207 research outputs found

    Productive indicator in a Holstein dairy herd: growth and height curves, reproductive and productive traits and genetic parameters

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    Data on weight, height, productive and reproductive performance of 1,272 Holstein heifers, born from 1990 to 1998, were used to evaluate the growth and height patterns of these females from birth to first calving, and the following traits: weight at first calving (PP), age at first calving (IP), milk production in the first lactation (PL) and first calving interval (IEP), and to estimate genetic parameters of these traits. The von Bertalanffy fitted models were: Yi=802.10 (1-0.630EXP (-0.0022t)) for weight, and Yi=1.40 (1-0.208EXP (-0.0038t)) for height. The average performance of heifers were: height 140cm, weight 602kg and 27 month of age at first calving. The total milk yield was 8,026kg and first IEP was 420 days. The (co)variance components estimates were obtained by a derivative-free algorithm with the DFREML. The estimates of heritabilities were 0.31, 0.35, 0.34, respectively for PP, IP and PL, and 0.10 for IEP. The genetic correlations estimates between PP and PL, PL and IP and IEP and PL were low. The correlation between IEP and PP was 0.49 and between IEP and IP was, -0.69, sugesting an antagonism between the two last traits.Foram analisados dados de peso, altura e desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo de 1.272 novilhas da raça Holandesa, nascidas no período de 1990 a 1998. Estudaram-se o desenvolvimento em peso e altura do nascimento até o primeiro parto, as características peso ao primeiro parto (PP), idade ao primeiro parto (IP), produção de leite na primeira lactação (PL), primeiro intervalo de partos (IEP), e os parâmetros genéticos pertinentes. As equações para as curvas de peso e altura, estimadas pelo modelo proposto por von Bertalanffy, foram: Yi= 802,10 (1 - 0,630EXP (-0,0022t)) e Yi= 1,40 (1 - 0,208EXP (-0,0038t)), respectivamente. As novilhas atingiram o primeiro parto com altura média de 140cm e peso de 602kg aos 27 meses de idade. A produção total de leite na primeira lactação foi de 8.026kg e o primeiro IEP 420 dias. Na obtenção dos componentes de (co)variância utilizou-se o método da máxima verossimilhança restrita livre de derivada. As estimativas de herdabilidade foram 0,31, 0,35 e 0,34, respectivamente, para PP, IP e PL, e 0,10 para IEP, evidenciando variância genética aditiva média para as três primeiras características. As correlações genéticas apresentaram pequena magnitude para PP e PL, PL e IP, e IEP e PL. A correlação entre IEP e PP foi 0,49; entre IEP e IP o valor foi negativo, -0,69, indicando provável antagonismo entre as duas últimas características.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Departamento de GenéticaUniversidade Estadual Paulista Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e ZootecniaInstituto de ZootecniaUniversidade de São Paulo Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de QueirozUNIFESP, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Depto. de GenéticaSciEL

    Resistance of cattle of various genetic groups to the tick Rhipicephalus microplus and the relationship with coat traits

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    AbstractThis study evaluated the resistance of cattle of different genetic groups to the tick Rhipicephalus microplus and the relationship with traits of the animals’ hair and coat. Cows of the Senepol×Nelore (SN), Angus×Nelore (AN) and Nelore (NX) genetic groups were submitted to four consecutive artificial infestations, at 14-day intervals, each one with approximately 20,000 tick larvae placed on the animals’ lumbar region. From the 19th to 23rd day of each infestation five counts of the number of ticks were performed on each animal's left body side. The tick count data (TTC) were transformed into log10 (n+1), and also into percentage of return (PR), where n is the total number of ticks counted at each infestation. Hair samples were collected 24h after the last infestation with flat-nosed pliers. Measures of the average hair length (HL), coat thickness (CT), number of hairs per cm2 (NHCM2) and weight of the samples (SW) were obtained. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated within genetic group to measure association between PR and the hair and coat data. There was a significant difference among genetic groups for the number of ticks, with the AN group having higher counts than the SN and NX groups. For the hair and coat traits, the NX and SN groups had lower values of HL and SW than did the AN group. The SN genetic group had lower NHCM2 counts than the NX and AN groups. There were positive correlations between TTC and CT (P<0.05) and SW (P<0.05) in the SN group. No significant correlation was found for the AN genetic group (P>0.05)

    Spin-gravity coupling and gravity-induced quantum phases

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    External gravitational fields induce phase factors in the wave functions of particles. The phases are exact to first order in the background gravitational field, are manifestly covariant and gauge invariant and provide a useful tool for the study of spin-gravity coupling and of the optics of particles in gravitational or inertial fields. We discuss the role that spin-gravity coupling plays in particular problems.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Mucociliary clearance, airway inflammation and nasal symptoms in urban motorcyclists

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    OBJECTIVES: There is evidence that outdoor workers exposed to high levels of air pollution exhibit airway inflammation and increased airway symptoms. We hypothesized that these workers would experience increased airway symptoms and decreased nasal mucociliary clearance associated with their exposure to air pollution. METHODS: In total, 25 non-smoking commercial motorcyclists, aged 18-44 years, were included in this study. These drivers work 8-12 hours per day, 5 days per week, driving on urban streets. Nasal mucociliary clearance was measured by the saccharine transit test; airway acidification was measured by assessing the pH of exhaled breath condensate; and airway symptoms were measured by the Sino-nasal Outcome Test-20 questionnaire. To assess personal air pollution exposure, the subjects used a passive-diffusion nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration-monitoring system during the 14 days before each assessment. The associations between NO2 and the airway outcomes were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test and the Chi-Square test. Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01976039. RESULTS: Compared with clearance in healthy adult males, mucociliary clearance was decreased in 32% of the motorcyclists. Additionally, 64% of the motorcyclists had airway acidification and 92% experienced airway symptoms. The median personal NO2 exposure level was 75 mg/m3 for these subjects and a significant association was observed between NO2 and impaired mucociliary clearance (p = 0.036). CONCLUSION: Non-smoking commercial motorcyclists exhibit increased airway symptoms and airway acidification as well as decreased nasal mucociliary clearance, all of which are significantly associated with the amount of exposure to air pollution

    When One Health Meets the United Nations Ocean Decade: Global Agendas as a Pathway to Promote Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on Human-Nature Relationships

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    Strong evidence shows that exposure and engagement with the natural world not only improve human wellbeing but can also help promote environmentally friendly behaviors. Human-nature relationships are at the heart of global agendas promoted by international organizations including the World Health Organization’s (WHO) “One Health” and the United Nations (UN) “Ocean Decade.” These agendas demand collaborative multisector interdisciplinary efforts at local, national, and global levels. However, while global agendas highlight global goals for a sustainable world, developing science that directly addresses these agendas from design through to delivery and outputs does not come without its challenges. In this article, we present the outcomes of international meetings between researchers, stakeholders, and policymakers from the United Kingdom and Brazil. We propose a model for interdisciplinary work under such global agendas, particularly the interface between One Health and the UN Ocean Decade and identify three priority research areas closely linked to each other: human-nature connection, conservation-human behavior, and implementation strategies (bringing stakeholders together). We also discuss a number of recommendations for moving forward

    Classical nonlinear models to describe the growth curve for Murrah buffalo breed

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    With the objective of to adjust nonlinear models for the growth curves for a buffaloes herd raised in floodable lands in Rio Grande do Sul state, monthly records measured from birth to two years-old of 64 males and 63 females born between 1982 and 1989 were used. The models used were: Von Bertalanffy, Brody, Gompertz and Logistic. The parameters were estimated by NLIN procedure and the criteria used to evaluate the adjustment given by the models were: asymptotic standard deviation; coefficient of determination; average absolute deviation of residues and asymptotic index. Von Bertalanffy and Brody models overestimated the male asymptotic weight (A) in 15.9 and 171.3kg, respectively, and the Gompertz and Logistic models underestimated it in 4.5 and 13.4kg, respectively. For females, the Logistic model underestimated the asymptotic weight (-2.09kg), and Gompertz, Von Bertalanffy and Brody overestimated this parameter in 8.04, 17.7, and 280.33kg, respectively. The biggest average deviation was estimated by Brody model for both sexes, characterizing the biggest index. Considering the criteria, it is recommended the Gompertz and Logistic models for adjust females and males Murrah buffaloes breed growth curves.Com o objetivo de ajustar modelos não-lineares ao crescimento ponderal para búfalos criados em terras baixas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, foram utilizados registros mensais mensurados do nascimento aos dois anos de idade de 64 machos e 63 fêmeas, nascidos no período de 1982 a 1989. Utilizaram-se os modelos: Von Bertalanffy, Brody, Gompertz e Logístico. Os parâmetros foram estimados usando o procedimento NLIN e os critérios utilizados para verificar o ajuste dos modelos foram: desvio padrão assintótico; coeficiente de determinação; desvio médio absoluto dos resíduos e o índice assintótico. Os modelos Von Bertalanffy e Brody superestimaram o peso assintótico (A) para os machos em 15,9 e 171,3kg, respectivamente, e os modelos Gompertz e Logístico, subestimaram em 4,5 e 13,4kg, respectivamente. Para as fêmeas, o modelo Logístico subestimou o peso assintótico (-2,09kg) e os modelos Gompertz, Von Bertalanffy e Brody superestimaram esse parâmetro em: 8,04; 17,7 e 280,33kg, respectivamente. O maior desvio médio absoluto foi estimado pelo modelo Brody para ambos os sexos, caracterizando o melhor índice. Considerando os critérios, recomenda-se o modelo Gompertz e o modelo Logístico para ajustar a curva de crescimento de fêmeas e machos da raça Murrah

    Bacterial strains from floodplain soils perform different plant-growth promoting processes and enhance cowpea growth

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    ABSTRACT Certain nodulating nitrogen-fixing bacteria in legumes and other nodule endophytes perform different plant-growth promoting processes. The objective of this study was to evaluate 26 bacterial strains isolated from cowpea nodules grown in floodplain soils in the Brazilian savannas, regarding performance of plant-growth promoting processes and ability to enhance cowpea growth. We also identified these strains by 16S rRNA sequencing. The following processes were evaluated: free-living biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), solubilization of calcium, aluminum and iron phosphates and production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). The abilities to nodulate and promote cowpea growth were evaluated in Leonard jars. Partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene identified 60 % of the strains as belonging to genus Paenibacillus. The following four genera were also identified: Bacillus, Bradyrhizobium, Enterobacter and Pseudomonas. None of the strains fixed N2 free-living. Among the strains, 80 % solubilized Ca phosphate and one solubilized Al phosphate and none solubilized Fe phosphate. The highest IAA concentrations (52.37, 51.52 and 51.00 μg mL−1) were obtained in the 79 medium with tryptophan by Enterobacter strains UFPI B5-7A, UFPI B5-4 and UFPI B5-6, respectively. Only eight strains nodulated cowpea, however, all increased production of total dry matter. The fact that the strains evaluated perform different biological processes to promote plant growth indicates that these strains have potential use in agricultural crops to increase production and environmental sustainability

    Scarabaeoidea (Insecta : Coleoptera) in the Brazilian Cerrado : current state of knowledge

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    Besouros pertencentes à superfamília Scarabaeoidea ocupam habitats variados, possuem hábitos alimentares diversifi cados, desempenham importante papel ecológico e diversas espécies apresentam importância agrícola. No entanto, estudos com esse grupo na região do Cerrado são escassos. Nesta revisão realizou-se um levantamento dos artigos publicados nos últimos 30 anos a respeito dos Scarabaeoidea no Cerrado. Foram recuperados 64 artigos, realizados em nove unidades da federação, que focavam quatro temas principais espécies praga, aspectos bioecológicos, biodiversidade e importância ecológica, e técnicas e metodologias de coleta de Scarabaeoidea. Os resultados desta revisão indicam que poucos estudos foram realizados com os Scarabaeoidea no Cerrado brasileiro nas últimas décadas frente à importância e diversidade desse grupo de insetos.Beetles belonging to the superfamily Scarabaeoidea occupy different habitats, present feeding habits diversifi ed, play an important ecological role and several species have agricultural importance. However, studies with this group in the Brazilian Cerrado are scarce. In this review we carried out a survey of scientifi c articles published in the past 30 years concerning Scarabaeoidea in the Cerrado. Were found 64 studies in nine Brazilian states. The studies focused on four main topics: pest species, bioecology, biodiversity and ecological importance, techniques and methodologies for collecting Scarabaeoidea. The results of this review indicate that few studies have been conducted with Scarabaeoidea in the Cerrado in recent decades compared to the importance and diversity of this group of insects