260 research outputs found

    DRMs, Innovation and Creation

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    DRMs are intellectual property institutions. They transpose the empirical principle of copyright, which implicitly recognizes that specific ownership rules should be attached to non scientific creation, into the digital era. The legal protection of DRMs, a private means of enforcing content excludability, participates in the "privatization" of copyright protection. This, in turn, means that a proprietary software — governed by intellectual property rights, reinforced by public law — becomes the key to the vertical relations shaped by exclusive copyright. DRMs consequently represent a major stake in the competition to capture network effects in the content distribution vertical chaincopyright; distribution; DRMs; network effects

    DRMs, Innovation and Creation

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    DRMs are intellectual property institutions. They transpose the empirical principle of copyright, which implicitly recognizes that specific ownership rules should be attached to non scientific creation, into the digital era. The legal protection of DRMs, a private means of enforcing content excludability, participates in the "privatization" of copyright protection. This, in turn, means that a proprietary software — governed by intellectual property rights, reinforced by public law — becomes the key to the vertical relations shaped by exclusive copyright. DRMs consequently represent a major stake in the competition to capture network effects in the content distribution vertical chai

    ArÎmes poivrés des vins et rotundone : aspect sensoriel, appréciation par le consommateur, impact des facteurs environnementaux, viticoles, et des techniques de vinification

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    La rotundone est le principal contributeur Ă  l’arĂŽme poivrĂ© des vins rouges. Les travaux menĂ©s dans le cadre de cette thĂšse de doctorat ont permis de faire progresser les connaissances sur cette molĂ©cule au niveau sensoriel, sur son apprĂ©ciation par le consommateur et sur les facteurs environnementaux, viticoles et oenologiques impactant ses niveaux de concentration dans les vins. Une corrĂ©lation significative, entre l’intensitĂ© des notes poivrĂ©es perçues Ă  la dĂ©gustation et la concentration en rotundone des vins au sein d’un Ă©chantillon composĂ© de 21 vins, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie. Le profil de consommation des vins riches en rotundone a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©. Le consommateur prĂ©fĂ©rant les vins poivrĂ©s s’apparente Ă  un amateur Ă©clairĂ© possĂ©dant un budget par bouteille de vin supĂ©rieur aux autres consommateurs. Aucun seuil de rejet n’a pu ĂȘtre Ă©tabli pour la rotundone et le caractĂšre positif de la molĂ©cule a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© dans la plupart des cas. Les recherches menĂ©es sur l’écophysiologie de la rotundone suggĂšrent que la production de la molĂ©cule a lieu dans la baie et peut ĂȘtre influencĂ©e par des facteurs abiotiques (quantitĂ© d’eau, niveau Ă©clairement) et biotiques (infection par Erysiphe necator et Botrytis cinerea). La date de rĂ©colte, le clone, et quelques pratiques viticoles ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s comme des leviers possibles pour favoriser l’accumulation de la rotundone dans les vins. Aucune des techniques de vinification et des variables fermentaires testĂ©es n’ont permis d’augmenter les niveaux en rotundone des vins en comparaison avec un tĂ©moin vinifiĂ© traditionnellement. Ceci signifie que les efforts pour maximiser la concentration en rotundone des vins doivent ĂȘtre entrepris dĂšs le vignobl

    Pre-fermentation heat treatment: a multitool technique to keep the pot boiling

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    First industrially developed in the 1970s to process botrytised grapes, the pre-fermentation heat treatment of grapes is becoming more and more popular to produce fruit-driven wines. Several conditions, such as the time and the temperature of heating or the conditions of fermentation itself, have been proposed to modulate the aroma of thermovinified wines and adapt their profile to consumer demand. Based on research results obtained during the last decade, this article provides a short, up-to-date review of the impact of this technique on wine aroma

    Small molecule-based photocrosslinkable fluorescent materials toward multilayered and high-resolution emissive patterning

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    International audiencea Solution-processable green and red-emitting fluorophores possessing photopolymerizable acrylate units have been synthesized. Photocrosslinking was successfully performed in neat thin films at room temperature under low-dose UV irradiation at 365 nm. No further curing step was necessary to achieve insoluble emissive thin films displaying high optical quality. Up to 80% of the green emitting material processed as a non-doped thin film remained after photopolymerization. Despite competitive energy transfer occurring between the excited photoinitiator and the radiative excited state of red-emitting materials, up to 40% of the initial thickness could be achieved after development. The very low RMS roughness of the green and red photocrosslinked thin films after development (RMS o 0.7 nm) allowed us to fabricate multicolored stacks again with high optical quality (RMS roughness o 1.3 nm) after two cycles of irradiation and development involving successively red and green emitters. Resolved patterns as small as 600 nm in width could be obtained upon photolithography performed under an air atmosphere. High adhesion of the photocrosslinked materials on surfaces makes the resulting emissive thin films very promising for realizing complex emissive structures on flat or bend substrates as required in multiple applications such as optical data storage, organic lasers, organic light emitting diodes or counterfeiting


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    International audienceThis paper suggests a macroscopic model describing the thermo-chemo-mechanical behaviour of ceramic dense membrane for oxygen separation application. This work takes in account to oxygen permeation and strain induced by stoichiometry variation with working conditions. This model, developed within the traditional framework of phenomenological approach, is based on the assumption of strain partitions and requires only three state variables: oxygen activity, temperature and total strain. Oxygen bulk diffusion and surface exchanges are described thanks to the thermodynamic approach developed by Onsager. While many works focused on semi-permeation induced strain, the proposed model also includes the temperature effect on chemical expansion. Strains predicted by the proposed model are validated thanks to experimental test on La0.8Sr0.2Fe0.7Ga0.3O3-ÎŽ. Implemented in F.E.A code Abaqus, this model permits studying the design and the process management effects such as chemical shocks on the membrane reliability

    Properties modulation of organic semi-conductors based on a donor-spiro-acceptor (D-spiro-A) molecular design: new host materials for efficient sky-blue PhOLEDs

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    International audienceFour high triplet org. semi-conductors based on the donor-spiro-acceptor design (D-spiro-A) have been synthesized. Their physicochem. and photophys. properties have been studied, compared and discussed in light of the nature of their resp. donor/acceptor units. The four compds. have been used as host materials in efficient sky-blue (EQE \textgreater 10% at 10 mA cm-2) phosphorescent org. light emitting diodes

    Etude et modĂ©lisation du comportement thermo‐chimio-­mĂ©canique des oxydes conducteurs mixtes

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    National audienceLa sĂ©paration de l'oxygĂšne de l'air est couramment rĂ©alisĂ©e par distillation cryogĂ©nique. Depuis un peu plus de 30 ans, les oxydes conducteurs mixtes semblent constituer une alternative intĂ©ressante pour la production d'oxygĂšne ultra pur. L'oxygĂšne est sĂ©parĂ© de l'air, Ă  haute tempĂ©rature, par conduction ionique Ă  travers une membrane cĂ©ramique dense. Tous les procĂ©dĂ©s nĂ©cessitant de l'oxygĂšne (oxycombustion, mĂ©tallurgie, domaine mĂ©dical, ...) sont des applications possibles de cette technologie. Les conducteurs mixtes sont des matĂ©riaux cĂ©ramiques dans lesquels deux espĂšces chimiques se dĂ©placent : une espĂšce ionique et une espĂšce Ă©lectronique. Le rapport des conductivitĂ©s Ă©lectroniques et ioniques est tel que la neutralitĂ© Ă©lectrique est conservĂ©e. Cette propriĂ©tĂ© est obtenue par dopage d'une cĂ©ramique (le plus souvent de structure perovskite) qui gĂ©nĂšre la prĂ©sence de dĂ©fauts, notamment des lacunes d'oxygĂšne. Le composĂ© est alors qualifiĂ© de sous-stƓchiomĂ©trique en oxygĂšne. Les Ă©carts Ă  la stƓchiomĂ©trie sont fonction de l'oxyde de dĂ©part, de la tempĂ©rature et de l'activitĂ© chimique des composĂ©s. En service, la fluctuation de la stoĂ©chiomĂ©trie, rĂ©sultant du chargement thermique et du flux des ions oxygĂšne Ă  travers la membrane, occasionne des dĂ©formations du rĂ©seau cristallin qui se traduisent macroscopiquement par une dĂ©formation de la membrane et une modification (faible) des propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques. Afin de confirmer le rĂŽle de ces dĂ©formations dites "chimiques" dans la rupture des membranes et d'Ă©tudier l'influence de paramĂštres telles que la gĂ©omĂ©trie (scellement cĂ©ramique/mĂ©tal) ou les conditions opĂ©ratoires, un modĂšle macroscopique du comportement thermo-chimio-mĂ©canique de ces cĂ©ramiques a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© et implĂ©mentĂ© dans le logiciel Abaqus. La modĂ©lisation est relativement complĂšte, tant du point de vue du comportement de la membrane que des sollicitations : la dĂ©formation chimique est prise en compte par l'intermĂ©diaire d'un comportement thermomĂ©canique dĂ©diĂ© ; le transport ionique de l'oxygĂšne est Ă©galement reproduit via une loi de transport dĂ©diĂ©e, en lien avec l'Ă©volution du champ de tempĂ©rature. La simulation d'essais de dilatomĂ©trie sous diffĂ©rentes atmosphĂšres contrĂŽlĂ©es permet d'illustrer les capacitĂ©s actuelles du modĂšle ainsi que ses limites. Enfin, ce modĂšle a permis de simuler les diffĂ©rentes phases de fonctionnement d'un rĂ©acteur pilote, dĂ©veloppĂ© par Air Liquide. Les prĂ©visions obtenues sont pertinentes et mettent en lumiĂšre l'origine de certaines des difficultĂ©s actuelles de transfert de la technologie Ă  l'Ă©chelle industrielle

    Are peppery notes the main negative driver of liking for young French consumers in a Duras red wine made from a cool and wet season?

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    It has been shown that rotundone, the only identified aroma compound imparting peppery notes in red wine, was neutrally or positively perceived by consumers, except for young non-anosmic respondents who disliked it. This work aimed to explore the main negative driver of liking for this target of consumers in a peppery Duras red wine from a cool and wet season and for which other penalties might apply. A convenience panel of one-hundred and thirty-four young French consumers from Ecole d’IngĂ©nieurs de Purpan in Toulouse (18–24 years) was recruited for the study. Panellists were asked to rate their overall liking on a 9-point hedonic scale of such wine and their perception of seven sensory attributes on a 5-point just-about-right (JAR) scale, with 3 corresponding to the central just-about-right word anchor. Results from penalty analysis demonstrated that a lack of fruity notes followed by an excessive sourness and an excessive intensity of peppery notes were the main penalising sensory characteristics. The findings, that are still preliminary and would deserve to be confirmed using a panel composed of young consumers with other social and cultural background, highlight that the intensity of peppery notes was not the main negative driver of young consumers’ liking of Duras wine produced during a vintage year with unfavourable cool and rainy climate conditions. However, the results of this study encourage Duras producers targeting such consumers to propose a wine exhibiting a good balance between fruity and peppery notes and a moderate acidity level that could be achieved during such season through deacidification. This research is a good illustration of the fact that the penalty analysis method can be implemented on a single wine sample

    2-Substituted vs 4-substituted-9,9â€Č-spirobifluorene host materials for green and blue phosphorescent OLEDs: a structure-property relationship study

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    Nanotek for organic synthesis, and organic synthesis for nanotekInternational audienceWe report a structure-property relationship study of four 9,9â€Č-spirobifluorene (SBF) derivatives (4-5Pm-SBF, 2-5Pm-SBF, 4-Ph-SBF and 2-Ph-SBF), substituted with either phenyl or pyrimidine at the \C2\ or \C4\ position of the \SBF\ core. Structural, thermal, electrochemical and photophysical properties have been examined and correlated to theoretical calculations in order to study the influence of the nature and the position of the substituent. The emission properties of 4- versus 2-substituted \SBFs\ are noticeably different highlighting, in the excited state, the remarkable effect of substitution in ortho position of SBF. All compounds have been used as host material for green dopant in PhOLEDs with very high performances (2-5Pm-SBF: CE>58 cd/A, PE>35 lm/W, EQE>14%). More importantly, the two 4-substituted \SBFs\ have been used as host materials in blue PhOLEDs, displaying high performance and a decrease of \VTH\ for 4-5Pm-SBF due to the incorporation of the electron-withdrawing pyrimidine
