5 research outputs found

    Terrorism through the scope of global media

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    Most citizens attain contact with and perception of terrorism and its implications on the security mostly through media. Therefore, it is important to disclose what kind of messages the media create for this phenomenon, how they report on the terrorist activities, which events they treat as terrorism, and which ones they neglect. Having in mind the whole complexity of this problem and the role of media in creating the existing picture of terrorism, the public should endorse research in these areas. That would ensure that the citizens are aware of all conditions that occur in the contemporary society and enable them to build appropriate opinions including all the aspects of the way of living. Few aspects for the media are included in the focus of the elaboration. The accent is put on terrorism as a separate media spectacle, and also on the forms of comunication of media with the public on issues regarding terrorism. Hence, ideally, the role of the media in a democracy is to be the intermediary between the civil society and security sensitive issues

    Improving Web-based Civic Information Access: A Case Study of the 50 US States (2002)

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    An analysis of the home pages of all fifty U. S. states reveals great variety in key design features that influence efficacy. Some states had excessively large byte counts that would slow users connected by commonly-used 56K modems. Many web sites had low numbers of or poorly organized links that would make it hard for citizens to find what they were interested in. Features such as search boxes, privacy policies, online help, or contact information need to be added by several states. Our analysis concludes with ten recommendations and finds many further opportunities for individual states to improve their websites. However still greater benefits will come through collaboration among the states that would lead to consistency, appropriate tagging, and common tools

    Links between private and public sectors in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Concept of radicalization

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    The term radicalization is wide spread today, but the search for what exactly radicalization is, and how to de-radicalize those who are considered violent extremists or terrorists is still a challenge for the academic and professional community. In this paper, the key terms and literature focusing on radicalization will be explored in more detail. Political violence encompasses a wide range of political action - persuasive politics, pressure politics and violent politics - by those with state power, as well as by non-state militant actors. With this in mind, it should also be recognized that radicalization is not necessarily a one-sided phenomenon, as it is equally important to explore the role of state actors and their potential for radicalization. There are a number of factors that can lead to radicalization, as well as factors that may influence de-radicalization. It is a complex phenomenon, where particularly vulnerable category are young people with incomplete education, mostly from unstable social environments, who are easily susceptible to manipulation. Stimulated by political, economic or socio-cultural factors, these individuals find themselves and identify with the ideologies of extreme and radical structures. In the past, this problem of security has been of interest primarily to the intelligence services, which by their nature deal with the consequences, but not with the causes of radicalization. However, experience has indicated that repression is not the only solution. The growing trend of this phenomenon and the challenge of early prevention have emphasized the need for increasingly inclusive community engagement. Considering the complexity of radicalization and violent extremism leading to terrorism, these phenomena are among the top security priorities of contemporary democratic states. Nevertheless, without a clear definition of radicalization, intelligence security agencies will not be able to cope successfully and have a realistic perception of the driving force that lead the individual to extremism and terrorism


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    Purpose. The research subject is the analysis of exporting performance and international competitiveness of the Industry of agricultural products of SEE countries. Research goal is to examine the trends of total export effect, i.e. competitiveness effect (CE) trend, product effect (PE), geographical effect (GE) and residual effect (RE), as well as their components. Methodology. Constant market share (CMS) approach is able to explain these effects in the case of the Industry of agricultural products in SEE countries. Results. The conducted research covered 14 major products obtained from UN Comtrade, separated at four HTS code levels, in the period from 2007 to 2015. Conclusions. However, improvement of exporting competitiveness was still insufficient, considering that there was a more significant loss on other markets (EU, Russia)