586 research outputs found

    Genome Sequence Of Streptomyces Wadayamensis Strain A23, An Endophytic Actinobacterium From Citrus Reticulata.

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    The actinobacterium Streptomyces wadayamensis A23 is an endophyte of Citrus reticulata that produces the antimycin and mannopeptimycin antibiotics, among others. The strain has the capability to inhibit Xylella fastidiosa growth. The draft genome of S. wadayamensis A23 has ~7.0 Mb and 6,006 protein-coding sequences, with a 73.5% G+C content.

    Total synthesis of crocacins A, C and D: new antibiotics isolated from Chondromyces crocatus and Chondromyces pediculatus

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    This review describes the endeavors that led to the total synthesis of a novel class of antibiotic compounds: the crocacins A-D. Other aspects such as isolation, structural elucidation as well as the biological activities are also presented.854871Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Esterase screening using whole cells of Brazilian soil microorganisms

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    A miniaturized enzymatic assay using fluorescent probes to reveal esterase producing microorganisms was optimized and applied to screen 64 soil bacterial strains. The best results were validated using traditional non-fluorogenic assays with acetyl and propanoyl phenylethanol to confirm the miniaturized results. The most active microorganisms belong to the genus Bacillus showing esterase activity and good enantiomeric ratios for the resolution of phenylethanol derivatives (E > 30). Part of the microorganisms are kept in our laboratory in glycerol or freeze-dried and the best microorganisms will be deposited in the CBMAI/CPQBA/Unicamp culture collection

    Esterase screening using whole cells of Brazilian soil microorganisms

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    A miniaturized enzymatic assay using fluorescent probes to reveal esterase producing microorganisms was optimized and applied to screen 64 soil bacterial strains. The best results were validated using traditional non-fluorogenic assays with acetyl and propanoyl phenylethanol to confirm the miniaturized results. The most active microorganisms belong to the genus Bacillus showing esterase activity and good enantiomeric ratios for the resolution of phenylethanol derivatives (E > 30). Part of the microorganisms are kept in our laboratory in glycerol or freeze-dried and the best microorganisms will be deposited in the CBMAI/CPQBA/Unicamp culture collection.Um ensaio enzimático miniaturizado com sondas fluorescentes para triagem rápida de microrganismos produtores de esterases foi implementado e aplicado a 64 linhagens de bactérias de solo. Os melhores resultados foram validados por métodos convencionais e substratos não fluorogênicos (feniletanol acetilado e propanoilado) e confirmaram os resultados obtidos nas triagens rápidas. Os microrganismos que apresentaram atividades enzimáticas mais relevantes (razão enantiomérica E > 30) na hidrólise de ésteres e na obtenção de boas razões enantioméricas foram identificados como pertencentes ao gênero Bacillus. Parte dos microrganismos se encontra preservada em glicerol e/ou liofilizada no IQ/Unicamp e três linhagens serão depositadas na CBMAI do CPQBA/Unicamp como depósitos abertos.14841489Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Internal fit of two all-ceramic systems and metal-ceramic crowns

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the internal fit (IF) of glass-infiltrated alumina (ICA - In-Ceram Alumina), yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals (Y-TZP - IPS e.max ZirCAD), and metal-ceramic (MC - Ni-Cr alloy) crowns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty standardized resin-tooth replicas of a maxillary first molar were produced for crown placement and divided into 3 groups (n=20 each) according to the core material used (metal, ICA or Y-TZP). The IF of the crowns was measured using the replica technique, which employs a light body polyvinyl siloxane impression material to simulate the cement layer thickness. The data were analyzed according to the surfaces obtained for the occlusal space (OS), axial space (AS) and total mean (TM) using two-way ANOVA with Tukey s multiple comparison test (p<0.05). RESULTS: No differences among the different areas were detected in the MC group. For the Y-TZP and ICA groups, AS was statistically lower than both OS and TM. No differences in AS were observed among the groups. However, OS and TM showed significantly higher values for ICA and Y-TZP groups than MC group. Comparisons of ICA and Y-TZP revealed that OS was significantly lower for Y-TZP group, whereas no differences were observed for TM. CONCLUSIONS: The total mean achieved by all groups was within the range of clinical acceptability. However, the metal-ceramic group demonstrated significantly lower values than the all-ceramic groups, especially in OS

    Profissionalização por gênero em escritórios paulistas de advocacia

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    The article analyzes the differences in the professionalization of men and women lawyers in a survey of 216 young professionals from São Paulo law firms. It shows how professionalism and gender relations combine to stratify legal practice and differentiate careers according to a 'sexed script,' whether in terms of being a partner or an associate, or in terms of the size of the firm where people work (small, medium or large) and the main clients they represent (individuals or companies).O artigo analisa as diferenças na profissionalização de advogados e advogadas, em uma amostra de 216 jovens profissionais de escritórios de São Paulo. Mostra como o profissionalismo e as relações de gênero se articulam na estratificação da advocacia, com carreiras marcadas pelo "script sexuado", quanto a ser sócio(a) ou associado(a), quanto ao tamanho do escritório onde atuam (pequeno, médio ou de grande porte) e a clientela que representam prioritariamente (individual ou empresarial)

    Growth hormone 1 gene (GH1) polymorphisms as possible markers of the production potential of beef cattle using the Brazilian Canchim breed as a model

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    The growth hormone 1 gene (GH1) is a candidate gene for body weight and weight gain in cattle since it plays a fundamental role in growth regulation. We investigated the GH1 gene AluI and DdeI restriction enzyme polymorphisms, located 149 bp apart in the cattle genome, as possible markers of the production potential of Canchim crossbreed cattle, a 5/8 Charolais (Bos taurus) and 3/8 Nelore (Bos indicus) breed developed in Brazil, by evaluating the birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight and plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentration of 7 month to 10 months old Canchim calves (n = 204) of known genealogy and which had been genotyped for the AluI and DdeI markers. Our results showed significant effect (p < 0.05) between the homozygous DdeI+/DdeI+ polymorphism and the estimated breeding value for weaning weight (ESB-WW), while the AluI leucine homozygous (L/L) and leucine/valine (L/V) heterozygous polymorphisms showed no significant effect on the traits studied. The restriction sites of the two enzymes led to the formation of haplotypes which also exerted a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the ESB-WW, with the largest difference being 8.5 kg in favor of the homozygous L plus DdeI+/L plus DdeI+ genotype over the heterozygous L plus DdeI-/V plus DdeI+ genotype

    The validity and reliability of the CAMDEX-DS for assessing dementia in adults with Down syndrome in Brazil.

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    OBJECTIVE: Alzheimer's disease occurs at a higher prevalence and an earlier age in individuals with Down syndrome (DS) than typically developing individuals. However, diagnosing dementia in individuals with intellectual disability remains a challenge due to pre-existing cognitive deficits. The aim of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of the Brazilian version of the Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of Older People with Down's syndrome and Others with Intellectual Disabilities (CAMDEX-DS) for individuals with DS. METHODS: Two psychiatrists, working independently, evaluated 92 adults with DS ≥ 30 years of age. The concurrent validity of the CAMDEX-DS was analyzed in relation to the gold standard of established international criteria. In a subgroup of 20 subjects, the concurrent validity of the CAMDEX-DS was analyzed in relation to an independent objective assessment of cognitive decline over three years. We analyzed the inter-rater reliability of cognitive assessment. RESULTS: The diagnostic accuracy of the CAMDEX-DS compared to the gold standard was 96.7%. CAMDEX-DS-based diagnosis was considered consistent with cognitive decline. The probability of a participant with dementia having cognitive decline was 83%. Inter-rater reliability for the participant assessment was good, with a kappa of > 0.8 for 93% of the CAMDEX-DS items. CONCLUSION: The CAMDEX-DS can be considered the first valid and reliable instrument for evaluating dementia in adults with DS in Brazil. Its use in such individuals could improve clinical practice and research


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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica acerca do potencial de aproveitamento de resíduos proveniente da agroindústria da soja por meio de diversosprocessos tecnológicos. O estudo apresenta as características fitofisionômicas, agrícolas e químicas da soja bem como uma análise minuciosa de suas atividades de produção, industrialização e consumo, de acordo com regiões e unidades federativas brasileiras. São apresentadas durante a revisão as operações unitárias do processo produtivo da agroindústria da soja. Esse trabalho também apresenta o potencial de aproveitamento da casca da soja por meio de rotas tecnológicas, buscando assim a redução da disposição dos resíduos sólidos industriais e agregando valor a essa importante cadeia produtiva