9 research outputs found

    Caracterització espaciotemporal de la dinàmica d’allaus de neu majors al Pirineu català

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    [cat] Aquesta tesi té per objectiu avançar en el coneixement de la dinàmica de les allaus, i en concret, de les allaus majors, al Pirineu de Catalunya i, per extensió, als Pirineus, tot entenent per allau major l’allau la mida de la qual excedeix l’abast de les allaus habituals (freqüents), causant danys en cas que hi hagi infraestructures a la seva proximitat. La base del treball, i font de dades, és una base de dades d’allaus majors. Aquesta, parteix de la informació provinent d’enquestes a la població, del seguiment hivernal de l’activitat d’allaus, completada amb una cartografia realitzada a partir de fotointerpretació, amb inspeccions de camp d’estiu i d’hivern, i amb informació històrica-documental. D’aquest treball, s’han elaborat i publicat dos articles en revistes indexades. En l’article 1, els esdeveniments d’allaus majors de la base de dades van ser usats per quantificar la magnitud dels episodis en que es van produir. Per a tal finalitat, es va concebre un índex de l’activitat d’allaus majors (MAAMI). Aquest índex està basat en el nombre d’allaus majors registrades, la seva magnitud, i la seva freqüència estimada, en un període de temps determinat. Per tant, quantifica la magnitud d’un episodi d’allaus majors o hivern d’allaus majors. El treball ha permès reconstruir en detall els episodis majors dels hiverns 1995/96 a 2013/14. Per analitzar tot el segle XX, amb un conjunt de dades menys complert es va definir un índex simplificat SMAAMI. Amb menys precisió, es van obtenir els mateixos paràmetres a resolució de temporada hivernal al llarg del segle XX. L’anàlisi de l’extensió espacial dels diferents episodis ha permès conèixer millor i precisar la delimitació de les regions nivològiques establertes, i millorar el coneixement sobre els patrons atmosfèrics que causen els episodis majors i la seva interpretació climàtica. S’ha obtingut també la probabilitat d’ocurrència d’episodis que poden afectar a zones urbanitzades i, per tant, que suposen un risc. En l’article 2, les dades de la base de dades han estat usades per a ajustar el model empíric noruec α−β, que s’utilitza internacionalment per a calcular distàncies d’abast d’allaus “extremes”, aplicant el coneixement actual de l’activitat d’allaus majors per a tot el Pirineu català, i usant les eines actuals de cartografia. Això ha permès millorar significativament el primer model obtingut només per al Pirineu occidental català ja fa més de 25 anys. El model s’ha obtingut a partir d’una mostra de 97 esdeveniments d’allaus “extremes” que es van produir del final del segle XIX fins a l’inici del segle XXI. A partir de la Regressió Lineal Múltiple s’ha obtingut una equació usant 3 variables independents: pendent de la zona d’allaus (β), distància horitzontal (Hβ), i àrea de la zona de sortida (Azs), amb un considerable ajust (R2=0.81). La nova equació actualitzada prediu l’abast d’allaus per un període de retorn de l’ordre dels 100 anys. Per estudiar quines variables del terreny expliquen els valors extrems de la mostra d’allaus, es va realitzar una anàlisi comparativa de variables que influencien un major o menor abast. Seleccionant un conjunt més extrem d’allaus, es va observar que la mida de la zona d’allaus i l’orientació de la zona de sortida mostraven certa associació amb distàncies d’abast menors i majors a les predites amb el model. En resum, a partir d’una base de dades d’allaus majors en l’àmbit del Pirineu català, alimentada per dades d’allaus individuals, s’ha avançat en la caracterització dels episodis d’allaus majors, tant en la seva intensitat i causes com en la seva extensió geogràfica; per altra banda, gràcies a la utilització conjunta de les dades d’allaus majors, s’ha establert un model de càlcul que s’aplica a la predicció de l’abast d’allaus centenàries en zones d’allaus particulars. Els resultats obtinguts permeten avançar en el coneixement de la dinàmica de les allaus al Pirineu català i, per tant, en el coneixement de la perillositat i del risc que suposen.[eng] This thesis aims to advance in the knowledge of the dynamics of avalanches and, specifically, of major avalanches, in the Catalan Pyrenees, understanding by major avalanche the avalanche whose size exceeds the size of the usual (frequent) avalanches, causing damage if there are infrastructures nearby. The basis of the work, and data source, is a database of major avalanches. From this work, two research papers have been elaborated and published in indexed journals. In paper 1, the events from the database were used to quantify the magnitude of the episodes in which they occurred. For this purpose, a major avalanche activity index (MAAMI) was defined. This index is based on the number of major avalanches recorded, their magnitude, and their estimated frequency, in a given period of time. Therefore, it quantifies the magnitude of a major avalanche episode or major avalanche winter. To analyse the entire 20th century, with a less complete data set, a simplified SMAAMI index was defined. The analysis of the spatial extension of the different episodes made it possible to better understand and specify the delimitation of the established snow regions, and to improve the knowledge about the atmospheric patterns that cause major episodes and their climatic interpretation. The probability of occurrence of episodes that can affect urbanized areas and, therefore, that pose a risk, was also obtained. In paper 2, the data from the database was used to fit the Norwegian empirical model α−β, which is used internationally to calculate “extreme” avalanche runout distances, applying current knowledge of the activity of major avalanches for the entire Catalan Pyrenees, and using current tools of cartography. This made it possible to significantly improve the first model obtained only for the Western Catalan Pyrenees more than 25 years ago. The model was obtained from a sample of 97 “extreme” avalanche events. From the Multiple Linear Regression, an equation was obtained using 3 independent variables: slope of the avalanche path, horizontal distance, and area of the starting zone, with a considerable adjustment (R2=0.81). The new updated equation predicts avalanche runout for a return period of the order of 100 years. A comparative analysis of variables that influence a greater or lesser runout was carried out. It was observed that the size of the avalanche area and the aspect of the starting zone showed some association with shorter and larger runout distances than predicted with the model

    Empirical α-β runout modelling of snow avalanches in the Catalan Pyrenees.

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    A variation in the α−β model which is a regression model that allows a deterministic prediction of the extreme runout to be expected in a given path, was applied for calculating avalanche runout in the Catalan Pyrenees. Present knowledge of major avalanche activity in this region and current mapping tools were used. The model was derived using a dataset of 97 'extreme' avalanches that occurred from the end of 19th century to the beginning of 21st century. A multiple linear regression model was obtained using three independent variables: inclination of the avalanche path, horizontal length and area of the starting one, with a good fit of the function (R2 = 0.81). A larger starting zone increases the runout and a larger length of the path reduces the runout. The new updated equation predicts avalanche runout for a return period of ∼100 years. To study which terrain variables explain the extreme values of the avalanche dataset, a comparative analysis of variables that influence a longer or shorter runout was performed. The most extreme avalanches were treated. The size of the avalanche path and the aspect of the starting zone showed certain association between avalanches with longer or shorter runouts

    Characterizing major avalanche episodes in space and time in the twentieth and early twentyfirst centuries in the Catalan Pyrenees

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    With the aim of better understanding avalanche risk in the Catalan Pyrenees, the present work focuses on the analysis of major (or destructive) avalanches. For such purpose major avalanche cartography was made by an exhaustive photointerpretation of several flights, winter and summer field surveys and inquiries to local population. Major avalanche events were used to quantify the magnitude of the episodes during which they occurred, and a Major Avalanche Activity Magnitude Index (MAAMI) was developed. This index is based on the number of major avalanches registered and its estimated frequency in a given time period, hence it quantifies the magnitude of a major avalanche episode or winter. Furthermore, it permits a comparison of the magnitude between major avalanche episodes in a given mountain range, or between mountain ranges, and for a long enough period, it should allow analysis of temporal trends. Major episodes from winter 1995/96 to 2013/14 were reconstructed. Their magnitude, frequency and extent were also assessed. During the last 19 winters, the episodes of January 22-23 and February 6-8 in 1996 were those with highest MAAMI values,followed by January 30-31, 2003, January 29, 2006, and January 24-25, 2014. To analyze the whole twentieth century, a simplified MAAMI was defined in order to attain the same purpose with a less complete dataset. With less accuracy, the same parameters were obtained at winter time resolution throughout the twentieth century. Again, 1995/96 winter had the highest MAAMI value followed by 1971/72, 1974/75 and 1937/38 winter seasons. The analysis of the spatial extent of the different episodes allowed refining the demarcation of nivological regions, and improving our knowledge about the atmospheric patterns that cause major episodes and their climatic interpretation. In some cases, the importance of considering a major avalanche episode as the result of a previous preparatory period, followed by a triggering one was revealed

    Reconstructing the Snow Avalanche of Coll de Pal 2018 (SE Pyrenees).

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    Developments in mountain areas prone to natural hazards produce undesired impacts and damages. Thus, disaster assessment is mandatory to understand the physics of dangerous events and to make decisions to prevent hazardous situations. This work focusses on the practical implementation of methods and tools to assess a snow avalanche that affected a road at the Coll de Pal in 2018 (SE Pyrenees). This is a quite common situation in mountain roads and the assessment has to focus specially in the avalanche-road interaction, on the return periods considered and on the dynamics of the phenomena. This assessment presents the field recognition, snow and weather characterization and numerical modelling of the avalanche. Field campaigns revealed evidences of the avalanche triggering, runout trajectory and general behavior. An unstable situation of the snowpack due to a relatively large snowfall fallen some days before over a previous snowpack with weak layers, caused the avalanche triggering when an additional load was added by a strong wind-drift episode. A medium size (<2500 m3) soft slab avalanche, corresponding to a return period of 15-20 years, occurred and crossed the road of the Coll de Pal pass. The event was reproduced numerically by means of the 2D-SWE based numerical tool Iber aiming to analyze the avalanche behavior. Results of the simulation corresponded with the observations (runout trajectory and snow deposit); thus, relevant information about the avalanche dynamics could be obtained. Identified differences probably come from the terrain elevation data, which represent 'snow free' topography and do not consider the snowpack on the terrai

    La base de dades d'allaus de Catalunya

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    Reconstructing snow avalanches in the Southeastern Pyrenees

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    A regional study of snow avalanche processes was undertaken in the SE Pyrenees. Dendrogeomorphology was used to date and reconstruct large-scale snow avalanche events that occurred in the last four decades. Dendrochronological analyses yielded the dates of nine winters when avalanches occurred in the recent past in six studied avalanche paths. Some of these avalanches were already known, but others had not been documented. In one case, the existing avalanche path map was improved with the dendrogeomorphological information of a larger past event. As a result of the dendrogeomorphological analyses, evidence for three regional-scale major avalanche years was identified in the SE Pyrenees from 1971 to 2004: 1971¿1972, 1995¿1996 and 2002¿2003. The specific synoptic atmospheric situations and the most likely nivometeorological and snowpack conditions that released these major avalanches were determined using weather data for the seasons of major avalanche releases. In 1971¿1972 the snow avalanche episode was characterized by a deep trough crossing the Pyrenees. In 1995¿1996 a variety of meteorological situations produced several episodes of major avalanches. In 2002¿2003 the more significant of two episodes was attributed to a north advection pumping an arctic air mass over the Pyrenees. The 1995¿1996 avalanche season proved to be the most notable in the four past decades in the Pyrenees

    Dendrochronological study of the avalanche path Canal del Roc Roig: first results of the ALUDEX Project in the Pyrenees

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    Historical data about ancient avalanches are scarce in the Pyrenees. Dendrochronology can provide new data about past avalanches and their return period, but up to now little research has been carried out with this purpose. The Aludex project aims to obtain information about the frequency and extent of extreme avalanches, using a dendrochronological and a nivo-meteorological approach. In this paper, we present the results of a dendrochronological study of the Canal del Roc Roig avalanche path which was affected by two extreme avalanches in February 1996. This first dendrochronological study has permitted us to assess the tree-ring signals due to avalanche events in 53 out of 132 dated trees. The trees presented a variety of responses to the 1996 avalanche events. It is shown that the type of tree-ring signal depends on tree age. The methodology has proved successful in detecting the 1996 and 1972 documented avalanche events, and provided outstanding evidence of undocumented past events such as one in 1930

    Boletín de la Sociedad GeolóGica Mexicana VoluMen 63

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    Abstract The Institut Geològic de Catalunya (IGC) and the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC) have begun a joint project to model snowpack depth distribution in the Núria valley (a 38 km 2 basin located in the Eastern Pyrenees) in order to evaluate water reserves in mountain watersheds . The evaluation was based on a remote sensing airborne LIDAR survey and validated with field-work calculations. Previous studies have applied geostatistical techniques to extrapolate sparse point data obtained from costly field-work campaigns. Despite being a recently developed technique, LIDAR has become a useful method in snow sciences as it produces dense point data and covers wide areas. The new methodology presented here combines LIDAR data with field-work, the use of geographical information systems (GIS) and the stepwise regression tree (SRT), as an extrapolation technique. These methods have allowed us to map snowpack depth distribution in high spatial resolution. Extrapolation was necessary because raw LIDAR data was only obtained from part of the study area in order to minimise costs. Promising results show high correlation between LIDAR data and field data, validating the use of airborne laser altimetry to estimate snow depth. Moreover, differences of total snow volume calculated from modeled snowpack distribution and total volume from LIDAR data differ by only 1 %

    Using vegetation to characterize the avalanche to Canal del Roc Roig, Vall de Núria (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)

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    Avalanche hazard maps of high accuracy are difficult to produce. For land-use planning and management purposes, a good knowledge of extreme run-out zones and frequencies of avalanches is required. In the present work, vegetation recognition (especially focused on Pinus uncinata trees) and dendrochronological techniques are used to characterize avalanches that have occurred in historical times, helping to determine both the extent of large or extreme avalanches and their occurrence in time. Vegetation was studied at the Canal del Roc Roig (eastern Pyrenees, Spain) avalanche path. The avalanches descending this path affect the railway that reaches the Vall de Núria resort and the run-up to the opposite slope. During winter 1996, two important avalanches affecting this path were well documented. These are compared with the results of the vegetation study, consisting of an inventory of flora, the recording of vegetation damages along eight transverse profiles at different altitudes on the path and a dendrochronological sampling campaign. The data obtained contributed to a characterization of the predominant snow accumulation in the starting zone, the 1996 avalanches and the range of frequencies of large avalanches. Also, traces of avalanches that increase the path mapped in the avalanche paths map published by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya in 2000 were identified, improving the initial existing information