2,144 research outputs found
Fairness Spillovers - The Case of Taxation
It is standardly assumed that individuals adjust to perceived unfairness or norm violations in precisely the same area or relationship where the original offense has occurred. However, grievances over being exposed to injustice may have even broader consequences and also spill over to other contexts, causing non-compliant behaviour there. We present evidence that such 'fairness spillovers' can incur large economic costs: A belief that there is unfairness in taxation in the sense that the rich don't pay enough taxes is associated with a twenty percent higher level of paid absenteeism from work.fairness, beliefs, taxation, work morale
Ontology-based Information Flow Control and Visualization in an Industry 4.0 scenario
Im Kontext der Digitalisierung schreitet auch die Vernetzung produzierender Unternehmen weiter voran. Die Entwicklungen dieser Domäne werden unter dem Begriff Industrie 4.0 zusammengefasst, welche neben der Vernetzung von Mensch und Maschine auch Fabriken und Produktionsanlagen umfasst. Mittels Sensoren und Sensornetzwerken sollen Daten der Produktion erfasst und mittels Technologien des Semantic Webs die hohe resultierende Informationsdichte verarbeitet werden. Dabei finden die Entwicklungen der Industrie 4.0 ihren Ursprung in den Entwicklungen des Semantic Webs. Diese bietet durch die Beschreibungssprache Web Ontology Language (OWL) die Möglichkeit Informationsmodelle zu entwerfen, welche von autonomen Systemen maschinell verarbeitet werden können. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit soll ein Informationsmodell für produzierende Unternehmen entwickelt werden, welches mittels dieser Beschreibungssprache umgesetzt wird. Dieses Modell wird mittels den Strukturen produzierender Unternehmen entworfen, welche im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erarbeitet werden. Das Informationsmodell soll sich dabei nicht nur auf den Informations uss beschränken, sondern diesen um die Informationsflusskontrolle erweitern. Diese findet ihren Ursprung in der klassischen Zugangskontrolle und erweitert sie um die Frage wer, wann Zugriff auf welche Informationen erhalten soll und wie dieser Zugriferfolgen soll. Abgeschlossen wird diese Arbeit durch eine Implementierung, in der mittels eines praktischen Anwendungsbeispieles die Möglichkeiten von OWL in einem Industrie 4.0 Szenario untersucht werden. Dabei werden ebenfalls verschiedene Datenbanken sowie quelloffene Java-Bibliotheken auf deren Funktionalität untersucht und in der abschließenden Evaluation bewertet
Familiendynamik und Gruppendynamik: Gegenstand und Verfahren – Konvergenzen und Konkurrenzen
Als Erstes werden die Begriffe Familiendynamik und Gruppendynamik eruiert. Es folgen sozialwissenschaftliche Überlegungen zum Verhältnis der sozialen Gebilde Familie und Gruppe. Gruppendynamik und Familientherapie als Verfahren werden dann als Teil einer Gruppenbewegung beschrieben, die ab den 1920er Jahren entstanden ist. In einem nächsten Schritt werden einige personelle, theoretische und praktische Gemeinsamkeiten der genannten multipersonellen Verfahren beschrieben. Abschließend werden Unterschiede zwischen Gruppendynamik und systemischen Verfahren vor dem Hintergrund allgemeiner Entwicklungen im psychosozialen Bereich beschrieben.The article begins with an examination of the concepts family dynamics and group dynamics. This is followed by sociological remarks on the relationship between the two social entities family and group. As procedures, group dynamics and family therapy are then described as part of a movement that originated in the 1920s. The next section outlines a number of person-related, theoretical, and practical commonalities shared by the multi-personal procedures referred to earlier. Finally, distinctions are made between group dynamics and systemic procedures against the background of general developments in the psychosocial sector
Der verordnete Autoritätskonflikt: Ein gruppendynamisches Paradoxon
Die Auseinandersetzung mit Autorität wurde in den Anfängen der Gruppendynamik als eine der zentralen Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten dieser Methode angesehen. Als konkretes Trainingsziel wurde die Erreichung von Interdependenz zwischen Gruppe und Leiter angestrebt. Es ging um „Neubegründung“ von Autorität. Anhand der Analyse eines Trainings wird aufgezeigt, in welche paradoxe Situation Teilnehmer geraten, wenn sie von den Trainern als Autoritäten zur Auseinandersetzung mit dieser „Autorität“ aufgefordert werden. Die gleiche Paradoxie findet sich in der Konstituierung der Gruppendynamik als einer Profession, die sich als Autorität in der Lösung von Autoritätsproblemen darzustellen versuchte. Es fällt jedoch auf, dass nach der kurzen Anfangsphase über das Thema Autorität in der Profession kaum mehr öffentlich nachgedacht wird. Der Artikel schließt mit einigen Fragen und Vermutungen zu diesem Schweigen.In the early years the question of authority was considered to be one of the central problems and possibilities of group dynamics. A concrete goal was to achieve interdependency between the group and it's leader and thereby a „new foundation“ of authority. On the basis of the analysis of a group training it is shown, that the participants are caught in a paradox, if the trainers as authorities urge them to go into conflict with this authority. A similar paradox is to be found in the constitution of group dynamics as a profession, which tried to install itself as an authority for the solution of authority problems. It is remarkable though, that after the short initial phase there has been no further official discourse within the profession on the topic of authority. The article ends with some questions and assumptions about this silence
Die Nacktheit beim Baden
Der Beitrag untersucht die Geschichte des Badens bzw. der Badekultur als "Schnittstelle" zwischen Hygiene und Scham im Rahmen einer Rekonstruktion der Vorgeschichte der Freikörperkulturbewegung. Der Autor sieht hier einen fruchtbaren Ansatzpunkt, an dem sich der "Umgang mit Nacktheit und die damit verbundenen moralischen Auseinandersetzungen" darstellen lassen. Die zeitlich und gesellschaftlich bedingte Verhaltenspraxis der Scham verweist in der Verbindung mit Bademode und dem Ort des Badens (im Freien oder der Badeanstalt) nicht nur auf ein wichtiges Moment der Distinktion von Lebensstilen, sondern auch auf den Anteil von für "natürlich" gehaltener Hygiene am Zivilisationsprozeß. Der Autor zeigt insgesamt, dass das Baden mit oder ohne Badehose bzw. Badekleid nicht nur eine Frage lokaler Gegebenheiten war, sondern auch im Deutschen Kaiserreich zu einer "Weltanschauungsfrage" wurde. (ICA
An Emission-free Modular Vehicle Concept for Inner Urban Transportation in Near Future Megacities (Urban MoVe-T)
As the demands for fast and sustainable transportation in megacities are growing, new transportation concepts with full electric vehicles for the distribution of goods are needed. Not only the “last mile” is important for the delivery of small goods, but also the distribution from the big logistic centres in the outskirts to the inner city has a big influence on the volume of traffic. A new concept for a zero emission vehicle, the “Urban MoVe-T” (Urban Modular Vehicle for Transportation) has been developed within the Institute of Vehicle Concepts to meet these new requirements It consists of two parts, the “Ultra Mobility Tractor” (UMT) and secondly different “Intelligent Versatile Modules” (IVM). The concept of the one-axle-two-wheeled UMT is comparable to the well-known Segway© technology, but includes an additional driver cabin and an integrated safety cell for the driver. Moreover the UMT has an innovative wheel integrated bearing and chassis suspension system. This suspension system includes an innovative electric motor coupling, which enables to keep the unsprung masses low, while providing the unit compact. With the vehicle`s tractor module the driver has a high manoeuvrability, which is important, when used for delivery in historic city centres like Vienna. Coupled with the smallest Intelligent Versatile Module, the whole transportation vehicle has a total length of 2.5m and width of 1.7m, but is capable to carry two euro-pallets with a payload of 1t each. The vehicle has the highest payload per vehicle volume rate up to date. Due to its compact dimensions it enables the new concept to be integrated in existing infrastructures like into the commuter railway system. It can be parked transverse to the direction of travel of the train and can later on leave the train without changing the direction itself. The IVMs used for carrying the load all have 360° turn able wheels for manoeuvring on the spot to meet the requirements for the usage with the UMT. As all the IVMs have their own electric drive system, the load modules are able to drive independently when used on restricted sites like in distribution centres in the outskirts of the megacities. A bigger version of the IVM is able to carry six euro-pallets and has the dimensions of 3.5m length and 2.5m width; in total the tractor/load module combination has a total length as well as a turning radius of less than 5m, which is an unchallenged value for a vehicle in the sector of transportation. The big IVMs are also capable to be put autonomous onto the train for a fast and effective transportation from the distribution centre into the city centre. There the UMTs could fetch the IVMs and bring them to their destination. So a whole new effective distribution can be achieved with a significant reduction of the overall traffic on the streets of the big cities
Structural Operational Semantics for Heterogeneously Typed Coalgebras
Concurrently interacting components of a modular software architecture are heterogeneously structured behavioural models. We consider them as coalgebras based on different endofunctors. We formalize the composition of these coalgebras as specially tailored segments of distributive laws of the bialgebraic approach of Turi and Plotkin. The resulting categorical rules for structural operational semantics involve many-sorted algebraic specifications, which leads to a description of the components together with the composed system as a single holistic behavioural system. We evaluate our approach by showing that observational equivalence is a congruence with respect to the algebraic composition operation.publishedVersio
What can galaxy shapes tell us about physics beyond the standard model?
The shapes of galaxies trace scalar physics in the late-Universe through the
large-scale gravitational potential. Are they also sensitive to higher-spin
physics? We present a general study into the observational consequences of
vector and tensor modes in the early and late Universe, through the statistics
of cosmic shear and its higher-order generalization, flexion. Higher-spin
contributions arise from both gravitational lensing and intrinsic alignments,
and we give the leading-order correlators for each (some of which have been
previously derived), in addition to their flat-sky limits. In particular, we
find non-trivial sourcing of shear and spectra, depending on the
parity properties of the source. We consider two sources of vector and tensor
modes: scale-invariant primordial fluctuations and cosmic strings, forecasting
the detectability of each for upcoming surveys. Shear is found to be a powerful
probe of cosmic strings, primarily through the continual sourcing of vector
modes; flexion adds little to the constraining power except on very small
scales (), though it could be an intriguing probe of
as-yet-unknown rank-three tensors or halo-scale physics. Such probes could be
used to constrain new physics proposed to explain recent pulsar timing array
observations.Comment: 24+9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Physical Fitness and Locomotor Skills in Children With Esophageal Atresia-A Case Control Pilot Study
Background: Patients with esophageal atresia (EA) often experience physical limitations. With increasing survival over the past decades, the focus in care shifted toward improving the long-term quality of life. We performed validated testing fitness and motor skills in children born with EA.Methods: Patients with EA were evaluated using the standardized Kinderturntest Plus/ Deutscher Motorik Test after caregiver's written consent. Test scores range from 1 to 5 (compared to an age- and gender matched standard population). Caregivers completed an online-questionnaire on patient history.Results: Seventeen patients (median age 7 [3–12] years) were included. Comorbidities were prematurity (54%), birth weight <1,500 g (23%), congenital heart disease (46%), developmental delay (38%), skeletal deformity (23%), and anorectal malformation (15%). The mean test score was significantly lower in children with EA (2.19) compared to a control group matched for age, gender, body weight, and –height, (2.75, p = 0.04), and the general population (3, p = 0.00). Distribution of patient scores was below the 41st performance percentile for gender and age in 54–63%. Caregivers identified notable deficits of strength and endurance. All but one patient complained about discomfort during physical exercise, most commonly respiratory distress (46%) and gastroesophageal reflux symptoms (31%). Notably, 93% of subjects participated in regular school physical education classes, and 86% participated regularly in additional organized sporting activities.Conclusions: Children after EA repair have decreased physical fitness and impaired locomotor function compared to the general population on a standardized test. Physical discomfort is frequent during exertion. To avoid demotivation, locomotor skill should be promoted at each individual's comfortable level.The study was registered at www.researchregistry.com (No. 3707)
Sex-specific percentiles for bodyweight and height in children born with esophageal atresia : a registry-based analysis 2001–2021
Esophageal atresia (EA) is a rare malformation with a wide range of co-morbidity and associated malformations impairing weight gain and growth. The aim of this study was to calculate specific percentiles for body weight and height for children born with esophageal atresia according to sex from birth to the age of 6 years, accounting for prematurity and presence of congenital heart disease (CHD).
Data was extracted from an anonymized voluntary national registry for patients born with esophageal atresia between 2001 and 2021, from birth until the age of six years. Missing values were imputed using a multiple imputation approach. In premature infants, chronological age was corrected for gestational week until the age of one year. The impact of sex and additional congenital heart disease on weight gain and growth was analysed using quartile regression models.
In total, 1812 examinations of 485 patients were considered and 1232 examinations of 301 patients were finally included. Most data was available for children at birth and during the first year of life. Body weight was imputed for 3.3% and height for 12.5% of examinations. The mean body weight-for-age and length-for-age at birth according to gestational age was lower in EA patients and median body weight developed along the tenth percentile compared to the general population. Median height-for-age was at the 50th percentile during the first months of life, before crossing to lower percentiles before the age of one year. CHD had an additional negative impact on growth and weight gain, especially during the first year of life.
Children with EA had a reduced bodyweight and -height compared to the general population. Therefore, specific percentile curves are helpful to evaluate growth and development. Especially during the first year of life, particular attention is necessary and complications leading to a reduced calorie intake should be treated without delay to promote timely development and growth. Cardiac co-morbidities may further compromise weight gain in these patients, implying that such patients should be under even closer surveillance
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