19 research outputs found

    The regulation of anger in grandiose an vulnerable narcissism: the role of neuroticism

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    Głównym tematem projektu są dociekania związane z regulacją gniewu w narcyzmie wrażliwym i wielkościowym. W pracy opisano badania korelacyjne, podłużne i eksperymentalne analizujące rolę neurotyczności w związkach narcyzmu z gniewem rozumianym zarówno jako cecha osobowości, jak i jako stan. Pytania badawcze i hipotezy oparte zostały na niedawnych badaniach wskazujących na różnice między osobami z wysokim narcyzmem wielkościowym i wysokim narcyzmem wrażliwym w zakresie doświadczeń emocjonalnych i struktury osobowości. Badanie 1 i 2 wykazało odmienne relacje obu narcyzmów z gniewem i neurotycznością. Okazało się, że narcyzm wrażliwy był pozytywnie związany z cechą gniewu i neurotycznością. Co więcej, związek narcyzmu wrażliwego z gniewem był mediowany przez poziom neurotyczności. Narcyzm wielkościowy korelował ujemnie z neurotycznością oraz był słabo dodatnio, lub nieistotnie, związany z cechą gniewu. Ponadto neurotyczność okazała się być supresorem związku narcyzmu wielkościowego z gniewem, tj. przy kontroli neurotyczności związek między narcyzmem wielkościowym i gniewem wzrastał. Postawiono hipotezę, że wysoka neurotyczność napędza gniew w narcyzmie wrażliwym, podczas gdy w narcyzmie wielkościowym niska neurotyczność zapobiega nasileniu gniewu. W badaniu 3 dokonano replikacji powyższych efektów na próbie adolescentów. Badanie 4 i 5 analizowało powiązania dwóch rodzajów narcyzmu z gniewem rozumianym jako stan mierzony jednokrotnie (badanie 4), jak i dwukrotnie w dłuższym odstępie czasu (badanie 5). Wyniki ujawniły, że narcyzm wrażliwy zachowywał niezależny od neurotyczności związek ze stanem gniewu, co może oznaczać, że neurotyczność pełni odmienną rolę w relacji narcyzmu wrażliwego ze stanem gniewu i cechą gniewu. Badanie 6 i 7 przeprowadzono w schematach eksperymentalnych: indukcji gniewu i zagrożenia ego. Badania eksperymentalne nie wykazały istotnej interakcji żadnej cechy narcystycznej z warunkiem eksperymentalnym. Narcyzm wrażliwy przewidywał negatywne reakcje emocjonalne, jednak nie wiązał się ze specyficzną reakcją w sytuacji indukcji gniewu ani zagrożenia ego. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały zasadność rozróżnienia dwóch rodzajów narcyzmu w kontekście gniewu i neurotyczności. Narcyzm wrażliwy okazał się silnie związany z gniewem ujmowanym zarówno jako cecha, jak i jako stan. Dodatkowo, cecha gniewu jest prawdopodobnie napędzana neurotycznym lękiem w narcyzmie wrażliwym. Narcyzm wielkościowy był słabiej powiązany z gniewem oraz korelował z niską neurotycznością.The main aim of this project was the investigation of anger regulation in grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. The project included correlational, longitudinal and experimental studies analyzing the role of neuroticism in narcissisms’ relationships with trait and state anger. Research questions and hypotheses were drawn from recent reports highlighting differences between vulnerable and grandiose narcissism in terms of emotional functioning and personality structure. Studies 1 and 2 differentiated the two narcissism traits in their association with trait anger and neuroticism. Vulnerable narcissism was positively associated with trait anger and neuroticism. Moreover, the relationship between vulnerable narcissism and anger was mediated by the level of neuroticism. Grandiose narcissism correlated negatively with neuroticism and was weakly positively linked to trait anger. In addition, neuroticism acted as a suppressor in the relationship of grandiose narcissism and anger, i.e. grandiose narcissism’s relation with anger increased upon inclusion of neuroticism. Thus, it was hypothesized that high neuroticism fuels trait anger in vulnerable narcissism, while in grandiose narcissism it inhibits it. Study 3 replicated the above effects in the adolescent sample. Further studies analyzed the relationship between the two types of narcissism with state anger measured once (study 4), or twice in the time interval of one week (study 5). The results revealed that vulnerable narcissism maintained independence from neuroticism when explaining state anger, which indicates that neuroticism behaves differently in models linking vulnerable narcissism with anger as a state and anger as a trait. Studies 6 and 7 were conducted in two experimental schemes: anger induction and ego-threat. Experimental studies,did not show any interaction effects of the narcissistic traits with experimental conditions. Vulnerable narcissism was a significant predictor of negative emotional reactions, however, it was not associated with any specific reactions in the experimental conditions of anger induction or ego-threat. The conducted studies further confirmed the distinction between two types of narcissism in the context of anger and neuroticism. Vulnerable narcissism turned out to be strongly connected with anger as a trait, as well as a state. Additionally, trait anger in vulnerable narcissism is probably driven by neurotic fear. Grandiose narcissism showed weaker (or null) relation to anger, which might be partly caused by low neuroticism

    The relationship of narcissism with tendency to react with anger and hostility : the role of neuroticism and emotion regulation ability

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    The present study examined the relationship of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism with dispositional anger and hostility. We investigated the roles of neuroticism, emotional intelligence, and gender in this relationship, using a sample of 405 participants. The results indicated that vulnerable narcissism was associated with a higher tendency toward anger and hostility, and that neuroticism accounted for a large part of this association. Poor emotion managing, known as strategic emotion regulation ability, also played a role in hostility related to vulnerable narcissism, especially among men. When emotional stability was controlled for, grandiose narcissism showed links to anger and hostility. We concluded that high neuroticism and poor emotion regulation abilities among vulnerable narcissists contribute to increased anger/hostility, whereas emotional stability likely protects grandiose narcissists against these internal aspects of aggression. The significant relationships between both forms of narcissism with aggression, remaining after neuroticism and emotion regulation were accounted for, suggest that there is another underlying source of this link. Finally, we found that controlling for interindividual differences in neuroticism significantly increased the relationship between vulnerable and grandiose narcissism, suggesting the existence of the common core of narcissism

    Narcissus locked in the past: Vulnerable narcissism and the negative views of the past

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    Abstract We examined how the perception of past events might contribute to the understanding of vulnerable narcissism. Across seven samples (NGrand = 1271), we investigated the association between vulnerable narcissism and individual differences in negative view of the past as well as how both were associated with basic personality traits, intrapersonal (i.e., affect, life satisfaction, and self-esteem) and interpersonal (i.e., anger, and hostility) outcomes, and memory biases of immediate life events and early life traumas. We found that vulnerable narcissism was reliably correlated with a negative view of the past. Additionally, both variables showed similar personality profiles (e.g., high neuroticism) and overlapped in explaining various outcomes, including self-esteem, anger, hostility, recalled traumas, and a negative memory bias

    Vulnerable and Grandiose Narcissism Are Differentially Associated With Ability and Trait Emotional Intelligence

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    We examined the association between two types of narcissism, grandiose and vulnerable, and self-reported as well as ability emotional intelligence (EI). Grandiose narcissism is characterized by high self–esteem, interpersonal dominance and a tendency to overestimate one’s capabilities, whereas vulnerable narcissism presents defensive, avoidant and hypersensitive attitude in interpersonal relations. In the current study (n = 249) we found that vulnerable narcissism was significantly and negatively associated with trait (self-reported) EI; however, it did not correlate with ability (performance) EI. Grandiose narcissism was significantly positively connected with trait EI. Moreover, when the two EI scores were analyzed together in a single model, they were associated with grandiose narcissism in opposite directions. Specifically, trait EI showed a positive relation with grandiose narcissism, while ability EI negatively predicted this type of narcissism. The latter results are consistent with previous findings showing that individuals with high level of grandiose narcissism tend to overestimate their abilities. Vulnerable narcissism is probably connected with more realistic self-perception of emotional abilities

    Relationship between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism and type of committed crime in population of polish prisoners

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    WSTĘP: W Polsce poziom powrotu do przestępstwa nieznacznie wzrasta i w latach 2009–2014 wynosił około 26%. W związku z tym badanie czynników, które mogą być związane z prawdopodobieństwem popełnienia czynu karalnego, są bardzo istotne. Przeprowadzone badanie skupiało się na cechach osobowości i miało na celu analizę związku pomiędzy typami narcyzmu: wielkościowym oraz wrażliwym a tym czy popełnione przestępstwo było związane z agresją (np. rozboje, zabójstwa, usiłowania zabójstwa czy oszustwa). MATERIAŁ I METODY: Materiał empiryczny uzyskano w próbie osób aktualnie odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności (n = 109 osób, 12 męż­czyzn). Narcyzm wrażliwy mierzony był Skalą Narcyzmu Wrażliwego w polskiej wersji językowej, a narcyzm wielkościowy kwestionariuszem Narcissistic Personality Inventory w polskiej adaptacji. WYNIKI: Wyniki pokazują, że cecha narcyzmu wrażliwego istotnie różnicowała więźniów, którzy dokonali rozbojów, oraz więźniów skazanych za oszustwo. WNIOSKI: Przeprowadzone badanie poszerza wiedzę w zakresie związków narcyzmu z zachowaniami agresywnymi, a wyniki mogą być przydatne w konstruowaniu programów terapeutycznych w zakładach karnych.Introduction: It is observed that the level of return to crime in Poland is slightly increasing and in the period 2009–2014its rate was about 26%. In connection with this fact, exploring factors associated with the probability of offense is veryimportant. The conducted study focused on personality traits and its aim was to analyze a potential relationships betweentwo types of narcissisms (grandiose and vulnerable) and committed crime (robberies, murder/attempted murder, fraud).Material and methods: The data were collected among prisoners (n = 109, 12 men). Vulnerable narcissism wasmeasured with Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale in the polish adaptation. Grandiose narcissism was measured with NPIin the polish adaptation.Results: The results show that vulnerable narcissism is a factor which differentiates robber group of prisoners andprisoners convicted of a fraud.Conclusions: The current study sheds more light on the relationships between narcissisms and aggressive behavior.Moreover, these findings may be important for creating therapeutic tools and programs in the penitentiaries

    Fluid intelligence as a mediator of the relationship between executive control and balanced time perspective

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    This study examined the cognitive foundations of the balanced time perspective (BTP) proposed by Zimbardo and Boyd. Although BTP is defined as the mental ability to switch effectively between different temporal perspectives, its connection with cognitive functioning has not yet been established. We addressed this by exploring the relationships between time perspectives and both fluid intelligence (measured with Raven’s and Cattell’s tests) and executive control (go/no-go and antisaccade tasks). An investigation conducted among Polish adults (N=233) revealed that more balanced TP profile was associated with higher fluid intelligence, and higher executive control. Moreover, we found that the relationship between executive control and BTP was completely mediated by fluid intelligence with the effect size (the ratio of the indirect effect to the total effect) of .75, which suggests that cognitive abilities play an important role in adoption of temporal balance. The findings have relevance to time perspective theory as they provide valuable insight into the mechanisms involved in assigning human experience to certain time frames