40 research outputs found

    What Is Anthropology ? 

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    There is a variety approaches to the definition of anthropology described and it is shown that the contents of the term anthropology is distinguished by the unique multi-valence. It is analyzed how the development of mathematics, physics , astronomy, cosmology and other natural sciences raised the questions and problems of pure anthropologic contents even before the natural scientists and mathematicians. Then the conclusion is made that the philosophic history places every man to the necessity of a serious choice between such two opposed opinions:(1) Man is a measure of all things and also a top of evolution. But if the personality of man vanishes after the death, then the role of man is similar to the role of a soap bubble. Moreover, if the Universe is dying, then the role of all mankind is similar to the role of the short-lived soap foam. It is possible to show that this opinion is internally contradictory.(2) Man is a top of the God Creation, to which after the penitence before God and acceptance of the Christ expiating sacrifice it is given the eternal life and the government of the Creation under the leadership of God – and then his existence has the real sense in the eternity! And also the modern science does not contradict to this.In conclusion it is established that namely the biblical theology solved the question how man can obtain the Truth in the sense of the adequate reflection of the reality

    The Analytic Properties of the S-matrix for Arbitrary Interactions Which Externally Pass into the Centrifugal and Rapidly Decreasing Potentials

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    The analytic structure of non-relativistic unitary and non-unitary S-matrices is reviewed for the cases of arbitrary interactions (and may be, with the unspecified equations of motion) inside a sphere of radius r ≤ a which pass outside it (at r > a) into the centrifugal and decreasing (exponentially, by the Yukawa law, or more rapidly) potentials on the base of the author’s papers from 1961 till 2006. The one-channel case and special examples of many-channel cases are considered. Some kinds of the symmetry conditions are imposed. The Schr¨odinger equation for r > a for the particle motion and the condition of completeness of the corresponding wave functions are assumed. Finally, a scientific program of the future research is presented as a clear continuation and an extension of the obtained results.Подано огляд робiт, виконаних автором з 1961 по 2006 роки, з аналiтичної структури нерелятивiстської унiтарної та неунiтарної S-матриць у випадку довiльних взаємодiй (i, можливо, з довiльними рiвняннями руху) всерединi сфери радiуса r ≤ a, якi в зовнiшнiй областi (r > a) переходять в доцентровий та швидко згасаючi (за експоненцiальним чи юкавiвським законами або згасаючi бiльш швидко) потенцiали. Розглянуто одноканальний та особливi багатоканальнi випадки. Накладено умови симетрiї деяких типiв. Використовуються рiвняння Шредiнгера для руху частинок в областi r > a та умова повноти вiдповiдних хвильових функцiй. На заключення представлено програму можливих дослiджень як зрозумiле продовження i розширення одержаних результатiв

    On Superluminal motions in photon and particle tunnelings

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    It is shown that the Hartman-Fletcher effect is valid for all the known expressions of the mean tunnelling time, in various nonrelativistic approaches, for the case of finite width barriers without absorption. Then, we show that the same effect is not valid for the tunnelling time mean-square fluctuations. On the basis of the Hartman-Fletcher effect and the known analogy between photon and nonrelativistic-particle tunnelling, one can explain the Superluminal group-velocities observed in various photon tunnelling experiments (without violation of the so-called "Einstein causality").Comment: standard LaTeX file; accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    The Exact Correspondence between Phase Times and Dwell Times in a Symmetrical Quantum Tunneling Configuration

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    The general and explicit relation between the phase time and the dwell time for quantum tunneling or scattering is investigated. Considering a symmetrical collision of two identical wave packets with an one-dimensional barrier, here we demonstrate that these two distinct transit time definitions give connected results where, however, the phase time (group delay) accurately describes the exact position of the scattered particles. The analytical difficulties that arise when the stationary phase method is employed for obtaining phase (traversal) times are all overcome. Multiple wave packet decomposition allows us to recover the exact position of the reflected and transmitted waves in terms of the phase time, which, in addition to the exact relation between the phase time and the dwell time, leads to right interpretation for both of them.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Small Corrections to the Tunneling Phase Time Formulation

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    After reexamining the above barrier diffusion problem where we notice that the wave packet collision implies the existence of {\em multiple} reflected and transmitted wave packets, we analyze the way of obtaining phase times for tunneling/reflecting particles in a particular colliding configuration where the idea of multiple peak decomposition is recovered. To partially overcome the analytical incongruities which frequently rise up when the stationary phase method is adopted for computing the (tunneling) phase time expressions, we present a theoretical exercise involving a symmetrical collision between two identical wave packets and a unidimensional squared potential barrier where the scattered wave packets can be recomposed by summing the amplitudes of simultaneously reflected and transmitted wave components so that the conditions for applying the stationary phase principle are totally recovered. Lessons concerning the use of the stationary phase method are drawn.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    About of the necessity of the modification of the nuclear chronometry methods in astrophysics and geophysics

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    In practically all known till now methods of nuclear chronometry there were usually taken into account the life-times of only fundamental states of a-radioactive nucleus. But in the processes of nuclear synthesis in stars and under the influence of the constant cosmic radiation on surfaces of planets the excitations of the a-radioactive nuclei are going on. Between them there are the states with the excited a-particles inside the parent nuclei and so with much smaller life-times. And inside the large masses of stellar, terrestrial and meteoric substances the transitions between different internal conditions of radioactive nuclei are accompanied by infinite chains of the g-radiations with the subsequent g-absorptions, the further g-radiations etc. For the description of the a-decay evolution with considering of such excited states and multiple g-radiations and g-absorptions inside stars and under the influence of the cosmic radiation on the earth surface we present the quantum-mechanical approach, which is based on the generalized Krylov-Fock theorem. Some simple estimations are also presented. They bring to the conclusion that the usual (non-corrected) "nuclear clocks" do really indicate not to realistic values but to the upper limits of the durations of the a-decay stellar and planet processes.В практично відомих досі методах ядерної хронометрії звичайно враховувалися часи життя лише основних станів радіоактивних ядер. Але, як відомо, при нуклеосинтезі утворюється багато збуджених станів радіоактивних ядер-хронометрів із значно меншим часом життя. При переходах між різними внутрішніми станами радіоактивних ядер, що знаходяться в тепловому русі всередині великих мас зоряних, земних і метеоритних речовин, поряд з g-випроміненням існують нескінченні ланцюжки g-поглинань, наступних g-випромінень, подальших g-поглинань і.т.д. Для опису еволюції розпаду з врахуванням цих факторів в наших попередніх роботах було запропоновано квантово-механічний підхід, який базується на узагальненій нами теоремі Крилова-Фока. В цій роботі наведені подальше уточнення попередніх оцінок і розрахунків та конкретно сформульовані подальші етапи розвитку нашого підходу і проведення наступних розрахунків з урахуванням ефекту Допплера при наявності теплового руху радіоактивних ядер, ефекту відбиття при g-випроміненнях і g-поглинаннях та впливу постійно присутнього космічного випромінювання на формування збуджених станів ядер-хронометрів та зміну їхньої кінетичної енергії на поверхні Землі.В практически известных методах ядерной хронометрии обычно учитывались времена жизни только основных состояний радиоактивных ядер. Но, как известно при нуклеосинтезе образуется много возбужденных состояний радиоактивных ядер-хронометров со значительно меньшим временем жизни. При переходах между разными внутренними состояниями радиоактивных ядер, которые находятся в тепловом движении внутри больших масс звездных, земных и метеоритных веществ, рядом с g-излучением существуют бесконечные цепочки g-поглощений, последующих g-излучений, дальнейших g-поглощений и.т.д. Для описания эволюции распада с учетом этих факторов в наших предыдущих работах был предложен квантово-механический подход, который базируется на обобщенной нами теореме Крылова-Фока. В этой работе приведено дальнейшее уточнение предыдущих оценок и расчетов, а также конкретно сформулированы дальнейшие этапы развития нашего подхода и проведения дальнейших расчетов с учетом эффекта Допплера при наличии теплового движения радиоактивных ядер, эффекта выбивания при g-излучениях и g-поглощениях, а также влияния постоянно присутствующего космического излучения на формирование возбужденных состояний ядер-хронометров и изменение их кинетической энергии на поверхности Земли

    Multibarrier tunneling

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    We study the tunneling through an arbitrary number of finite rectangular opaque barriers and generalize earlier results by showing that the total tunneling phase time depends neither on the barrier thickness nor on the inter-barrier separation. We also predict two novel peculiar features of the system considered, namely the independence of the transit time (for non resonant tunneling) and the resonant frequency on the number of barriers crossed, which can be directly tested in photonic experiments. A thorough analysis of the role played by inter-barrier multiple reflections and a physical interpretation of the results obtained is reported, showing that multibarrier tunneling is a highly non-local phenomenon.Comment: RevTex, 7 pages, 1 eps figur

    Resonant laser tunnelling

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    We propose an experiment involving a gaussian laser tunneling through a twin barrier dielectric structure. Of particular interest are the conditions upon the incident angle for resonance to occur. We provide some numerical calculations for a particular choice of laser wave length and dielectric refractive index which confirm our expectations.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Potential Scattering in Dirac Field Theory

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    We develop the potential scattering of a spinor within the context of perturbation field theory. As an application, we reproduce, up to second order in the potential, the diffusion results for a potential barrier of quantum mechanics. An immediate consequence is a simple generalization to arbitrary potential forms, a feature not possible in quantum mechanics.Comment: 7 page