71 research outputs found

    Phenotypic Characterization and Multivariate Analysis of Fifteen Maize Lines developed by Induced Mutation in Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire)

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    In Côte d'Ivoire, maize is an important staple food for a large part of the population. However, its culture faces many constraints related to soil degradation, climate change and genetic degeneration of cultivated varieties. In order to create new varieties adapted to these constraints, mutant maize Lines have been developed using the gamma radiation technique. The present study aims to phenotyping 15 mutant Lines from the sixth generation of self-pollination, in order to characterize them and to give information on their genetic diversity. For this, an experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted. Thirteen traits were evaluated and they showed wide variation not only between the mutant Lines but also between them and the non-irradiated control. Multivariate analysis structured this variability into five distinct groups with specific traits. The interest of the revealed traits and the future use of these mutant Lines are discussed. Keywords: maize, gamma radiation, induce mutation, phenotypic characterization DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/13-18-05 Publication date:December 31st 202

    Foliar Application of Boron during Flowering Promotes Tolerance to Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Swollen Shoot Viral Disease

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    Boron nutrition is known to reduce the effect of some viral and fungal diseases on plant fitness. This study investigated the potential of boron application to improve yield and tolerance of cacao trees naturally infected by virulent cocoa swollen shoot virus (CSSV) strains and determined the effective dose and time of application. Foliar sprays of a commercial product containing 20.5% of boron were performed either at the onset of flowering’s peak of the little milking (early in November) or four weeks later (early in December) with four doses of boron (0, 31.25, 41.67, and 83.27 g/ha) in a randomized complete block design with four replications. We found that boron application improved foliar density and induced production of pods of normal shape meanwhile reducing the appearance of this misshapenness due to CSSV. Boron also increased the number of emitted flowers, cherelles and pods subsequently. Moreover, weight and size of fresh cocoa beans per pod were positively correlated to boron dosage. Interestingly, foliar sprays performed early in November resulted in less flat cocoa beans. Finally, the optimal dose of boron that reduced the adverse effects of the most virulent form of cocoa swollen shoot viral disease is 41.67 g/ha

    Evaluation De La Production De Cinq Genotypes De Palmier A Huile (Elaeis Guinnensis Jacq.) Replantes Sur Des Parcelles A Haute Densite De Fusariose

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    Fusarium wilt is the most serious disease of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) In Africa. The methods of fighting this disease are mainly based on the search for tolerant plant material, so the researchers of CNRA were able to make available to the producers of the genotypes tolerant to the Fusarium wilt. However, two of these supposedly tolerant genotypes, planted on plot D9-3 in Ehania, a highly endemic plot, showed symptoms of vascular Fusarium wilt after 9 years of replanting. The evaluation of production responses in comparison with the physiological states of other genotypes of the same parental origin showed that the LM25373 and LM25635 progenies retained their ability to produce in spite of their doubtful physiological state. The appearance of the external symptoms of FHB did not affect the cycles of production of these so-called diseased progeny

    Discontinuous Nature of Phreatic Aquifers in Granitic Rocks at Watershed Scale: A Stratiform Model from Perennial Streams and Well Data

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    The study was carried out within 4,000 km2 segment of Sassandra watershed located in Soubré, south-west of Côte d’Ivoire where coffee and cocoa production are preponderant. This work aimed to provide a general methodology in order to draw the flow directions and map the potential productive aquifer in hard-rocks. Drilling data, remote sensing, and geomorphic data in a context of weathered plutonic and metamorphic Precambrian were used. The regional water table was modeled through a linear relationship between the topographic surface of the digital elevation model and the base surface of the perennial streams thalwegs. As result, a map of regolith thickness obtained has been compared with the geology to emphasize their relationship. Furthermore, other correlations have been found between the hydraulic data and geomorphological features to get more precise stratification model. Concealed by the regolith, the hard-rock aquifer is made up of three layers. From top to bottom we have the saprolite (< 10 m), the weathering induced fissured layer (35 m mean thickness) below the base of the saprolite and finally, the unweathered with very low hydraulic conductivity. Each layer is characterized by a constant density of water-bearing fissures. This shows the impact of a stratiform weathering profile on the layering of the aquifer. High variability of observing yields is mainly due to thickness heterogeneity of the higher-storage regolith and underlying higher-conductive fissured saprock. Also, the wells tapping water under a regolith with medium or high thickness were the most productive justifying that regolith thickness mapping is a first rank tool in hydrogeology prospecting. The thickness map obtained from the interpolated base surface of the regolith and the DEM represents a useful tool for groundwater management

    Prévention du brunissement lors de l’extraction de jus de banane plantain et valorisation des résidus issus de cette extraction

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    Ces expériences ont été conduites dans l’optique d’évaluer d’une part la capacité de divers traitements anti brunissement à prévenir le brunissement du jus de banane plantain et d’autre part de valoriser les résidus issus de cette extraction sous forme de confiture. Le métabisulfite de potassium (100 mg/kg) était plus efficace pour la production d’un jus de banane légèrement coloré et de coloration stable par rapport aux deux méthodes de traitement thermique (chauffage de la banane entière non épluchée à 100 °C pendant 11 min et le chauffage de la purée à 85 °C pendant 1-2 min et l’acide ascorbique (470 mg/kg). La polyphenoloxydase était plus active dans les jus clarifiés traités à l’acide ascorbique et le témoin qui brunissent tous au fil du temps. L’analyse sensorielle a révélé que tous les jus présentaient la même intensité de flaveur banane plantain. Les résidus d’extraction des jus ont été valorisés par la production de deux types de confiture (avec ou sans ajout de poudre de baobab comme source de pectine) appréciés par les dégustateurs. Par ailleurs, la confiture contenant la poudre de baobab (Adansonia digitata) aura une meilleure conservation grâce à son pH plus acide.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Plantain, brunissement, extraction, valorisation, jus, Adansonia digitataEnglish AbstractThese experiments were conducted with a view to evaluating both the ability of various anti browning treatments to prevent browning of plantain juice and also to value the residues from the extraction as jam. Potassium metabisulfite (100 m/L) was more effective for the production of a slightly colored banana juice with stable color compared to the two methods of thermal treatment (heating the whole banana unpeeled at 100 °C for 11 min and heating the mash at 85 °C for 1-2 min) and ascorbic acid (470 mg/L). The polyphenol oxidase was more active in the clarified juice treated with ascorbic acid and the control which darkened over time. Sensory analysis revealed that all the juices had the same intensity of plantain flavor. The juice processing wastes were valued by the production of two types of jam (with or without addition of baobab powder as a source of pectin) appreciated by the tasters. Moreover, jam containing baobab (A digitata) powder will have better preservation with its more acidic pH.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Plantain, browning, extraction, valorization, juice, Adansonia digitat

    Inventaire Des Champignons Pathogènes Post-Récolte De La Banane Dessert « Cavendish » Et Evaluation De Leur Sensibilité A l’Azoxystrobine En Côte d’Ivoire

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    This study was aimed at drawing up an inventory of the post-harvest pathogenic fungi of banana dessert and to assess their susceptibility to Azoxystrobin. A sampling was carried out in banana fruit processing factories of the main Ivorian zones of banana production (Niéky, AboissoAyamé-Akressi and Tiassalé). The identification and frequency of isolation of the fungal species associated with the affected parts of the fruit was based on their cultural aspects, reproductive structures and percentage of contamination. The susceptibility of post-harvest fungi to different doses of Azoxystrobin 3.5, 4 and 4.5 g/hl was compared to a reference product, Bitertanol at a dose of 2 g/hl and to a check where only water is applied. Of the 13 pathogenic fungal species isolated, Botryodiplodia theobromae was the most recurrent and was identified as the main causal agent of postharvest rots. It is followed by Colletotrichum musae, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium moniliforme, Geotrichum candidum, Fusarium semitectum and Aspergillus flavus, in which the isolation frequencies are significantly different. The results on the susceptibility of pathogenic fungi to Azoxystrobin show that the three doses of Azoxystrobin have significantly different effects from that of the reference product and the check. They reduce infection rates up to 91.67% and give a high proportion of marketable fruits, respectively. Surprisingly, the dose of the reference product gives a low rate of reduction of infections (49%) and a proportion of marketable fruit that is significantly identical to that of water treatment

    Lutte Integree contre le Charançon du Bananier Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera:Curculionidae): Utilisation de Pieges Inocules avec le Champignon Entomopathogene Metarhizium Anisoplae

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    Cosmopolites sordidus est une contrainte majeure à la production de bananes (Musa spp.). Le champignon entomopathogène Metarhizium anisopliae, Ascomycota : Hypocreales, se présente comme une alternative de  lutte contre les charançons. Nos enquêtes ont été menées pour évaluer l'efficacité de différentes luttes antiparasitaires dans les jachères et les bananeraies établies. Dans les jachères, le piège à phéromone inoculé avec Metarhizium et le piège à phéromone avec ramassage de charançons ont été comparés pour leur efficacité à réduire l'infestation larvaire de charançons. Dans le champ de bananes établi, le piège à pseudo-tronc inoculé avec Metarhizium a été comparé à l'application chimique, et la combinaison du piège à pseudo-tronc inoculé avec Metarhizium et l'application chimique. L'efficacité des traitements a été mesurée par les paramètres de Vilardebo : le coefficient d'infestation et le taux d'infestation. Les résultats ont montré que le traitement utilisant M. anisopliae s'est avéré le plus efficace, réduisant l'infestation larvaire. Dans les champs établis de bananier, insecticide chimique + traitement de M. ansisopliae et application mensuelle de piège à pseudotronc inoculé, ont réduit les paramètres d'infestation de plus de 50 %. Avant la replantation en jachère, une combinaison de phéromone + M. anisopliae avait diminué les niveaux d'infestation larvaire de 60 %. Les pièges inoculés avec le champignon entomopathogène Metarhizium sont apparus comme une méthode innovante et durable pour lutter contre le charançon du bananier Cosmopolites sordidus dans les champs de bananier et de plantain.   Cosmopolites sordidus is a serious constraint to banana (Musa spp.) production. The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, Ascomycota: Hypocreales,  offers a potential weevil management option. Our investigations were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of different pest management in fallows and established banana fields. In the fallows, the pheromone trap inoculated with Metarhizium and the pheromone trap with weevil collecting were compared for their efficacy to reduce weevil larval infestation. In the established banana field, the pseudostem trap inoculated with Metarhizium was compared to chemical application, and the combination of pseudostem trap inoculated with Metarhizium and chemical application. The efficiency of the treatments has been measured by Vilardebo parameters: the coefficient of infestation and infestation rate. The results showed treatment using M. anisopliae proved most effective, reducing larval infestation. In Banana established fields, chemical insecticide + application of M. ansisopliae treatment and monthly application of pseudostem trap inoculated, reduced these infestation parameters by more than 50 %. Before fallow replanting, a combination of pheromone + M. anisopliae had declined the larval infestation levels by 60 %. Inoculated traps with entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium appeared to be an Innovative and Sustainable Method to control Banana Weevil Cosmopolites sordidus in Banana and Plantain Fields

    Lutte Integree contre le Charançon du Bananier Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera:Curculionidae): Utilisation de Pieges Inocules avec le Champignon Entomopathogene Metarhizium Anisoplae

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    Cosmopolites sordidus est une contrainte majeure à la production de bananes (Musa spp.). Le champignon entomopathogène Metarhizium anisopliae, Ascomycota : Hypocreales, se présente comme une alternative de  lutte contre les charançons. Nos enquêtes ont été menées pour évaluer l'efficacité de différentes luttes antiparasitaires dans les jachères et les bananeraies établies. Dans les jachères, le piège à phéromone inoculé avec Metarhizium et le piège à phéromone avec ramassage de charançons ont été comparés pour leur efficacité à réduire l'infestation larvaire de charançons. Dans le champ de bananes établi, le piège à pseudo-tronc inoculé avec Metarhizium a été comparé à l'application chimique, et la combinaison du piège à pseudo-tronc inoculé avec Metarhizium et l'application chimique. L'efficacité des traitements a été mesurée par les paramètres de Vilardebo : le coefficient d'infestation et le taux d'infestation. Les résultats ont montré que le traitement utilisant M. anisopliae s'est avéré le plus efficace, réduisant l'infestation larvaire. Dans les champs établis de bananier, insecticide chimique + traitement de M. ansisopliae et application mensuelle de piège à pseudotronc inoculé, ont réduit les paramètres d'infestation de plus de 50 %. Avant la replantation en jachère, une combinaison de phéromone + M. anisopliae avait diminué les niveaux d'infestation larvaire de 60 %. Les pièges inoculés avec le champignon entomopathogène Metarhizium sont apparus comme une méthode innovante et durable pour lutter contre le charançon du bananier Cosmopolites sordidus dans les champs de bananier et de plantain.   Cosmopolites sordidus is a serious constraint to banana (Musa spp.) production. The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, Ascomycota: Hypocreales,  offers a potential weevil management option. Our investigations were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of different pest management in fallows and established banana fields. In the fallows, the pheromone trap inoculated with Metarhizium and the pheromone trap with weevil collecting were compared for their efficacy to reduce weevil larval infestation. In the established banana field, the pseudostem trap inoculated with Metarhizium was compared to chemical application, and the combination of pseudostem trap inoculated with Metarhizium and chemical application. The efficiency of the treatments has been measured by Vilardebo parameters: the coefficient of infestation and infestation rate. The results showed treatment using M. anisopliae proved most effective, reducing larval infestation. In Banana established fields, chemical insecticide + application of M. ansisopliae treatment and monthly application of pseudostem trap inoculated, reduced these infestation parameters by more than 50 %. Before fallow replanting, a combination of pheromone + M. anisopliae had declined the larval infestation levels by 60 %. Inoculated traps with entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium appeared to be an Innovative and Sustainable Method to control Banana Weevil Cosmopolites sordidus in Banana and Plantain Fields

    Lutte Biologique Contre le Charançon Noir du Bananier Cosmopolites Sordidus (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Curculiondae): Utilisation de Pieges Inocules avec le Champignon Entomopathogene Metarhizium Anisopliae

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    Cosmopolites sordidus, communément appelé le charançon noir,  est une contrainte majeure à la production bananière (Musa spp.). Le champignon entomopathogène Metarhizium anisopliae (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) se présente comme une alternative de lutte contre le charançon. Nos essais ont été conduits pour évaluer l'efficacité de méthodes de lutte utilisant le champignon dans les jachères et les bananeraies établies. Dans les jachères, le piège à phéromone inoculé avec le Metarhizium et le piège à phéromone couple au ramassage des charançons ont été comparés pour leur efficacité à réduire les infestations. Dans les parcelles établies, le piège à pseudo-tronc inoculé avec le Metarhizium a été comparé à l'application chimique, et, la combinaison du piège à pseudo-tronc inoculé avec le Metarhizium couplée à l'insecticide chimique. L'efficacité des traitements a été mesurée par les paramètres de Vilardebo: le coefficient d'infestation et le taux d'infestation. Les résultats ont montré que le traitement utilisant M. anisopliae s'est avéré le plus efficace, réduisant l'infestation larvaire. Dans les parcelles en production continue, insecticide chimique + traitement de M. ansisopliae et application mensuelle de piège à pseudotronc inoculé, ont réduit les paramètres d'infestation de plus de 50 %. Avant la replantation de la jachère, une combinaison de phéromone + M. anisopliae a diminué les niveaux d'infestation larvaire de 60 %. Les pièges inoculés avec le champignon entomopathogène Metarhizium sont apparus comme une méthode innovante et durable pour lutter contre le charançon du bananier Cosmopolites sordidus.   Cosmopolites sordidus is a serious constraint to banana (Musa spp.) production. The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, Ascomycota: Hypocreales, offers a potential weevil management option. Our investigations were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of different pest management in fallows and established banana fields. In the fallows, the pheromone trap inoculated with Metarhizium and the pheromone trap with weevil collecting were compared for their efficacy to reduce weevil larval infestation. In the established banana field, the pseudostem trap inoculated with Metarhizium was compared to chemical application, and the combination of pseudostem trap inoculated with Metarhizium and chemical application. The efficiency of the treatments has been measured by Vilardebo parameters: the coefficient of infestation and infestation rate. The results showed treatment using M. anisopliae proved most effective, reducing larval infestation. In Banana established fields, chemical insecticide + application of M. ansisopliae treatment and monthly application of pseudostem trap inoculated, reduced these infestation parameters by more than 50 %. Before fallow replanting, a combination of pheromone + M. anisopliae had declined the larval infestation levels by 60 %. Inoculated traps with entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium appeared to be an Innovative and Sustainable Method to control Banana Weevil Cosmopolites sordidus in Banana and Plantain Fields