266 research outputs found

    O corpo da página: saberes decoloniais em três publicações de dramaturgia

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    The study aims to reflect on the possibility of decolonizing the book based on the reflections constructed by Françoise Vergès, Leda Maria Martins and Hélène Cixous, by articulating notions such as post-museum, oralitura and women’s writing. The reflections are presented as a basis for the analysis of three drama publications: Vaga Carne by Grace Passô, MÃE ou Eu também não Gozei by Letícia Bassit and Manifesto Transpofágico by Renata Carvalho. Reinforcing the inscription of the body in the pages of dramaturgies, the article suggests the proposal of a post-book to contemplate the creations of these artists.O estudo pretende refletir sobre a possibilidade de decolonização do livro a partir das reflexões construídas por Françoise Vergès, Leda Maria Martins e Hélène Cixous, articulando noções como pós-museu, oralitura e escrita das mulheres. As reflexões se apresentam como base para análise de três publicações de dramaturgia: Vaga Carne de Grace Passô, MÃE ou Eu também não Gozei de Letícia Bassit e Manifesto Transpofágico de Renata Carvalho. Ressaltando a inscrição do corpo nas páginas das dramaturgias, o artigo sugere a proposição de um pós-livro para contemplar as criações dessas artistas. [Recebido em: 15 jul. 2023 – Aceito em: 25 out. 2023

    Polish device for FOCCoS/PFS slit system

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    The Fiber Optical Cable and Connector System, FOCCoS, for the Prime Focus Spectrograph, PFS, is responsible for transporting light from the Subaru Telescope focal plane to a set of four spectrographs. Each spectrograph will be fed by a convex curved slit with 616 optical fibers organized in a linear arrangement. The slit frontal surface is covered with a special dark composite, made with refractory oxide, which is able to sustain its properties with minimum quantities of abrasives during the polishing process; this stability is obtained This stability is obtained by the detachment of the refractory oxide nanoparticles, which then gently reinforce gently the polishing process and increase its the efficiency. The surface roughness measured in several samples after high performance polishing was about 0.01 microns. Furthermore, the time for obtaining a polished surface with this quality is about 10 times less than the time required for polishing a brass, glass or ceramic surface of the same size. In this paper, we describe the procedure developed for high quality polishing of this type of slit. The cylindrical polishing described here, uses cylindrical concave metal bases on which glass paper is based. The polishing process consists to use grid sequences of 30 microns, 12 microns, 9 microns, 5 microns, 3 microns, 1 micron and, finally, a colloidal silica on a chemical cloth. To obtain the maximum throughput, the surface of the fibers should be polished in such a way that they are optically flat and free from scratches. The optical fibers are inspected with a microscope at all stages of the polishing process to ensure high quality. The efficiency of the process may be improved by using a cylindrical concave composite base as a substrate suitable for diamond liquid solutions. Despite this process being completely by hand, the final result shows a very high quality

    Estratégias de Treinamento Profissional para Atendimento Odontológico em um Cenário De Pandemia De Sars-Cov-2

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    The pandemic caused by the coronavirus has brought numerous challenges for higher education, especially in health courses due to the various practical activities with patients, increasing the risk of contamination. The objective of the work was to report the training process in biosafety in dental care in the face of a pandemic scenario and risk of contamination for SARS-CoV-2 and to evaluate its impact on the resumption of clinical practice. From the biosafety protocol built collectively for clinical care, remote training was applied to all 398 students and professors of the Faculty of Dentistry using the virtual environment and several different online resources. At the end, a questionnaire was applied to all participants, and to students from the last period, also practical training before returning to service. 96% participated in the activities and reported it as important. The students from the last period felt safer to return to care and were able to notice an advance regarding the biosafety procedures to be used. The process of training and updating the biosafety protocols for responsible dental care in a pandemic phase by COVID-19 was important, since it reduced anxiety and mobilized the integration of professors and students of the Dentistry course around the search for knowledge for safe dental care. Keywords: COVID-19. Biosafety. Dental education. Education technology, E-Learning.A pandemia causada pelo coronavírus trouxe inúmeros desafios para o ensino superior, principalmente nos cursos da área da saúde devido às diversas atividades práticas com os pacientes, aumentando o risco de contaminação. O objetivo do trabalho foi relatar o processo de capacitação em biossegurança em assistência odontológica frente a um cenário de pandemia e risco de contaminação por SARS-CoV-2 e avaliar seu impacto na retomada da prática clínica. A partir do protocolo de biossegurança construído coletivamente para o atendimento clínico, foi aplicado o treinamento à distância a todos os 398 alunos e professores da Faculdade de Odontologia utilizando o ambiente virtual e diversos recursos online. Ao final, foi aplicado um questionário a todos os participantes, e aos alunos do último período, também o treinamento prático antes do retorno ao serviço. 96% participaram das atividades e as relataram como importantes. Os alunos do último período sentiram-se mais seguros para retornar aos cuidados e puderam perceber um avanço quanto aos procedimentos de biossegurança a serem utilizados. O processo de treinamento e atualização dos protocolos de biossegurança para atendimento odontológico responsável em fase de pandemia pelo COVID-19 foi importante, pois reduziu a ansiedade e mobilizou a integração de professores e alunos do curso de Odontologia em torno da busca de conhecimentos para atendimento odontológico seguro. Palavras-chave: COVID-19. Biossegurança. Educação odontológica. Tecnologia educacional. E-Learning.  

    Focal Ratio Degradation for Fiber Positioner Operation in Astronomical Spectrographs

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    Focal ratio degradation (FRD), the decrease of light’s focal ratio between the input into an optical fiber and the output, is important to characterize for astronomical spectrographs due to its effects on throughput and the point spread function. However, while FRD is a function of many fiber properties such as stresses, microbending, and surface imperfections, angular misalignments between the incoming light and the face of the fiber also affect the light profile and complicate this measurement. A compact experimental setup and a model separating FRD from angular misalignment was applied to a fiber subjected to varying stresses or angular misalignments to determine the magnitude of these effects. The FRD was then determined for a fiber in a fiber positioner that will be used in the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS). The analysis we carried out for the PFS positioner suggests that effects of angular misalignment dominate and no significant FRD increase due to stress should occur

    Análise dos processos secretariais das unidades acadêmicas da universidade federal do ParáAnalysis of secretarial processes of academic units of Pará federal university

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    Um dos contextos prementes das Instituições Federais de Ensino (IFES) é o processo de adoção de tecnologias de gestão fomentadas pelo Governo Federal, através da força da legislação vigente e em experiências de adoção dessas tecnologias pelas IFES para otimização de processos e para a prestação de melhores serviços com foco no cliente/usuário. Assim, justifica-se a presente pesquisa, com a seguinte problemática adotada: quais são os processos secretariais que podem ser melhorados, pela visão das Secretarias Executivas do Campus Universitário de Belém da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)? Para se chegar à resposta foi definido como objetivo geral: analisar os processos desenvolvidos nas secretarias executivas das Unidades Acadêmicas da UFPA, do campus de Belém. Desdobrando nos seguintes objetivos: identificar os processos desenvolvidos pelos secretários executivos das Unidades Acadêmicas do Campus Universitário de Belém, levantar os processos priorizados pelos secretários executivos, mapear os processos priorizados e propor melhorias para os mesmos. A pesquisa teve teor descritivo, com técnicas de coleta de entrevistas semiestruturadas e questionários, além das técnicas combinadas de análise de conteúdo e triangulação de dados. Os resultados apontam para a identificação de nove processos desenvolvidos pelas Secretarias Executivas, com priorização e mapeamento de dois deles: Assessoria à direção geral e Gestão de documentos, com as respectivas propostas de melhoria, além de notar-se que a análise de processos via mapeamento é uma tecnologia aderente que pode ser aplicada em contextos organizacionais universitários.

    Multi-fibers connectors systems for FOCCoS-PFS-Subaru

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    The Fiber Optical Cable and Connector System (FOCCoS), provides optical connection between 2400 positioners and a set of spectrographs through optical fibers cables as part of PFS instrument for Subaru telescope. The optical fiber cable will be segmented in 3 parts along the route, cable A, cable B and cable C, connected by a set of multi-fiber connectors. The company USCONEC produces the multi-fiber connector under study. The USCONEC 32F model can connect 32 optical fibers in a 4 x 8 matrix arrangement. The ferrules are made of a durable composite, Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) based thermoplastic. The connections are held in place by a push-on/pull-off latch, and the connector can also be distinguished by a pair of metal guide pins that protrude from the front of the connector. Two fibers per connector will be used for monitoring the connection procedure. It was found to be easy to polish and it is small enough to be mounted in groups. Highly multiplexed instruments like PFS require a fiber connector system that can deliver excellent optical performance and reliability. PFS requires two different types of structures to organize the connectors. The Tower Connector system, with 80 multi-fiber connectors, will be a group of connectors for connecting cable B (Telescope Structure) with cable C (Positioners Plate). The Gang Connector system is a group of 8 gang connectors, each one with 12 multi-fibers connectors, for connecting cable B (Telescope Structure) with cable A (Spectrograph). The bench tests with these connector systems and the chosen fibers should measure the throughput of light and the stability after many connections and disconnections. In this paper we describe tests and procedures to evaluate the throughput and FRD increment. The lifetime of the ferrules is also in evaluation

    Diversidade genética de bovinos Brahman no Brasil por meio da análise de pedigree

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic diversity of Brahman cattle in Brazil with pedigree analysis. Genealogical records of a subpopulation were used considering all pedigree information (Pt) and the pedigree information divided into two periods (P1, from 1994 to 2004; and P2, from 2005 to 2012) or according to the raising system (Ppt, animals on pasture; or Pst, on stable). Estimates were obtained for average inbreeding coefficients, generation intervals (GI), number of equivalent known generation (CGE), number of founders (Nf), effective number of founders (fe), effective number of ancestors (fa), and founder genome equivalents (fg). The average inbreeding coefficients were 11.97, 7.79, 11.95, 11.74, and 11.31% for Pt, P1, P2, Ppt, and Pst, respectively. Average GI was 4.4 years, whereas CGE was 3.18. The fe values were similar to those of fa, which were greater than those of fg. The fe/fa and fg/fe ratios were close to 1, which indicates no genetic bottleneck and small losses by genetic drift. The genetic diversity in the Brazilian population of Brahman breed is not significantly reduced.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade genética de bovinos da raça Brahman no Brasil com análise de pedigree. Registros genealógicos de uma subpopulação foram usados, tendo-se considerado toda a informação de pedigree (Pt) e a informação de pedigree dividida em dois períodos (P1, de 1994 a 2004; e P2, de 2005 a 2012) ou de acordo com sistema de criação (Ppt, animais a pasto; ou Pst, estabulados). Foram obtidas as estimativas de coeficientes médios de endogamia, intervalos de geração (IG), número equivalente de gerações conhecidas (EGC), número de fundadores (Nf), número efetivo de fundadores (fe), número efetivo de ancestrais (fa) e número efetivo de genomas remanescentes (fg). Os coeficientes médios de endogamia foram de 11,97, 7,79, 11,95, 11,74 e 11,31% para Pt, P1, P2, Ppt e Pst, respectivamente. O IG médio foi de 4,4 anos, enquanto o EGC médio foi de 3,18. O fe foi próximo de fa, cujos valores foram maiores que os de fg. As razões fe/fa e fg/fe foram próximas de 1, o que indica ausência de gargalo genético e pequenas perdas por deriva genética. A diversidade genética na raça Brahman no Brasil não está significativamente reduzida

    Slit device for FOCCoS, PFS, Subaru

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    The Fiber Optical Cable and Connector System, FOCCoS, subsystem of the Prime Focus Spectrograph, PFS, for Subaru telescope, is responsible to feed four spectrographs with a set of optical fibers cables. The light injection for each spectrograph is assured by a convex curved slit with a linear array of 616 optical fibers. In this paper we present a design of a slit that ensures the right direction of the fibers by using masks of micro holes. This kind of mask is made by a technique called electroforming, which is able to produce a nickel plate with holes in a linear sequence. The precision error is around 1micron in the diameter and 1 micron in the positions of the holes. This nickel plate may be produced with a thickness between 50 and 200 microns, so it may be very flexible. This flexibility allows the mask to be bent into the shape necessary for a curved slit. The concept requires two masks, which we call Front Mask, and Rear Mask, separated by a gap that defines the thickness of the slit. The pitch and the diameter of the holes define the linear geometry of the slit; the curvature of each mask defines the angular geometry of the slit. Obviously, this assembly must be mounted inside a structure rigid and strong enough to be supported inside the spectrograph. This structure must have a CTE optimized to avoid displacement of the fibers or increased FRD of the fibers when the device is submitted to temperatures around 3 degrees Celsius, the temperature of operation of the spectrograph. We have produced two models. Both are mounted inside a very compact Invar case, and both have their front surfaces covered by a dark composite, to reduce stray light. Furthermore, we have conducted experiments with two different internal structures to minimize effects caused by temperature gradients

    Tendência da incompletude dos registros de óbitos por câncer do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade em Mato Grosso, Brasil, 2000 a 2016

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    Objective: To describe a trend of incompleteness of death records from cancer in the Mortality Information System database, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2000 to 2016. Methods: This is a descriptive, ecological, time series study of deaths records from cancer of residents from state of Mato Grosso (codes C00 to C97 of the CID-10), Brazilian Mortality Information System. For an incomplete evaluation of filling in variations of race/skin color, education, marital status, occupation and basic cause of death, the relative frequency was calculated in the percentage of null values. Time trend analyzes of the incomplete percentage of categories and variables of interest were performed using linear regression (p-value<0.05). Results: From 2000 to 2016, there were 31,097 deaths from cancer in residents from the state of Mato Grosso. Race/skincolor, marital status and occupation presented stable trend of incompleteness; education and basic cause of death were decreasing. An increasing trend was observed in the categories 'ignored' (marital status) and 'retired' (occupation); decreasing trend was observed for 'blank' (education), 'unidentified' and 'housewife' (occupation), and C76-another location and poor visualization and C80-without location examination (basic cause of death). Incompleteness of occupation was classified as very poor, with emphasis on 'housewife' and 'retired'. For variables and categories, a classification was excellent or good. Conclusions: Although most of the indicators showed satisfactory trend and classification, marital status and occupation variables stood out for indicating poorer quality in the records.Objetivo: Descrever a tendência da incompletude dos registros de óbitos por neoplasias do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade no estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, no período 2000 a 2016. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, ecológico, do tipo série temporal, com dados referentes aos óbitos de residentes de Mato Grosso por neoplasias (códigos C00 a C97 da CID-10), provenientes do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM). Para a avaliação da incompletude no preenchimento das variáveis raça/cor, escolaridade, estado civil, ocupação e causa básica do óbito foi calculada a frequência relativa em percentual de valores nulos. Análises de tendência temporal do percentual de incompletude das variáveis de interesse e categorias foram realizadas por meio de regressão linear (p-valor<0,05). Resultados: De 2000 a 2016, ocorreram 31.097 óbitos por neoplasias em residentes no estado de Mato Grosso. Raça/cor, estado civil e ocupação apresentaram tendência estável da incompletude; escolaridade e causa básica do óbito foram decrescentes. Nas categorias, tendência crescente foi observada para ‘ignorado’ (estado civil) e ‘aposentado’ (ocupação); tendência decrescente foi verificada para ‘em branco’ (escolaridade), ‘não identificado’ e ‘dona de casa’ (ocupação), e C76-outra localização e mal definidas e C80-sem especificação de localização (causa básica do óbito). Incompletude da ocupação foi classificada como muito ruim, com destaque para ‘dona de casa’ e ‘aposentado’. Para as demais variáveis e categorias, a classificação foi excelente ou bom. Conclusões: Embora a maior parte dos indicadores tenha apresentado tendência e classificação satisfatórias, as variáveis estado civil e ocupação destacaram-se por indicarem piora na qualidade dos registros
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