60 research outputs found

    Interconnexions et consommation: oĂč en sommes nous?

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    nombre de pages: 8National audienceCet article se propose d'aborder ce qu'il en est de la consommation des interconnexions dans les systÚmes sur puce (SOC : Sytem On Chip) à l'heure actuelle. L'efficacité des différentes méthodes qui visent à réduire la consommation des interconnexions et leur influence en termes d'activité, de vitesse et de surface seront vues de maniÚre détaillée. Les expérimentations nous ont permis de mettre au point un modÚle de consommation pour les bus. A partir de ce modÚle, nous avons développé un outil d'estimation rapide et précis en termes de surface, de vitesse de transfert et de consommation (instantanée, moyenne et maximale) sur le bus. Cet outil permet de tester rapidement les différentes méthodes et de conclure sur leur efficacité

    Etude du compromis latence-consommation d'énergie des radios longue portée

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    National audienceApparues au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es, les radios longue portĂ©e permettent des transmissions faible dĂ©bit sur des distances de plusieurs kilomĂštres. En utilisant ces technologies, un compromis doit ĂȘtre effectuĂ© entre la consommation d'Ă©nergie et la latence pour la transmission de messages en voie descendante. Dans cettĂ© etude, nous Ă©valuons ce compromis et proposons une architecture de rĂ©seaux combinant radio longue portĂ©e et wake-up radio permettant de rĂ©duirĂš a la fois la consommation Ă©nergĂ©tique et la latence

    Une architecture de radio logicielle faible latence et basse consommation pour l'audio sans fil haute qualité

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    International audienceNous proposons une nouvelle architecture de radio logicielle flexible, basse consommation, faible latence. Cette architecture s'appuie sur un microcontrĂŽleur couplĂ© Ă  un coprocesseur rĂ©alisant une transformĂ©e de Fourier rapide, un FPGA et un Ă©metteur-rĂ©cepteur radio frĂ©quence. Pour montrer l'intĂ©rĂȘt d'une telle structure, nous proposons et caractĂ©risons une couche physique dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  la transmission sans fil d'audio haute qualitĂ© et montrons que notre systĂšme tourne en temps rĂ©el avec un bilan Ă©nergĂ©tique rĂ©duit (437 mW pour le rĂ©cepteur) et une latence de bout en bout trĂšs faible (854 ”s)

    Implémentation du codage à minimum d'énergie pour les wake-up radios

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    National audienceWake-up Radios (WuRs) represent one of the most promising solutions for allowing an ultra-low power consumption in wireless sensor networks. However, WuRs have several limitations such as low sensitivity, inducing a miss-interpret of the wake-up signal, and thus a performance degradation of the whole system. This work introduces the use of minimum energy coding in order to enhance the WuR reliability while being energy efficient. The decoding is implemented on the micro-controller of the used WuR platform. It is shown, by combining analytical models and experimental measurements, an enhancement on the reliability up to 22% and a total energy saving of 42% while applying minimum energy coding.Les Wake-up Radios (WuR) sont une des solutions les plus prometteuses pour permettre une consommation d'énergie ultra faible dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil. Cependant, les WuR ont plusieurs limitations telles que leur faible sensibilité, induisant une mauvaise réception du signal de réveil, et donc une dégradation des performances de l'ensemble du systÚme. Ce travail introduit l'utilisation d'un codage à minimum d'énergie afin d'améliorer la fiabilité des WuR tout en étant économe en énergie. Le décodage est implémenté sur le micro-contrÎleur faible consommation de la WuR utilisée. Il est démontré, en combinant des modÚles analytiques et des mesures expérimentales, une amélioration de la fiabilité jusqu'à 22% et une économie d'énergie totale de 42% lorsque le codage à minimum d'énergie est utilisé

    MEES-WuR: Minimum Energy Coding with Early Shutdown for Wake-up Receivers

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    International audienceOne of the main challenges of wireless sensor networks is to maintain sensor nodes alive as long as possible, and a lot of efforts are dedicated to enable energy efficient communications. Wake-Up Receivers (WuRs) represent a promising solution for reducing the power consumption of nodes by enabling asynchronous communications. However, to achieve an ultra-low power consumption, WuRs circuits are kept as simple as possible, inducing a low sensitivity and thus a short range communication. As channel coding improves sensitivity, we propose to take advantage of the computing capability of the WuRs to apply a specific channel coding. The novelty resides in applying Minimum Energy coding with an Early Shutdown (MEES) of WuRs based on On-Off Keying (OOK) detectors. Both theoretical derivations and Monte-Carlo simulations show that the proposed coding scheme improves the reliability. Moreover, Moreover, MEES has been implemented on a non-coherent WuR prototype, and it is shown through experimentation that WuR reliability can be raised up to 22% compared to uncoded communications. Moreover, both the energy consumption and the latency can be significantly decreased thanks to the shutdown mechanism of MEES

    Enhancing Wake-Up Radio Range Through Minimum Energy Coding

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    International audienceA substantial part of the research on wireless sensor networks is focused on the optimization of the energy consumption through either hardware or protocol communication stacks. Wake-up Receivers (WuRs) represent a new paradigm that offers both ultra low power consumption and low latency through asynchronous communications. However, WuRs have a low sensitivity and thus can misinterpret the received signal inducing a performance degradation of the whole communicating system. To tackle this issue, low power channel coding techniques can be used and we propose in this work to apply Hamming coding and Minimum Energy Coding (ME) to enhance WuR range. A performance study of these two types of coding shows that ME coding outperforms Hamming code in reducing both bit error rate and energy consumption. At a range of 28 m, ME coding saves about 3 times the energy at a bit error rate of 10−310^{−3} compared to uncoded scheme. Furthermore, experimentation on the missed wake-ups when applying ME coding was done, showing a gain of 22% in reliability compared to uncoded scheme

    The revenge of asynchronous protocols: Wake-up Radio-based Multi-hop Multi-channel MAC protocol for WSN

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    International audienceSynchronized MAC protocols are now considered as the ultimate solution to access the medium in wireless sensor networks. They guarantee both high throughout and constant latency and achieve reasonable energy consumption performance. However, synchronization is achieved at the cost of a complex framework with low flexibility on its parameters that is not suitable for some network topologies or application requirements. By contrast, asynchronous MAC protocols are versatile by nature but suffer from the tradeoff between energy consumption and latency. However, the addition of Wake-up Radio (WuR) can reduce the energy consumption of such protocols while maintaining very low latency thanks to its always-on feature and ultra-low power consumption. In this article, we present WuR- based Multi-hop Multi-channel (W2M), an asynchronous MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks. We also provide a fair comparison with Time Synchronized Channel Hopping (TSCH) through an extensive simulation campaign based on Contiki-NG and Cooja. Our results show that in low traffic scenarios, W2M outperforms TSCH in reducing both the energy consumption and the latency (at least 68% of energy is saved), but at the cost of slightly lower reliability

    Design Flow and Run-Time Management for Compressed FPGA Configurations

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    International audienceThe aim of partially and dynamically reconfigurable hardware is to provide an increased flexibility through the load of multiple applications on the same reconfigurable fabric at the same time. However, a configuration bit-stream loaded at runtime should be created offline for each task of the application. Moreover, modern applications use a lot of specialized hardware blocks to perform complex operations, which tends to cancel the "single bit-stream for a single application" paradigm, as the logic content for different locations of the reconfigurable fabric may be different. In this paper we propose a design flow for generating compressed configuration bit-streams abstracted from their final position on the logic fabric. Those configurations will then be decoded and finalized in real-time and at run-time by a dedicated reconfiguration controller to be placed at a given physical location. Our experiments show that densely routed applications gain the most with a compression factor of more than 2× using the finest cluster size, but coarser coding can be implemented to achieve a compression factor up to 10×

    An FPGA Configuration Stream Architecture Supporting Seamless Hardware Accelerator Migration

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    International audienceMost of the available commercial Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) use an addressable memory organized around an array of N-bit words of Static RAM (SRAM) cells. Such configuration memory is traditionally programmed by writing, to each word, the corresponding bit-stream data at runtime. In the growing domain of Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration, this leads to long reconfiguration time of dynamic regions. We propose a novel approach to task relocation in an FPGA-based reconfigurable fabric, allowing for offline design, routing and unfinalized placement of hardware IPs and dynamic placement of the corresponding bit-streams at runtime

    Interconnexions et consommation: oĂč en sommes nous?

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    nombre de pages: 8National audienceCet article se propose d'aborder ce qu'il en est de la consommation des interconnexions dans les systÚmes sur puce (SOC : Sytem On Chip) à l'heure actuelle. L'efficacité des différentes méthodes qui visent à réduire la consommation des interconnexions et leur influence en termes d'activité, de vitesse et de surface seront vues de maniÚre détaillée. Les expérimentations nous ont permis de mettre au point un modÚle de consommation pour les bus. A partir de ce modÚle, nous avons développé un outil d'estimation rapide et précis en termes de surface, de vitesse de transfert et de consommation (instantanée, moyenne et maximale) sur le bus. Cet outil permet de tester rapidement les différentes méthodes et de conclure sur leur efficacité
