118 research outputs found

    Resisting classical solutions: The creative mind of industrial designers and engineers.

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    International audienceIndustrial designers and engineers are 2 types of individuals who are typically contrasted with regard to their creative capabilities. Regarding idea-generation processes, studies have shown that individuals use existing elements to generate new ideas, which constrains their creative thinking and leads them to only focus on a narrow scope of solutions. This article explores how industrial designers and engineers behave when generating creative ideas and resisting fixation (i.e., their propensity to focus on a limited set of ideas). We used a creative task in which participants were asked to design a solution that would prevent a hen’s egg from breaking after being dropped from a height of 10 m. Our results show that engineers and industrial designers differ in their creative behaviors when they are asked to generate ideas in a creative task without any constraints. Industrial designers provide more answers and are less fixated than engineers. However, for both engineers and industrial designers, the introduction of an uncreative example reinforced the fixation effect and constrained participants’ fluency. Specifically, industrial designers who were exposed to an uncreative example behaved similarly to engineers who were not exposed to this type of example

    Enfant et les Ă©crans (L\u27)

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    L’originalité de l’Avis de l’Académie des sciences, qui fait l’objet d’une publication aux éditions Le Pommier, est d’intégrer les données scientifiques les plus récentes de la neurobiologie, de la psychologie et des sciences cognitives, de la psychiatrie et de la médecine avec la réalité rapidement évolutive des technologies et de leur utilisation. Les grands axes mis en lumière dans cet Avis concernent la prise de conscience de la révolution en cours et du choc entre la traditionnelle culture du livre et la nouvelle culture du numérique. Dans cette perspective, le texte dresse un état des lieux des enjeux, des bénéfices et des risques de ce bouleversement, et souligne la nécessité d\u27une pédagogie différenciée selon les âges, du bébé à l’adolescent

    The Shift from Local to Global Visual Processing in 6-Year-Old Children Is Associated with Grey Matter Loss

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    International audienceBackground: A real-world visual scene consists of local elements (e.g. trees) that are arranged coherently into a global configuration (e.g. a forest). Children show psychological evolution from a preference for local visual information to an adult-like preference for global visual information, with the transition in visual preference occurring around 6 years of age. The brain regions involved in this shift in visual preference have not been described. Methods and Results: We used voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to study children during this developmental window to investigate changes in gray matter that underlie the shift from a bias for local to global visual information. Six-year-old children were assigned to groups according to their judgment on a global/local task. The first group included children who still presented with local visual processing biases, and the second group included children who showed global visual processing biases. VBM results indicated that compared to children with local visual processing biases, children with global visual processing biases had a loss of gray matter in the right occipital and parietal visuospatial areas. Conclusions: These anatomical findings are in agreement with previous findings in children with neurodevelopmental disorders and represent the first structural identification of brain regions that allow healthy children to develop a global perception of the visual world

    Psychologie cognitive expérimentale et controverse Fodor-Jacob à propos de «l'esprit atomique »

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    Houdé Olivier. Psychologie cognitive expérimentale et controverse Fodor-Jacob à propos de «l'esprit atomique ». In: Intellectica. Revue de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive, n°21, 1995/2. Fonctionnalismes. pp. 258-262

    Note sur la remise du titre de Docteur Honoris Causa en Sorbonne au Prix Nobel Daniel Kahneman : hommage rendu par Olivier Houdé

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    Houdé Olivier. Note sur la remise du titre de Docteur Honoris Causa en Sorbonne au Prix Nobel Daniel Kahneman : hommage rendu par Olivier Houdé. In: L'année psychologique. 2007 vol. 107, n°3. pp. 525-527

    Imagerie cérébrale, cognition et pédagogie

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    L’un des défis majeurs des neurosciences contemporaines est d’établir des relations entre le fonctionnement du cerveau et l’éducation. En apportant des indications sur les capacités et les contraintes du « cerveau qui apprend », les neurosciences peuvent aider à expliquer pourquoi certaines situations d’apprentissage sont efficaces, alors que d’autres ne le sont pas. Les résultats présentés ici apportent les premiers éléments d’une neuropédagogie du raisonnement

    Circuits directs, circuits longs et inhibition

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    Houdé Olivier. Circuits directs, circuits longs et inhibition. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 50 n°427, 1996. 50 ans de psychologie de l'enfant – Hommage au Professeur Pierre Oléron. pp. 36-38
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