24 research outputs found

    Etnobotñnica e medicina popular no tratamento de malária e males associados na comunidade ribeirinha Julião – baixo Rio Negro (Amazînia Central)

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    RESUMO A utilização de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de doenças tropicais como a malĂĄria na AmazĂŽnia Central Ă© de suma importĂąncia, principalmente em locais onde o sistema Ășnico de saĂșde nĂŁo se encontra presente como na maioria das comunidades ribeirinhas desta regiĂŁo. Sendo assim, investigar e resgatar o conhecimento popular a respeito de plantas medicinais utilizadas no tratamento de malĂĄria e males associados pelos moradores da comunidade JuliĂŁo situada na Reserva de Desenvolvimento SustentĂĄvel do TupĂ©, Manaus-AM, torna-se importante no registro de como as populaçÔes locais se previnem e tratam essa doença tĂŁo prevalente e perigosa na regiĂŁo. O trabalho foi conduzido na forma de oficinas participativas, segregadas por gĂȘnero e complementadas com entrevistas semiestruturadas aliadas Ă  tĂ©cnica da turnĂȘ-guiada nos quintais e floresta adjacente Ă  comunidade. Foram calculados os Ă­ndices de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener, equitabilidade e concordĂąncia quanto ao uso principal (CUP). A partir da colaboração efetiva de 13 comunitĂĄrios foram registradas 62 espĂ©cies vegetais pertencentes a 53 gĂȘneros e 34 famĂ­lias botĂąnicas que resultaram em Ă­ndice de diversidade (H’) de 1,62 decits e equitabilidade de 0,9. As famĂ­lias mais representativas foram: Fabaceae (7 espĂ©cies), Asteraceae e Lamiaceae (4 espĂ©cies cada) e Solanaceae e Rutaceae (3 espĂ©cies cada). Vale destacar que 16 espĂ©cies (25,8%) foram citadas para tratamento de malĂĄria e males associados pela primeira vez em estudos etnobotĂąnicos realizados na AmĂ©rica Latina

    A note on how to (pre-)compute a ladder

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    In the RFC 7748 memorandum, the Internet Research Task Force specified a Montgomery-ladder scalar multiplication function based on two recently adopted elliptic curves, ``curve25519 and ``curve448 . The purpose of this function is to support the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm that will be included in the forthcoming version of the Transport Layer Security cryptographic protocol. In this paper, we describe a ladder variant that permits to accelerate the fixed-point multiplication function inherent to the Diffie-Hellman key pair generation phase. Our proposal combines a right-to-left version of the Montgomery ladder along with the pre-computation of constant values directly derived from the base-point and its multiples. To our knowledge, this is the first proposal of a Montgomery ladder procedure for prime elliptic curves that admits the extensive use of pre-computation. In exchange of very modest memory resources and a small extra programming effort, the proposed ladder obtains significant speedups for software implementations. Moreover, our proposal fully complies with the RFC 7748 specification. Our estimates suggest that a full implementation of our pre-computable ladder should outperform state-of-the-art software implementations of the X25519 and X448 functions by a 40\% speedup when working in the fixed-point scenario

    Fast Point Multiplication Algorithms for Binary Elliptic Curves with and without Precomputation

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    In this paper we introduce new methods for computing constant-time variable-base point multiplications over the Galbraith-Lin-Scott (GLS) and the Koblitz families of elliptic curves. Using a left-to-right double-and-add and a right-to-left halve-and-add Montgomery ladder over a GLS curve, we present some of the fastest timings yet reported in the literature for point multiplication. In addition, we combine these two procedures to compute a multi-core protected scalar multiplication. Furthermore, we designed for the first time a regular τ\tau-adic scalar expansion for Koblitz curves. As a result, using the regular recoding approach, we set the speed record for a single constant-time point multiplication on standardized binary elliptic curves at the 128128-bit security level