21,477 research outputs found

    Silicon MINP solar cells

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    The MINP solar cell concept refers to a cell structure designed to be a base region dominated device. Thus, it is desirable that recombination losses are reduced to the point that they occur only in the base region. The most unique feature of the MINP cell design is that a tunneling contact is utilized for the metallic contact on the front surface. The areas under the collector grid and bus bar are passivated by a thin oxide of tunneling thickness. Efforts must also be taken to minimize recombination at the surface between grid lines, at the junction periphery and within the emitter. Results of both theoretical and experimental studies of silicon MINP cells are given. Performance calculations are described which give expected efficiencies as a function of base resistivity and junction depth. Fabrication and characterization of cells are discussed which are based on 0.2 ohm-cm substrates, diffused emitters on the order of 0.15 to 0.20 microns deep, and with Mg MIS collector grids. A total area AM 1 efficiency of 16.8% was achieved. Detailed analyses of photocurrent and current loss mechanisms are presented and utilized to discuss future directions of research. Finally, results reported by other workers are discussed

    Turbulent dispersion of the icing cloud from spray nozzles used in icing tunnels

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    To correctly simulate flight in natural icing conditions, the turbulence in an icing simulator must be as low as possible. But some turbulence is required to mix the droplets from the spray nozzles and achieve an icing cloud of uniform liquid water content. The goal for any spray system is to obtain the widest possible spray cloud with the lowest possible turbulence in the test section of a icing tunnel. This investigation reports the measurement of turbulence and the three-dimensional spread of the cloud from a single spray nozzle. The task was to determine how the air turbulence and cloud width are affected by spray bars of quite different drag coefficients, by changes in the turbulence upstream of the spray, the droplet size, and the atomizing air. An ice accretion grid, located 6.3 m downstream of the single spray nozzle, was used to measure cloud spread. Both the spray bar and the grid were located in the constant velocity test section. Three spray bar shapes were tested: the short blunt spray bar used in the NASA Lewis Icing Research Tunnel, a thin 14.6 cm chord airfoil, and a 53 cm chord NACA 0012 airfoil. At the low airspeed (56 km/hr) the ice accretion pattern was axisymmetric and was not affected by the shape of the spray bar. At the high airspeed (169 km/hr) the spread was 30 percent smaller than at the low airspeed. For the widest cloud the spray bars should be located as far upstream in the low velocity plenum of the icing tunnel. Good comparison is obtained between the cloud spread data and predicitons from a two-dimensional cloud mixing computer code using the two equation turbulence (k epsilon g) model

    Transcription and the Pitch Angle of DNA

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    The question of the value of the pitch angle of DNA is visited from the perspective of a geometrical analysis of transcription. It is suggested that for transcription to be possible, the pitch angle of B-DNA must be smaller than the angle of zero-twist. At the zero-twist angle the double helix is maximally rotated and its strain-twist coupling vanishes. A numerical estimate of the pitch angle for B-DNA based on differential geometry is compared with numbers obtained from existing empirical data. The crystallographic studies shows that the pitch angle is approximately 38 deg., less than the corresponding zero-twist angle of 41.8 deg., which is consistent with the suggested principle for transcription.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor modifications; v3: major modifications compared to v2. Added discussion about transcription, and reference

    Tripartite entanglement and threshold properties of coupled intracavity downconversion and sum-frequency generation

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    The process of cascaded downconversion and sum-frequency generation inside an optical cavity has been predicted to be a potential source of three-mode continuous-variable entanglement. When the cavity is pumped by two fields, the threshold properties have been analysed, showing that these are more complicated than in well-known processes such as optical parametric oscillation. When there is only a single pumping field, the entanglement properties have been calculated using a linearised fluctuation analysis, but without any consideration of the threshold properties or critical operating points of the system. In this work we extend this analysis to demonstrate that the singly pumped system demonstrates a rich range of threshold behaviour when quantisation of the pump field is taken into account and that asymmetric polychromatic entanglement is available over a wide range of operational parameters.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    ERTS-1 Virgin Islands experiment 589: Determine boundaries of ERTS and aircraft data within which useful water quality information can be obtained

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The boundaries of application of ERTS-1 and aircraft data are established for St. Thomas harbor within which useful water quality information can be obtained. In situ physical, chemical, and biological water quality and benthic data were collected. Moored current meters were employed. Optical measurements of solar irradiance, color test panel radiance and water absorption were taken. Procedures for correlating in situ optical, biological, and chemical data with underflight aircraft I2S data and ERTS-1 MSS scanner data are presented. Comparison of bulk and precision CCT computer printout data for this application is made, and a simple method for geometrically locating bulk data individual pixels based on land-water interface is described. ERTS spacecraft data and I2S aircraft imagery are correlated with optical in situ measurements of the harbor water, with the aircraft green photographic and ERTS-1 MSS-4 bands being the most useful. The biological pigments correlate inversely with the optical data for inshore areas and directly further seaward. Automated computer data processing facilitated analysis

    Quadripartite continuous-variable entanglement via quadruply concurrent downconversion

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    We investigate an intra-cavity coupled down-conversion scheme to generate quadripartite entanglement using concurrently resonant nonlinearities. We verify that quadripartite entanglement is present in this system by calculating the output fluctuation spectra and then considering violations of optimized inequalities of the van Loock-Furusawa type. The entanglement characteristics both above and below the oscillation threshold are considered. We also present analytic solutions for the quadrature operators and the van Loock-Furusawa correlations in the undepleted pump approximation.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Investigation of high efficiency GaAs solar cells

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    Investigations of basic mechanisms which limit the performance of high efficiency GaAs solar cells are discussed. P/N heteroface structures have been fabricated from MOCVD epiwafers. Typical AM1 efficiencies are in the 21 to 22 percent range, with a SERI measurement for one cell being 21.5 percent. The cells are nominally 1.5 x 1.5 cm in size. Studies have involved photoresponse, T-I-V analyses, and interpretation of data in terms of appropriate models to determine key cell parameters. Results of these studies are utilized to determine future approaches for increasing GaAs solar cell efficiencies

    Electro-optical characterization of GaAs solar cells

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    The electro-optical characterization of gallium arsenide p/n solar cells is discussed. The objective is to identify and understand basic mechanisms which limit the performance of high efficiency gallium arsenide solar cells. The approach involves conducting photoresponse and temperature dependent current-voltage measurements, and interpretation of the data in terms of theory to determine key device parameters. Depth concentration profiles are also utilized in formulating a model to explain device performance

    Detection of continuous variable entanglement without coherent local oscillators

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    We propose three criteria for identifying continuous variable entanglement between two many-particle systems with no restrictions on the quantum state of the local oscillators used in the measurements. Mistakenly asserting a coherent state for the local oscillator can lead to incorrectly identifying the presence of entanglement. We demonstrate this in simulations with 100 particles, and also find that large number fluctuations do not prevent the observation of entanglement. Our results are important for quantum information experiments with realistic Bose-Einstein condensates or in optics with arbitrary photon states.Comment: 7 Pages, 4 Figure

    The agar disc method for studying the contamination from metal surfaces

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    A procedure, designated the agar disc method, has been developed at the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station2 for the study of the contamination from churns. It consists of allowing a small amount of a special agar medium to solidify in contact with the surface to be studied, the transferring of the disc thus formed to a sterile petri dish and, finally, the counting of the colonies that develop on incubation. The usefulness of the method for the examination of churns, especially when the churns are at some distance from the laboratory3, suggests its application to the study of the contamination from metal utensils and equipment. Trials on milk cans, vats, coolers, bottlers, freezers, sanitary piping, etc., indicate that the agar disc method is readily applicable to metal surfaces
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