28,620 research outputs found

    Distorted Performance Measures and Dynamic Incentives

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    Incentive contracts must typically be based on performance measures that do not exactly match agents’ true contribution to principals’ objectives. Such misalignment may impose difficulties for effective incentive design. We analyze to what extent implicit dynamic incentives such as career concerns and ratchet effects alleviate or aggravate these problems. Our analysis demonstrates that the interplay between distorted performance measures and implicit incentives implies that career and ratchet effects have real effects, that stronger ratchet effects or more distortion may increase optimal monetary incentives, and that bureaucratic promotion rules may be optimal.Search; Learning; Information and Knowledge; Communication; Belief; Compensation Packages; Payment Methods; Labor Management.

    Improved quantum correlations in second harmonic generation with a squeezed pump

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    We investigate the effects of a squeezed pump on the quantum properties and conversion efficiency of the light produced in single-pass second harmonic generation. Using stochastic integration of the two-mode equations of motion in the positive-P representation, we find that larger violations of continuous-variable harmonic entanglement criteria are available for lesser effective interaction strengths than with a coherent pump. This enhancement of the quantum properties also applies to violations of the Reid-Drummond inequalities used to demonstrate a harmonic version of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. We find that the conversion efficiency is largely unchanged except for very low pump intensities and high levels of squeezing.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    vbyCaHbeta CCD Photometry of Clusters. VI. The Metal-Deficient Open Cluster NGC 2420

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    CCD photometry on the intermediate-band vbyCaHbeta system is presented for the metal-deficient open cluster, NGC 2420. Restricting the data to probable single members of the cluster using the CMD and the photometric indices alone generates a sample of 106 stars at the cluster turnoff. The average E(b-y) = 0.03 +/- 0.003 (s.e.m.) or E(B-V) = 0.050 +/- 0.004 (s.e.m.), where the errors refer to internal errors alone. With this reddening, [Fe/H] is derived from both m1 and hk, using b-y and Hbeta as the temperature index. The agreement among the four approaches is reasonable, leading to a final weighted average of [Fe/H] = -0.37 +/- 0.05 (s.e.m.) for the cluster, on a scale where the Hyades has [Fe/H] = +0.12. When combined with the abundances from DDO photometry and from recalibrated low-resolution spectroscopy, the mean metallicity becomes [Fe/H] = -0.32 +/- 0.03. It is also demonstrated that the average cluster abundances based upon either DDO data or low-resolution spectroscopy are consistently reliable to 0.05 dex or better, contrary to published attempts to establish an open cluster metallicity scale using simplistic offset corrections among different surveys.Comment: scheduled for Jan. 2006 AJ; 33 pages, latex, includes 7 figures and 2 table

    Radio frequency interference survey over the 1.0-10.4 GHz frequency range at the Goldstone-Venus Development Station

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    The results of a low sensitivity Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) survey carried out at the Venus Station of the Goldstone Communications Complex are reported. The data cover the spectral range from 1 GHz to 10.4 GHz with a 10-kHz instantaneous bandwidth. Frequency and power levels were observed using a sweep-frequency spectrum analyzer connected to a 1-m diameter antenna pointed at zenith. The survey was conducted from February 16, 1987 through February 24, 1987

    Saturn's microwave spectrum: Implications for the atmosphere and the rings

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    Measurements of Saturn's disk temperature are compiled to determine the planet's microwave spectrum from 1 mm to 100 cm wavelength. The data were adjusted to conform with a common flux density scale. A model of Saturn's rings is used to remove the effects of the rings from the atmospheric component at centimeter and decimeter wavelengths. Theoretical spectra for a number of convective atmospheric models were computed and compared with the observed spectrum. Radiative-convective models with approximately solar composition and with an effective temperature of approximately 89 K are in good agreement with the observations. The agreement between the observed and theoretical spectra is a strong indication that gaseous ammonia is present in Saturn's atmosphere. A good fit to the data is obtained with an ammonia mixing ratio of approximately 5 x 10,0001. A comparison of the millimeter wavelength data with the best-fitting atmospheric spectrum indicates that the thermal component of the ring brightness temperature near 1 mm wavelength is approximately 25 k

    The pros and cons of using SDL for creation of distributed services

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    In a competitive market for the creation of complex distributed services, time to market, development cost, maintenance and flexibility are key issues. Optimizing the development process is very much a matter of optimizing the technologies used during service creation. This paper reports on the experience gained in the Service Creation projects SCREEN and TOSCA on use of the language SDL for efficient service creation

    Neutron activation analysis traces copper artifacts to geographical point of origin

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    Impurities remaining in the metallic copper are identified and quantified by spectrographic and neutron activation analysis. Determination of the type of ore used for the copper artifact places the geographic point of origin of the artifact

    Neutron skin uncertainties of Skyrme energy density functionals

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    Background: Neutron-skin thickness is an excellent indicator of isovector properties of atomic nuclei. As such, it correlates strongly with observables in finite nuclei that depend on neutron-to-proton imbalance and the nuclear symmetry energy that characterizes the equation of state of neutron-rich matter. A rich worldwide experimental program involving studies with rare isotopes, parity violating electron scattering, and astronomical observations is devoted to pinning down the isovector sector of nuclear models. Purpose: We assess the theoretical systematic and statistical uncertainties of neutron-skin thickness and relate them to the equation of state of nuclear matter, and in particular to nuclear symmetry energy parameters. Methods: We use the nuclear superfluid Density Functional Theory with several Skyrme energy density functionals and density dependent pairing. To evaluate statistical errors and their budget, we employ the statistical covariance technique. Results: We find that the errors on neutron skin increase with neutron excess. Statistical errors due to uncertain coupling constants of the density functional are found to be larger than systematic errors, the latter not exceeding 0.06 fm in most neutron-rich nuclei across the nuclear landscape. The single major source of uncertainty is the poorly determined slope L of the symmetry energy that parametrizes its density dependence. Conclusions: To provide essential constraints on the symmetry energy of the nuclear energy density functional, next-generation measurements of neutron skins are required to deliver precision better than 0.06 fm.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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