4,729 research outputs found

    Creating better superconductors by periodic nanopatterning

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    The quest to create superconductors with higher transition temperatures is as old as superconductivity itself. One strategy, popular after the realization that (conventional) superconductivity is mediated by phonons, is to chemically combine different elements within the crystalline unit cell to maximize the electron-phonon coupling. This led to the discovery of NbTi and Nb3Sn, to name just the most technologically relevant examples. Here, we propose a radically different approach to transform a `pristine' material into a better (meta-) superconductor by making use of modern fabrication techniques: designing and engineering the electronic properties of thin films via periodic patterning on the nanoscale. We present a model calculation to explore the key effects of different supercells that could be fabricated using nanofabrication or deliberate lattice mismatch, and demonstrate that specific pattern will enhance the coupling and the transition temperature. We also discuss how numerical methods could predict the correct design parameters to improve superconductivity in materials including Al, NbTi, and MgB

    A cloned linguistic decision tree controller for real-time path planning in hostile environments

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    AbstractThe idea of a Cloned Controller to approximate optimised control algorithms in a real-time environment is introduced. A Cloned Controller is demonstrated using Linguistic Decision Trees (LDTs) to clone a Model Predictive Controller (MPC) based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) path planning through a hostile environment. Modifications to the LDT algorithm are proposed to account for attributes with circular domains, such as bearings, and discontinuous output functions. The cloned controller is shown to produce near optimal paths whilst significantly reducing the decision period. Further investigation shows that the cloned controller generalises to the multi-obstacle case although this can lead to situations far outside of the training dataset and consequently result in decisions with a high level of uncertainty. A modification to the algorithm to improve the performance in regions of high uncertainty is proposed and shown to further enhance generalisation. The resulting controller combines the high performance of MPC–MILP with the rapid response of an LDT while providing a degree of transparency/interpretability of the decision making

    Rigorous confidence intervals for critical probabilities

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    We use the method of Balister, Bollobas and Walters to give rigorous 99.9999% confidence intervals for the critical probabilities for site and bond percolation on the 11 Archimedean lattices. In our computer calculations, the emphasis is on simplicity and ease of verification, rather than obtaining the best possible results. Nevertheless, we obtain intervals of width at most 0.0005 in all cases

    GluK2-mediated excitability within the superficial layers of the entorhinal cortex

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    11 pages, 6 pages.-- PMID: 19440371 [PubMed].-- PMCID: PMC2679203.-- Supporting information available: Figure S1, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005576.s001 (0.63 MB TIF).Recent analysis of genetically modified mice deficient in different kainate receptor (KAR) subunits have strongly pointed to a role of the GluK2 subunit, mediating the vulnerability of the brain towards seizures. Research concerning this issue has focused mainly on the hippocampus. However, several studies point to a potential role of other parts of the hippocampal formation, in particular the entorhinal cortex, in the development of epileptic seizures. There is extensive cell death after such seizures in layer III of the medial entorhinal cortex (LIII mEC), making this region of special interest for investigation into related pathological conditions. We therefore characterized KAR mediated currents in LIII mEC pyramidal neurons by several different approaches. Using patch-clamp technique, in combination with glutamate uncaging in horizontal brain slices, we show that LIII mEC neurons exhibit KAR currents. Use of genetically modified mice reveal that these currents are mediated by GluK2 containing KARs. The IV curve indicates the predominant presence of a Ca2+ impermeable and edited form of the KAR. Finally, we show that GluK2 containing kainate receptors are essential for kainate-induced gamma oscillations within the entorhinal cortex.This study has been funded by the SFB 665 grant and P.B. is a member of and funded by the GRK 1123.Peer reviewe

    A study of National Health Service management of chronic osteoarthritis and low back pain

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    AIM: To describe treatment and referral patterns and National Health Service resource use in patients with chronic pain associated with low back pain or osteoarthritis, from a Primary Care perspective. BACKGROUND: Osteoarthritis and low back pain are the two commonest debilitating causes of chronic pain, with high health and social costs, and particularly important in primary care. Understanding current practice and resource use in their management will inform health service and educational requirements and the design and optimisation of future care. METHOD: Multi-centre, retrospective, descriptive study of adults (⩾18 years) with chronic pain arising from low back pain or osteoarthritis, identified through primary care records. Five general practices in Scotland, England (two), Northern Ireland and Wales. All patients with a diagnosis of low back pain or osteoarthritis made on or before 01/09/2006 who had received three or more prescriptions for pain medication were identified and a sub-sample randomly selected then consented to an in-depth review of their medical records (n=264). Data on management of chronic pain were collected retrospectively from patients’ records for three years from diagnosis (‘newly diagnosed’ patients) or for the most recent three years (‘established’ patients). FINDINGS: Patients received a wide variety of pain medications with no overall common prescribing pattern. GP visits represented the majority of the resource use and ‘newly diagnosed’ patients were significantly more likely to visit their GP for pain management than ‘established’ patients. Although ‘newly diagnosed’ patients had more referrals outside the GP practice, the number of visits to secondary care for pain management was similar for both groups. CONCLUSION: This retrospective study confirmed the complexity of managing these causes of chronic pain and the associated high resource use. It provides an in-depth picture of prescribing and referral patterns and of resource use
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