112 research outputs found

    Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans Of the Vulva Treated with Mohs Micrographic Surgery

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    Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) of the vulva is extremely rare conditions. It has been published approximately 43 case reports in medical literature; most tumors arise on the labia majora. We present a 57-year-old woman with DFSP in vulva that was removed by Mohs Micrographic Surgery technique. The wound exhibited a satisfying functional and cosmetic appearance, with no evidence of deformity of the vulva

    Interface study for the design of alternative matrixes in cermets

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    Proceedings of: European Congress and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy (Euro PM2015 Congress & Exhibition), Reims (France), 4-7 September 2015.Liquid Phase Sintering (LPS) is used in the fabrication of hard materials and cermets which are difficult to densify by other approaches. During this process the melting point of the metal matrix is reached and the solid reinforcement is soluble in it. Thereby, via rearrangement and solucion-reprecipitation mechanism, these composite materials are sintered obtaining hihg density, hardness and wear resistance.For this sintering mechanism it is very important to know the solubility and wetting behaviour at high temperature of the metallic matrix and the reinforcement. In recent years one of the research topics in the field of hard materials is the search for new metallic matrixes so it becomes mandatory to study its interaction with the reinforcement from the viewpoint of solibility and wettability. This work shows a study combination of simulation tools and experimental testing of contacta angle mesurement at high temperature of the system Ni/TiCN because Ni is the conventional metallic matrix used in cermets and it is compared with the systems Fe/TiCN and Fe-15Ni/TiCN because the Fe is the main candidate for an alternative metallic matrix.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Government through the project MAT2012-38650-C02-01, the Regional Government of Madrid through the program MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE, ref. S2013/MIT-2862

    Design and development of a system to manage and run simulations in Raspberry Pi clusters

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería de Computadores, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Curso 2020/2021Este proyecto tiene como objetivo diseñar y desarrollar una metodología que permita analizar el rendimiento de aplicaciones MPI en entornos distribuidos con distintas configuraciones. Para lograr este objetivo, una misma aplicación MPI se procesa en dos fases. La primera fase consiste en desarrollar una aplicación distribuida que genera la traza de una aplicación MPI ejecutada sobre un cluster de placas Raspberry Pi. La traza contiene las llamadas a funciones que se realizan. Seguidamente, se representa gráficamente el resultado. La segunda fase, una vez obtenida la traza de ejecución, consiste en la generación de escenarios de simulación en SIMCAN, los cuales serán utilizados para simular la ejecución de la traza en distintas configuraciones de entornos distribuidos. Estas simulaciones se realizan de forma remota en un cluster de placas Raspberry Pi.This project aims at designing and developing a new methodology that allows studying the efficiency of MPI applications in distributed environments using different configurations. In order to achieve this objective, the MPI application under study is processed in two different phases. The first one consists in developing a distributed application that generates the trace of an MPI application executed in a Raspberry Pi cluster. This trace contains the calls invoked in the application, which is graphically displayed. The second phase consists in generating simulation scenarios - using SIMCAN - that represent the execution of the trace in different distributed environments. These simulations are remotely executed in a Raspberry Pi cluster.Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Novel colloidal approach for the microstructural improvement in Ti(C,N)/FeNi cermets

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    In this work, the combination of colloidal and powder metallurgy techniques was proposed as an alternative route to produce Ti(C,N)-based cermets with a 15-20 vol% of Fe/Ni alloy (85/15 wt%) as metal matrix. The novelty of this processing route is based in the mixture of fine powders (1;-3 µm) in suspension which promotes the uniformity of the phase distribution and consequently its reactivity, leading to 99.9% dense cermets with 1300 Vickers Hardness (HV30). The preparation of colloidal and chemically stable slurries of non-oxide and metal powders in aqueous media is a key step of the process. Highly concentrated aqueous slurries of Ti(C,N), Fe, Ni and C powders were prepared and mixed. Then bulk pieces were shaped by Slip casting (SC), Slip Casting + Cold Isostatic Pressing (SC-CIP) and Spray-Dry + Uniaxial Pressing of the obtained spherical granules (SDP). The composite formulation and the thermal treatment were optimized to prevent Ni sublimation during sintering as well as to improve liquid phase sintering in terms of wetting and reactivity among well packed particles. The effective dispersion of the slurry and the synergistic effect of combined techniques yielded the preparation of reliable materials by the SDP process with 15 wt% of FeNi with the addition of 0.5 wt% of C. The optimization of the composite formulation and the processing parameters improves both density and hardness of a finer microstructure of the composite after a short sintering treatment (120 min) at 1450 °C in vacuum.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Government through the projects MAT2015-70780-C4-1-P and MAT2015-70780-C4-2-P, and the Regional Government of Madrid through the program MULTIMAT CHALLENGE, ref. S2013/MIT-2862. M. Dios acknowledges MINECO through the grant BES-2013-06576

    Influence of the colloidal processing route on the mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-based cermets

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    19th Plansee Seminar 2017: International Conference on Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Reutte, Austria, 29 May – 2 June, 2017.Cermets constituted by 85 vol.% Ti(C,N) and a Fe-Ni alloy as metal matrix present a great potential due to its combination of properties, such as high wear and oxidation resistance, together with high values of hardness. In this work, colloidal techniques are proposed as alternative processing method that permits to obtain highly dispersed phases in an aqueous media, avoiding milling, and leading to homogeneous microstructures. These techniques also permit a variety of forming methods. Stable aqueous suspensions of Fe-Ni powders and Ti(C,N) particles have been prepared and different forming methods were used to obtain bulk samples: Slip casting (SC); Slip Casting+ Cold Isostatic Pressing (SC-CIP); Spray-Dry+ Uniaxial Pressing (SOP). The SO provides spherical granules with high compressibility able to be shaped by uniaxial pressing. All the samples prepared were sintered in vacuum to near full density. The mechanical strength was determined by biaxial bending performed on discs using the ball-on-threeballs (838) method, with the subsequent fractographic analysis to investigate the effect of the processing route. The fracture resistance was measured on Single Edge V-Notched Beam (SEVNB) specimens fabricated through SOP tested under 4-point-bending.The authors acknowledge the financial support from Spanish Government through the projects MAT 2015-70780-C4-1-P and MAT 2015-70780-C4-2-P, the Regional Government of Madrid through the program MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE, ref. S2013/MIT-2862. M. Dios acknowledges MINECO through the grant BES-2013-06576

    Mechanical characterization of Ti(C,N)-based cermets fabricated through different colloidal processing routes

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    In this work the influence of different colloidal processing routes on the mechanical behavior of several Ti(C,N)-based cermets has been studied. The materials were designed with a Ti(C, N) content ranging between 80 and 85 vol %, in a Fe-Ni alloy matrix (with and without carbon addition). Three processing techniques were investigated: (i) Slip Casting (SC), (ii) Slip Casting + Cold Isostatic Pressing (SC+CIP), and (iii) Spray-Dry + Uniaxial Pressing (SDP). Biaxial strength distributions were determined in all samples using the ball-on-three-balls (B3B) method on disc-shaped specimens. Results were interpreted in the framework of Weibull theory. The characteristic strength ranged between 1090 MPa and 1870 MPa. A fractographic analysis performed on selected specimens showed different critical flaws, depending on the processing route, related to the composition and porosity level in each case. Single Edge V-Notched Beam (SEVNB) specimens fabricated with SDP were tested under 4-point-bending, in order to identify the effect of Fe-Ni content and carbon addition on their fracture resistance. Detailed fractographic analyses revealed slightly different mechanisms of fracture associated with the Fe-Ni and carbon content. Fracture toughness values ranging between similar to 12 and similar to 14 MPa m(1/2) were measured. Based upon these findings the SDP route is proposed to improve both the strength and toughness of Ti(C, N) cermets, which can be enhanced by the addition of carbon during the colloidal processing.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Government through the projects MAT2015-70780-C4-1-P and MAT2015-70780-C4-2-P, and the Regional Government of Madrid through the program MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE, ref. S2013/MIT-2862. M.Dios acknowledges MINECO through the grant BES-2013-065760

    Non-Invasive Oxygen Determination in Intelligent Packaging Using a Smartphone

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    Here, we present a technique for the determination of the gaseous oxygen concentration 2 inside packed food. It is based on the use of a luminescent membrane sensitive to O2 that is optically excited and read by a smartphone. The flash of the smartphone along with an optical filter is used as the light source for the optical stimulation of the membrane. The luminescence generated, which is quenched by the surrounding gaseous oxygen, is registered by the rear camera of the same device. The response parameter is defined by combining the registered intensities at two different wavelength ranges corresponding to the emission and the absorption peaks of the sensitive membrane. Thanks to this novel response parameter, the sensitivity is increased and, more importantly, the thermal dependence of the membrane is significantly reduced. This approach allows the use of a luminescent O2-sensitive membrane for intelligent packaging with no need of any associated electronics for its excitation and reading. This means that an oxygen sensor is developed, where a luminescent compound acts as an indicator, therefore combining the advantages of both schemes, that is, the simplicity and reduced cost of indicators with the high sensitivity and accuracy of selective sensors.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competivity through the Project CTQ2016-78754-C2-1-R. The work P. Escobedo Araque was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport under Grant FPU13/05032. The work of I. Pérez de Vargas-Sansalvador was supported in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (Multisens) under Grant 706303, in part by the Talentia Postdoc Program launched by the Andalusian Knowledge Agency, in part by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, in part by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (COFUND) under Grant 267226, and in part by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Junta de Andalucía

    Management of 3 Proliferating Pilar Tumors: Definition, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

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    El tumor pilar proliferante es una neoplasia cutánea rara, que se deriva de la vaina de la raíz externa de los folículos pilosos con un amplio espectro en su presentación dado a que puede variar desde la benignidad hasta la malignidad con alta probabilidad de recurrencia posterior a su escisión. En este artículo describimos la experiencia del Hospital de San José en Bogotá, Colombia en el manejo de 3 tumores pilares proliferantes, con una presentación clínica y un comportamiento patológico distinto.A proliferating pilar tumor is a rare skin neoplasm that arises from the outer root sheath of a hair follicle. Presentation varies widely, as the tumor can be benign or malignant and has a high probability of recurring after excision. We report our experience managing 3 proliferating pilar tumors with different clinical presentations and pathology findings at Hospital de San José, Bogota, Colombia

    Experimental and theoretical evidence of the first Au(I)Bi(III) interaction

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    3 pages, 3 figures, 1 scheme.-- Published as an advance article on the web 15th Nov. 2006.Complex [Au(C6F5)2][Bi(C6H4CH2NMe2-2)2] 1 displays the first example of an interaction between Au(I) and Bi(III), the nature of which is shown to be consistent with the presence of a high ionic contribution (79%) and a dispersion type (van der Waals) interaction (21%).The D.G.I.(MEC)/FEDER (CTQ2004-05495) project is acknowledged. M. Monge thanks the MEC-UR for his contract ‘‘Ramón y Cajal’’. EC through the Socrates/Erasmus program (M. Nema) and a NATO research fellowship (C. Silvestru) are also acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Skin as a target of cancer: report of 3 cutaneous metastases

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    Las metástasis cutáneas representan el crecimiento de células cancerosas en la dermis y en el tejido celular subcutáneo originadas a partir de una neoplasia maligna interna. No tienen solución de continuidad y por eso, la aparición en la piel de este tipo de celularidad constituye una diseminación metastásica. A menudo son un desafío diagnóstico para el dermatólogo y su detección puede constituir un signo de alarma paraneoplásico, así como para determinar la estadificación y el pronóstico de un cáncer. A continuación, se presentan tres casos de metástasis cutáneas confirmadas en el Hospital de San José en Bogotá, Colombia.Cutaneous metastases are the growth of cancerous cells in dermis and subcutaneous cellular tissue originated from an internal malignant neoplasia. They do not have solution of continuity and that’s why the appearance in the skin of this type of cellularity constitutes a metastatic spread. They are often a diagnostic challenge for the dermatologist and their detection can mean a paraneoplastic warning sign, otherwise determine the staging and prognosis of a cancer. We report three cases of confirmed skin metastases at the Hospital of San José and a review of the literature