29 research outputs found
Introducing ergonomics requirements in the eco-design of energy-related products from users' behaviour approach
Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552Ergonomics has been a very important activity in the design process. However, ergonomics rarely includes the environmental requirements into the design of products. The article proposes and presents the Eco-Ergo model through its application to a real-world product, a washing machine, to allow designers and ergonomists to establish product design requirements in order to minimise environmental impacts related to user-product interaction during the use stage. This model uses a visual language of representation, Blueprinting-based, that helps designers explore problems they have not previously considered during the market research when a wide variety of products with different interaction elements is analysed. The application of this model allows direct efforts and attention on the user analysis phase in the most influential user's actions on the environmental performance of energy-related products during use, establishing ergonomics requirements related to users behaviour at the initial design phase.Practitioner summary: This study provides a proposal to incorporate ergonomics into the practice of eco-design through the use of human factors in the establishment of initial eco-design requirements. This blueprint-based model combines an empirical and theoretical approach, based on the product test developed by designers, ergonomists and environmentalists
Resolving differing stakeholder perceptions of urban rooftop farming in Mediterranean cities : promoting food production as a driver for innovative forms of urban agriculture
Urban agriculture (UA) is spreading within the Global North, largely for food production, ranging from household individual gardens to community gardens that boost neighborhood regeneration. Additionally, UA is also being integrated into buildings, such as Urban Rooftop Farming (URF). Some URF experiences succeed in North America both as private and community initiatives. To date, little attention has been paid to how stakeholders perceive UA and URF in the Mediterranean or to the role of food production in these initiatives. This study examines the promotion and inclusion of new forms of UA through the practice of URF and contributes to the nascent literature on the stakeholder and public perceptions of UA. It seeks to understand how those perceptions shape the development of new urban agriculture practices and projects. Barcelona (Spain) was used as a Mediterranean case study where UA and URF projects are growing in popularity. Through semi-structured interviews with 25 core stakeholders, we show that UA is largely perceived as a social activity rather than a food production initiative, because the planning of urban gardens in Barcelona was traditionally done to achieve leisure and other social goals. However, several stakeholders highlighted the potential to increase urban fertility through URF by occupying currently unused spaces. As a result, the positive valuation of URF depends on the conceptualization of UA as a social or food production activity. In turn, such conceptualization shapes barriers and opportunities for the development of URF. While most UA-related stakeholders (e.g., food co-ops, NGOs) preferred soil-based UA, newer stakeholders (e.g., architects) highlighted the economic, social and environmental opportunities of local and efficient food production through innovative URF
Are Cradle to Cradle certified products environmentally preferable? Analysis from an LCA approach
The Cradle to Cradle (C2C) certification has gained popularity amongst companies as a way to distinguish more environmentally friendly products. This article analyzes the C2C certification by determining how successful this eco-labeling scheme is in distinguishing environmentally preferable products in order to probe if the certification informs correctly to the consumer about the environmental performance of products. Furthermore, we identify for which product types the C2C certification really results in environmental impact reduction. First a review is done in order to detect the debilities, if any, of C2C. Secondly, the fact that C2C requirements do not tackle environmental aspects of products from a life cycle approach, and concentrates exclusively on raw materials and end of life phases, is further analyzed in depth. To do so, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) already published results for different product categories are used to determine if the life-cycle stages considered under the C2C approach coincide with the most relevant stages in terms of life-cycle environmental impacts. This helps ascertain if and when C2C can be considered an appropriate ecolabel.It is concluded that for products with high-energy consumption during use, C2C does not guarantee relevant environmental improvements, since it does not account for a substantial part of the product's environmental impact. For these reasons, we argue that C2C is not always an appropriate scheme to distinguish environmentally preferable products
Urban ecodesign in the city of Barcelona
Article publicat a la versió anglesa de la revista, que també té versions en català i castellà.Designing sustainable cities seems to be the best solution for facing the global environmental problems that our society has created. With this aim, new approaches and tools for improved urban design and planning are necessary. In this context, ecodesign presents itself as one of the key tools in the move towards more sustainable cities. This article presents three case studies of how it has been applied in Barcelona: a street light; a waste collection point and an entire neighbourhood
Ecodisseny urbà a la ciutat de Barcelona
El disseny de ciutats sostenibles es perfila com la millor solució per fer front als problemes ambientals globals que ha creat la nostra societat. Per fer-ho, calen noves perspectives i instruments amb els quals millorar el disseny i la planificació urbanístics. Ateses les circumstàncies, l'ecodisseny sorgeix com una de les eines essencials per avançar vers unes ciutats més sostenibles. En aquest article presentem tres estudis de cas d'aplicació de l'ecodisseny a Barcelona: un fanal, un punt verd de barri i un barri sencer
Estudi preliminar per la creació d'una nova categoria d'impacte ambiental dins el marc de l'ACV : la dimensió natural del paisatge
L'Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV) és una eina emprada per gestionar els impactes ambientals i els recursos usats al llarg del cicle de vida d'un bé o servei. Existeixen reptes de futur en el desenvolupament de l'ACV, tals com la introducció de noves categories d'impacte ambiental, que permetin una anàlisi més específica dels impactes sobre determinats elements del medi, com ara el paisatge. En el present estudi s'analitza la dimensió natural del paisatge per tal de proposar la creació d'un índex de paisatge. Així doncs, s'han revisat les noves propostes de categories d'impacte en ACV que inclouen directament o indirecta el paisatge i s'ha analitzat una mostra de 33 estudis d'indicadors de paisatge. Aquesta cerca deriva en l'elecció de 6 indicadors: els usos del sòl, la diversitat paisatgística, la fragmentació, la connectivitat, la riquesa d'espècies i la densitat de carreteres. En la determinació dels seus respectius mètodes de càlcul s'ha detectat la importància de l'ús dels SIG, l'elecció d'una base de dades d'usos del sòl comuna (CORINE) i les interrelacions que existeixen entre indicadors. La proposta de l'índex hauria de poder ésser un punt de partida per a futurs estudis en aquest àmbit i derivar en una nova categoria d'impacte de paisatge, donat que caldrà estudiar alguns elements, com la interrelació entre indicadors.El Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) es una herramienta usada para gestionar los impactos ambientales y los recursos usados a lo largo del ciclo de vida de un bien o servicio. Existen retos de futuro en el desarrollo del ACV, tales como la introducción de nuevas categorías de impacto ambiental, que permitan un análisis más específico de los impactos sobre determinados elementos del medio, como por ejemplo el paisaje. En el presente estudio se analiza la dimensión natural del paisaje con el fin de proponer la creación de un índice de paisaje. Así pues, se han revisado las nuevas propuestas de categorías de impacto en ACV que incluyen directa o indirectamente el paisaje y se ha analizado una muestra de 33 estudios de indicadores de paisaje. Esta búsqueda deriva en la elección de 6 indicadores: los usos del suelo, la diversidad paisajística, la fragmentación, la conectividad, la riqueza de especies y la densidad de carreteras. En la determinación de sus respectivos métodos de cálculo se ha detectado la importancia del uso de los SIG, la elección de una base de datos de usos del suelo común (CORINE) y las interrelaciones que existen entre indicadores. La propuesta del índice debería poder ser un punto de partida para futuros estudios en este ámbito y derivar en una nueva categoría de impacto de paisaje, dado que será necesario estudiar algunos elementos, como la interrelación entre indicadores.Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool used to assess the environmental impacts and resources used throughout a product's or service's life cycle. There are future challenges in the development of the LCA, such as the introduction of new environmental impact categories that may allow a more specific analysis of the impacts on certain elements of the environment, for example the landscape. In the present study, the natural dimension of the landscape is analysed, with the aim to propose the creation of a landscape index. New LCA impact categories, which include landscape directly or indirectly, have been reviewed and a sample of 33 landscape indicator studies have been analysed. This search leads to the choice of 6 indicators: land use, landscape diversity, fragmentation, connectivity, species richness and road density. While determining their respective calculation methods, the importance of the use of GIS was detected, as well as the choice of a common land use database (CORINE) and the existent interrelations between indicators. The proposal of an index may be a start point in future studies regarding this field and lead to a new landscape impact category, given that further analysis of some elements, such as the interrelations between indicators, will be required
An environmental and economic life cycle assessment of rooftop greenhouse (RTG) implementation in Barcelona, Spain. Assessing new forms of urban agriculture from the greenhouse structure to the final product level
Purpose: rooftop greenhouses (RTGs) are increasing as a new form of urban agriculture. Several environmental, economic, and social benefits have been attributed to the implementation of RTGs. However, the environmental burdens and economic costs of adapting greenhouse structures to the current building legislation were pointed out as a limitation of these systems in the literature. In this sense, this paper aims to analyse the environmental and economic performance of RTGs in Barcelona. - Methods: a real RTG project is here analysed and compared to an industrial greenhouse system (i.e. multi-tunnel), from a life cycle perspective. Life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC) methods are followed in the assessment. The analysis is divided into three parts that progressively expand the system boundaries: greenhouse structure (cradle-to-grave), at the production point (cradle-to-farm gate), and at the consumption point (cradle-to-consumer). The applied LCIA methods are the ReCiPe (hierarchical, midpoint) and the cumulative energy demand. A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) approach is considered in the LCC. For the horticultural activity, a crop yield of 25 kg · m−2 is assumed for the RTG reference scenario. However, sensitivity analyses regarding the crop yield are performed during the whole assessment. - Results and discussion: the greenhouse structure of an RTG has an environmental impact between 17 and 75 % higher and an economic cost 2.8 times higher than a multi-tunnel greenhouse. For the reference scenario (yield 25 kg · m¯²), 1 kg of tomato produced in an RTG at the production point has a lower environmental impact (10-19 %) but a higher economic cost (24 %) than in a multi-tunnel system. At the consumption point, environmental savings are up to 42 % for local RTGs tomatoes, which are also 21 % cheaper than conventional tomatoes from multi-tunnel greenhouses in Almeria. However, the sensitivity assessment shows that the crop efficiency is determinant. Low yields can produce impacting and expensive vegetables, although integrated RTGs, which can take advantage from the residual energy from the building, can lead to low impacting and cheap local food products. -Conclusions: RTGs face law limitations that make the greenhouse structure less environmentally friendly and less economically competitive than current industrial greenhouses. However, as horticultural systems and local production systems, RTGs can become an environmentally friendly option to further develop urban agriculture. Besides, attention is paid to the crop yield and, thus, further developments on integrated RTGs and their potential increase in crop yields (i.e. exchange of heat and CO2 with the building) are of great interest
Distintiu de garantia de qualitat ambiental per a equipaments culturals : aplicació pilot en biblioteques
El DGQA per a Equipaments Culturals és un distintiu per a la certificació ambiental de biblioteques i museus. L'objectiu del projecte és avaluar el distintiu mitjançant una aplicació pilot en 26 biblioteques de la província de Barcelona, i proposar millores tant per al distintiu com per a les biblioteques. També es pretén fer recerca sobre l'ecoetiquetatge de serveis, ja que és un àmbit poc desenvolupat, i sobre el sistema d'estudi, les biblioteques. Una anàlisi de les ecoetiquetes a nivell mundial, considerant 4 macroregions, ha permès caracteritzar les ecoetiquetes i determinar la situació actual dels serveis en l'ecoetiquetatge. Hi han variacions en el nombre de categories entre ecoetiquetes, i el percentatge de categories de serveis és, en general, reduït (8% de mitjana). Els subsectors serveis dominants són els d'Hosteleria, serveis de neteja i comerç. No hi ha cap experiència de certificació ambiental de serveis culturals, per tant, l'ecoetiquetatge de serveis culturals és un àmbit nou. El sistema d'estudi són 26 biblioteques de la província de Barcelona. L'aplicació del distintiu a aquestes s'ha dut a terme realitzant treball de camp a cadascuna per tal de determinar el seu estat ambiental. Posteriorment, s'han analitzat les dades per establir el grau de compliment de cadascuna. La majoria de les biblioteques (85%) compleixen més de la meitat dels criteris bàsics, i un 60% superen la puntuació mínima de compliment dels criteris opcionals. Els resultats obtinguts han permès avaluar la viabilitat de la implantació del distintiu, a través de l'anàlisi de cadascun dels seus criteris. Per tal de millorar les possibilitats d'èxit en la implantació del distintiu, s'han aportat un seguit de propostes a nivell individual i col·lectiu. S'ha realitzat una fitxa per a cadascuna de les 26 biblioteques, per tal d'orientar els gestors de les biblioteques en l'adopció de mesures per a l'acompliment dels criteris. També s'han inclòs propostes a l'avaluació dels criteris, dirigides als gestors del distintiu.El DGQA para Equipamientos Culturales es un distintivo ambiental para la certificación ambiental de bibliotecas y museos. El objetivo del proyecto es evaluar el distintivo mediante una aplicación piloto en 26 bibliotecas de la provincia de Barcelona, y proponer mejoras tanto para el distintivo como para las bibliotecas. También se pretende investigar sobre el ecoetiquetado de servicios, ya que es un ámbito poco desarrollado, y sobre el sistema de estudio, las bibliotecas. Un análisis de las ecoetiquetas a nivel mundial, considerando 4 macroregiones, ha permitido caracterizar las ecoetiquetas y determinar la situación actual de los servicios en el ecoetiquetado. Hay variaciones en el número de categorías entre ecoetiquetas, y el porcentaje de categorías de servicios es, en general, reducido (8% de media). Los subsectores del sector servicios dominantes son los de Hostelería, servicios de limpieza y comercio. No hay ninguna experiencia de certificación ambiental de servicios culturales, por lo tanto el ecoetiquetado de servicios culturales es un ámbito nuevo. El sistema de estudio son 26 bibliotecas de la provincia de Barcelona. La aplicación del distintivo en estas se ha llevado a cabo realizando trabajo de campo en cada una para determinar su estado ambiental. Posteriormente, se han analizado los datos para establecer el grado de cumplimiento de cada una. La mayoría de las bibliotecas (85%) cumplen más de la mitad de los criterios básicos, y un 60% superan la puntuación mínima de cumplimiento de los criterios opcionales. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido evaluar la viabilidad de la implantación del distintivo, a través del análisis de cada uno de sus criterios. Para mejorar las posibilidades de éxito en la implantación del distintivo, se han aportado una serie de propuestas a nivel individual y colectivo. Se ha realizado una ficha para cada una de las 26 bibliotecas, para orientar a los gestores de las bibliotecas en la adopción de medidas para el cumplimiento de los criterios. También se han incluido propuestas a la evaluación de los criterios, dirigidas a los gestores del distintivo.The DGQA for Cultural Facilities is a distinctive for environmental certification of libraries and museums. The project's objective is to assess the distinctive with a prototype in 26 libraries in the province of Barcelona, and suggest improvements for both the distinctive and the libraries. It also aims to investigate services eco-labelling, since it is a less developed area, and the studio system, the libraries. An analysis of eco-labels worldwide, considering 4 macroregions, has allowed the characterization of ecolabels and the determination of the current status of services eco-labelling. There are variations in the number of categories between ecolabels and the percentage of categories of services is generally low (8% on average). The dominant subsectors are hospitality services, cleaning services and trade. There is no experience of environmental certification of cultural services, therefore, cultural services eco-labelling is a new field. The system studied are 26 libraries in the province of Barcelona. The application of these distinctive has been carried out through field work in each to determine its environmental status. Subsequently, data were analysed to establish the degree of compliance of each. Most libraries (85%) met more than half of the basic criteria, and 60% exceeded the minimum score of optional criteria. The results obtained allow us to evaluate the feasibility of incorporating the distinctive, through the analysis of each of the criteria. To improve the chances of success in implementing the distinctive, a series of proposals have been provided individually and collectively. We make a tab for each of the 26 libraries in order to guide the management of libraries in the adoption of measures for meeting the criteria. Proposals have also been included in the evaluation of the criteria, aimed at the managers' distinctive
Propostes de prevenció de residus en esdeveniments a la ciutat de Sitges
El model actual de consum comporta el malbaratament de recursos, potenciant l'ús desmesurat de materials i productes no reutilitzables, convertint-los en residu. Aquesta generació creixent de residus comporta la necessitat de gestionar-los de manera eficient o impedir generar-los, per minimitzar els impactes ambientals i econòmics. En aquest projecte es pretén actuar en la prevenció de la generació de residus a Sitges, concretament en la promoció d'actuacions de prevenció de residus en esdeveniments. L'estudi analitza la situació actual del municipi en quant a prevenció de residus i, tenint en compte el tipus de residus generats en els esdeveniments, proposa mesures per reduir-los considerant el seu cost econòmic, comptabilitzant les despeses amb i sense l'aplicació de les mesures, i el benefici d'aquestes llarg termini.The present model of consume leads to waste of resources, boosting the excessive use of materials and products not reusable, turning them into waste. This raising waste generation, entails the need to efficiently manage the waste, or to not generate them in order to minimize the environmental and economical impacts. This project, expect to act on the prevention of the waste generation in Sitges, more specifically promoting mesures and actions of waste prevention in events. The study analyzes the current state of the city in the waste prevention area, and according to the type of waste generated in the events, suggests measures to reduce them taking into account their economical costs, counting the expenses with and without the measures, and the long term benefits the mesures would entail.El modelo actual de consumo conlleva el malgasto de recursos, potenciando el uso desmesurado de materiales y productos no reutilizables, convirtiéndolos en rechazo. Esta generación creciente de residuos conlleva la necesidad de gestionarlos de manera eficiente o impedir generarlos, para minimizar los impactos ambientales y económicos. En este proyecto se pretende actuar en la prevención de la generación de residuos en Sitges, concretamente en la promoción de actuaciones de prevención de residuos en eventos. El estudio analiza la situación actual del municipio en cuanto a prevención de residuos y, teniendo en cuenta el tipo de residuos generados en los eventos, propone medidas para reducirlos considerando su coste económico, contabilizando los gastos con y sin la aplicación de las medidas, y el beneficio de éstas a largo plazo
Life cycle assessment of energy flow and packaging use in food purchasing
The aim of this project is to obtain quantitative data on the metabolic flows (energy consumption, not only by the establishment but also in the transportation of workers and customers, and packaging use) and their resulting environmental impacts of a standard shopping basket purchase in five city center municipal markets and a hypermarket in a suburban retail park in the province of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). The main results show that a standard shopping basket purchased in a retail park requires 20 times more energy than one purchased in a municipal market (11.1 kWh and 0.57 kWh, respectively). Customer transportation represents 83.2% of energy consumption in a retail park, while the greatest impacts in a municipal market stem from the establishment itself (49.5%) and worker transportation (40.4%). Secondly, the packaging use inventory is higher in a hypermarket (253 g) than in a municipal market (102 g). However, the overall environmental impact associated with a standard shopping basket is 10 times higher on average in a hypermarket than in a municipal market, and the carbon footprints of the hypermarket and the municipal market are 3.8 and 0.4 kg of CO₂ eq., respectively. According to the sensitivity analysis, current policies for reducing the amount of plastic bag packaging have little repercussion in a retail park because its relative weight in terms of total packaging use is only 7%. Nevertheless, they have notable effects in municipal markets where plastic bags represent 25% of the packaging use. Finally, if customers selected the least packaged products available in hypermarkets, each shopping basket could reduce up to 47.2% of its used packaging weight and between 15.4 and 59.0% of its associated environmental impact