1,109 research outputs found

    Potencjał transferu wiedzy z uczelni wyższych do gospodarki turystycznej w Polsce – ocena na podstawie projektów badawczych finansowanych przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki

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    Transfer wiedzy z uczelni do podmiotów otoczenia społeczno-gospodarczego staje się obecnie coraz istotniejszym zadaniem w ramach misji uczelni. Wyzwanie to dotyczy także jednostek naukowych i naukowców prowadzących badania nad turystyką. W artykule przeprowadzono ocenę potencjału tego transferu, który można rozumieć jako zdolność do zaangażowania się we współpracę z podmiotami otoczenia. Wykorzystano w tym celu jedną z miar, tj. siłę naukową, mierzoną liczbą i tematyką projektów badawczych finansowanych przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki. Wyniki badania wskazują na relatywnie niską zdolność badaczy zajmujących się turystyką do pozyskiwania grantów badawczych. Jednak tematyka grantów i jej zróżnicowanie stanowią o istotnym potencjale transferu wiedzy.Projekt badawczy „Transfer wiedzy z uczelni wyższych do przedsiębiorstw – uwarunkowania i znaczenie dla innowacyjności gospodarki turystycznej” (UMO-2014/15/D/HS4/01217) sfinansowany ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki

    The potential of knowledge transfer from universities to the tourism industry in Poland: assessment on the basis of research projects financed by the National Science Centre

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    Knowledge transfer from universities to the socio-economic environment is becoming increasingly important. This challenge also applies to researchers in the field of tourism. The article examines the potential of knowledge transfer, understood as a university’s ability to engage in cooperation with external stakeholders. The aim of this work is to identify this potential on the basis of the number and subjects of research projects qualified for funding by the National Science Center in Poland. According to this study, the number of research grants dedicated to tourism is insufficient. Taking into account the projects, an assessment of knowledge transfer potential is favourable due to the broad scope and relevance of the research.A research project “Knowledge transfer from universities to companies: the determinants and the impact on innovativeness in the tourism industry” financed by the National Science Centre, Poland (decision no. DEC-2014/15/D/HS4/01217)

    Physical Activity of Tourism and Recreation Students in Terms of Accessibility to Open Areas

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    The aim of the article is to present the factors which affect the choice of place of recreation, as well as indicate the preferred forms of physical activity taken up there. The authors also discussed the relationship between distance from open areas and frequency of visits. Moreover, they evaluated current knowledge about the role of the natural environment as a physical recreation space. The research was conducted among a group of 305 physically active individuals (students of the Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk), using questionnaires. The respondents defined the role of location in comparison to other motivational factors for a range of physical activities (recreation). They also spoke about their preferred forms of physical activity in the natural environment, compared to the roles of natural and human environments with regard to physical activity. They also provided an answer to the question whether an open area which does not provide respondents with an opportunity to undertake their favoured recreation would remain of interest. The study results demonstrate the unquestionable importance of having access to attractive natural surroundings with respect to physical activity. This allows a relation to be made between leisure in the natural environment and an improvement in the health of the physically active

    Adopting collaborative games into Open Kanban

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    A Needle in the Haystack: Higgs Boson Searches in the ATLAS Experiment

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    A preliminary combination of Standard Model Higgs searches with the ATLAS experiment, in a dataset collected at energy sqrt(s) = 7 TeV at the LHC in year 2011, is presented. The paper refers to the status of Higgs boson searches as from March 2012, before the Higgs discovery at LHC. The Higgs boson mass ranges from 112.7 GeV to 115.5 GeV, 131 GeV to 237 GeV and 251 GeV to 468 GeV are excluded at the 95 % confidence level. An excess of events is observed for a Higgs boson mass hypothesis close to 126 GeV. This successful analysis was possible due to the excellent performance of the GRID distributed computing system, in which two Polish sites ACK Cyfronet from Krakow and PSNC from Poznan have participated. The ATLAS analysis chain and the usage of grid for ATLAS data processing are described in this paper

    Uwarunkowania postaw wobec pracy w gospodarce turystycznej w kontekście kreowania kapitału klienta

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    The success of contemporary tourism organizations depends on their employees, who are ready to contribute to building customer capital, which is the main source of enterprise value growth. According to the service profit chain, employees who are satisfied with their work environment tend to stay with the employer and are more productive, and their attitudes and behaviors are conducive to delivery of high quality services. External service value enhances customer satisfaction, which leads to long-term relationships and, consequently, improves profitability of business. The purpose of the paper is to examine relationships among internal service quality, job satisfaction, work engagement and loyalty toward employer. The study was conducted with a group of 768 operational employees in the tourism industry. Research revealed that the degree to which the needs of individuals are fulfilled by rewards in the work environment is linked to work engagement and turnover intentions and that these relationships are mediated by job satisfaction. Identified relations demonstrate the importance of internal service quality improvement in the tourism industry

    Zdolność do absorpcji wiedzy w przedsiębiorstwach turystycznych – identyfikacja znaczenia i możliwości pomiaru

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    The knowledge-based view suggests that the extent of knowledge transfer from knowledge generators to knowledge recipients may depend on recipients’ absorptive capacity ie. “ability of a firm to recognize the value of new, external information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends” [Cohen and Levinthal 1990, p. 128]. The lack or insufficiency of absorptive capacity in a firm hinders the ability to recognize the potential of new ideas arising from interaction with other external knowledge generators. The purpose of this article is to identify the importance of the absorptive capacity in tourism industry, as well as methods of its conceptualization and operationalization. The results include systematization of existing research dedicated to absorptive capacity in tourism and propositions of further studies on this subject

    Organisational determinants of Employer Image: A case of the Tourism Industry in Poland

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    Growing recognition of the importance of the customer-employee interaction in the tourism service delivery has led to the need to increase efforts to attract and retain qualified and committed personnel. The objective of the paper is to analyze the dimensions of the company employment image in the tourism industry and to identify organizational factors which influence the perception of the tourism organization attractiveness as a workplace by potential employees. The study was conducted on the group of 351 undergraduates and graduates enrolled in tourism and hospitality studies in Poznan. Research revealed that students do not believe that careers in tourism will offer them values they expect. It was also found that tourism company employment image is affected by company size, level of internationalization, chain affiliation, ownership type, and type of services offered

    Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Portfolio Investment in the contemporary globalized world: should they be still treated separately?

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    Foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) have been long considered as distinct and independent forms of international capital flows, but in the globalized world there are reasons to treat them as interconnected phenomena. This paper analyzes the mutual relationship between FDI and FPI and attempts to answer the question whether they complement or substitute for each other from a foreign investor’s point of view. Firstly, the paper describes the main characteristics of FDI and FPI in terms of a trade-off between their volatility and profitability. Secondly, it provides a literature review on the determinants of these two types of foreign investment. Finally, we analyse the long-run and short-run relationships between FDI and FPI running VECM regressions on data for Poland. Our research suggests that these two forms of foreign investment are substitutes. To be more specific, in economically stable periods FDI tends to dominate over FPI, but during insecurity and economic distress, both in source and host countries, FPI starts to gain importance