18 research outputs found

    A engenharia de produção: formação acadêmica e habilidades e competências desenvolvidas

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    -A modalidade de curso de graduação em engenharia denominada de Engenharia de Produção é relativamente recente se comparada com as demaisengenharias, especialmente a Engenharia Civil que é considerada a não militar mais antiga e que conta com mais de dois séculos de existência decursos regulares no Brasil. Dentre deste contexto, o presente trabalho visa verificar quais são as principais competências e habilidades desenvolvidasnos cursos de Engenharia de Produção e a sua inter-relação com as demais modalidades de engenharia. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão doconceito de competência, sua evolução, e as diversas abordagens encontradas para subsidiar a pesquisa, destacando sua relevância nas diretrizescurriculares, d e tal forma a viabilizar uma análise das implicações desta temática para melhoria dos projetos político-pedagógico de cursos. Por fim,apresentar o método utilizado para a criação de um instrumento que torne capaz a mensuração do nível de desenvolvimento das competências deum engenheiro de produção nos diversos cursos do país

    A educação em engenharia em Minas Gerais: crescimento do número de cursos e de modalidades e consequências pedagógicas no mercado de trabalho

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    -O presente estudo visa realizar um mapeamento dos cursos de engenharia e dos principais setores econômicos nas regiões de planejamento doestado de Minas Gerais, analisando a compatibilidade entre estes com o objetivo de se verificar onde ocorre carência ou disponibilidade dedeterminadas modalidades de engenheira. Foi realizada uma classificação das diversas modalidades em engenharia, com base na ClassificaçãoBrasileira de Ocupações e na divisão dos cursos de engenharia do Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (ENADE). Dados disponíveis nossítios do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP) e da Fundação João Pinheiro (FJP) foram usados paracoletar informações sobre os cursos de engenharia e a economia de Minas Gerais, respectivamente. Com base nas atividades realizadas por cadauma das famílias de engenharia, realizou-se um mapeamento para comparação da compatibilidade entre setores e modalidades de engenhariaofertadas nas regiões. Observa-se uma forte relação entre o número de vagas em cursos de engenharia e o PIB regional das regiões. Verifica-setambém a ocorrência de vários setores econômicos com possibilidade de desenvolvimento no estado, com presença de mão de obra qualificada. Ofomento do desenvolvimento econômico e educacional pelos governos pode ser o principal instrumento na redução das desigualdades presentesdentro dos limites mineiros

    Using a 3-tier Training Model for Effective Exchange of Good Practices in as ERASMUS+ Project

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    VISIR+ is an Erasmus+ project that aims to develop educational modules for electric and electronic circuits theory and practice following an enquiry-based teaching and learning methodology. The project has installed five new VISIR remote labs in Higher Education Institutions located in Argentina and Brazil, to allow students doing more experiments and hence acquire better experimental skills, through a combination of traditional (hands-on), remote and virtual laboratories. A key aspect for the success of this project was to motivate and train teachers in the underpinning educational methodology. As such, VISIR+ adopted a 3-tier training process to effectively support the use of VISIR in the Institutions that received it. This process is based on the “train the trainer” approach, which required the participating partner institutions to identify and engage a number of associated partners, interested in using their newly installed remote lab. To measure the quality of the training process, the same satisfaction questionnaire was used in all training actions. This paper presents a detailed description of the training actions along with the analysis of the satisfaction questionnaire results. Major conclusions are that the quality level of the training process remained practically the same across all training actions and that trainees sometimes considered the practical use of the VISIR remote lab as difficult, irrespectively of where and when the training action took place.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Open spaces and public life spatialities: a conceptual proposal to the research of the country's urban open spaces system

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    Este texto é o resultado da primeira etapa de trabalhos da fase número quatro do Projeto de pesquisa Quapá – Quadro do Paisagismo no Brasil, em desenvolvimento desde 1994 no Laboratório da Paisagem da FAUUSP, e que se voltará para o estudo teórico e metodológico dos sistemas de espaços livres na cidade brasileira, tendo como foco um conjunto das principais cidades de médio e grande porte do país. São apresentados conceitos que nortearão o novo processo de pesquisa, destacando-se os de espaço livre, sistema de espaços livres e áreas verdes.This paper is the result of the first part of the newest stage of projeto Quapá – Quadro do Paisagismo no Brasil in developing at FAUUSP. Nowadays the main subject of the research is the discussion of the adequate concepts to the open and green spaces in a brazilian urban reality and to investigate how it has been its development in the main brazilian cities

    Spreading remote lab usage: A system — A community — A Federation

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    Experiments have been at the heart of scientific development and education for centuries. From the outburst of Information and Communication Technologies, virtual and remote labs have added to hands-on labs a new conception of practical experience, especially in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education. This paper aims at describing the features of a remote lab named Virtual Instruments System in Reality, embedded in a community of practice and forming the spearhead of a federation of remote labs. More particularly, it discusses the advantages and disadvantages of remote labs over virtual labs as regards to scalability constraints and development and maintenance costs. Finally, it describes an actual implementation in an international community of practice of engineering schools forming the embryo of a first world wide federation of Virtual Instruments System in Reality nodes, under the framework of a project funded by the Erasmus+ Program.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chapter 1

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    Experimenting is fundamental to the training process of all scientists and engineers. While experiments have been traditionally done inside laboratories, the emergence of Information and Communication Technologies added two alter-natives accessible anytime, anywhere. These two alternatives are known as virtual and remote labs, and are sometimes indistinguishably referred as online labs. Sim-ilarly to other instructional technologies, virtual and remote labs require some ef-fort from teachers in integrating them into curricula, taking into consideration sev-eral factors that affect their adoption (i.e. cost) and their educational effectiveness (i.e. benefit). This chapter analyses these two dimensions and sustains the case where only through international cooperation it is possible to serve the large num-ber of teachers and students involved in engineering education. It presents an ex-ample in the area of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, based on a remote lab named Virtual Instruments System in Reality, and it then describes how a number of European and Latin-American institutions have been cooperating under the scope of an Erasmus+ project2, for spreading its use in Brazil and Argentina.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    <b>Diversity and fish distribution at Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, using GIS</b> - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v36i1.18563

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    Fish fauna is considered a good indicator of water quality. The Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon is located in Rio de Janeiro city with a great scenic beauty. However, along the years, the Lagoon has been negatively impacted by human activities which can be seen in massive fish deaths and blooms of toxic algae. This study evaluated fish abundance and diversity in two historical periods, and between areas of capture. Multivariate data analyses were performed to find similar groups of fish fauna and to evaluate fish abundance and their seasonal and spatial variation. It was also used the algebraic language as a tool to combine raster layers as dissolved oxygen in surface, bathymetry and fish abundance by using rules and conditions involved in the fish zoning. The zone 2, located in the south-central area of the Lagoon, had the greatest number of species and higher values of dissolved oxygen. Mollies and menhaden had high abundance and occurred in all areas. There was a marked decrease in fish diversity and abundance in the second period. The results showed that surface dissolved oxygen and salinity were identified as important factors influencing the distribution and abundance of the main fish species at the Lagoon