3,235 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis between visual and computerized photogrammetry postural assessment

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    OBJETIVOS: Comparar a concordância interobservador da avaliação postural visual e por fotogrametria e verificar se os resultados quantitativos da fotogrametria correspondem à detecção de simetrias e assimetrias pela avaliação postural visual qualitativa. MÉTODOS: Vinte e um voluntários (24±1,9 anos) foram inicialmente avaliados visualmente por três fisioterapeutas experientes que preencheram um protocolo de avaliação postural. Em seguida tiveram fotografados a face e o corpo todo nos planos frontal anterior, posterior e sagital. As fotos foram utilizadas para traçar ângulos a partir de marcadores fixados à pele, em vários pontos anatômicos, que são referências frequentes na avaliação postural tradicional. Essas fotografias foram analisadas por três examinadores diferentes da avaliação postural visual. A concordância de cada método de avaliação postural foi avaliada pelos Coeficientes de Cramer V ou de PHI, considerando-se um nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada uma concordância entre os examinadores que utilizaram a fotogrametria para todos os segmentos avaliados. Não apresentaram concordância os segmentos comissura labial (p=0,00), acrômio clavicular (p=0,01), esternoclavicular (p=0,00), espinhas ilíacas anterior e posterior (p=0,00 e p=0,01) e ângulo inferior da escápula (p=0,00), que foram analizados por meio da avaliação postural visual. A comparação entre a fotogrametria e a avaliação postural visual demonstrou que o grau de concordância entre os dois métodos de avaliação foi pouco significativo para alguns segmentos do membro inferior e pelve. CONCLUSÕES: Nessas condições experimentais, os dados da fotogrametria não podem ser correlacionados com os dados da avaliação postural visual. A avaliação postural visual apresentou dados menos concordantes do que a fotogrametria, devendo ser questionada sua utilização como gold-standart.OBJECTIVES: To compare the interobserver agreement between visual and photogrammetry postural assessment and to determine whether the quantitative photogrammetry results correspond to the symmetries and asymmetries detected through qualitative visual postural assessment. METHODS: Twenty-one volunteers (mean age 24±1.9 years) were visually evaluated by three experienced physical therapists, who completed a postural assessment form. The participants' face and whole body were then photographed in the anterior and posterior frontal and sagittal planes. The photographs were used to draw angles from markers fixed to the skin at various anatomical points that are frequent references in traditional postural assessment. These photographs were analyzed by three examiners (other than the ones who performed the visual assessment). The agreement in each postural assessment method was determined using Cramer's V or the Phi coefficient, with the significance level set at 5%. RESULTS: There was agreement between the examiners who used photogrammetry, for all segments analyzed. No agreement was found for the labial commissure (p=0.00), acromioclavicular joint (p=0.01), sternoclavicular joint (p=0.00), anterior and posterior iliac spines (p=0.00 and p=0.01) or inferior angle of the scapula (p=0.00) when assessed visually. The comparison between photogrammetry and visual postural assessment showed that the agreement level between the two assessment methods was poor for some segments of the lower limb and pelvis. CONCLUSIONS: Under these experimental conditions, the photogrammetry data were not correlated with the results from the visual postural assessment. The visual postural assessment produced data that were in less agreement than the photogrammetry data, and its use as a gold standard must be questioned

    Dressed-band approach and Coulomb corrections to the light-induced exciton Stark shift

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    In the present work, we perform a comparison of theoretical approaches involving Coulomb-interaction corrections within the Hartree-Fock approximation and the renormalized dressed-band scheme in the large detuning limit. We focus on the well-studied optical Stark shift of the exciton peak in bulk and GaAs-(Ga,Al)As semiconductor quantum wells. It is argued that the Hartree-Fock scheme has severe limitations concerning its application to real experimental situations, even in the simplest laser field-perturbative regime. It is also shown, through a comparison between experiments and a three-band Kane-dressed GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum well calculation, that a proper treatment of band structure and confinement effects due to the quantum well is of fundamental importance in a theoretical understanding of Stark shift experimental measurements, and that the renormalized dressed-band approach is a very convenient tool to treat, in the large detuning limit, processes involving the laser-semiconductor interaction in low-dimensional heterostructures. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.9495742574

    Rabi oscillations, coherent properties, and model qubits in two-level donor systems under terahertz radiation

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    Quantum confinement, magnetic-field effects, and laser coupling with the two low-lying states of electrons bound to donor impurities in semiconductors may be used to coherently manipulate the two-level donor system in order to establish the appropriate operational conditions of basic quantum bits (qubits) for solid-state based quantum computers. Here we present a theoretical calculation of the damped Rabi oscillations and time evolution of the 1s and 2p(+) donor states in bulk GaAs under an external magnetic field and in the presence of terahertz laser radiation, and their influence on the measured photocurrent. We also discuss the possible experimental conditions under which decoherence is weak and qubit operations are efficiently controlled.682

    Co-design and robots: A case study of a robot dog for aging people

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2016. The day-to-day experiences of aging citizens differ significantly from young, technologically savvy engineers. Yet, well-meaning engineers continue to design technologies for aging citizens, informed by skewed stereotypes of aging without deep engagements from these users. This paper describes a co-design project based on the principles of Participatory Design that sought to provide aging people with the capacity to co-design technologies that suit their needs. The project combined the design intuitions of both participants and designers, on equal footing, to produce a companion robot in the form of a networked robotic dog. Besides evaluating a productive approach that empowers aging people in the process of co-designing and evaluating technologies for themselves, this paper presents a viable solution that is playful and meaningful to these elderly people; capable of enhancing their independence, social agency and well-being

    The Noncommutative Harmonic Oscillator based in Simplectic Representation of Galilei Group

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    In this work we study symplectic unitary representations for the Galilei group. As a consequence the Schr\"odinger equation is derived in phase space. The formalism is based on the non-commutative structure of the star-product, and using the group theory approach as a guide a physical consistent theory in phase space is constructed. The state is described by a quasi-probability amplitude that is in association with the Wigner function. The 3D harmonic oscillator and the noncommutative oscillator are studied in phase space as an application, and the Wigner function associated to both cases are determined.Comment: 7 pages,no figure

    Avaliação e tratamento do doente com acne - Parte II: tratamento tópico, sistémico e cirúrgico, tratamento da acne na grávida, algoritmo terapêutico

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    O Portuguese Acne Advisory Board (PAAB), grupo de dermatologistas portugueses que, à semelhança de grupos congéneres internacionais, tem dedicado particular atenção à definição de linhas de orientação para o tratamento da acne, pretende que o presente documento constitua uma ferramenta útil na abordagem dos doentes com esta patologia. Elaborou-se um dossier, para educação médica contínua, subdividido em 2 partes: Parte I – etiopatogenia e clínica; Parte II – abordagem terapêutica. Nesta Parte II discute-se a abordagem terapêutica – tópica e sistémica – em cada forma clínica de acne, dando particular ênfase aos retinóides e aos antimicrobianos, e salientam-se as estratégias a adoptar para limitar a crescente resistência bacteriana aos antibióticos. Referem-se as indicações específicas para terapêutica hormonal e analisam-se as particularidades do tratamento da acne na grávida e lactante. Descrevem-se algumas técnicas para correcção das cicatrizes da acne. Por último, publica-se um algoritmo que pretende ilustrar a classificação da acne e definir, para cada tipo clínico, a abordagem terapêutica consensualmente recomendada

    Avaliação e tratamento do doente com acne – Parte I: Epidemiologia, etiopatogenia, clínica, classificação, impacto psicossocial, mitos e realidades, diagnóstico diferencial e estudos complementares

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    O Portuguese Acne Advisory Board (PAAB), grupo de dermatologistas portugueses que, à semelhança de grupos congéneres internacionais, tem dedicado particular atenção à definição de linhas de orientação para o tratamento da acne, pretende que o presente documento constitua uma ferramenta útil na abordagem dos doentes com esta patologia. Elaborou-se um dossier, para educação médica contínua, subdividido em 2 partes: Parte I – etiopatogenia e clínica; Parte II – abordagem terapêutica. Nesta Parte I, revêem-se os principais aspectos da clínica e da fisiopatogenia da acne à luz dos conhecimentos actuais. Discute-se a importância do impacto psicológico e social desta entidade e analisam-se os principais mitos e realidades com ela relacionados. Descrevem-se, sucintamente, as patologias mais relevantes no diagnóstico diferencial das lesões de acne. Enumeram-se as indicações para estudo hormonal, bem como os exames a efectuar nos doentes com esta patologia. The Portuguese Acne Advisory Board (PAAB), a group of Portuguese dermatologists with a special interest in acne, develop, as other international groups in this field, consensus recommendations for the treatment of acne. Overall, the goal is to provide a practice guideline to all physicians dealing with this entity. The continuing medical education dossier was divided in two parts: Part I – etiopathogeny and clinical features; Part II – therapy. This Part I reviews acne pathophysiology, clinical aspects, psychological and social impact and several myths surrounding this disease. Some other entities relevant for the differential diagnosis are described. The need of hormonal evaluation is also discusse
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