29 research outputs found

    Occurrence of B chromosomes in Tetragonisca Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini): A new contribution to the cytotaxonomy of the genus

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    Tetragonisca angustula and Tetragonisca fiebrigi have recently been listed as valid species. This study aimed to cytogenetically investigate both species, emphasizing the new registry of B chromosomes in the tribe Meliponini. We analyzed colonies of T. angustula and T. fiebrigi collected at Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil, through conventional Giemsa staining, C-banding, and base-specific fluorochrome staining (CMA3/DAPI). T. angustula showed 2n = 34 chromosomes in females and n = 17 in males, with karyotype formula 2K = 34AM. T. fiebrigi showed numeric variation, with chromosome number varying from 2n = 34 to 2n = 36 in females and from n = 17 to n = 18 in males, with karyotype formula 2K = 32AM+2AMc and 2K = 32AM+2AMc + 1 or 2 B-chromosomes. The B chromosomes are heterochromatic. In T. fiebrigi, the CMA3/DAPI staining revealed four chromosomes with a CMA3 positive band. All individuals from the same colony showed the same number of B chromosomes. T. angustula and T. fiebrigi showed karyotype divergence, principally due to the presence of B chromosomes, which are found only in T. fiebrigi. Our data corroborate the status of valid species for both T. angustula and T. fiebrigi, as recently proposed

    Delimiting the Origin of a B Chromosome by FISH Mapping, Chromosome Painting and DNA Sequence Analysis in Astyanax paranae (Teleostei, Characiformes)

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    Supernumerary (B) chromosomes have been shown to contain a wide variety of repetitive sequences. For this reason, fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) is a useful tool for ascertaining the origin of these genomic elements, especially when combined with painting from microdissected B chromosomes. In order to investigate the origin of B chromosomes in the fish species Astyanax paranae, these two approaches were used along with PCR amplification of specific DNA sequences obtained from the B chromosomes and its comparison with those residing in the A chromosomes. Remarkably, chromosome painting with the one-arm metacentric B chromosome probe showed hybridization signals on entire B chromosome, while FISH mapping revealed the presence of H1 histone and 18S rDNA genes symmetrically placed in both arms of the B chromosome. These results support the hypothesis that the B chromosome of A. paranae is an isochromosome. Additionally, the chromosome pairs Nos. 2 or 23 are considered the possible B chromosome ancestors since both contain syntenic H1 and 18S rRNA sequences. The analysis of DNA sequence fragments of the histone and rRNA genes obtained from the microdissected B chromosomes showed high similarity with those obtained from 0B individuals, which supports the intraspecific origin of B chromosomes in A. paranae. Finally, the population hereby analysed showed a female-biased B chromosome presence suggesting that B chromosomes in this species could influence sex determinism.This research was funded by grants from the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) to DMZAS (2011/16825-3) and CO (2010/17009-2), grants from National Council for Research and Development (CNPq) to FF and by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)

    Representaciones sociales de dieta en pacientes con enfermedad crónica no transmisible

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    Introduction: The "diet" is located within a complex social worldview, where culture is a collective creation ideologically internalized in each individual, and is fully accepted by society. Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases [NCD] are a group of diseases whose importance lies in being the main cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, all these share important points from the point of view etiopatológico, leading all in one treatment: "diet". Methodology: Objective: To explore the common sense of the "diet" in patients with NCDs. the theoretical and methodological basis of social representations (RS) was resumed - which integrate cognitive concepts such as -estereotipos, beliefs, symbols, etc., semi-structured interviews were applied to 200 patients a Family Medicine Unit of the Mexican Social Security Institute State of Mexico East, -that to define patients from the "diet". Results: The term "diet" was associated with an address with a range of very high association to: "... what you can eat ..." "... it is very difficult to follow the diet by the time", "... what fills me ... "; "... Diet is not as important as medication ..." "... what you should eat ..." and "... with food one can control the disease ..." "... you eat what is not allowed ..." "... it is what it tells me the doctor can eat ..." "... are foods you recommend nutritionist ..." - confirming that the "diet" is a social construct biomedical control and also is out of the acceptance and assimilation of the patient. Conclusions: The end of this research reveals that the thin threads of marginalization and ignominy of our collective suffering NCDs expose a food inequality and perpetuation of an inadequate diet, -despite public policies on nutrition, these are far of reality, opening a field of research from the area of nutrition the primary focus "diet".Introduccion: La “dieta” está situada dentro de una cosmovisión social compleja, donde la cultura es una creación colectiva interiorizada ideológicamente en cada individuo, y es plenamente aceptada por la sociedad. Las Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles [ECNT], son un conjunto de patologías cuya importancia radica en ser las principales causantes de morbi-mortalidad en todo el mundo, todas estas comparten puntos importantes desde el punto de vista etiopatológico, desembocando todas en un tratamiento: la “dieta”. Metodología: Objetivo: explorar el sentido común de la “dieta” en pacientes portadores de ECNT. Se retomó la base teórico metodológico de representaciones sociales (RS), -las cuales integran conceptos cognitivos como: estereotipos, creencias, símbolos, etc., se aplicaron encuestas semiestructuradas a 200 pacientes de una Unidad de Medicina Familiar del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social del Estado de México Oriente, -esto para definir a partir de los pacientes a la “dieta”. Resultados: El término “dieta” se asoció a un discurso con un rango de asociación muy alto hacia: “…lo que uno puede comer…”,“…es muy difícil seguir la dieta por el tiempo”, “…lo que me llena…”; “…la dieta no es tan importante como el medicamento…” “…lo que uno debería de comer…”, y “…con los alimentos uno puede controlar la enfermedad…”, “…uno come lo que no está permitido…”,“…es lo que me dice el doctor que puedo comer…”,“…son los alimentos que me recomienda el nutriólogo…”,-ratificando que la “dieta” es constructo social de control biomédico y que además se encuentra fuera de la aceptación y asimilación del paciente. Conclusiones: El final de esta investigación devela que los hilos delgados de la marginación e ignomia de nuestros colectivos que padecen ECNT, exponen una inequidad alimentaria y la perpetuación de una dieta inadecuada,-a pesar de las políticas públicas en Nutrición, estas se encuentran alejadas de la realidad, abriéndose un campo de investigación desde el área de la Nutrición al enfoque primario la “dieta”

    Resumo de artigo

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    BR IEC GB AP EVE 261DossiêItensResumo do artigo de autoria da Drª. Gilberta Bensabath "Prevalência da infecção pelos vírus das hepatites B e C em pacientes de um abrigo de hansenianos de Igarapé-Açú (Pará)". Não contém maiores informações sobre

    Resumo de artigo

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    BR IEC GB AP EVE 260DossiêItensResumo do artigo de autoria da Drª. Gilberta Bensabath "Fatores relacionados à elevada prevalência de infecções pelos vírus das hepatites B e C em hansenianos em um abrigo do Pará" Não contém maiores informações sobre