703 research outputs found

    Studies of the effects of industrial pollution in the lower Patapsco river area: 1. Curtis Bay Region 1941

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    Industrial effluents in the lower Patapsco area, which constitutes the navigable portion of the river and includes Baltimore Harbor, are many and include waste acid, distillery waters, tannery wastes and copper as (ferrous sulphate) from pigment and steel industries. (PDF contains 22 pages (2 on 1

    Micronutrients and our soils

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    A review of IATTC research on the early life history and reproductive biology of scombrids conducted at the Achotines Laboratory from 1985 to 2005

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    English: For nearly a century, fisheries scientists have studied marine fish stocks in an effort to understand how the abundances of fish populations are determined. During the early lives of marine fishes, survival is variable, and the numbers of individuals surviving to transitional stages or recruitment are difficult to predict. The egg, larval, and juvenile stages of marine fishes are characterized by high rates of mortality and growth. Most marine fishes, particularly pelagic species, are highly fecund, produce small eggs and larvae, and feed and grow in complex aquatic ecosystems. The identification of environmental or biological factors that are most important in controlling survival during the early life stages of marine fishes is a potentially powerful tool in stock assessment. Because vital rates (mortality and growth) during the early life stages of marine fishes are high and variable, small changes in those rates can have profound effects on the properties of survivors and recruitment potential (Houde 1989). Understanding and predicting the factors that most strongly influence pre-recruit survival are key goals of fisheries research programs. Spanish: Desde hace casi un siglo, los científicos pesqueros han estudiado las poblaciones de peces marinos en un intento por entender cómo se determina la abundancia de las mismas. Durante la vida temprana de los peces marinos, la supervivencia es variable, y el número de individuos que sobrevive hasta las etapas transicionales o el reclutamiento es difícil de predecir. Las etapas de huevo, larval, y juvenil de los peces marinos son caracterizadas por tasas altas de mortalidad y crecimiento. La mayoría de los peces marinos, particularmente las especies pelágicas, son muy fecundos, producen huevos y larvas pequeños, y se alimentan y crecen en ecosistemas acuáticos complejos. La identificación los factores ambientales o biológicos más importantes en el control de la supervivencia durante las etapas tempranas de vida de los peces marinos es una herramienta potencialmente potente en la evaluación de las poblaciones. Ya que las tasas vitales (mortalidad y crecimiento) durante las etapas tempranas de vida de los peces marinos son altas y variables, cambios pequeños en esas tasas pueden ejercer efectos importantes sobre las propiedades de los supervivientes y el potencial de reclutamiento (Houde 1989). Comprender y predecir los factores que más afectan la supervivencia antes del reclutamiento son objetivos clave de los programas de investigación pesquera

    Collective Resistance in Microbial Communities by Intracellular Antibiotic Deactivation.

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    The structure and composition of bacterial communities can compromise antibiotic efficacy. For example, the secretion of β-lactamase by individual bacteria provides passive resistance for all residents within a polymicrobial environment. Here, we uncover that collective resistance can also develop via intracellular antibiotic deactivation. Real-time luminescence measurements and single-cell analysis demonstrate that the opportunistic human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae grows in medium supplemented with chloramphenicol (Cm) when resistant bacteria expressing Cm acetyltransferase (CAT) are present. We show that CAT processes Cm intracellularly but not extracellularly. In a mouse pneumonia model, more susceptible pneumococci survive Cm treatment when coinfected with a CAT-expressing strain. Mathematical modeling predicts that stable coexistence is only possible when antibiotic resistance comes at a fitness cost. Strikingly, CAT-expressing pneumococci in mouse lungs were outcompeted by susceptible cells even during Cm treatment. Our results highlight the importance of the microbial context during infectious disease as a potential complicating factor to antibiotic therapy

    Gaussian Tunneling Model of c-Axis Twist Josephson Junctions

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    We calculate the critical current density JcJJ^J_c for c-axis Josephson tunneling between identical high temperature superconductors twisted an angle ϕ0\phi_0 about the c-axis. We model the tunneling matrix element squared as a Gaussian in the change of wavevector q parallel to the junction, <t(q)2>exp(q2a2/2π2σ2)<|t({\bf q})|^2>\propto\exp(-{\bf q}^2a^2/2\pi^2\sigma^2). The JcJ(ϕ0)/JcJ(0)J^J_c(\phi_0)/J^J_c(0) obtained for the s- and extended-s-wave order parameters (OP's) are consistent with the Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} data of Li {\it et al.}, but only for strongly incoherent tunneling, σ20.25\sigma^2\ge0.25. A dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave OP is always inconsistent with the data. In addition, we show that the apparent conventional sum rule violation observed by Basov et al. might be understandable in terms of incoherent c-axis tunneling, provided that the OP is not dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Numerical studies of the two- and three-dimensional gauge glass at low temperature

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    We present results from Monte Carlo simulations of the two- and three-dimensional gauge glass at low temperature using the parallel tempering Monte Carlo method. Our results in two dimensions strongly support the transition being at T_c=0. A finite-size scaling analysis, which works well only for the larger sizes and lower temperatures, gives the stiffness exponent theta = -0.39 +/- 0.03. In three dimensions we find theta = 0.27 +/- 0.01, compatible with recent results from domain wall renormalization group studies.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    Zero Temperature Glass Transition in the Two-Dimensional Gauge Glass Model

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    We investigate dynamic scaling properties of the two-dimensional gauge glass model for the vortex glass phase in superconductors with quenched disorder. From extensive Monte Carlo simulations we obtain static and dynamic finite size scaling behavior, where the static simulations use a temperature exchange method to ensure convergence at low temperatures. Both static and dynamic scaling of Monte Carlo data is consistent with a glass transition at zero temperature. We study a dynamic correlation function for the superconducting order parameter, as well as the phase slip resistance. From the scaling of these two functions, we find evidence for two distinct diverging correlation times at the zero temperature glass transition. The longer of these time scales is associated with phase slip fluctuations across the system that lead to finite resistance at any finite temperature, while the shorter time scale is associated with local phase fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures; v2: some minor correction