663 research outputs found

    Timing of Increasing Electron Counts from Geosynchronous Orbit to Low Earth Orbit

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    Under certain conditions, high energy electron fluxes can increase over short periods of time in the outer radiation belt and diffuse to low altitudes. Sudden increases of high energy electron densities at low altitudes can drastically damage unsuspecting low-earth-orbit satellites. The progression of electron flux increases from a geosynchronous orbit to low-earth orbit during an electron event is somewhat unknown. If the beginning of electron flux increases at low-earth-orbits could be anticipated, warnings could be issued to space system operators allowing time to take proper measures to protect and minimize satellite damage extending satellite lifetimes and space mission operations. The Compact Environment Anomaly Sensors (CEASE) onboard the DSP-21 and TSX-5 satellites collected dosimeter data of electrons \u3e 1.2 MeV and protons \u3e 25 MeV. The orbits of the satellites and the particle detection of CEASE provided an opportunity to sample the high energy electron population fluxes at GEO and LEO during electron events. The high energy electron CEASE data was extracted from DSP-21 and TSX-5 when each satellite crossed an approximate geosynchronous L-Shell range (L=6.5-6.7). Onsets of electron events at each orbit were determined from the data. Onset comparison showed the progression of elevated electron fluxes from GEO to LEO to be between one and four days. Further comparison of the electron events to solar wind data suggests that high speed streams are necessary, not sufficient, for an electron event to occur

    Feeding ecology of lenok (Brachymystax lenok), Hovsgol grayling (Thymallus nigrescens) and Baikal grayling (Thymallus baicalensis) from the Eg-Uur Watershed, Mongolia

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    University of Minnesota M.S. May 2014. Major: Integrated Biosciences. Advisor: Dr. Thomas R. Hrabik. 1 computer file (PDF); viii, 64 pages.The Eg-Uur Watershed of Northern Mongolia is home to several unique salmonid species which are believed to be declining due to the rapid industrial development currently taking place in Asia. We used a combination of stomach contents and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to examine the degree of dietary niche overlap of lenok, Baikal grayling and Hovsgol grayling in lake and stream habitats of the Eg-Uur Watershed. Lenok and grayling exhibited vertical partitioning of prey resources despite differences in prey availability between lake and stream habitats. Within stream habitats, prey availability was positively related to diet overlap, suggesting that competition is involved in the resource partitioning we observed. Our analysis also revealed the presence of specialist planktivores within the Hovsgol grayling population. The results from this study provide a baseline description of prey utilization and partitioning between lenok and grayling (Thymallus spp.)

    Structural Analysis of Test Flight Vehicles with Multifunctional Energy Storage

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    Under the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Convergent Aeronautical Solutions (CAS) project, NASA Glenn Research Center has been leading Multifunctional Structures for High Energy Lightweight Load-bearing Storage (M-SHELLS) research efforts. The technology of integrating load-carrying structures with electrical energy storage capacity has the potential to reduce the overall weight of future electric aircraft. The proposed project goals were to develop M-SHELLS in the form of honeycomb coupons and subcomponents, integrate them into the structure, and conduct low-risk flight tests onboard a remotely piloted small aircraft. Experimental M-SHELLS energy-storing coupons were fabricated and tested in the laboratory for their electrical and mechanical properties. In this paper, finite element model development and structural analyses of two small test aircraft candidates are presented. The finite element analysis of the initial two-spar wing is described for strain, deflection, and weight estimation. After a test aircraft Tempest was acquired, a load- deflection test of the wing was conducted. A finite element model of the Tempest was then developed based on the test aircraft dimensions and construction detail. The component weight analysis from the finite element model and test measurements were correlated. Structural analysis results with multifunctional energy storage panels in the fuselage of the test vehicle are presented. Although the flight test was cancelled because of programmatic reasons and time constraints, the structural analysis results indicate that the mid-fuselage floor composite panel could provide structural integrity with minimal weight penalty while supplying electrical energy. To explore potential future applications of the multifunctional structure, analyses of the NASA X-57 Maxwell electric aircraft and a NASA N+3 Technology Conventional Configuration (N3CC) fuselage are presented. Secondary aluminum structure in the fuselage sub-floor and cargo area were partially replaced with reinforced five-layer composite panels with M-SHELLS honeycomb core. The N3CC fuselage weight reduction associated with each design without risking structural integrity are described. The structural analysis and weight estimation with the application of composite M-SHELLS panels to the N3CC fuselage indicate a 3.2% reduction in the fuselage structural weight, prior to accounting for the additional weight of core material required to complete the energy storage functionality

    Optimizing the search for resources by sharing information: Mongolian gazelles as a case study

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    We investigate the relationship between communication and search efficiency in a biological context by proposing a model of Brownian searchers with long-range pairwise interactions. After a general study of the properties of the model, we show an application to the particular case of acoustic communication among Mongolian gazelles, for which data are available, searching for good habitat areas. Using Monte Carlo simulations and density equations, our results point out that the search is optimal (i.e., the mean first hitting time among searchers is minimum) at intermediate scales of communication, showing that both an excess and a lack of information may worsen it. © 2013 American Physical Society.R. M.-G. is supported by the JAEPredoc program of CSIC. R. M.-G. and C. L. acknowledge support from MICINN (Spain) and FEDER (EU) through Grant No. FIS2007-60327 FISICOS. J. M. C. and T. M. were supported by a U.S. National Science Foundation grant (ABI 1062411).Peer Reviewe

    Superconductivity and Stoichiometry in the BSCCO-family Materials

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    We report on magnetization, c-axis and ab-plane resistivity, critical current, electronic band structure and superconducting gap properties. Bulk measurements and photoemission data were taken on similar samples.Comment: 4 pages, latex, to be published in Journal of Superconductivity. two figures available from Jian Ma at [email protected]

    An analysis of fast photochemistry over high northern latitudes during spring and summer using in-situ observations from ARCTAS and TOPSE

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    Observations of chemical constituents and meteorological quantities obtained during the two Arctic phases of the airborne campaign ARCTAS (Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites) are analyzed using an observationally constrained steady state box model. Measurements of OH and HO2 from the Penn State ATHOS instrument are compared to model predictions. Forty percent of OH measurements below 2 km are at the limit of detection during the spring phase (ARCTAS-A). While the median observed-to-calculated ratio is near one, both the scatter of observations and the model uncertainty for OH are at the magnitude of ambient values. During the summer phase (ARCTAS-B), model predictions of OH are biased low relative to observations and demonstrate a high sensitivity to the level of uncertainty in NO observations. Predictions of HO2 using observed CH2O and H2O2 as model constraints are up to a factor of two larger than observed. A temperature-dependent terminal loss rate of HO2 to aerosol recently proposed in the literature is shown to be insufficient to reconcile these differences. A comparison of ARCTAS-A to the high latitude springtime portion of the 2000 TOPSE campaign (Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox) shows similar meteorological and chemical environments with the exception of peroxides; observations of H2O2 during ARCTAS-A were 2.5 to 3 times larger than those during TOPSE. The cause of this difference in peroxides remains unresolved and has important implications for the Arctic HOx budget. Unconstrained model predictions for both phases indicate photochemistry alone is unable to simultaneously sustain observed levels of CH2O and H2O2; however when the model is constrained with observed CH2O, H2O2 predictions from a range of rainout parameterizations bracket its observations. A mechanism suitable to explain observed concentrations of CH2O is uncertain. Free tropospheric observations of acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) are 2–3 times larger than its predictions, though constraint of the model to those observations is sufficient to account for less than half of the deficit in predicted CH2O. The box model calculates gross O3 formation during spring to maximize from 1–4 km at 0.8 ppbv d−1, in agreement with estimates from TOPSE, and a gross production of 2–4 ppbv d−1 in the boundary layer and upper troposphere during summer. Use of the lower observed levels of HO2 in place of model predictions decreases the gross production by 25–50%. Net O3 production is near zero throughout the ARCTAS-A troposphere, and is 1–2 ppbv in the boundary layer and upper altitudes during ARCTAS-B

    Calibration of myocardial T2 and T1 against iron concentration.

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    BACKGROUND: The assessment of myocardial iron using T2* cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has been validated and calibrated, and is in clinical use. However, there is very limited data assessing the relaxation parameters T1 and T2 for measurement of human myocardial iron. METHODS: Twelve hearts were examined from transfusion-dependent patients: 11 with end-stage heart failure, either following death (n=7) or cardiac transplantation (n=4), and 1 heart from a patient who died from a stroke with no cardiac iron loading. Ex-vivo R1 and R2 measurements (R1=1/T1 and R2=1/T2) at 1.5 Tesla were compared with myocardial iron concentration measured using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. RESULTS: From a single myocardial slice in formalin which was repeatedly examined, a modest decrease in T2 was observed with time, from mean (± SD) 23.7 ± 0.93 ms at baseline (13 days after death and formalin fixation) to 18.5 ± 1.41 ms at day 566 (p<0.001). Raw T2 values were therefore adjusted to correct for this fall over time. Myocardial R2 was correlated with iron concentration [Fe] (R2 0.566, p<0.001), but the correlation was stronger between LnR2 and Ln[Fe] (R2 0.790, p<0.001). The relation was [Fe] = 5081•(T2)-2.22 between T2 (ms) and myocardial iron (mg/g dry weight). Analysis of T1 proved challenging with a dichotomous distribution of T1, with very short T1 (mean 72.3 ± 25.8 ms) that was independent of iron concentration in all hearts stored in formalin for greater than 12 months. In the remaining hearts stored for <10 weeks prior to scanning, LnR1 and iron concentration were correlated but with marked scatter (R2 0.517, p<0.001). A linear relationship was present between T1 and T2 in the hearts stored for a short period (R2 0.657, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Myocardial T2 correlates well with myocardial iron concentration, which raises the possibility that T2 may provide additive information to T2* for patients with myocardial siderosis. However, ex-vivo T1 measurements are less reliable due to the severe chemical effects of formalin on T1 shortening, and therefore T1 calibration may only be practical from in-vivo human studies

    Human liver glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors bind at a new allosteric site

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    AbstractBackground: Glycogen phosphorylases catalyze the breakdown of glycogen to glucose-1-phosphate for glycolysis. Maintaining control of blood glucose levels is critical in minimizing the debilitating effects of diabetes, making liver glycogen phosphorylase a potential therapeutic target.Results: The binding site in human liver glycogen phosphorylase (HLGP) for a class of promising antidiabetic agents was identified crystallographically. The site is novel and functions allosterically by stabilizing the inactive conformation of HLGP. The initial view of the complex revealed key structural information and inspired the design of a new class of inhibitors which bind with nanomolar affinity and whose crystal structure is also described.Conclusions: We have identified the binding site of a new class of allosteric HLGP inhibitors. The crystal structure revealed the details of inhibitor binding, led to the design of a new class of compounds, and should accelerate efforts to develop therapeutically relevant molecules for the treatment of diabetes
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