32 research outputs found

    Produktivnost ozime raži u organskom i konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja

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    Rye is a cereal which is very much demanded at the market, for making a special kind of bread, but it is little grown in Serbia. The aim of this paper is to investigate possibilities of organic growing of winter rye, comparing with the conventional one, in agroecological conditions of Valjevo hilly region during 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 cropping seasons. The trial was set up in a village of Kotešica, on soil which had not been used for agriculture for 7 years. In organic cropping system three combinations of microbiological fertiliser baktofil with zeolite and hydrogel were used prior to sowing. Half of each plot was treated with foliar microbiological fertiliser Slavol during crop growing period. In conventional cropping system three variants with mineral fertilisers were included: NPK, NPK+zeolite, NPK+hydrogel. Results of the yield obtained in the experiment showed a significant difference between two seasons, 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. In comparison with the control, the treatments in an organic cropping system resulted with statistically insignificant differences for mean values in both years, while the mean in conventional cropping system has significantly higher yield of winter rye. Organic cropping system under conditions of Valjevo hilly region did not give significantly lower rye yield compared with the conventional one in a moderate growing season such was 2008/2009. The combination of soil microbiological fertiliser (Baktofil) with foliar fertiliser (Slavol) and zeolite gave the highest winter rye grain yield in all other treatments in the second year of investigation. In a very wet season (2009/2010) mineral fertiliser NPK showed an advantage, especially in combinations with zeolite, and this treatment can be recommended.Raž je žito, koje je veoma traženo, naročito za spravljanje specijalnih vrsta hleba, ali se malo gaji u Srbiji. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita mogućnost organskog gajenja ove biljne vrste, u odnosu na konvencionalni u konkretnim agroekološkim uslovima valjevskog pobrđa 2008/2009. i 2009/2010. godine. Ogled je postavljen u selu Kotešica, na zemljištu koje nije korišćeno u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji 7 godina. U organskom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje, korišćene su kombinacije mikrobiološkog đubriva baktofila sa dva poboljšivača zemljišta zeolita i hidrogela, kojima je tretirano zemljište neposredno pred setvu. Polovina svake elementarne parcele je prihranjena folijarno, takođe mikrobiološkim đubrivom, slavolom u toku vegetacionog perioda biljaka. U konvencionalnom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje uključene su tri varijante sa kompleksnim mineralnim NPK đubrivom i kombinacija sa zeolitom i hidrogelom, kojima je tretirano zemljište neposredno pred setvu. Dobijeni rezultati prosečnih prinosa ozime raži pokazuju značajne razlike između vegetacionih sezona 2008/2009. i 2009/2010. U poređenju sa kontrolom, tretmani u organskom sistemu gajenja nisu dali značajne razlike prosečnih vrednosti prinosa u obe godine istraživanja, dok je prosečan prinos dobijen u konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja bio značajno veći. U uslovima umerene vegetacione sezone 2008/2009. godine u regionu valjevskog pobrđa u organskom sistemu gajenja nije ustanovljeno smanjenje prinosa u odnosu na konvencionalni. Kombinacija zemljišnog sa folijarnim mikrobiološkim đubrivom i zeolitom je dala najbolji rezultat i najveći prinos ozime raži u drugoj godini istraživanja, pa se preporučuje kao najbolja kombinacija u organskom sistemu gajenja. U veoma vlažnoj godini, kao što je bila 2009/2010. mineralna đubriva su pokazala prednost, naročito u kombinaciji sa zeolitom i ovaj tretman se može preporučiti u sličnim uslovima

    Uticaj sorte i tehnologije gajenja krompira na otpornost prema stresu

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    Growing technology involves the use of complex cultural measures aimed at creating favourable conditions for plant growth and development, that is, for better exploitation of the genetic potential of cultivars. The effect of the cultivar and growing technology on potato yield components and stress resistance was studied in the period 2011–2013 at the experimental field of “Zeleni hit”, in the location of Zemun Polje. The experiment was set up as a three-factor field experiment by the method of split-plot designs with four replications. The effect of different soil thermal regimes induced by mulching with white, silver, red, black polyethylene foil and organic mulch (straw) on the morphological and productive characteristics of seven potato cultivars (Carrera, Bellarosa, Marabel, Laura, Desiree, Agria and Jelly), in conditions of the drip irrigation system, was studied. Two variants without mulching, with irrigation as well as with the natural water regime, were also included in the experiment. The effect of year, cultivar and different treatments of soil mulching on yield components and stress resistance was determined on the basis of the obtained results on the yield per unit area, number and height of aboveground primary shoots, number of tubers per plant, tuber weight, as well as based on the accumulation of the heat shock proteins (HSP). Global warming is greatly changing the environment jeopardizing the majority of plant and animal species. Heat stress is usually mentioned as a result of global warming. The response of plants to stress at the molecular level involves the expression of genes that cause the synthesis of the heat shock proteins, which increase the resistance of plants. In laboratory conditions, by using appropriate methods, the accumulation of the heat shock proteins in leaves of potato plants was tested. The markers HSP18, HSP21 and HSP101 representing the group of protective proteins and interacting with denatured proteins, preventing their thermal aggregation as one of the basic molecular mechanisms of plant tolerance to high temperatures were used as potential makers. Based on the obtained results on the expressions of HSP, the cultivars Carrera, Marabel and Desiree may be characterized as highly tolerant to heat stress, while the genotypes Jelly and Laura are relatively tolerant. The lowest level of the accumulated proteins was found in the Agria cultivar, which makes this cultivar the least tolerant to heat stress...Tehnologija gajenja podrazumeva primenu složenih agrotehničkih mera u cilju stvaranja povoljnih uslova za rast i razvoj biljaka, odnosno za što bolje iskorišćavanje genetskog potencijala sorti. Uticaj sorte i tehnologije gajenja na komponente prinosa i otpornost krompira prema stresu proučavan je u periodu 2011 - 2013. godine na oglednom polju “Zeleni hit”, lokalitetu Zemun Polja. Eksperiment je postavljen kao trofaktorijalni poljski ogled, po metodi podeljenih parcela (split-plot), u četiri ponavljanja. Proučavan je uticaj različitih termičkih režima zemljišta indukovanih malčiranjem belom, srebrnom, crvenom, crnom polietilenskom folijom i organskim malčem (slamom) na morfološke i produktivne osobine sedam sorti krompira (Carrera, Bellarosa, Marabel, Laura, Desiree, Agria i Jelly), u uslovima navodnjavanja sistemom kap po kap. U ogled su bile uključene dve varijante bez malča, sa navodnjavanjem i sa prirodnim vodnim režimom. Uticaj godine, sorte i različitih tretmana nastiranja zemljišta na komponente prinosa i otpornost prema stresu, utvrđen je na osnovu dobijenih rezultata o prinosu po jedinici površine, broju i visini nadzemnih primarnih izdanaka, broju krtola po biljci, masi krtole, kao i na osnovu akumulacije proteina toplotnog stresa (eng. heat shock proteins - HSP). Globalno zagrevanje uveliko menja životnu sredinu ugrožavajući većinu biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. Toplotni stres (eng. heat stress - HS) se obično pominje kao posledica globalnog zagrevanja. Odgovor biljaka na stres, na molekularnom nivou, podrazumeva ekspresiju gena koji izazivaju sintezu proteina toplotnog stresa koji povećavaju otpornost biljaka. U laboratorijskim uslovima, primenom odgovarajućih metoda, ispitivana je akumulacija proteina stresa u listovima biljaka krompira. Kao potencijalni markeri korišćeni su HSP18, HSP21 i HSP101 koji predstavljaju grupu zaštitnih proteina i intereaguju sa denaturisanim proteinima, sprečavaju njihovu termalnu agregaciju kao jedan od osnovnih molekularnih mehanizama tolerancije biljaka prema visokim temperaturama. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ekspresije HSP sorte Carrera, Marabel i Desiree mogu se okarakterisati kao visoko tolerante prema toplotnom stresu, dok su relativno tolerantni genotipovi Jelly i Laura. Najmanji nivo akumuliranih proteina imala je sorta Agria, što ovu sortu čini najmanje tolerantnom prema toplotnom stresu. Ovi rezultati su u skladu sa rezultatma statističke analize ukupnog prinosa uzoraka iz polja. Najveći prosečan ukupan prinos krtola ostvaren je kod sorte Carrera (50,45 t ha ־ ¹), zatim slede sorte Marabel (48,90 t ha־ ¹), Jelly (46,33 t ha־ ¹), Laura (41,84 t ha־ ¹), Bellarosa (40,60 t ha־ ¹) i Desiree (40,53 t ha ־¹)..

    The effects of cultivar and cultivation technology on potato stress tolerance

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    Tehnologija gajenja podrazumeva primenu složenih agrotehničkih mera u cilju stvaranja povoljnih uslova za rast i razvoj biljaka, odnosno za što bolje iskorišćavanje genetskog potencijala sorti. Uticaj sorte i tehnologije gajenja na komponente prinosa i otpornost krompira prema stresu proučavan je u periodu 2011 - 2013. godine na oglednom polju “Zeleni hit”, lokalitetu Zemun Polja. Eksperiment je postavljen kao trofaktorijalni poljski ogled, po metodi podeljenih parcela (split-plot), u četiri ponavljanja. Proučavan je uticaj različitih termičkih režima zemljišta indukovanih malčiranjem belom, srebrnom, crvenom, crnom polietilenskom folijom i organskim malčem (slamom) na morfološke i produktivne osobine sedam sorti krompira (Carrera, Bellarosa, Marabel, Laura, Desiree, Agria i Jelly), u uslovima navodnjavanja sistemom kap po kap. U ogled su bile uključene dve varijante bez malča, sa navodnjavanjem i sa prirodnim vodnim režimom. Uticaj godine, sorte i različitih tretmana nastiranja zemljišta na komponente prinosa i otpornost prema stresu, utvrđen je na osnovu dobijenih rezultata o prinosu po jedinici površine, broju i visini nadzemnih primarnih izdanaka, broju krtola po biljci, masi krtole, kao i na osnovu akumulacije proteina toplotnog stresa (eng. heat shock proteins - HSP). Globalno zagrevanje uveliko menja životnu sredinu ugrožavajući većinu biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. Toplotni stres (eng. heat stress - HS) se obično pominje kao posledica globalnog zagrevanja. Odgovor biljaka na stres, na molekularnom nivou, podrazumeva ekspresiju gena koji izazivaju sintezu proteina toplotnog stresa koji povećavaju otpornost biljaka. U laboratorijskim uslovima, primenom odgovarajućih metoda, ispitivana je akumulacija proteina stresa u listovima biljaka krompira. Kao potencijalni markeri korišćeni su HSP18, HSP21 i HSP101 koji predstavljaju grupu zaštitnih proteina i intereaguju sa denaturisanim proteinima, sprečavaju njihovu termalnu agregaciju kao jedan od osnovnih molekularnih mehanizama tolerancije biljaka prema visokim temperaturama. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ekspresije HSP sorte Carrera, Marabel i Desiree mogu se okarakterisati kao visoko tolerante prema toplotnom stresu, dok su relativno tolerantni genotipovi Jelly i Laura. Najmanji nivo akumuliranih proteina imala je sorta Agria, što ovu sortu čini najmanje tolerantnom prema toplotnom stresu. Ovi rezultati su u skladu sa rezultatma statističke analize ukupnog prinosa uzoraka iz polja. Najveći prosečan ukupan prinos krtola ostvaren je kod sorte Carrera (50,45 t ha ־ ¹), zatim slede sorte Marabel (48,90 t ha־ ¹), Jelly (46,33 t ha־ ¹), Laura (41,84 t ha־ ¹), Bellarosa (40,60 t ha־ ¹) i Desiree (40,53 t ha ־¹)...Growing technology involves the use of complex cultural measures aimed at creating favourable conditions for plant growth and development, that is, for better exploitation of the genetic potential of cultivars. The effect of the cultivar and growing technology on potato yield components and stress resistance was studied in the period 2011–2013 at the experimental field of “Zeleni hit”, in the location of Zemun Polje. The experiment was set up as a three-factor field experiment by the method of split-plot designs with four replications. The effect of different soil thermal regimes induced by mulching with white, silver, red, black polyethylene foil and organic mulch (straw) on the morphological and productive characteristics of seven potato cultivars (Carrera, Bellarosa, Marabel, Laura, Desiree, Agria and Jelly), in conditions of the drip irrigation system, was studied. Two variants without mulching, with irrigation as well as with the natural water regime, were also included in the experiment. The effect of year, cultivar and different treatments of soil mulching on yield components and stress resistance was determined on the basis of the obtained results on the yield per unit area, number and height of aboveground primary shoots, number of tubers per plant, tuber weight, as well as based on the accumulation of the heat shock proteins (HSP). Global warming is greatly changing the environment jeopardizing the majority of plant and animal species. Heat stress is usually mentioned as a result of global warming. The response of plants to stress at the molecular level involves the expression of genes that cause the synthesis of the heat shock proteins, which increase the resistance of plants. In laboratory conditions, by using appropriate methods, the accumulation of the heat shock proteins in leaves of potato plants was tested. The markers HSP18, HSP21 and HSP101 representing the group of protective proteins and interacting with denatured proteins, preventing their thermal aggregation as one of the basic molecular mechanisms of plant tolerance to high temperatures were used as potential makers. Based on the obtained results on the expressions of HSP, the cultivars Carrera, Marabel and Desiree may be characterized as highly tolerant to heat stress, while the genotypes Jelly and Laura are relatively tolerant. The lowest level of the accumulated proteins was found in the Agria cultivar, which makes this cultivar the least tolerant to heat stress..

    Produžno dejstvo meliorativne obrade na fizičke osobine zemljišta u usevu ozime pšenice

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    The paper deals with the subsequently effect of ameliorative tillage on the dynamics of some important physical soil properties in winter wheat. The trial was carried-out at the experimental fields of Maize Research Institute 'Zemun Polje' Krnjesevci near Belgrade on meadows chernozem soil type. The folowing ameliorative and conventional tillage systems were included in ivestigations: 1. Ameliorative tillage system - (ATS) - includes new types machines for field systematization-scrapers (USM 5) in autumn, drainage plow on the depth 60-80 cm, and subsoil with heavy vibratory subsoiler VR 5. on 30-35cm depth. After basic tillage we prepared soil for seeding with preparation by disking and harrowing 2. Control variant - conventional tillage without ameliorative measures In 2008.yr previous crop were maize and sunflower after that ameliorative measures. Second crop in 2009/2010 were winter wheat. The following soil properties were studied: bulk density, total porosity, moisture weight and volume percent, and total water content in different layers in m3, in tillering and heading stage of winter wheat on the different depth 0-10; 10-10; 20-30. Ameliorative tillage systems had subsequently effects for all investigated soil properties on this heavy soil type compared with control.Ispitivanje uticaja produžnog dejstva jednog novog sistema meliorativne obrade zemljišta na neke važnije fizičke osobine zemljišta u usevu ozime pšenice obavljeno je u Krnješevcima na imanju Instituta za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' u periodu od 2008 - 2010. godine. U ispitivanju smo imali dve varijante: 1. Sistem meliorativne obrade zemljišta (ravnanje + rad krtičnog pluga + podrivanje + predsetvena obrada zemljišta). 2. - Kontrolu sa konvencionalnom obradom zemljišta (oranje raonični plugom + predsetvena obrada zemljišta). U drugoj godini posle izvedenih mera u zasejanom usevu ozime pšenice pratili smo dinamiku fizičkih osobina zemljišta u fazi bokorenja i klasanju. Dobijeni rezultati obrađeni su statistički analizom varijanse i pokazali su da postoje brojne statistički signifikantne razlike u sa povoljnijim fizičkim osobina na meliorisanom zemljištu u poređenju sa kontrolnom varijantom. Gornji delovi orničnog sloja su rastresitiji na meliorisanoj varijanti tako da su u stanju da prihvate lakše veće količine vode i što je važno da je brže sprovedu u dublje slojeve. Ove činjenice pokazuju da meliorativne mere imaju produžno dejstvo koje se oseća i u narednim godinama

    Is there any effects of organic food on human health?

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    In the last decade, the production and consumption of organic food have increased steadily worldwide. While there is increasing scientific evidence for biodiversity and environmental sustainability-related benefits of organic farming, there is still considerable scientific controversy about whether or not, and to what extent organic production methods result in food quality and safety, and human health gains. This review provides an update of the present knowledge of the impact of an organic versus a conventional food diet on health. Considering the nutritional value of organic products, the content of dry matter, minerals, vitamins and substances that give a better smell and taste of food, advantage is on the organic food side. In terms of the content of secondary metabolites of plants, products from organic production show significant advantages over products from conventional production. The content of polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamin C is 10-50% higher in products from organic production. The risk of food contamination by residues of pesticides and antibiotics is lower in organic than in conventional foods. Also, there is no evidence that there is a higher risk of microbiological and other natural toxins found in organically produced foods. Analyses of products from animal production, including milk, dairy products and meat, showed that products from organic production had significantly better characteristics compared to products from conventional production. This refers to the total content of useful fatty acids, especially the content of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), the content of which can be higher up to 60% in milk from organic production, then a better ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, higher antioxidant content and lower concentrations of drug and hormone residues in organic products

    Expression of small heat shock proteins and heat tolerance in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    We have examined the correlation between heat tolerance and small heat shock protein (sHSP) expression under heat stress conditions in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). The relative heat tolerance of nine potato cultivars grown under greenhouse conditions was determined using the electrolyte leakage assay (ELA), a standard quantitative assay for heat tolerance. Three cultivars differing in heat tolerance were selected and designated as heat-tolerant (‘Laura’), moderately sensitive (‘Liseta’) and heat-sensitive (‘Agria’) genotypes. The expression of cytosolic HSP18 and chloroplast HSP21 was analyzed at the protein level in the leaves of selected cultivars, both ex vitro- and in vitro-grown, after heat stress or control treatment. Immunoblot analysis revealed heat-induced HSP18 and HSP21 expression in all examined genotypes. A similar pattern of examined sHSP expression was observed ex vitro and in vitro: heat-tolerant ‘Laura’ accumulated higher levels of both HSP18 and HSP21 compared to heat-sensitive ‘Liseta’ and ‘Agria’. Our results indicate that ELA combined with immunoblot analysis of sHSP accumulation under HS conditions, might be considered as a reliable procedure in screening potato genotypes for heat tolerance. To our knowledge, this is the first study where sHSP expression between ex vitro- and in vitro-grown potato plants was compared

    Expression of small heat shock proteins and heat tolerance in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    We have examined the correlation between heat tolerance and small heat shock protein (sHSP) expression under heat stress conditions in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). The relative heat tolerance of nine potato cultivars grown under greenhouse conditions was determined using the electrolyte leakage assay (ELA), a standard quantitative assay for heat tolerance. Three cultivars differing in heat tolerance were selected and designated as heat-tolerant (‘Laura’), moderately sensitive (‘Liseta’) and heat-sensitive (‘Agria’) genotypes. The expression of cytosolic HSP18 and chloroplast HSP21 was analyzed at the protein level in the leaves of selected cultivars, both ex vitro- and in vitro-grown, after heat stress or control treatment. Immunoblot analysis revealed heat-induced HSP18 and HSP21 expression in all examined genotypes. A similar pattern of examined sHSP expression was observed ex vitro and in vitro: heat-tolerant ‘Laura’ accumulated higher levels of both HSP18 and HSP21 compared to heat-sensitive ‘Liseta’ and ‘Agria’. Our results indicate that ELA combined with immunoblot analysis of sHSP accumulation under HS conditions, might be considered as a reliable procedure in screening potato genotypes for heat tolerance. To our knowledge, this is the first study where sHSP expression between ex vitro- and in vitro-grown potato plants was compared.Projekat ministarstva br. TR3104

    Effects of Elevated Temperature and Salicylic Acid on Heat Shock Response and Growth of Potato Microplants

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    Potato is a globally important, highly heat-susceptible crop species. We investigated the effects of prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures and exogenous salicylic acid (SA) on microplant growth and heat-shock response (HSR) in three unrelated potato genotypes/cultivars. Long-term exposure to 29°C (mild heat stress) caused a significant reduction in the number of surviving explants and shoot morphometric parameters in heat-sensitive genotypes, while exposure to 26°C (warming) caused only a decline in shoot growth. Interestingly, 26°C-temperature treatment stimulated root growth in some investigated genotypes, indicating a difference between favorable temperatures for potato shoot and root growth. SA showed a protective effect regarding potato shoot growth at 26°C. At 29°C, this effect was genotype-dependent. SA did not affect the number of roots and inhibited root elongation at all temperature treatments, indicating the difference between shoot and root responses to applied SA concentration. Although HSR is mainly considered rapid and short-lived, elevated transcript levels of most investigated HSFs and HSPs were detected after three weeks of heat stress. Besides, two StHSFs and StHSP21 showed elevated expression at 26°C, indicating extreme potato heat-susceptibility and significance of HSR during prolonged warming. SA effects on HSFs and HSPs expression were minor and alterable

    Comparison of Aeroponics and Conventional Production System of Virus-free Potato Mini Tubers in Serbia

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    Virus free mini tubers are starting materials for the production of seed potatoes without the diseases. Conventionally, mini-tubers are produced from in vitro plants in various solid media. The aeroponics system refers to the process of growing plants in the air or in the fog environment without the use of soil or any other substrate. The aim of this study is to assess the application of aeroponics and conventional production system of virus-free potato mini tubers in Serbia. The experiment included three varieties of potatoes: Cleopatra, Kennebec and Agria. All three varieties were cultivated within two systems: aeroponics and conventional rooting in the substrate. In the aeroponics system, with all three varieties, an average of 17.87 mini tubers was obtained, which is 5.39 times more than in the conventional substrate. This ratio was the highest in the variety Kenebec (6.46), followed by Agria (5.71) and the lowest in Cleopatra (4.01). The average weight of mini tubers produced in the conventional substrate was higher by 3.49 g compared to the aeroponics system. The aeroponics system offers a potential opportunity to improve the production of mini potato tubers in Serbia

    Proizvodnja mini krtola krompira u aeroponik sistemu gajenja

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    At the micropropagation laboratory of the Potato Research Centre in Gucha, the following five virus-free in vitro potato cultivars are produced: 'Desiree', 'Kennebec', 'Agria', 'Cleopatra' and 'Sinora'. Acclimatized and rooted plants were transplanted and grown in the three production systems: 1) the aeroponic system, 2) the substrate system, and 3) a combination of the substrate and aeroponic systems. The results obtained indicate that the cultivation system exerts a significant effect on the number and the total yield of potato mini-tubers. In the aeroponic production system, 4.08 times as many mini-tubers were produced compared to the number of mini-tubers produced in the substrate system, whereas 1.29 times as many mini-tubers were produced compared to the number of mini-tubers produced in the combined production system (substrate + aeroponics). The aeroponic mini-tuber production system offers an opportunity to improve the production of seed potatoes in Serbia..Proizvodnja bezvirusnog semenskog krompira danas se odvija preko metode poznate kao kultura tkiva (mikropropagacija in vitro), čija je suština da se za relativno kratko vreme, i u kontrolisanim uslovima, dobije veliki broj bezvirusnih mini ili mikro krtola. U laboratoriji za mikropropagaciju Centru za krompir u Guči proizvedene su bezvirusne biljke in vitro pet sorti krompira: Desiree, Kennebec, Agria, Cleopatra i Sinora. Aklimatizovane i ožiljene biljke presađene su i gajene u tri sistema proizvodnje: 1) aeroponik, 2) u supstratu i 3) kombinaciji dva sistema gajenja (supstrat+aeroponik). Cilj rada je bio da se izvrši poređenje aeroponik sistema gajenja sa druga dva sistema proizvodnje mini krtola. Mini krtole u aeroponik sistemu posle 40-45 dana gajenja sukcesivno su ubirane u četiri roka berbe u intervalima od 10-15 dana. U ostala dva sistemima gajenja mini krtole su vađene na kraju vegetacionog perioda. Analiziran je broj mini krtola po m2, prosečna masa krtola i ukupan prinos. Najveći prosečan broj mini krtola utvrđen je kod sorte Desiree, dok je najmanji broj mini krtola zabeležen kod sorte Sinora i Cleopatra. Kod sorte Agria konstatovan je najveći prosečnan prinos mini krtola, a zatim kod sorte Kennebec. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da sistem gajenja značajno utiče broj mini krtola i ukupan prinos. Kod aeroponik sistema proizvodnje postignut je 4,08 puta veći broj mini krtola, u odnosu na broj mini krtola dobijen u supstratu, odnosno 1,29 puta veći broj mini krtola, u odnosu na kobinovani način proizvodnje (supstrata+aeroponik). Aeroponik sistem proizvodnje mini krtola nudi potencijalnu mogućnost za poboljšanje proizvodnje semenskog krompira u Srbiji