149 research outputs found

    Ovulation induction in beef cows with different forages allowances during post partum

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    Este experimento teve por objetivo comparar a eficiência de um protocolo hormonal associado ao desmame por 96 horas com o desmame definitivo, em vacas em pastejo com diferentes ofertas forrageiras. Utilizaram-se 310 vacas (190 Aberdeen-Angus e 120 Charolês), entre 50 e 70 dias pós-parto, distribuídas em seis grupos. Os grupos A2, A5, B2 e B5 foram mantidos em maior (A2 e A5) e menor (B2 e B5) disponibilidade forrageira, no período parto-tratamento, e receberam (dia 0) 2mg (A2 e B2) e 5mg (A5 e B5) de benzoato de estradiol e dispositivo intravaginal com acetato de medroxiprogesterona (CIDR). Seis dias após, receberam 1.000 UI de gonadotrofina coriônica eqüina (eCG). No sétimo dia, foi retirado o CIDR e procedido ao desmame dos bezerros por 96 horas. Os grupos AD e BD foram constituídos por 52 e 48 vacas, permanecendo, respectivamente, em maior e menor disponibilidade forrageira, submetidas ao desmame definitivo dos bezerros (dia 7). Inseminaram-se as vacas que manifestaram estro entre os dias 7 e 17, sendo acasaladas, depois, até o 67ºdia. Nos dias 60 e 127 realizaram-se diagnósticos ultra-sonográficos de prenhez. Para análise dos dados, utilizou- se PROC CATMOD do pacote estatístico do SAS, não se verificando diferença (P>0,05) na prenhez entre os grupos com diferentes ofertas forrageiras. Uma nova análise das vacas, conforme seus ganhos de peso, indicou que o desmame definitivo proporciona melhor percentual de prenhez em relação ao modelo de tratamento hormonal utilizado. As vacas que perdem peso no período pós-parto respondem, ao desmame definitivo, mais lentamente do que as que ganham peso no mesmo período. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis experiment compared the efficiency of combined hormonal treatment and 96-hour calf removal with weaning in cows fed different forages allowances and with different weight gains. A total of 310 cows (190 Aberdeen Angus and 120 Charolais), 50 to 70 days postpartum, were sorted into 6 groups. Groups A2, A5, B2 and B5 were composed of 53, 49, 53 and 55 cows, respectively; the first two groups had higher forage availability, while the others had lower forage availability, in the postpartum period; groups A2 and B2 received 2mg estradiol benzoate (day zero) and the groups A5 and B5 5mg estradiol benzoate as well as an intra-vaginal device (CIDR) with progesterone. Six days later they received 1000UI equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG). At day 7 the CIDR device was removed and the 96-hour calf removal period began. Groups AD and BD, with 52 and 48 cows and high and low forage availability respectively, in the postpartum period, were weaned on day 7. All cows that showed estrous were inseminated between day 7 and 17, and then were bred, up to day 67. Between days 60 and 127, ultrasounds diagnosis of pregnancy were performed. Data analysis was carried out using to the PROC CATMOD in the SAS statistical program. There were no significant differences in pregnancy (p>0.05) rates among groups submitted to different forage offers. Data was then analyzed according to whether the cow gamed or lost weight in the post partum period. These results indicate that weaning was more efficient than the hormonal treatment used and cows that lost weight in the have gained weight in the same period

    Effect of bovine somatotropin (bST-r), progestagen intravaginal device and temporary calf removal on estrous induction and on pregnancy rate in cows

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência de tratamentos hormonais sobre a fertilidade de vacas de corte no pós-parto com diferentes condições corporais, durante a estação de monta de outono. Setenta e três vacas pluríparas cruzadas (Hereford x Nelore) criadas extensivamente, com condição corporal entre 2 e 4, foram pesadas e distribuídas em três grupos experimentais. O grupo GSED, constituído por 25 vacas, recebeu pessário vaginal (dia 0) contendo 250mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona e 500mg de somatotropina bovina recombinante (bST-r). Na retirada dos pessários (dia 7), as vacas receberam 0,5mg de cipionato de estradiol e procedeu-se o desmame temporário dos bezerros por 72 horas. No grupo SED, 25 vacas receberam tratamento semelhante ao grupo GSED, porém não receberam bST-r. No grupocontrole, as 23 vacas somente foram separadas dos seus bezerros por 72h. Quando da retirada dos pessários as vacas foram colocadas com touros por 30 dias. Os animais foram pesados e avaliados quanto à condição corporal no início do experimento e na retirada dos touros (dia 37). Foi constatada perda média de peso de 0,648 kg/dia e os percentuais de estro foram de 26,1%, 33,3% e 56,5%, respectivamente, para os grupos controle, SED e GSED. O diagnóstico de gestação, realizado pela palpação retal 60 dias após a retirada dos touros, indicou percentuais de prenhez de 13,0%, 8,3% e 21,7%, respectivamente, para os grupos controle, SED e GSED (P=0,16), demonstrando que os programas hormonais adotados não foram eficientes no incremento das taxas de prenhez de vacas que perdiam peso entre 50 e 70 dias após o parto. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study aimed to assess the efficiency of hormonal treatment in the postpartum fertility of nursing beef cows. Seventy-three cows (Hereford x Nellore) raised extensively, with body condition ranging from 2 to 4 were randomly allotted in three groups. The GSED group, with 25 cows, received an intravaginal device (ID) of 250mg of medroxiprogesteron acetate and 500mg of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST-r; day 0). After the ID withdrawal (day 7), the cows received 0.5mg of estradiol cipionate; their calves were temporarily weaned for 72 hours. In the SED group, 25 cows received a similar treatment, however, somatotropin was not used. In the control group, 23 cows were temporarily separated from their calves for 72 hours and did not receive any hormonal treatment. The cows were put together with the bulls for 30 days just after ID withdrawal. The cows were weighted and assessed for body condition at day 0 and just after bulls withdrawal. The cows lost weight in an average of 0.648 kg/day, and 56.5%, 33.3%, and 26.1% of estrous rates were observed, respectively for the GSED, SED and control groups (GSED vs. SED, P=0.0001; GSED vs. control, P=0.0007; SED vs. control, P=0.53). The pregnancy rates were 21.7%, 8.3%, and 13.0%, respectively for the GSED, SED and control groups (P=0.16). The results showed that the hormonal program associated with temporary 72-hour calf removal did not increase conception rate of cows that loosed weight from 50 to 70 days postpartum

    Integrity of sperm plasm membrane, nucleus and mitochondria after freezing ram semen with ethylene glycol

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    Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o sêmen ovino criopreservado com etileno glicol em relação ao glicerol, quanto à motilidade progressiva e vigor e, especialmente, quanto à integridade das membranas plasmática, nuclear e mitocondrial. Foram utilizados ejaculados de sêmen provenientes de dois carneiros da raça Ile-de-France, com padrões mínimos de volume (0,5ml), turbilhonamento (2 de 0-5), motilidade progressiva (65%), vigor (3 de 0-5), aspecto (cremoso fino, 3x106 espermatozóides/mm3) e células normais (80%). Um total de 25 pools foi dividido em duas alíquotas, as quais foram, posteriormente, congeladas com etileno glicol a 0,5M ou glicerol a 0,72M em pellets. Os parâmetros utilizados, para avaliar o desempenho dos crioprotetores, foram a motilidade progressiva, vigor espermático e integridade do acrossomo e das membranas plasmáticas dos espermatozóides. A motilidade e vigor foram aferidos no sêmen fresco, resfriado, descongelado, mantido a 38°C por 5 horas de incubação (TTL- teste de termorresistência lento) e à temperatura de 45°C por 30 minutos (TTR- teste de termorresistência rápido). Não houve diferença entre o etileno glicol e o glicerol para a avaliação da morfologia do acrossomo, motilidade progressiva e vigor. As células espermáticas criopreservadas com etileno glicol apresentaram maior integridade das membranas plasmática, nuclear e mitocondrial do espermatozóide. O etileno glicol é mais eficiente do que o glicerol para preservar a integridade das membranas espermáticas na congelação de sêmen ovino. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of the present experiment was to evaluate the effect of ethylene glycol, in relation to glycerol, as a cryoprotective agent for preserving ovine spermatic cells. The semen had to present a minimal quality to be used, regarding volume (0.5 ml), wave motion (score of 2, from 0 to 5), percentage of progressively motile spermatozoa (65%), rate of progressive motility (score of 3, from 0 to 5), sperm cell concentration (3x106 cells/mm3) and normal sperm morphology (80%). Each pool of semen from ejaculates of two rams was divided into two equal subsamples. One subsample was frozen with ethylene glycol and the other with glycerol. The parameters used to evaluate the semen were sperm motility, vigor, acrossome status and membrane integrity. Sperm motility was evaluated in fresh semen, cooled semen, frozen semen, after 5 hours at 38°C or after 30 minutes at 45°C. No difference was observed between ethylene glycol and glycerol for acrossome status and sperm motility. The sperm cells that were preserved with ethylene glycol showed more integrity of the plasmatic, nuclear and mitochondrial membranes. From the viewpoint of cell membrane integrity, it can be concluded that ethylene glycol gives higher protection to the sperm cell than glycerol

    MobiSnap: managing database snapshots in a mobile environment

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    This paper presents MobiSnap, a research project that aims to support the development of SQL based applications for mobile environments, providing configurable support for data divergence control and connectivity abstractions. One of the project goals is to assist the migration of legacy SQL based applications into these new operational platforms

    Mobile transaction management in mobisnap

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    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1884To allow mobile users to continue their work while disconnected, mobile systems usually rely on optimistic replication techniques. In mobile database systems, mobile units cache subsets of the database state and allow disconnected users to perform transactions concurrently. These transactions are later integrated in the master database state. As concurrently performed transactions may conflict, it is usually impossible to determine the result of an update in the mobile unit. Moreover, this model differs from the traditional client/server model due to the fundamental fact that the user will usually not be connected to the system when the results of his transactions are finally determined - therefore, he can not immediately perform adequate alternative actions. In this paper we describe a transaction management system that takes into consideration the above-mentioned characteristics. Transactions are specified as mobile transactional programs, which allows the precise definition of operation semantics and the definition of alternative actions. Support for active user notification is also provided in the system. Finally, the system relies on a reservation mechanism to be able to guarantee the results of transactions in the mobile units.(undefined

    Hormonal induction of ovulation and early weaning in postpartum fertility of homozigous and heterozigous beef cows for the microsatellite BMS3004

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    O objetivo deste experimento foi comparar a eficiência de um programa hormonal associado ao desmame temporário por 96 horas na indução do estro e ovulação com o desmame definitivo aos 60 dias em vacas de corte. Foram utilizadas 183 vacas de corte amamentando, das raças Charolês (C), Nelore (N) e suas cruzas recíprocas, as quais foram genotipadas como homozigotas (HOM) ou heterozigotas (HET) para o microssatélite (STR) BMS3004, que está localizado no mesmo cromossomo do gene da cadeia do LH. Entre 60 e 80 dias pós-parto (dia 0), as vacas foram distribuídas em dois grupos. No grupo indução hormonal (IH), as vacas (n=87) receberam (dia 0) 250 mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona por 8 dias, 2,5 mg de benzoato de estradiol (dia 1) e 500 UI de gonadotrofina coriônica eqüina (dia 7). No dia 8, os bezerros foram desmamados por 96 horas. No mesmo dia (dia 8), as vacas (n=96) do outro grupo apenas foram submetidas ao desmame definitivo (grupo DP). Após, procedeu-se 4 dias de inseminação artificial (IA) e, passado esse período, foram entouradas. O primeiro diagnóstico de gestação (DG) foi realizado 60 dias após o período de IA e, o segundo, 60 dias após o final do entoure. As taxas de estro foram maiores nas vacas do grupo IH em relação as do grupo DP. As vacas com condição corporal 2,5 e 3,0 apresentaram menores percentuais de prenhez ao 1ºDG no grupo IH (29,6 e 46,4%) em relação ao grupo DP (56,0 e 72,2%). Os percentuais de prenhez das vacas com índice corporal 65-73 não diferiram entre os grupos IH e DP. As vacas N do grupo IH, apresentaram menor percentual de prenhez ao 1ºDG que as F1 (27,7 vs. 64,2%), mas não diferiram em relação às C (40,0%). No grupo IH, o percentual de prenhez ao 2ºDG foi menor nas vacas HOM do que nas HET. O desmame definitivo precoce mostrou-se mais eficaz no incremento dos percentuais de prenhez em vacas de corte. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this experiment was to compare the efficiency of a hormonal protocol, associated to the temporary weaning for 96 hours, with the definitive weaning at 60 days in beef cows, for the induction of estrus and ovulation. One hundred and eightythree suckled beef cows were used. The breeds of the cows were Charolais (C) and Nellore (N) and their crosses. The animals were genotyped as homozygous (HOM) and heterozigous (HET) for the microsatellite BMS3004, that is localized in the same chromossome of the LH chain gene. The cows were distributed in two groups between 60 and 80 days postpartum (day 0). In the hormonal induction group (HI), the cows (n=87) received (day 0) 250 mg of medroxiprogesteron acetate for 8 days, 2.5 mg of estradiol benzoate (day 1) and 500 UI of eCG (day 7). On day 8, the calves were weaned for 96 hours. In the same day (day 8), the cows (n=96) of the other group were just submitted to early weaning (group EW). Twelve hours after weaning, artificial insemination (AI) was done during four days. After this period, they were mated. The first diagnosis of pregnancy (DP) was performed 60 days after the AI period and, the second, 60 days after the end of mating. The estrus rates were higher in cows from HI group than in those of EW group. In the HI group, the cows with body condition 2.5 and 3.0 presented lower pregnancy rates at the 1st DP (29.6 and 46.4%) than in the EW group (56.0 and 72.2%). The rates of pregnancy in cows with body index 65-73 did not differ between the HI and EW groups. The N cows of HI group presented lower pregnancy rate at 1st DP than the F1 (27.7 vs. 64.2%), but was not different than the C cows (40.0%). In the HI group, the pregnancy rate at the 2nd DP was lower in HOM cows than in the HET ones. The cows in the early definitive weaning group showed to be more efficient than in the hormonal induction group to improve the pregnancy rate

    Association between reproductive traits and four microsatellites in Bragus-Ibagé cattle

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    The aim of the present study was to verify associations between reproductive efficiency and four microsatellite markers located in synteny with genes involved in the regulation of reproductive mechanisms. A sample of 107 females from a Brangus Ibagé population (5/8 Aberdeen Angus x 3/8 Nelore) was characterized for ETH225 (D9S1) and MM12E6 (D9S20) microsatellites, mapped on chromosome 9, and HEL5 (D21S15) and AFZ1 (D21S37) on chromosome 21. Associations between the genetic markers and reproductive efficiency were determined by one-way analysis of variance using calving interval (CI), live weight at calving (LWC), live weight at first calving (LW1C) and live weight at second calving (LW2C) as dependent variables. The genotypes were classified according to allele size into homozygous for long alleles, homozygous for short alleles and heterozygous. A longer CI was observed for individuals homozygous for long alleles at the HEL5 locus compared with the others (p = 0.022). For the AFZ1 locus, an inverse correlation between allele size and calving interval was observed (p = 0.022), suggesting that homozygosity for long alleles at this microsatellite could be advantageous. Analysis of the combined effect of favorable genotypes at HEL5 and AFZ1 indicated that animals with unfavorable genotypes (homozygous for long alleles at HEL5 and homozygous for short alleles at AFZ1) presented a significantly longer CI (p = 0.003) when compared to the other genotypes. The ETH225 and MM12E6 systems did not present any association with CI. None of the systems studied showed any significant association with LWC, LW1C or LW2C

    Spatial distribution of human visceral leishmaniasis cases in Cametá, Pará, Eastern Amazon, Brazil

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    Introduction: Human visceral leishmaniasis is considered a major public health problem in the municipality of Cametá, Pará, Brazil. Methods: This ecological study was conducted using data obtained from official Brazilian agencies. Spatial analysis of the variables was performed using the kernel interpolation technique and the bivariate Global Moran’s Index. Results: The spatial distribution of the disease was not homogeneous, and it was associated with socio-environmental risk factors and public policies. Conclusions: Different relationships were observed between the variables studied and disease occurrence.Laboratory of Epidemiology and Geoprocessing and Postgraduate Program in Parasitic Biology in the Amazon of the University of the State of Pará, Brazil, and Center for Didactic Research and Technology for the Training of Trainers (ref. UID / CED / 00194/2013) of the University of Aveiro, Portugal

    Intravaginal progestagen for estrus and parturition control in sows

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização de dispositivos intravaginais (DIV) para o controle da reprodução em suínos. Porcas aos 112 dias de gestação receberam injeção de PGF2α (controle, n = 15) ou PGF2α com inserção de DIV contendo acetato de medroxiprogesterona (grupo DIV, n = 14) por 48 horas. As fêmeas iniciaram o parto 27,7±1,6 e 82,3±3,8 horas após aplicação de PGF2α nos grupos controle e tratado, respectivamente. Quanto ao controle do estro, dez porcas receberam DIV por 12 dias, iniciando imediatamente após o desmame, e o estro foi confirmado aos 17,25±0,17 dias após o desmame, em comparação a 4±0,25 dias no grupo controle. Dispositivos intravaginais com progestágeno podem ser utilizados no controle da reprodução em suínos.The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of intravaginal devices (IVD) for the control of reproductive events in swine. Sows at 112 days of pregnancy received an injection of PGF2α (control, n = 15) or PGF2α plus an IVD containing medroxyprogesterone acetate (IVD group, n = 14) for 48 hours. Sows initiated labor 27.7±1.6 and 82.3±3.8 h after PGF2α aplicaction, in control and treated groups, respectively. Regarding control of estrus cycle, ten sows received IVD for 12 days starting immediately after weaning, and estrus was confirmed 17.25±0.17 days after weaning, in comparison to 4.00±0.25 days for the control group. Intravaginal devices with progestagen can be applied for the control of reproduction in swine

    Características físicas e sensoriais de Salame Tipo Italiano com adição de própolis

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    In this study, four formulations of Italian-type salami were prepared, being one antioxidant free (control), one containing synthetic antioxidant (BHT) and two containing propolis extract (0.01% and 0.05%). The samples were submitted to microbiological and sensorial analyses and texture and color profiles, besides the weight loss and the pH during the maturation period. The results showed weight loss of the formulations during maturation, indicating that the incorporation of propolis did not affect the drying process. The formulation with 0.01% propolis showed a more intense red color at the end of maturation compared with the others. The pH values varied between some samples as well as in relation to the maturation day. The addition of BHT accelerated the dehydration process of salami at the end of the maturation period, making it harder. The control formulations and that with 0.05% propolis added showed better results for the texture profile, although they did not differ from the others in relation to the texture during the sensorial test. The control formulation and that containing BHT showed the best results for purchase intent and preference. Moreover, all formulations presented certainty percentage of purchase above 70%, suggesting acceptance by consumers.No presente estudo foram elaboradas quatro formulações de salame tipo italiano, sendo uma isenta de antioxidante (controle), uma adicionada de antioxidante sintético (BHT) e duas contendo extrato de própolis (0,01% e 0,05%). As amostras foram submetidas a análises microbiológicas, sensoriais e perfil de textura e cor, além da perda de peso e o pH durante o período de maturação. Os resultados mostraram perda de peso das formulações durante a maturação, indicando que a incorporação da própolis não afetou o processo de secagem. A formulação adicionada de 0,01% de própolis apresentou coloração vermelha mais acentuada no final da maturação em comparação as demais. Os valores de pH variaram entre algumas amostras, bem como em relação ao dia de maturação. A adição de BHT acelerou o processo de desidratação do salame, deixando-o com maior grau de dureza. As formulações controle e aquela adicionada de 0,05% de própolis apresentaram melhores resultados para o perfil de textura, embora não tenham diferido das demais em relação ao atributo textura durante o teste sensorial. A formulação controle e a contendo BHT apresentaram os melhores resultados para intenção de compra e preferência. Por outro lado, todas as formulações apresentaram percentuais de certeza de compra acima de 70%, sugerindo aceitação por parte dos consumidores