99 research outputs found

    Relacje polsko-ukraińskie na Wołyniu w latach 1921–1939. Wybrane problemy

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Substytucja internetu stacjonarnego i mobilnego – wyzwania regulacyjne

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    Stockholm and Tallinn will be the first cities in which the 5G mobile network will be built in 2018. The 5G strategy for Poland is still underway. Therefore, it is worth to present the issue of substitu-tion of fixed and mobile Internet from the perspective of treating these technologies as equivalent by market regulators. With this taken into consideration, the Polish telecommunications market has undergone dynamic changes in recent years regarding the substitution of services in a user-neutral way. The telecommunications operators compete on the Internet Service Provider market, regardless of the type of the access technology offered, while revenues generated by the Polish operators from the mobile Internet access service (2G /3G /4G technology) are much higher than from any other technology. In 2016, as much as 34% of revenues in the Internet Service Provider market was generated by sales of the mobile services. The Polish and European legislation set likewise standards for providing Internet access services, both regarding cable and mobile technologies, emphasizing the principle of technological neutrality. Public administration bodies have already decided, that the cable and mobile Internet access services are equal, therefore it is reasonable to depart from the previously existing boundaries and technolog-ical schemes. The aim of this paper is to present arguments for changing the regulatory approach in this area, which is one of the key factors for further digital development of Poland in the areas of: Internet of Things, digitalization of enterprises, but also the digital development of cities

    Ocena lęku ogólnego jako predyktora lęku stomatologicznego

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    Wstęp. Uczucie lęku towarzyszące leczeniu stomatologicznemu jest znanym zjawiskiem. Niektóre badania wykazują związek pomiędzy lękiem stomatologicznym a strachem czy innymi dysfunkcjami psychologicznymi. Cel badania. Celem badania było określenie związku pomiędzy lękiem stomatologicznym a lękiem jako cechą i stanem. W badaniu uwzględniono również parametry socjodemograficzne. Materiał i metody. 138 dorosłych pacjentów (65 kobiet i 73 mężczyzn) zostało włączonych do badania w Uniwersyteckiej Klinice Stomatologicznej w Krakowie. Badanie ankietowe składało się ze Skali Lęku Stomatologicznego Coraha (DAS) oraz Inwentarza do Pomiaru Lęku jako Stanu i Cechy (STAI). Do analizy statystycznej wykorzystano współczynnik alfa Cronbacha oraz współczynnik korelacji Pearsona. Poziom istotności statystycznej wynosił p=0,05. Wyniki. Lęk stomatologiczny korelował z lękiem jako stanem (0,9016) oraz lękiem jako cechą (0,8643). Silna korelacja wystąpiła pomiędzy lękiem stomatologicznym a badanymi parametrami socjodemograficznymi: wiek (0,2093), płeć (0,2216), wykształcenie (-0,3814). Wnioski. Lęk stomatologiczny ma związek z ogólną tendencją do odczuwania stanów lękowych. Odpowiednia opieka nad pacjentem z objawami lęku może znacznie wpłynąć na poprawę jakości jego życia.Introduction. Feeling of anxiety related to dental treatment is a fairly common phenomenon. Some studies have shown that there is an association between dental anxiety and general fears, neuroticism and general psychological disorders. Aim of the study. To examine the relationship between the dental, state and trait anxiety. Also the socio-demographic variables were considered in the study. Materials and Methods. The survey included 138 adult patients (65 women and 73 men) with the mean age (± standard deviation) of 39.3 (±14) years that were admitted to the University Dental Clinic in Cracow, Poland. The Polish version of Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were used for the assessment of dental, state and trait anxiety. For statistical analysis the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise progressive regression were applied. The cutoff level of significance was taken as p=0.05. Results. Dental anxiety was significantly correlated to the state (0.9016) and trait anxiety (0.8643). Strong relation was found between dental anxiety and the socio-demographic variables: age (0.2093), sex (0.2216), education (-0.3814) and the date of the last dental appointment (0.8134). Conclusions. Dental anxiety is related to the general tendency to be apprehensive and to manifest anxiety. It seems reasonable to manage patient’s dental anxiety symptoms properly, as this might increase their quality of life

    The position and age of flysch deposits in the Crimean Mountains (Southern Ukraine)

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    The Crimean Mountains (CM) are regarded as part of the Alpine-Himalaya orogenic belt related to the collision of the Eurasian and African plates. Our research in the CM has allowed confirming the existence of at least two flysch formations of different ages: the Taurida Flysch Formation (Upper Triassic/Lower-? Middle Jurassic) and the Sudak Formation (uppermost Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous) in the western and eastern sectors of the CM, respectively. After the Middle Jurassic volcanism, the freshwater claystones with coal-bearing intercalations, as well as local alluvial fan conglomerates were deposited. Then, following the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian marine transgression, three separated Tithonian/Berriasian carbonate platforms developed: Baydarska, Chatyr-Dag and Demerji/Karabi. At the turn of the Late Jurassic, the deep-water Sudak Basin (eastern sector of the CM) began to develop in the eastern periphery of the Demerji/Karabi carbonate platform. This basin, dominated by turbiditic deposition, was probably connected with the Great Caucasus sedimentary system. Finally, distal flysch sedimentation in the Sudak Basin was followed by debris-flow deposits, with huge blocks of Upper Jurassic limestones. These blocks were derived from destruction of the Karabi carbonate platform. During the Berriasian/Valanginian, the eastern sector of the CM began to subside. As a result, both carbonate platforms (western CM) and the debris flow fans of the Sudak Basin (eastern CM) were overlain by marly shales and/or distal turbidites. This type of deposition lasted until the Aptian/Albian. In the post-Albian period, the Alushta-Salgir tectonic zone was transformed into a SE-dipping thrust fault with at least 10 km amplitude of overthrusting

    Methods of hair loss evaluation in patients with endocrine disorders

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    Łysienie może towarzyszyć wielu chorobom endokrynnym (lub gruczołów dokrewnych) między innymi niedoczynności przysadki, niedoczynności i nadczynności tarczycy, niedoczynności przytarczyc, cukrzycy, niedoborowi hormonu wzrostu, hiperprolaktynemii, zespołowi policystycznych jajników, zespołowi SAHA, zespołowi Cushinga, wrodzonemu przerostowi nadnerczy i guzom wirylizującym. U większości pacjentów z endokrynopatiami obserwuje się rozlane łysienie niebliznowaciejące: anangenowe, telogenowe lub łysienie androgenowe. Rzadziej spotyka się ogniskowe, niebliznowaciejące łysienie plackowate występujące u pacjentów z zapaleniami tarczycy oraz łysienie bliznowaciejące. W niektórych przypadkach wyniki badania dermatologicznego pacjentów z łysieniem mogą nasunąć podejrzenie choroby endokrynologicznej. Klasycznymi metodami badania chorób skóry owłosionej głowy jest ważenie włosów, test pociągania, test mycia, trichogram i badanie histopatologiczne. Nowymi, nieinwazyjnymi metodami diagnostycznymi są: fototrichogram, trichoskan, trichoskopia i obrazowanie włosów i skóry owłosionej głowy metodą refleksyjnej konfokalnej mikroskopii skaningowej in vivo. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (4): 406-411)Hair loss may accompany several endocrine disorders, including hypopituitarism, hypothyreosis, hyperthyreosis, hypoparathyroidism, diabetes mellitus, growth hormone deficiency, hyperprolactinaemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, SAHA syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing syndrome, or virilising tumours. Most patients with endocrine disorders present with diffuse non-scarring alopecia, such as anagen effluvium, telogen effluvium or androgenetic alopecia. Focal non-scarring alopecia, such as alopecia areata coexisting with autoimmune thyroiditis, is less frequent and scarring alopecia is a rare finding in patients with endocrine abnormalities. In some cases an endocrine disorder may be suspected based on dermatological findings during hair loss evaluation. Classic methods of hair evaluation include hair weighing, pull test, wash test, the trichogram, and histopathological examination. Newly developed non-invasive diagnostic techniques include the phototrichogram, trichoscan, trichoscopy, and reflectance confocal microscopy. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (4): 406-411

    Współwystępowanie włosów skręconych i włosów obrączkowatych — opis przypadku

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    Prezentowany przypadek dotyczy 23-letniej kobiety, u której rozpoznano dwie genetycznie uwarunkowane dystrofie włosów: włosy skręcone i włosy obrączkowate. Nasilenie się łamliwości włosów obserwowano po okresie pokwitania, najprawdopodobniej w związku ze współistnieniem łysienia androgenowego typu kobiecego. Wdrożenie leczenia spironolaktonem w dawce 25 mg/dobę z towarzyszącą antykoncepcją doustną spowodowało powrót do uprzedniego stanu włosów, ze zwiększeniem ich gęstości i zmniejszeniem łamliwości. Wnioski: Zwiększenie łamliwości łodyg włosów we wrodzonych dystrofiach włosów po okresie dojrzewania nie jest typowe. W tych przypadkach należy poszukiwać innych chorób współistniejących, między innymi łysienia androgenowego

    Wartość tomografii komputerowej i rezonansu magnetycznego w diagnostyce zmian w centralnym układzie nerwowym u pacjentów z twardziną układową

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    Background: Systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune connective tissue disease characterized by vascular abnormalities and fibrotic changes in skin and internal organs. The aim of the study was to investigate involvement of the central nervous system in systemic sclerosis and the value of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluation of central nervous system involvement in systemic sclerosis. Material/Methods: 26 patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms in the course of systemic sclerosis were investigated for central nervous system abnormalities by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results: Among these 26 symptomatic patients lesions in brain MRI and CT examinations were present in 54% and in 50% patients respectively. Most common findings (in 46% of all patients), were symptoms of cortical and subcortical atrophy, seen in both, MRI and CT. Single and multiple focal lesions, predominantly in the white matter, were detected by MRI significantly more frequently as compared to CT (62% and 15% patients respectively). Presence of brain atrophy and focal lesions in CT and MR correlated with disease duration (both p<0,0001), extent of skin involvement (p<0,01) and presence of pulmonary fibrosis in the course of the systemic sclerosis (p=0.001). Conclusions: These data indicate that brain involvement is common in patients with severe systemic sclerosis. MRI shows significantly higher th an CT sensitivity in detection focal brain lesions in these patients

    Impact of pre-operative glycated haemoglobin A1C level on 1-year outcomes of endovascular treatment in patients with critical limb ischemia in the course of diabetes mellitus

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    I n t r o d u c t i o n: Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) is a disease with worldwide increasing occurrence. Diabetic patients are greatly exposed on the risk of PAOD and its complications. Th e aim of the study was to check the infl uence of preoperative HbA1C on the outcomes of patients with diabetes undergoing PAOD related endovascular treatment. Mat e r i a l a n d Me t h o d s: Th e study was conducted among 59 patients with PAOD referred from the diabetic foot outpatient for endovascular treatment. Th ey were included in one-year observation based on follow-up visits in 1, 3, 6 and 12 months aft er angioplasty and divided into 2 groups basing on their preoperative glycaemia. Th e clinical condition of the lower limbs was assessed by use of the Rutherford classifi cation, ankle-brachial index (ABI) and toe-brachial index (TBI). Changes in patients’ quality of life (QoL) were also evaluated. R e s u l t s: Reintervention within 12 months were less frequent in patients with HbA1C ≤8.0% than in HbA1C >8.0% patients (9.09% vs. 35.48%, p = 0.03). TBI of the treated limb was lower in patients with elevated than in patients with proper glycaemia at 6 month [0.2 (0.0–0.38) vs. 0.38 (0.31–0.46); p <0.008] 50 Agnieszka Wachsmann, Mikołaj Maga, et al. and 12 month follow-up [0.17 (0.0–0.27) vs. 0.32 (0.25–0.38); p <0,001]. Th e rate of healed ulcerations aft er 6 months was higher in patients HbA1C ≤8.0% (45.0% vs. 16.13%; p = 0.02) and they had signifi cantly greater improvement of QoL. C on c l u s i o n: Results of this study shows that preoperative level of glycaemia is an important factor for long-term prognosis in diabetic patients with PAOD. Elevated HbA1C level decreases signifi cantly long-term improvement of QoL in DM patients undergoing endovascular treatment