of protagonists with homo-parent, single- parent families reconstructed or intercultural in children's titles and about the publications of these characteristics in the literature for first readers that have seen the light in recent years (Oltra Albiach & Pardo Coy, 2013). It is noted that the introduction of these literatures in initial schools remains in general a pending matter, especially if we take into account that it is an ideal level to prevent and treat stereotypes and prejudices and above all because xenophobic, sexist, homophobic behaviors and bullying in general can begin to occur at these ages. Therefore, we have tried to bring our gaze to pre-school and first cycle of primary education in order to analyze the titles that are offered to students as first readings, from the idea of the importance of literature as a mirror of the society that produces it, of its characteristics, its achievements, its desires and its fears, and also highlighting the importance of the family and affective models in general that we give the children in their first contact with the written literature. The research has been done during the course 2013/2014 in ten public and concerted schools of the Valencian Community

    Encouraging to read: a proposal to improve reading comprehension and literary competence in university students

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    The objective of this article is to present an activity related to reading at university, in order to promote reading in students through various readings and the recommendation of them to colleagues. Several problems of our students (who have received literary training in their compulsory and post-compulsory studies and are, in theory, quite compententes) appeared at the time of facing the reading of texts, both literary and academic. On the other hand, the activity provides us with a great deal of information about the expectations, the difficulties, the devices, the themes and the reading strategies used in everyday life and in the university studies. In conclusion, we highlight the positive reception of the proposal by students and the possibilities of completion in all university degrees. It is, in short, an academic practice that affects the integral formation of the individuals and the idea of lifelong learning, and that reaffirms us in the previous idea of the need to continue in some way to encourage reading and literary training in university students