695 research outputs found
The effects of psychological inoculation on cognitive barriers against condom use in women with HIV: A controlled pilot study
Past studies have shown that in attempts to prevent HIV, health education yields little change in condom use. The reason may be that education fails to target barriers for changing behaviour. The present controlled pilot study tested whether psychological inoculation (PI) reduces such barriers for using male condoms. Twenty-two Nigerian women with HIV were randomly assigned to receive PI or health education (control). In the PI condition, women learned to refute sentences reflecting barriers against condom use, while controls learned how to use condoms and the consequences of their non-use. Barriers for condom use, self-efficacy to negotiate condom use with partners and actual condom use were self-reported before and one week after interventions. Results revealed that only in the PI group were there statistically significant increases in condom use negotiating self-efficacy and reductions in barriers concerning motivation, sexual satisfaction and partners. Controls reported no statistically significant changes. However, actual reported condom use was unchanged in both groups. Thus, it is feasible to conduct PI interventions in an African sample of HIV patients. Furthermore, PI can reduce cognitive barriers for condom use, while health education yields little changes in such outcomes over time. If replicated in larger samples with longer follow-ups, these findings could eventually have implications for HIV prevention in several world regions.Keywords: Psychological inoculation, condom use, HIV prevention, barriers, Africa.Des Ă©tudes antĂ©rieures ont montrĂ© que dans les tentatives pour prĂ©venir le VIH, les efforts dâĂ©ducation sanitaire modifiaient peu la frĂ©quence dâutilisation dâun prĂ©servatif. Câest peut-ĂȘtre parce que lâĂ©ducation ne parvient pas Ă cibler les obstacles liĂ©s au changement de comportement. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude pilote contrĂŽlĂ©e a tentĂ© de savoir si lâinoculation psychologique (IP) rĂ©duit ou non ces obstacles dans lâutilisation de prĂ©servatifs masculins. Vingt-deux femmes nigĂ©rianes contaminĂ©es par le VIH ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©signĂ©es pour recevoir au hasard un PI ou une Ă©ducation sanitaire (tĂ©moin). Dans le cas du PI, les femmes ont appris Ă rĂ©futer des phrases reflĂ©tant des barriĂšres contre lâutilisation du prĂ©servatif, alors que les tĂ©moins ont appris Ă utiliser des prĂ©servatifs et les consĂ©quences de leur non-utilisation. Les obstacles pour lâutilisation du prĂ©servatif, le sentiment dâefficacitĂ© personnelle Ă nĂ©gocier lâutilisation du prĂ©servatif avec des partenaires et le rĂ©el taux dâutilisation du prĂ©servatif ont Ă©tĂ© auto-dĂ©clarĂ©s avant et une semaine aprĂšs les interventions. Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que câest seulement dans le groupe dâIP quâil y avait eu des augmentations statistiquement significatives dans le sentiment dâefficacitĂ©personnelle Ă nĂ©gocier lâutilisation du prĂ©servatif, et dans la rĂ©ductions des obstacles concernant la motivation, la satisfaction sexuelle et les partenaires. Les tĂ©moins nâont signalĂ© aucun changement statistiquement significatif. Toutefois, le taux rĂ©el dâutilisation du prĂ©servatif est restĂ© inchangĂ© dans les deux groupes. Ainsi, il est possible de mener des interventions dâIP dans un Ă©chantillon de patients atteints du VIH et originaires dâAfrique. En outre, lâIP peut rĂ©duire les obstacles cognitifs pour lâutilisation du prĂ©servatif, alors que les efforts de politique sanitaire nâapportent guĂšre de changement au cours du temps dans les rĂ©sultats. Si les conclusions de cette Ă©tude pilote sont les mĂȘmes avec de plus grands Ă©chantillons avec davantage de suivis, elles pourraient Ă©ventuellement avoir des implications pour la prĂ©vention du VIH dans plusieurs rĂ©gions du monde
The rise of dentine hypersensitivity and tooth wear in an ageing population
Our understanding of the aetiology of dentine hypersensitivity (DH) has changed dramatically over the past few decades. It is no longer an enigma, but other problems exist. The prevalence of DH in the world and in particular in the UK is increasing, predominately due to increases in tooth wear and the erosive dietary intake in the younger population. DH is increasingly reported in all age groups and is shown to provide clinical indication of an active erosive tooth wear. As the population ages and possibly retain teeth for longer, the likelihood of tooth wear and DH could increase. This paper describes the prevalence, aetiology, diagnosis and management of DH in relation to tooth wear, which work together through a surface phenomenon. The aim is to raise awareness of the conditions and to help inform a prevention strategy in an ageing population, which starts from younger age groups to reduce disease into older age
Prospective observational study of the use of omeprazole and maropitant citrate in veterinary specialist care
The proton pump inhibitor omeprazole is administered to dogs with gastroduodenal ulceration or oesophagitis, whereas the neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist maropitant citrate is licensed as an antiemetic drug. In people, omeprazole is overprescribed in hospitals, increasing the risk of adverse effects and imposing unnecessary costs in healthcare. To investigate the use of omeprazole and maropitant in our veterinary specialist hospital, we conducted a prospective observational study in its Medicine and Surgery wards, recording patient data and obtaining contemporaneous information from clinicians about their reasons for administering either drug. In doing so, we find omeprazole and maropitant are administered to a large proportion of dogs, including to many of those with no presenting signs suggestive of gastrointestinal disease. We find prescribing clinicians consider both drugs safe but often underestimate their financial cost. We find the stated reasons and objective predictors of administration of both drugs vary according to clinical setting but that these modalities yield concordant results. Reviewing the manner of administration and stated indications for use of both drugs, we find omeprazole is often administered outside dosing recommendations, and both drugs are frequently administered for aims that are unlikely to be achieved when considering their known biological effects in dogs. In conclusion, our work reveals probable overprescribing of omeprazole and maropitant citrate in hospitalised dogs, highlighting a need for initiatives to decrease inappropriate prescribing
Phosphorus in the landscape: diffuse sources to surface waters. Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation. Occasional Paper 16/98
The National Eutrophication Management Program (NEMP) and Environment Australia convened a workshop to develop a coherent overview of the sources and transport of diffuse phosphorus in Australian catchments based on the latest knowledge. The Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation (LWRRDC) and the MurrayâDarling Basin Commission (MDBC) jointly fund NEMP. A select group of scientists attended the workshop and developed a coherent statement about phosphorus sources and transport in Australian catchments. The group did not extend this statement to include recommended management practices. This paper reports the findings from the workshop. State governments have developed algal and nutrient management strategies in response to concerns about the frequency and severity of algal blooms, including cyanobacterial blooms, in Australian rivers and estuaries. There is an emphasis on phosphorus management, particularly in rural environments, now that nutrients are recognised as fundamental drivers of algal growth. Best management practices (BMPs) were developed for these strategies on the basis of the limited scientific evidence that was available at the time. The absence of a significant body of Australian information meant that there was a reliance on overseas research findings to develop such BMPs. A number of research projects have been completed in recent years on the sources and transport of nutrients in Australian catchments that challenge the Northern Hemisphere model of nutrient behaviour and will have implications for future development of BMPs. Principal conclusions 1. The studies presented in the workshop demonstrate that control of phosphorus entering surface waters must start with land management that minimises accelerated erosion and overland flow of water potentially rich in phosphorus. Heavily grazed lands, irrigation areas and intensive animal and horticultural industries are at risk, especially at the onset of rainy seasons and during periods of high rain intensity. 2. The transport of phosphorus from diffuse sources in landscapes can occur in both dissolved and particulate form. This can be due to different mobilisation and delivery mechanisms operating in different environments. Phosphorus mobilisation and delivery 1. Diffuse sources of phosphorus are the dominant component in most Australian catchments. Episodic rainfall is responsible for the bulk of phosphorus loss from the landscape. The mechanisms vary with each catchment. 2. Particulate phosphorus is carried by overland flow, resulting from run-off and erosion. In high to medium rainfall environments most is carried as filterable reactive phosphorus of less than 0.45 microns. Although most of the coarser materials from high parts of the landscape are deposited before they reach a watercourse, the particles ultimately carried into drainage lines are phosphorus-enriched by processes of sorting and filtration. 3. In river systems studied in the MurrayâDarling Basin river sediments that originate from gully erosion and stream-bank collapse of readily dispersible soils carry most of the diffuse-source phosphorus. It is very likely that most of the phosphorus on these sediments is ânativeâ phosphorus coming from subsoils. 2 Phosphorus in the landscape: diffuse sources to surface waters Although the major episodes of gully formation occurred several decades ago, inputs of sediments and phosphorus from these sources continue at a high rate. Reduced input rates can best be achieved by targeting the gullies themselves and stabilising them by conservation worksâparticularly in small headwater catchments. 4. In larger dry-land catchments, fertiliser phosphorus is generally not an important component of phosphorus loss/export, although it may be locally significant. 5. Local soil, vegetation, terrain and climate conditions dictate whether surface erosion is the dominant source of phosphorus into a watercourse. To describe phosphorus exports from a specific landscape by surface erosion requires local studies. However, guidelines can be developed for management purposes to identify and minimise sources of phosphorus carried by overland flow. 6. Potential sources of diffuse phosphorus run-off occur wherever fertilisers are applied to soils that are already wet at the surface, or that may become wet by seasonally emerging groundwater. The magnitude of the loss will be greater if the application occurs on bare soils, or if it is next to a waterbody. 7. Dissolved phosphorus (from fertilisers and other sources) is readily mobilised and transported directly where the soil has both little ability to bind the phosphorus and a high leaching rate, as occurs in sandy regions of high rainfall around the continent. Phosphorus-laden water then travels via overland or shallow sub-surface flow to surface waterbodies quite quickly, unless other processes impede the movement. If the dissolved phosphorus moves via deep groundwater the time scales for its reappearance in surface water are generally large. 8. Dissolved phosphorus may also enter tributary waterbodies in headwater catchments via shortcircuit pathways, such as macropores, but this is only likely to be important over distances of hundreds of metres. However, these sub-surface pathways may reduce the effectiveness of local management practices that do not take them into account. 9. Large amounts of dissolved phosphorus are also being produced from irrigated dairy pastures (and possibly from other irrigation enterprises also). There is little or no sub-surface movement because soils are generally high in clay and flat. Phosphorus-laden water is pumped or drained across the land surface to channels. The time scale of dissolved phosphorus movement is comparable with the time with which the water itself moves. Once within drainage channels and streambeds the dissolved phosphorus fraction may be partially re-adsorbed onto particulates. 10. Large quantities of dissolved phosphorus are found in surface waters next to areas where animal excreta or over-fertilised market gardens give rise to phosphorus in surface wastewater that flows directly into waterways. These situations are most likely to arise in catchments that contain mixtures of horticultural, dairying, hobby-farming and similar land uses. Where farm dams are abundant a significant fraction of this phosphorus will not enter streams but will be retarded or retained in the landscape
The Human Disease Ontology 2022 update.
The Human Disease Ontology (DO) (www.disease-ontology.org) database, has significantly expanded the disease content and enhanced our userbase and website since the DO\u27s 2018 Nucleic Acids Research DATABASE issue paper. Conservatively, based on available resource statistics, terms from the DO have been annotated to over 1.5 million biomedical data elements and citations, a 10Ă increase in the past 5 years. The DO, funded as a NHGRI Genomic Resource, plays a key role in disease knowledge organization, representation, and standardization, serving as a reference framework for multiscale biomedical data integration and analysis across thousands of clinical, biomedical and computational research projects and genomic resources around the world. This update reports on the addition of 1,793 new disease terms, a 14% increase of textual definitions and the integration of 22 137 new SubClassOf axioms defining disease to disease connections representing the DO\u27s complex disease classification. The DO\u27s updated website provides multifaceted etiology searching, enhanced documentation and educational resources
The DO-KB Knowledgebase: a 20-year journey developing the disease open science ecosystem.
In 2003, the Human Disease Ontology (DO, https://disease-ontology.org/) was established at Northwestern University. In the intervening 20 years, the DO has expanded to become a highly-utilized disease knowledge resource. Serving as the nomenclature and classification standard for human diseases, the DO provides a stable, etiology-based structure integrating mechanistic drivers of human disease. Over the past two decades the DO has grown from a collection of clinical vocabularies, into an expertly curated semantic resource of over 11300 common and rare diseases linking disease concepts through more than 37000 vocabulary cross mappings (v2023-08-08). Here, we introduce the recently launched DO Knowledgebase (DO-KB), which expands the DO\u27s representation of the diseaseome and enhances the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability (FAIR) of disease data through a new SPARQL service and new Faceted Search Interface. The DO-KB is an integrated data system, built upon the DO\u27s semantic disease knowledge backbone, with resources that expose and connect the DO\u27s semantic knowledge with disease-related data across Open Linked Data resources. This update includes descriptions of efforts to assess the DO\u27s global impact and improvements to data quality and content, with emphasis on changes in the last two years
âItâs the most important thing - I mean the schoolingâ: Father involvement in the education of children with autism
Father involvement in education has been shown to result in a range of positive outcomes for typically developing children. However, the nature of paternal involvement in the education of children with disabilities and especially autism has been under-researched and is little understood. This study aimed to explore the nature of the involvement of 25 UK fathers in the education and their children with autism, aged up to 19 years through the use of semi-structured interviews. Findings showed that fathers were highly engaged both directly and indirectly across several dimensions of their childrenâs education and schooling. Key areas of indirect engagement were involvement in administrative processes necessary for securing an appropriate educational placement; facilitating daily access to school and general support of childrenâs progress through attendance at school-based meetings and events. Direct support for learning occurred through homework assistance and working on school-related goals. Findings are discussed in relation to diversity and generative models of fatherhood. Implications for greater father inclusion in the education of children with autism are explored with reference to a gender-differentiated approach
Thermoluminescence of zircon: a kinetic model
The mineral zircon, ZrSiO4, belongs to a class of promising materials for geochronometry by means of thermoluminescence (TL) dating. The development of a reliable and reproducible method for TL dating with zircon requires detailed knowledge of the processes taking place during exposure to ionizing radiation, long-term storage, annealing at moderate temperatures and heating at a constant rate (TL measurements). To understand these processes one needs a kinetic model of TL. This paper is devoted to the construction of such amodel. The goal is to study the qualitative behaviour of the system and to determine the parameters and processes controlling TL phenomena of zircon. The model considers the following processes: (i) Filling of electron and hole traps at the excitation stage as a function of the dose rate and the dose for both (low dose rate) natural and (high dose rate) laboratory irradiation. (ii) Time dependence of TL fading in samples irradiated under laboratory conditions. (iii) Short time annealing at a given temperature. (iv) Heating of the irradiated sample to simulate TL experiments both after laboratory and natural irradiation.
The input parameters of the model, such as the types and concentrations of the TL centres and the energy distributions of the hole and electron traps, were obtained by analysing the experimental data on fading of the TL-emission spectra of samples from different geological locations. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data were used to establish the nature of the TL centres. Glow curves and 3D TL emission spectra are simulated and compared with the experimental data on time-dependent TL fading. The saturation and annealing behaviour of filled trap concentrations has been considered in the framework of the proposed kinetic model and comparedwith the EPR data associated with the rare-earth ions Tb3+ and Dy3+, which play a crucial role as hole traps and recombination centres. Inaddition, the behaviour of some of the SiOmnâ centres has been compared with simulation results.
Regional foreign direct investment and wage spillovers:plant level evidence from the UK electronics industry
This paper examines the extent to which foreign investment in the UK generates wage spillovers in the domestic sector of the economy using a simultaneous dynamic panel data model and focusing on the electronics sector, possibly the most âglobalizedâ sector of UK manufacturing. It finds evidence that the higher wages paid by foreign firms cause wages in the domestic sector to be bid up. This phenomenon is, however, largely confined to the region where foreign direct investment takes place
Optimal geographic diversification and firm performance:evidence from the U.K.
This paper examines the relationship between multinationality and firm performance. The analysis is based on a sample of over 400 UK multinationals, and encompasses both service sector and manufacturing sector multinationals. This paper confirms the non-linear relationship between performance and multinationality that is reported elsewhere in the literature, but offers further analysis of this relationship. Specifically, by correcting for endogeneity in the investment decision, and for shocks in productivity across countries, the paper demonstrates that the returns to multinationality are greater than those that have been reported elsewhere, and persist to higher degrees of international diversification
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