12 research outputs found

    On The Trajectory of Boko Haram Terrorism in Nigeria: Socio-Economic Challenges and Intervention Strategies for Conflict Resolution

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    Approximately a decade of Boko Haram catastrophic enterprises in Nigeria has described the Islamist terrorist group as an anathema to sustainable development as well as the nation’s most protracted stand-off of recent times. The study employed a qualitative methodological approach of in-depth interviews to examine the multi-faceted challenges of the crisis in Nigeria. The study unfolds a great deal of deplorable effects associated with gradual underdevelopment of the Nigerian state, particularly in the areas of socio-economic, political, religious, educational, agricultural, and health advancement of the country. With Boko Haram’s persistent enterprise flourishing in Nigeria and no lasting solutions hitherto in sight, the study recommends peaceful negotiation as an immediate response to the crisis and pre-emptive legal measures as a remote solution to address such problem should it arise in the nearest future

    Fire on the Mountain: Reinvigorating Legislative Measures to Quench the Flame of Illicit Drug Use in South Africa

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    South African societies have been characterized by the prolific incidence of illicit drug use in recent times.  The paper attempts to examine the legislations implemented on the use of illicit drugs in South Africa. The study adopts a review of the literature to identify and describe the most common illicit drugs used around South Africa communities, placing emphasis on the policies developed by the South African government in combating these situations. The research follows a critical   discussion on the issues associated with drug use, its causes, as well as its effects on humans and the environment. The study recommends relevant initiatives to combat all intricacies associated with drug use within the country. This approach will be appropriate in facilitating a clear-cut   understanding of the possible remedies to quench the burning flame of illicit drug use across a broad range of South African communities

    Poor Education and Unemployment Implications for Youth Crimes in Nigeria

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    Research on the correlation between education, occupation and criminality among the youth has grown both in length, and complexity in the last two decades. Using a mixed-method analysis, this study concurs that educational and occupational variables are significant determinants of criminal propensities but maintains two sides of the same coin by contending that the level of educational attainment of the youth does not grossly influence their involvement in criminal activities, whereas it draws on occupational attainment as a strong factor for the pervasive involvement of youth in criminality. Taking evidence from Nigeria, the study recommends policies that will review and implement youth entrepreneurial development, educational re-orientation and creation of more job opportunities, as a life-changing instrument against crime

    Wildlife crime and rhino poaching in South Africa: a qualitative document analysis of patterns and frequency of visitations of adventurers

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    The study describes rhino poaching as an illicit anti-social behaviour that has constantly been on increase in South Africa. Predominantly, KwaZulu-Natal, and specifically Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, became a highly protected zone for biota and wildlife sustainability. However, with environmental crime becoming more sophisticated in this province, criminal justice and anti-poaching teams need to be more equipped continuously with the necessary tools and strategies, required to stand united against wildlife crime. The study adopted document analysis to explore the use of cell phone data records as a forensic investigative instrument for tracing the frequency and patterns of activities of the two largest syndicate groups of rhino poachers from Mpumalanga and Winterveld to Hluhluwe-imfolozi park. Findings unfolded that cell phone records are a viable cellular geographic tool for tracing the footprints, patterns of movement and activities of illegal rhino hunters, affecting the poaching levels at Hluhluwe-imfolozi Park. The study’s findings were incredibly insightful into the behavioural activities of poachers, being one of the first to broaden the lens of cell phone data analysis on this scale. Evidence from the movement analysis revealed that poaching depends on a multitude of factors, such as global pandemic, border control measures, poaching levels rising in reserves, decreased policing measures and a lack of proactive strategies. The study concludes that cell phone data records, considered in isolation, cannot be reflected upon accurately, as a panacea for wildlife crime, without supporting facts from police procedure of intelligence gathering, local knowledge and partnership with local communities. Lastly, within the specific study area, it allows a unique view and perspective of the travel patterns of very sophisticated and advanced syndicate groups, as well as creating room for additional deeply rooted studies of poaching activity and incursions in South Africa

    Socio-economic context of Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.There have been widespread assumptions across the globe that the root cause of Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria is religious rather than socio-economic. An investigation into this dichotomy allowed this study to fully demonstrate the root cause of Boko Haram’s terrorist actions as a twin phenomenon that emanated from religious injunctions and the non-fulfilment of socio-economic goals that are prompted by the violation of fundamental human rights, corruption, poverty, unconstitutional and undemocratic practices in the northern part of the Nigerian state. To achieve its aim of examining the root cause of the terrorism crisis in the latter country, the study critically appraised the public perceptions on the socio-economic context of the insurgency by investigating the pattern of its maintenance from 2009 to 2017, examining the socio-economic consequences of the crisis, and identifying possible techniques for resolving the problem. The study adopted a qualitative methodological approach using in-depth interviews involving forty (40) participants to interrogate the phenomenon of the insurgency by Boko Haram in Nigeria. The study advanced a theoretical integration of the social exchange, social conflict and rational choice theories to explain a combination of the factors that were found to produce, reproduce and sustain the crisis in Nigeria. Empirical evidence from the study demonstrated that the evolution of Boko Haram terrorism was not only religiously inclined but also subject to socio-economic phlebotomy, political and moral putrescence, and the dehumanization of people that stemmed from a combination of decades of mismanagement and pervasive corruption by various Nigerian leaders. The study concludes that, as long as the endemic socio-economic problems caused by global capitalism vis-a-vis unequal hegemonic power exchange as expressed in socio-political, ethno-religious and cultural forms persist in the Nigerian society, the terrorism insurgency will recur and remain an inevitable enterprise and indeed a normal social reaction to every undesirable state of affairs. Based on the findings, the study urges the need for the amelioration of the conditions of the vast majority of the Nigerian populace by making socio-economic facilities available to them through the political state. The study recommends that the Nigerian state must respond to a new paradigm in counter-terrorism strategies by shifting from a violent military approach to more appropriate culturally acceptable conflict resolution strategies in order to win the war against Boko Haram terrorism and to eradicate this menace from the Nigerian society. This approach can best be accomplished through intelligence gathering, an emancipatory struggle, collaborative efforts, peaceful negotiations and partnerships with local communities

    The Role and Place of Covid-19: An Opportunistic Avenue for Exponential World’s Upsurge in Cyber Crime

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    An evidence-based analysis of COVID-19 suggests that the ailment is a bio-medically inclined natural mystic blowing through the world. To this end, this study focuses solely on the role the pandemic plays as an outbreak of cybercrime vector. The study presents a number of the world’s most recent cyber insecurity cases that accompanied the onset of the pandemic and findings were discussed within the context of situational opportunity theory of crime. It provides a framework for emergency management approach to protect global citizens and institutions from cyberattacks, as well as, mitigating the outbreak of the crime being propagated by the presence of the novel virus. Global sensitization and awareness programmes across various communities on the potential dangers of cyber insecurity accompanying the COVID-19 pandemic should be helpful. Of most significance, the fight against the invisible warfare should continue with high spirits of relentlessness until absolute peace, relief, resilience and normalcy are able to take root in the global communities

    Failed Rescue Mission, Child Prostitution and Resuccumbing Factors in Gauteng, South Africa

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    The study describes child prostitution as the worst violation of fundamental Human Rights – a pervasive trend that has been synonymous to modern form of slavery. There is evidence that children usually get initiated into prostitution either by being abducted or lured by promises of certain existential needs of life. Despite the degree at which prostitution renders children and youths vulnerable to physical health crises and psychological harm, they still resuccumb to prostitution after having been rescued by organizations of concern. It was discovered that most of the children that participated in the questionnaire-based survey had been rescued from prostitution more than once in their respective lifetimes. The study established that children’s resuccumbing to prostitution is precipitated by factors such as money, drugs and alcohol addiction, as well as a sense of independence. The study recommends further research inquiries to be undertaken to better understand the intricacies associated with sexual exploitation of children and provide more effective and culturally sensitive measures to prevent affected children from these unscrupulous practices. Strengthening the effectiveness of counselling techniques in rehabilitating sexually exploited children is another way forward

    Social dimension of risk behaviours among adolescent prostitutes: Insight from South-Western Nigeria

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    This study examined the social dimension of risk behaviours among adolescent prostitutes in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria. More specifically, it examined the relationship between educational attainment and use of drug among female adolescent sex workers, investigated the relationship between use of drug and tendency for criminal behaviour among female adolescent sex workers, examined the impact of drug use on the nature of sex of female adolescent sex workers, established the relationship between educational attainment and consistent use of male condom by female adolescent sex workers. Cross-sectional survey and in-depth interview research methods were adopted to generate both quantitative and qualitative data from the respondents. Findings of the study showed that 90.7% of the respondents joined the sex industry because of poverty and lack of other means of getting daily food. 98.6% of the respondents that participated in the research inquiry had knowledge about diseases that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse; while all the respondents had knowledge about the existence of HIV/AIDS, 91.7% of them identified sexual intercourse as a major route of HIV transmission. There was a significant relationship between the use of drug and nature of sex of female sex workers at P < 0.05. Specifically, 99.7% of the respondents used male condoms regularly in every sexual act, 5.5% of the respondents used female condoms at irregular intervals in every sexual act, while 84.8% compromised the use of condoms with financial rewards. Consequently, a high percentage of the population was assumed to be at risk of HIV/AIDS, while 7.2% of the sample had become pregnant while on the job and 3.1% of these pregnancies were terminated through induced abortion. Furthermore, 44.1% of the drug-addicted and low-income sex workers were found to be mostly involved in criminal activities while 60.3% of the sampled populations were victims of different types of violent sexual experience. In conclusion, socio-economic constraints are the primary factors that push adolescent girls into prostitution in Nigeria and these same factors hinder them from practicing safe sex within the sex industry. Thus, it is recommended that the Nigerian government should develop programmes that will reduce poverty level and unemployment trend, in order to reduce adolescent/adult prostitution with its attendant problems of HIV transmission and criminal activities in the country

    Human immunodeficiency virus awareness and condom use among female adolescent prostitutes in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Introduction:&nbsp;the cornerstone of HIV prevention among female adolescent prostitutes is awareness promotion complemented with advocacy on consistent and correct use of condom. The study aimed at reviewing HIV awareness and condom use among female adolescent prostitutes in Lagos communities, Nigeria. Methods:&nbsp;it was a mixed-method study realized through a questionnaire-based survey and in-depth interviews of adolescent sex workers in Oyingbo and Yaba communities of Lagos State, Nigeria; conducted between 1st&nbsp;of April, 2014 and 30th&nbsp;of September, 2014. SPSS version 17.0 and content analysis were used in analyzing quantitative and qualitative data respectively. Results:&nbsp;97.3% had heard about HIV/AIDS; with 86.9% being tested for HIV in the preceding 6 months. While there was consistent use of male condom in 99.7% of the respondents, 90% had experience with the use of female condom, however, 95.5% would allow non- use of condom for higher financial reward. Conclusion:&nbsp;although the level of awareness of HIV/AIDS was high among the respondents, there is need to improve on the level of awareness and preventive strategies for HIV/AIDS, with more emphasis laid on the consistent and correct use of condom in this highly vulnerable class of people

    Кібернебезпечність на тлі COVID-19: переоцінка вливів та глобального досвіду в контексті теорії рутинної діяльності

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    Shortly after the enthronement of COVID-19 on the global continent, cyberspace became a dominant arena for social, economic, religious, educational, recreational and political activities across the world. This paper draws insights from the existing literature to illustrate how COVID-19 has provided situational opportunities for cyber criminals to strike and exploit people of their valuable resources through creating fraudulent websites as well as spreading of malware and ransomware to vulnerable users. To this end, routine activity theory becomes very dominant and crucial in understanding the underlying basis for the increased cybercrimes that currently characterize the cyber space. The study demonstrates that the twin phenomenon of coronavirus and cyber insecurity has not only instilled fears into the hearts of cyber users but has also negatively impacted the global economy in various ways that cannot be quantified by any study. Since all measures put in place to contain the threats of the horrible virus, have, hitherto, remained counterproductive, the paper recommends essential cyber hygiene practices (such as, antivirus protection, malware and phishing awareness, weak spots identification, intelligent techniques, risk management approach, zero trust design, home network security and general cybersecurity awareness) as a coping strategy to salvage both the public health and security sectors from the twin occurrence of Covid-19 pandemic and cyber insecurity, which has respectively inflicted and claimed millions of lives, and jeopardized significant portions of the global economy. Providing a continued cyber-safe remote-working environment for employees will be of ultimate measureНевдовзі після інтронізації COVID-19 в масштабах всього світу кіберпростір став домінуючою ареною для соціальної, економічної, релігійної, освітньої, рекреаційної та політичної діяльності в усьому світі. У цій статті використовуються ідеї наявної літератури, щоб проілюструвати, як COVID-19 надав ситуаційні можливості для кіберзлочинців, щоб завдавати ударів і експлуатувати цінні ресурси людей шляхом створення шахрайських веб-сайтів, а також поширення шкідливих програм і програм-вимагачів серед вразливих користувачів. Таким чином теорія рутинної діяльності стає домінуючою та вирішальною в розумінні основної бази для збільшення кількості кіберзлочинів, які в даний час характеризують кіберпростір. Дослідження демонструє, що подвійне явище коронавірусу та кібернебезпечності не тільки вселило страх у серця користувачів кібернетики, але й негативно вплинуло на світову економіку різними способами, які неможливо визначити кількісно за допомогою жодного дослідження. Оскільки всі заходи, вжиті для стримування загроз жахливого вірусу, досі залишалися контрпродуктивними, стаття рекомендує основні методи кібергігієни (наприклад, антивірусний захист, поінформованість про шкідливе програмне забезпечення та фішинг, виявлення слабких місць, інтелектуальні методи, управління ризиками, модель нульової довіри, безпека домашньої мережі та загальна поінформованість про кібербезпеку) як стратегію подолання для порятунку як сектору охорони здоров’я, так і сектору безпеки від одночасного виникнення пандемії Covid-19 та кібернебезпечності, що вразила та забрала мільйони життів, і поставила під загрозу значну частину світової економіки відповідно. Забезпечення постійного кібербезпечного середовища віддаленої роботи для співробітників буде надзвичайно важливи