668 research outputs found

    Brazilian gamma detection device for sentinel lymph node biopsy

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    OBJECTIVE: To test the effectiveness of an intra-operative gamma detection Brazilian device (IPEN) on sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) procedures. METHODS: Forty melanoma or breast cancer patients with indication for undergoing SLNB were studied. Lymphoscintigraphy was done 2 to 24 hours prior to surgery. Lymphatic mapping with vital dye and gamma detection were performed intraoperatively. For gamma detection Neoprobe ® 1500 was used followed by IPEN (equipment under test) in the first 20 patients and for the remaining half IPEN was used first to verify its ability to locate the sentinel node (SN). Measurements were taken from the radiopharmaceutical product injection site, from SN (in vivo and ex vivo) and from background. It was recorded if the SN was stained or not and if it was found easily by surgeon. RESULTS: There were 33 (82.5%) breast cancer and 7 (17.5%) melanoma patients. Ages varied from 21 to 68 year-old (median age of 46). Sex distribution was 35 (87.5%) women and 5 (12.5%) men. Sentinel node was found in all but one patient. There was no statistical difference between the reasons ex vivo/ background obtained with the measures of both equipments (p=0, 2583-ns). The SN was easily found by the surgeon with both devices. CONCLUSION: The SLNB was successfully performed using either equipment. It was possible to do SLNB with the Brazilian device developed by IPEN without prejudice for the patient.OBJETIVO: Testar a eficácia de equipamento de detecção gama intra-operatória (DGI) desenvolvido pelo IPEN (Brasil), em procedimentos de biópsia de linfonodo sentinela (BLS) no melanoma e no câncer de mama. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 40 pacientes portadores de melanoma ou câncer de mama com indicação para realização de BLS.Todos pacientes foram submetidos à linfocintilografia e a BLS ocorreu entre 2 a 24 horas após a mesma. Concomitantemente à DGI, realizou-se o mapeamento linfático com corante vital. Foram feitas leituras com o equipamento convencional Neoprobe® 1500 e com o equipamento em teste (IPEN) dos valores de captação do sítio de injeção do radiofármaco, do LS in vivo e ex vivo e da captação de fundo. Foi registrado se o LS estava corado e se o cirurgião teve facilidade para encontrá-lo. Nos primeiros 20 pacientes utilizou-se o equipamento convencional e depois o de teste; nos outros 20, utilizou-se primeiro o equipamento em teste, com objetivo de verificar se o mesmo identificava primariamente o LS. RESULTADOS: Dos quarenta pacientes, 33 eram portadores de tumor de mama e sete de melanoma cutâneo; variação da idade: 21 a 68 anos (mediana= 46 anos); 35 mulheres e 5 homens. Em apenas um paciente o LS não foi encontrado, nem pela DGI nem pelo corante vital. Não houve diferença estatística entre as razões ex vivo/fundo obtidas com os dois equipamentos (p=0, 2583-ns). CONCLUSÃO: É possível realizar o procedimento de BLS com o equipamento brasileiro desenvolvido pelo IPEN, com facilidade e sem prejuízo para o paciente.Hospital Israelita Albert EinsteinIPENUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Faculdade de Medicina Anhembi-MorumbiUNIFESPSciEL

    Influência do tipo de revestimento na avaliação de Umidade Ascensional com Termografia de Infravermelho

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    A umidade é uma das principais causas das patologias nas edificações. Nas paredes, são frequentes os problemas relacionados com a presença de umidade ascensional. Esta patologia pode ser detectada pelas diferenças de temperaturas entre áreas com maior e menor concentração de umidade. A termografia de infravermelho é uma técnica não destrutiva que vem sendo utilizada na análise deste problema. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo determinar a influência do tipo de revestimento utilizado nas paredes de alvenaria na avaliação da umidade ascensional com a termografia de infravermelho. Para tal fim foram construídos protótipos de paredes de alvenaria com presença de água na base simulando os problemas de umidade ascensional, sendo os mesmos revestidos com argamassa (com e sem aplicação de pintura) e com placas cerâmicas (grês e porcelanato). A umidade ascensional nos protótipos de alvenaria foi avaliada através da termografia infravermelha passiva. Os resultados mostraram que nos quatro tipos de revestimento é possível detectar a umidade ascensional com a termografia, obtendo-se os maiores valores do Delta-T durante a incidência direta do sol. Comprovou-se que nos revestimentos argamassados é possível determinar com maior facilidade a altura da umidade ascensional

    High birth weight as an important risk factor for infant leukemia

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    In this paper, we compared the birth weight distribution among 201 infant leukaemia (IL) cases with that of 440 noncancer controls enrolled in Brazil in 1999–2005. Compared with the general population and the stratum 2500–2999 g as reference, IL cases weighing 3000–3999 g presented an odds ratio (OR) of 1.68 (95% CI: 1.03–2.76), and those of 4000 g or more, an OR of 2.28 (95% CI: 1.08–4.75), Ptrend<0.01. Using hospital-based controls, the OR for 4000 g or more, compared to 2500–2999 g, was 1.30 (95% CI: 1.02–1.43) after adjusting for confounders (gender, income, maternal age, pesticide and hormonal exposure during pregnancy). The results suggest that high birth weight is associated with increased risk of IL

    Phylodynamics of HIV-1 Subtype B among the Men-Having-Sex-with-Men (MSM) Population in Hong Kong

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    The men-having-sex-with-men (MSM) population has become one of the major risk groups for HIV-1 infection in the Asia Pacific countries. Hong Kong is located in the centre of Asia and the transmission history of HIV-1 subtype B transmission among MSM remained unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the transmission dynamics of HIV-1 subtype B virus in the Hong Kong MSM population. Samples of 125 HIV-1 subtype B infected MSM patients were recruited in this study. Through this study, the subtype B epidemic in the Hong Kong MSM population was identified spreading mainly among local Chinese who caught infection locally. On the other hand, HIV-1 subtype B infected Caucasian MSM caught infection mainly outside Hong Kong. The Bayesian phylogenetic analysis also indicated that 3 separate subtype B epidemics with divergence dates in the 1990s had occurred. The first and latest epidemics were comparatively small-scaled; spreading among the local Chinese MSM while sauna-visiting was found to be the major sex partner sourcing reservoir for the first subtype B epidemic. However, the second epidemic was spread in a large-scale among local Chinese MSM with a number of them having sourced their sex partners through the internet. The epidemic virus was estimated to have a divergence date in 1987 and the infected population in Hong Kong had a logistic growth throughout the past 20 years. Our study elucidated the evolutionary and demographic history of HIV-1 subtype B virus in Hong Kong MSM population. The understanding of transmission and growth model of the subtype B epidemic provides more information on the HIV-1 transmission among MSM population in other Asia Pacific high-income countries

    Green Infrastructure in the Space of Flows: An Urban Metabolism

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    Recent research demonstrates that urban metabolism studies hold ample scope for informing more sustainable urban planning and design. The assessment of the resource flows that are required to sustain the growth and maintenance of cities can allow gaining a clear picture of how cities operate to comply with environmental performance standards and to ensure that both human and ecosystem health are preserved. Green infrastructure (GI) plays a key role in enhancing both cities’ environmental performance and health. For example, GI interventions mitigate the Urban Heat Island effect (improved thermal comfort), reduce particulate matter concentration (healthier air quality), and sequestrate and store atmospheric carbon (climate change mitigation). Research on ecosystem services and the application of the concept in urban planning provides a growing evidence base that an understanding of provisioning and regulating services can facilitate more environmentally informed GI planning and design. The contribution of GI in enhancing human health and psychological wellbeing is also evidenced in recent studies valuing both material and immaterial benefits provided by urban ecosystems, including cultural ecosystem services. Therefore, the use of ecosystem service frameworks can help reveal and quantify the role of GI in fostering both urban environmental quality and the wellbeing of human populations. However, there remains little discussion of how health and wellbeing aspects can be integrated with environmental performance objectives. In this chapter, urban metabolism thinking is proposed as a way forward, providing analytical tools to inform environmentally-optimized strategies across the urban scales. Opportunities to foster integrated urban metabolism approaches that can inform more holistic GI planning are discussed. Finally, future research avenues to incorporate the multiple dimensions of human health and wellbeing into urban metabolism thinking are highlighted

    Numerical modeling of the thermal contact in metal forming processes

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    Heat flow across the interface of solid bodies in contact is an important aspect in several engineering applications. This work presents a finite element model for the analysis of thermal contact, which takes into account the effect of contact pressure and gap dimension in the heat flow across the interface between two bodies. Additionally, the frictional heat generation is also addressed, which is dictated by the contact forces predicted by the mechanical problem. The frictional contact problem and thermal problem are formulated in the frame of the finite element method. A new law is proposed to define the interfacial heat transfer coefficient (IHTC) as a function of the contact pressure and gap distance, enabling a smooth transition between two contact status (gap and contact). The staggered scheme used as coupling strategy to solve the thermomechanical problem is briefly presented. Four numerical examples are presented to validate the finite element model and highlight the importance of the proposed law on the predicted temperature.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the project PTDC/EMS-TEC/1805/2012 and by FEDER funds through the program COMPETE Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade, under the project CENTRO-07-0224- FEDER-002001 (MT4MOBI). The second author is also grateful to the FCT for the postdoctoral grant SFRH/BPD/101334/2014. The authors would like to thank Prof. A. Andrade-Campos for helpful contributions on the development of the finite element code presented in this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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