324 research outputs found

    Defending the Catholic Faith or Spreading Intolerance? : the Sermon delivered during auto-da-fé in 17th-century Portugal as an Example of Anti-Jewish Literature

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    One of the activities of the Inquisition most visible to ordinary people was called the auto-da-fé – a public confession of faith. Such ceremonies, held by the Inquisition Tribunal, were composed of several parts. One of the most significant parts of the ceremony was the sermon. Many of these sermons seemingly focused on Jewish issues, even if only a few of the condemned were accused of converting to Judaism. To whom, and for what purpose, were the sermons addressed? What were their character, role, and impact on society? Can we interpret them as a typical example of anti-Jewish literature, and a specific “invitation to intolerance”? This article aims to outline the subject matter of the sermons delivered during the auto-da-fé ceremony in Portugal, particularly their anti-Jewish aspect. Reference is made to texts of ten sermons made during autosda- fé held in the three biggest centers of 17th-century Inquisition activity in Portugal (Lisbon, Coimbra and Évora), as well as the colony of Go

    Review of Risks and Risk Management Systems in the Largest Islamic Banks of the Arabian Peninsula

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    Theoretical background: The specificity of Islamic principles, on the basis of which Islamic banking was created, as well as the nature of its financial instruments, means that Islamic banks may be exposed to greater risks than conventional banks.Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to define key risks identified by Islamic banks and to define risk management systems in the 13 largest banks of the Arabian Peninsula region. The article analyses the annual reports submitted by the supervisory boards of the largest Islamic banks of the Arabian Peninsula for 2018, so that common elements in their risk management processes can be found.Research methods: Analyses of annual reports of the banks of the Arabian Peninsula region.Main findings: Supervisory boards of Islamic banks identify risks and implement strategies and risk management structures. The most important risks identified by banks are credit risk, liquidity risk, reputational risk, as well as operational risk, understood as the risk of direct or indirect loss, resulting from inadequate or faulty internal processes, errors of employees or systems and external events. Islamic banks may be exposed to increased credit risk, due to the application of the principle of profit and loss sharing (PLS), which is one of the pillars of Islamic finance. An analysis of the financial reports of the largest Islamic banks of the Arabian Peninsula shows that all supervisory boards are aware of the importance and role of an effective risk management system in reducing costs and increasing banks’ results. Most of them use the principles described by the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB). All banks have implemented appropriate risk management processes and policies, and have units in their structures responsible for the risk management process, which means that they apply the first IFSB principle. The institutions declare that they identify and monitor risks, and implement risk mitigation measures.Theoretical background: The specificity of Islamic principles, on the basis of which Islamic banking was created, as well as the nature of its financial instruments, means that Islamic banks may be exposed to greater risks than conventional banks.Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to define key risks identified by Islamic banks and to define risk management systems in the 13 largest banks of the Arabian Peninsula region. The article analyses the annual reports submitted by the supervisory boards of the largest Islamic banks of the Arabian Peninsula for 2018, so that common elements in their risk management processes can be found.Research methods: Analyses of annual reports of the banks of the Arabian Peninsula region.Main findings: Supervisory boards of Islamic banks identify risks and implement strategies and risk management structures. The most important risks identified by banks are credit risk, liquidity risk, reputational risk, as well as operational risk, understood as the risk of direct or indirect loss, resulting from inadequate or faulty internal processes, errors of employees or systems and external events. Islamic banks may be exposed to increased credit risk, due to the application of the principle of profit and loss sharing (PLS), which is one of the pillars of Islamic finance. An analysis of the fiancial reports of the largest Islamic banks of the Arabian Peninsula shows that all supervisory boards are aware of the importance and role of an effective risk management system in reducing costs and increasing banks’ results. Most of them use the principles described by the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB). All banks have implemented appropriate risk management processes and policies, and have units in their structures responsible for the risk management process, which means that they apply the first IFSB principle. The institutions declare that they identify and monitor risks, and implement risk mitigation measures

    Authorial approach to the detection of selected psychological traits based on handwritten texts

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    The study sought to use computer techniques to detect selected psychological traits based on the nature of the writing and to evaluate the effectiveness of the resulting software. Digital image processing and deep neural networks were used. The work is complex and multidimensional in nature, and the authors wanted to demonstrate the feasibility of such a topic using image processing techniques and neural networks and machine learning. The main studies that allowed the attribution of psychological traits were based on two models known from the literature, KAMR and DA. The evaluation algorithms that were implemented allowed the evaluation of the subjects and the assignment of psychological traits to them. The DA model turned out to be more effective than the KAMR model

    Review: Natalia Muchnik, Une vie marrane. Les pérégrinations de Juan de Prado dans l’Europe du XVIIIème siècle

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    Review: Natalia Muchnik, Une vie marrane. Les pérégrinations de Juan de Prado dans l’Europe du XVIIIème siècl

    Smart-lab as an example of the incubation and acceleration platform for start-ups – challenges and barriers

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    Purpose – The aim of the article is to indicate the role and importance of acceleration platforms in stimulating the development of the start-up market in Poland, on the example of the Smart-Lab incubation and acceleration platform, as a part of the “e-Pionier” project implemented from EU funds under the “Polska Cyfrowa” Program. Research method – The research methods are: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, desk research, case study. Results – Five MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) were obtained, constituting an original, innovative Smart-Lab Project solution in response to particular socio-economic problems reported by local government units. Originality /value / implications /recommendations – The article highlights the issues of the start-up market and the role of acceleration platforms in stimulating the development of this market, as part of the perceived need for a wider analysis of this kind of research problem.Piotr NIEDZIELSKI: [email protected] ZIOŁO: [email protected] OLIWA: [email protected]ł ZIŃCZAK: [email protected] NIEDZIELSKI, Professor - Faculty of Management and Economics Services, University of SzczecinMagdalena ZIOŁO, PhD - Faculty of Management and Economics Services, University of SzczecinBartosz OLIWA, MA - Narodowy Bank PolskiAcs Z.J., Audretsch D.B., 1990, Innovation and Small Firms, MIT Press, Cambridge.Flejterski S., 1984, Istota i mierzenie konkurencyjności międzynarodowej, „Gospodarka Planowa”, nr 9.Gans J., Hsu D.H., Stern S., 2002, When Does Start-up Innovation Spur the Gale of Creative Destruction?, “The Rand Journal of Economics”, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 571-586, DOI: 10.2307/3087475.Garcia R., Calantone R., 2002, A critical look at technological innovation typology and innovativeness terminology: A literature review, “The Journal of Product Innovation Management”, vol. 19(2), pp. 110-132.Global Innovation Index 2018. Report, 2019, Cornel University, Cornell University, INSEAD and WIPO, Ithaca, Fontainebleau, Geneva.Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2018. Succeeding in the New Era of Technology, 2019, Genome, https://startupgenome.com/ [date of entry: 17.04.2019].Hampden-Turner Ch., Trompenaars Ch.A., 2000, Siedem kultur kapitalizmu, Dom Wydawniczy ABC, Kraków.Hashai N., Markovich S., 2017, Market Entry by High Technology Startups: The Effect of Competition Level and Startup Innovativeness, “Strategy Science”, vol. 2(3), pp. 141-209, DOI: 0.1287/stsc.2017.0033.Hong S., Serfes K., Thiele V., 2018, Competition in the Venture Capital Market and the Success of Startup Companies: Theory and Evidence, School of Economics Working Paper Series 2, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35585.56162.Łopusiewicz A., 2013, Start-up. Od pomysłu do sukcesu, Wydawnictwo Samo Sedno, Warszawa.Nickels W.G., 2000, Zrozumieć biznes, Dom Wydawniczy Bellonna, Oficyna Wydawnicza Rytm, Warszawa.Nowoczesna inżynieria finansowa dla firm start-up w Polsce w latach 2009-2012. Raport z badań screeningowych, 2013, Zelek A. (red.), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Zachodniopomorskiej Szkoły Biznesu w Szczecinie, Szczecin.Polish Start-ups, 2018, https://www.startup.pfr.pl/en/news/polish-startups-2018-report [date of entry: 05.09.2018].Polski rynek FinTech – bariery i szanse rozwoju 2016, 2016, FinTech Poland, Warszawa.Popadiuk S., Choo C.W., 2006. Innovation and knowledge creation: How are these concepts related?, “International Journal of Information Management”, vol. 26(4), pp. 302-312, DOI:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2006.03.011.Raport Scale up, 2018, PARP, Warszawa, https://www.startup.pfr.pl/media/filer_public/c3/e6/c3e61da5-3d36-4882-a3a0-79de2e8aa94b/raport_scale_up_grudzien _2018.pdf [date of entry: 01.12.2018].Redrawing the lines: FinTech’s growing influence on Financial Services, 2018, Global FinTech Executive Summary, PwC.Stankiewicz M.J., 2002, Konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstw. Budowanie konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa w warunkach globalizacji, Dom Wydawniczy Organizator, Toruń.Świderska J., 2008, Quasi-fundusze Venture Capital. Publiczne wsparcie innowacyjnych MSP, Difin, Warszawa.The Future of Fintech and Banking: Digitally disrupted or reimagined, 2015, Accenture.The Future of FinTech. A Paradigm Shift in Small Business Finance, 2015, Accenture.The Pulse of Fintech 2018. Biannual global analysis of investment in fintech, 2018, KPMG.Trajtenberg M., 1990, A Penny for Your Quotes: Patent Citations and the Value of Innovations, “The RAND Journal of Economics”, vol. 21(1), pp. 172-187, DOI: 10.2307/2555502.Zasępa P., 2014, Problemy dotyczące procesu dezinwestycji funduszy venture capital oraz private equity za pomocą transakcji IPO na rynkach globalnych oraz na rynku polskim, [w:] Finansowe determinanty rozwoju przedsiębiorstw, Dresler Z. (red.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, Kraków.www 1, http://startupeuropeclub.eu/eu-funds-and-support [date of entry: 09.01.2018].www 2, https://www.renderforest.com/blog/startup-definition [date of entry: 05.01.2018].www 3, https://dyskusja.biz/gospodarka/start-in-poland-dajmy-im-szanse-52243 [date of entry: 03.02.2016].www 4, https://www.mpit.gov.pl/strony/aktualnosci/start-in-poland-podsumowanie [date of entry: 01.06.2016].www 5, https://www.startupcommons.org/what-is-startup-ecosystem.html [date of entry: 06.11.2016].www 6, https://www.pkobp.pl/aktualnosci/ogolnokrajowe/badanie-ekosystemu-startupow-w-polsce/[date of entry: 21/04/2016].www 7, https://forsal.pl/artykuly/1188866,ranking-efektywnosci-innowacji-na-swiecie-global-innovation-index-2018.html#gii2018 [date of entry: 26.02.2019].www 8, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-22/south-korea-topsglobal-innovation-ranking-again-as-u-s-falls [date of entry: 03.02.2019].www 9, http://startuppoland.org/knowledge [date of entry: 23.01.2019].www 10, https://www.interregeurope.eu/policylearning/news/3806/european-innovation-scoreboard-2018/[date of entry: 03.02.2019].1(99)607

    Contextualising the Hyflex Model of Instruction for Language Classes

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    The paper discusses a possible, practical application of the hybrid flexible (hyflex) model of content delivery in a tertiary context. The model may as well be applied in foreign language instruction. It is the author’s belief that there are convincing reasons for employing digital competences and skills acquired over the last two years to enhance teaching and learning. AnMappropriate contextualisation of the hyflex model may further encourage the retention of theMalready attained competences and skills in the new normal. It may also allow to combine the traditional, in-class instruction with the new, online interaction both synchronously and asynchronously. The possibility of hyflexing language courses can be a challenging, however responsible, prospect because the restoration of the education we used to know might not be easy. Although theoretical, the paper provides practical guidelines as well as offers a selection of online tools to contextualise the hyflex model in language teaching. The paper may also constitute a strong claim for the practical application of the hyflex model especially when combined with an in-depth analysis and research of the model in various educational contexts. As the future is hard to envisage, various models and approaches might be taken into account so as to appropriately respond to the challenges and requirements education is likely to be confronted with

    Defending the Catholic Faith or Spreading Intolerance? The Sermon delivered during auto-da-fé in 17th-century Portugal as an Example of Anti-Jewish Literature

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    One of the activities of the Inquisition most visible to ordinary people was called the auto-da-fé – a public confession of faith. Such ceremonies, held by the Inquisition Tribunal, were composed of several parts. One of the most significant parts of the ceremony was the sermon. Many of these sermons seemingly focused on Jewish issues, even if only a few of the condemned were accused of converting to Judaism. To whom, and for what purpose, were the sermons addressed? What were their character, role, and impact on society? Can we interpret them as a typical example of anti-Jewish literature, and a specific “invitation to intolerance”? This article aims to outline the subject matter of the sermons delivered during the auto-da-fé ceremony in Portugal, particularly their anti-Jewish aspect. Reference is made to texts of ten sermons made during autos-da-fé held in the three biggest centers of 17th-century Inquisition activity in Portugal (Lisbon, Coimbra and Évora), as well as the colony of Goa