1,495 research outputs found

    Neurofibrosarcoma of the mandible derived from neurofibromatosis

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    Neurofibrosarcoma is a rare malignant neoplasm of the head and neck region and accounts for 8% to 16% of all cases. Its origin is varied and may stem from cells of the peripheral nerves, develop de novo, or result from malignant transformation of preexisting neurofibromas. Because the features of neurofibrosarcomas are heterogeneous, the data retrieved during clinical examinations are of great aid for diagnosis. In this case, owing to clinical features and the fact that the patient had neurofibromatosis type 1, the hypothesis of neurofibrosarcoma was promptly established. The final diagnosis was confirmed by associating clinical, imaging, and pathological data. After the treatment, the patient has been followed up for 10 years, with no evidence of recurrence

    FÓRUM DE DISCUSSÃO ONLINE: experiências e formação continuada em matemática

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     O objetivo deste artigo é elucidar reflexões de experiências docentes que podem ser encontradas em interações argumentativas em fóruns de discussão online. Os dados foram coletados em um fórum para formação continuada em Matemática de professores da rede estadual que atuavam na EJA no 1º semestre de 2014. A análise evidencia o potencial argumentativo que as interações estabelecidas na reflexão online podem trazer para a aprendizagem dos envolvidos. Particularmente, reflexões de cunho argumentativo têm se mostrado um campo discursivo fértil para socialização e aprimoramento de práticas e experiências profissionais. Reconhecer singularidades discursivas nas interações é importante, inclusive, na construção de estratégias para manter a cumplicidade do coletivo profissional. Palavras-chave: Fórum de discussão. Formação continuada. Matemática. Interações online.DISCUSSION FORUM ONLINE: experience and continued training in mathematics.Abstract: The aim of this paper is to elucidate reflections of teaching experiences that can be found in argumentative interactions in online discussion forums. Data were collected on a forum for in service mathematics teachers who worked with youth and adult education in the first semester of 2014 in state schools. The analysis highlights the potential of argumentative interactions established in the online reflection and it importance for the learning of the participants. Particularly argumentative reflections have shown a fertile discursive field for socialization and improvement of practices and professional experiences. To recognize discursive singularities in online interactions is important, even in the construction of strategies to keep the complicity of the professional collective.Keywords: Discussion forum. In service teacher education. Mathematics. Online interactions. FORO DE DISCUSIÓN EN LÍNEA: experiencias y formación contínua en matemáticas. Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar reflexiones de experiencias de enseñanza que se pueden encontrar en las interacciones argumentativos en los foros de discusión en línea. Los datos se recogieron en un foro para la formación continua de profesores de matemáticas que actuaron en la educación de jóvenes y adultos en el primero semestre de 2014 en escuelas estatales. El análisis pone de relieve el potencial que las interacciones argumentativas establecidas en la reflexión en línea pueden traer al aprendizaje de los involucrados. En particular, la naturaleza argumentativa de las reflexiones ha demostrado ser un campo discursivo fértil para la socialización y la mejoría de las prácticas y experiencias profesionales. Reconocer singularidades en las interacciones discursivas es importante, incluso para la construcción de estrategias para mantener la complicidad del colectivo profesional.Palabras clave: Foro de discusión. Educación continua. Matemática. Interacciones en línea.

    Direct evaluation of mixed mode i+ii cohesive laws of wood by coupling mmb test with dic

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    grant number FCOMP-01-0124-287 FEDER-022692Governing cohesive laws in mixed mode I+II loading of Pinus pinaster Ait. are directly identified by coupling the mixed mode bending test with full-field displacements measured at the crack tip by Digital Image Correlation (DIC). A sequence of mixed mode ratios is studied. The proposed data reduction relies on: (i) the compliance-based beam method for evaluating strain energy release rate; (ii) the local measurement of displacements to compute the crack tip opening displacement; and (iii) an uncoupled approach for the reconstruction of the cohesive laws and its mode I and mode II components. Quantitative parameters are extracted from the set of cohesive laws components in function of the global phase angle. Linear functions were adjusted to reflect the observed trends and the pure modes (I and II) fracture parameters were estimated by extrapolation. Results show that the obtained assessments agree with previous experimental measurements addressing pure modes (I and II) loadings on this wood species, which reveals the appropriateness of the proposed methodology to evaluate the cohesive law under mixed mode loading and its components.publishersversionpublishe

    Burnout syndrome in nursing professionals in COVID -19 intensive care

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    La pandemia de la COVID-19 evidenció un escenario de mayores exigencias a los profesionales de la salud que puede derivar en desgaste profesional. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el Síndrome de Burnout (BS) y factores asociados en los profesionales de enfermería en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) durante la pandemia. Los 157 profesionales fueron evaluados con relación a las variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales y condiciones de trabajo, y se utilizó el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). La prevalencia del SB fue del 45,2%, distribuidos: agotamiento emocional (28,7%), despersonalización (3,8%) y baja realización profesional (24,8%). El análisis de regresión logística mostró que el sexo femenino, no tener hijos, la relación laboral reglamentaria, los profesionales que contrajeron COVID-19 y que declararon querer salir del entorno de la UCI tuvieron un mayor riesgo de presencia de SB. Los resultados mostraron SB en profesionales de enfermería y que se agregaron nuevos factores de riesgo con el advenimiento de la pandemia.The COVID-19 pandemic evidenced a scenario of increased demands on health professionals that can lead to professional burnout. This study aimed to investigate Burnout Syndrome (BS) and associated factors in nursing professionals working in intensive care units (ICU) of the public service during the COVID-19 pandemic. 157 professionals were evaluated regarding sociodemographic, occupational and working conditions variables, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used. The prevalence of BS was 45.2%, distributed: emotional exhaustion (28.7%), depersonalization (3.8%) and low professional fulfillment (24.8%). Logistic regression analysis in the final model showed that female gender, not having children, statutory bond, professionals who had COVID-19 and declared wanting to leave the ICU environment had a higher risk of BS. The results showed BS in nursing professionals and that new risk factors were added with the advent of the pandemic.A pandemia de COVID-19 evidenciou um cenário de acréscimo de demandas aos profissionais de saúde que pode levar ao esgotamento profissional. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a Síndrome de Burnout (SB) e fatores associados em profissionais de enfermagem nas unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Foram avaliados 157 profissionais em relação às variáveis sociodemográficas, ocupacionais e condições de trabalho, e o Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) foi utilizado. A prevalência da SB foi de 45,2%, distribuídos: exaustão emocional (28,7%), despersonalização (3,8%) e baixa realização profissional (24,8%). Análise de regressão logística no modelo final mostrou que o gênero feminino, não ter filhos, vínculo estatutário, profissionais que tiveram COVID-19 e que declararam querer sair do ambiente de UTI tiveram maior risco de presença da SB. Os resultados evidenciaram SB nos profissionais de enfermagem e que novos fatores de risco foram acrescidos com o advento da pandemia

    Legal actions in Brazilian air transport: A machine learning and multinomial logistic regression analysis

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    In Brazil, one of the most harmful costs for airlines is the number of lawsuits filed against them. It is a problem that can affect its operations, reduce the entry of new competitors and create legal uncertainty in the country. This work seeks to highlight the factors which most contribute to the rise of judicial indemnities, discuss the most relevant issues and identify the best techniques to predict the indemnified values. The objective is to provide subsidies for airlines to mitigate the number of legal actions by using machine learning models. This research contributes by discussing one of the most relevant subjects in Brazilian air transport and comparing the machine learning models’ performance. The study is based on lawsuits between 2016 and 2021 using the companies’ data. The performance of Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, and Multinomial Logistic Regression models are evaluated through the accuracy, area under the ROC curve, and confusion matrix. The results showed better predictive power for Random Forest and Logistic Regression. The latter showed that flight delays, cancellations, and airline faults have a negative effect on indemnities. The above-average compensation is a tendency in some states, being the moral damage awarded to customers the main cause of higher compensation

    Artrite idiopática juvenil com envolvimento da articulação temporomandibular: o papel dos exames por imagens entre os recursos de diagnóstico

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    PURPOSE: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) has unknown etiology, and the involvement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is rare in the early phase of the disease. The present article describes the use of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MRI) images for the diagnosis of affected TMJ in JIA. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 12-year-old, female, Caucasian patient, with systemic rheumathoid arthritis and involvement of multiple joints was referred to the Imaging Center for TMJ assessment. The patient reported TMJ pain and limited opening of the mouth. The helical CT examination of the TMJ region showed asymmetric mandibular condyles, erosion of the right condyle and osteophyte-like formation. The MRI examination showed erosion of the right mandibular condyle, osteophytes, displacement without reduction and disruption of the articular disc. CONCLUSION: The disorders of the TMJ as a consequence of JIA must be carefully assessed by modern imaging methods such as CT and MRI. CT is very useful for the evaluation of discrete bone changes, which are not identified by conventional radiographs in the early phase of JIA. MRI allows the evaluation of soft tissues, the identification of acute articular inflammation and the differentiation between pannus and synovial hypertrophy.OBJETIVO: A artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ) tem etiologia desconhecida e o envolvimento da articulação temporomandibular (ATM) é raro no estágio inicial da doença. Este artigo descreve o uso de imagens de tomografia computadorizada (TC) e de ressonância magnética (RM) para o diagnóstico de ATM afetada pela AIJ. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Uma paciente de 12 anos de idade, leucoderma, portadora de AIJ com envolvimento de múltiplas articulações foi encaminhada ao Centro de Imaginologia para avaliação das ATMs. A paciente relatou dor na ATM e limitação de abertura bucal. O exame com TC helicoidal da região da ATM com reconstruções a 1 mm mostrou assimetria entre os côndilos mandibulares, erosão do côndilo direito e formação osteofítica. O exame de RM mostrou erosão do côndilo mandibular direito, osteófito, deslocamento sem redução e ruptura do disco articular. CONCLUSÃO: As desordens de ATM devido à AIJ devem ser cuidadosamente examinadas por modernas técnicas de imagem. A TC é muito útil para a detecção e avaliação de estruturas ósseas da ATM e permite o exame de alterações ósseas discretas, que não seriam identificadas por radiografias convencionais nas fases iniciais de AIJ. A RM permite a avaliação de tecidos moles, identificação de inflamação articular aguda e diferenciação entre hipertrofia sinovial e do pannus