51 research outputs found

    A decisão da mulher obesa pela cirurgia bariátrica à luz da fenomenologia social

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    Objetivo Comprender el proceso de toma de decisión de la mujer obesa por la cirugía bariátrica. Método Investigación cualitativa con abordaje de la fenomenología social llevada a cabo en 2012, con 12 mujeres, utilizándose la entrevista fenomenológica. Resultados La mujer funda su decisión por la cirugía en la inadecuación de sus hábitos alimentarios, la apariencia física incompatible con la estandarizada por la sociedad, el prejuicio social vivido, las limitaciones impuestas por la obesidad y el fracaso de los intentos previos de adelgazamiento. Ante la decisión por la cirugía tiene como expectaciones rescatar su salud, incluirse socialmente e insertarse en el mercado laboral. Conclusión El estudio permite reflexionar que las acciones prescriptivas no responden a la complejidad de las cuestiones subjetivas involucradas en la toma de decisión por la cirugía de la obesidad. A tal efecto, requiere un trabajo pautado en la interdisciplinaridad y una formación que valorice los aspectos biopsicosociales involucrados en la decisión por el tratamiento quirúrgico.Objetivo Compreender o processo de tomada de decisão da mulher obesa pela cirurgia bariátrica. Método Pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem da fenomenologia social realizada em 2012, com 12 mulheres, utilizando-se a entrevista fenomenológica. Resultados A mulher fundamenta a decisão pela cirurgia na inadequação dos seus hábitos alimentares, na aparência física incompatível com a padronizada pela sociedade, no preconceito social vivenciado, nas limitações impostas pela obesidade e no insucesso das tentativas prévias de emagrecimento. Diante da decisão pela cirurgia tem como expectativas resgatar sua saúde, incluir-se socialmente e inserir-se no mercado de trabalho. Conclusão O estudo permite refletir que as ações prescritivas não respondem à complexidade das questões subjetivas envolvidas na tomada de decisão pela cirurgia da obesidade. Para tanto, exige um trabalho pautado na interdisciplinaridade e uma formação que valorize os aspectos biopsicossociais envolvidos na decisão pelo tratamento cirúrgico.

Objective To understand the process by which an obese woman decides to have bariatric surgery. Method A qualitative survey with a social phenomenology approach, carried out in 2012, with 12 women, using the phenomenological interview. Results A woman bases the decision to have the surgery on: the inappropriateness of her eating habits; a physical appearance that is incompatible with an appearance that is standardized by society; the social prejudice that she has to live with; the limitations imposed by obesity; and her lack of success with previous attempts to lose weight. Outcomes that she hopes for from the decision to have the surgery include: restoring her health; achieving social inclusion; and entering the labor market. Conclusion This study allows one to reflect that prescriptive actions do not give a satisfactory response to a complexity of the subjective questions involved in the decision to have surgery for obesity. For this, what is called for is a program of work based on an interdisciplinary approach, and training that gives value to the bio-psycho-social aspects involved in a decision in favor of surgical treatment

    Climaterio y sexualidad: la comprensión de esa interface por mujeres asistidas en grupo

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    Este estudo, de cunho qualitativo, objetivou compreender o significado atribuído pela mulher às experiências vivenciadas quanto à sexualidade no climatério. Participaram oito mulheres que freqüentaram o grupo de climatério em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família de Juiz de Fora - MG. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada e organizados a partir da convergência das falas sobre as mudanças na sexualidade. Os resultados mostraram que a mulher evidencia alterações no âmbito sexual, caracterizadas por ressecamento vaginal e diminuição ou ausência da libido sexual. Outros fatores interferem diretamente em sua sexualidade: baixa auto-estima, falta de diálogo e incompreensão do parceiro. O grupo de climatério foi para elas um espaço que possibilitou trocas de experiências, permitindo maior compreensão desse momento. O estudo permite compreender a vivência da sexualidade da mulher no climatério assistida em grupo, entendendo estarem na esfera biopsicossocial as interfaces que a compõem.This qualitative study aimed to better understand the meaning attributed by women to sexuality lived experiences in the climacteric period. Eight women had participated they frequented climacteric groups in a Family Health Unit in Juiz de Fora - MG, Brazil. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and organized based on the convergence of speech concerning changes in sexuality. Results showed that women evidence alterations in the sexual scope, characterized by vaginal dryness and reduction or absence of one's sexual libido. Other factors intervene directly in her sexuality: low self-esteem, lack of dialogue, and lack of understanding by the partner. The climacteric group was a space for them that made it possible to exchange experiences, allowing greater understanding of this period. The study allows for reflection concerning women's sexual experiences in climacteric accompanied in group, understanding that the interfaces which compose are found in the bio-psycho-social sphere.El objetivo de este estudio, de carácter cualitativo, fue comprender el significado atribuido por la mujer a las experiencias vividas en relación a la sexualidad en el climaterio. Participaron ocho mujeres que frecuentaron grupos de climaterio en una Unidad de Salud de la Familia, en Juiz de Fora - MG. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de entrevistas parcialmente elaboradas, y organizados a partir de la convergencia de los discursos sobre los cambios en la sexualidad. Los resultados mostraron que la mujer evidencia alteraciones en la vida sexual, caracterizadas por la sequedad vaginal y la disminución o ausencia de la libido sexual. Otros factores que interfieren directamente en su sexualidad son: baja autoestima, falta de diálogo e incomprensión del compañero afectivo. El grupo de climaterio fue para ellas un espacio que les posibilitó el intercambio de experiencias, permitiéndoles una mayor comprensión de ese momento. El estudio aporta reflexiones acerca de la vivencia de la sexualidad de la mujer en el climaterio, entendiendo que las interfaces que la componen están en la esfera biopsicosocial

    Cuidar do recém-nascido na presença de seus pais: vivência de enfermeiras em unidade de cuidado intensivo neonatal

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    The nurse has a key role in involving parents in the care of newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit. The aim of this study was to comprehend how the nurses experience the care provided to newborns in the presence of the parents. This is a qualitative study using social phenomenology, with the participation of seven nurses, interviewed between January and February 2009. The nurses perceived the needs of parents; had positive expectations regarding the care provided and acknowledge themselves to be the link between them, helping them to live with the hospitalized child. However, in emergencies, the nurses had difficulties in caring for the neonate in the presence of the parents. The nurses positively evaluated the presence of parents in the neonatal intensive care unit, involving them permanently in the care of the newborn. The study evokes the emergence of a care context (nurse/neonate/parents) that precedes the proximity between the subjects and the demands presented by them.La enfermera tiene un papel fundamental en el envolvimiento de los padres en el cuidado al recién nacido en la unidad de terapia intensiva neonatal. El objetivo del estudio fue comprender como las enfermeras experimentan el cuidado prestado al recién nacido en la presencia de los padres. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa con abordaje de la fenomenología social; tuvo la participación de siete enfermeras, entrevistadas en los meses de enero y febrero de 2009. Se encontró que la enfermera percibe las necesidades de los padres, tiene expectativas positivas en relación al cuidado realizado y reconoce ser el eslabón entre ellos, ayudándolos a convivir con el hijo internado. Sin embargo, en situaciones de emergencia, tiene dificultades en cuidar al neonato en la presencia de los padres. Concluimos que la enfermera evalúa positivamente la presencia de los padres en la unidad de terapia intensiva neonatal, envolviéndolos permanentemente en el cuidado del recién nacido. El estudio evoca la emergencia de un contexto de cuidado (enfermera/neonato/sus padres) que precede a la aproximación entre los sujetos y las demandas por ellos presentadas.A enfermeira tem papel fundamental no envolvimento dos pais no cuidado ao recém-nascido, na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como as enfermeiras vivenciam o cuidado prestado ao recém-nascido, na presença dos pais. Usou-se a pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem da fenomenologia social, como metodologia. Participaram deste estudo sete enfermeiras, entrevistadas no período de janeiro e fevereiro de 2009. Como resultado tem-se que a enfermeira percebe as necessidades dos pais; tem expectativas positivas em relação ao cuidado realizado e reconhece ser o elo entre eles, ajudando-os a conviver com o filho internado. Contudo, em situações de emergência, tem dificuldades para cuidar do neonato na presença dos pais. Pode-se concluir que a enfermeira avalia positivamente a presença dos pais na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal, envolvendo-os permanentemente no cuidado ao recém-nascido. O estudo evoca a emergência de um contexto de cuidado (enfermeira/neonato/seus pais) que precede a aproximação entre os sujeitos e as demandas por eles apresentadas

    Limits and possibilities experienced by nurses in the treatment of women with chronic venous ulcers

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    Objetivo Comprender las experiencias y expectativas de enfermeras en el tratamiento de mujeres con úlcera venosa crónica. Método Investigación fenomenológica fundamentada en Alfred Schutz, que buscó Se realizó entrevista semiestructurada con siete enfermeras, en enero del 2012. Resultados La enfermera revela dificultades presentadas por la mujer para realizar el autocuidado, percibe limitaciones en el tratamiento relacionadas con la desmotivación, los valores y las creencias de las mujeres. Refiere frustración profesional debido a la recidiva de la lesión, a la falta de insumos, al deficiente trabajo interdisciplinar y a la limitada capacitación del equipo de enfermeras. Espera la adhesión de la mujer al tratamiento y resalta la necesidad del cuidado continuo, del autocuidado apoyado y de estandarizar conductas de tratamiento. Conclusión El tratamiento de la úlcera venosa crónica es un desafío que requiere contribución colectiva, involucrando a las mujeres, a los profesionales, a los gestores y a las instituciones de salud.Objective To understand the experiences and expectations of nurses in the treatment of women with chronic venous ulcers. Method Phenomenological research was based on Alfred Schütz, whose statements were obtained in January, 2012, through semi-structured interviews with seven nurses. Results The nurse reveals the difficulties presented by the woman in performing self-care, the perceived limitations in the treatment anchored in motivation, and the values and beliefs of women. It showed professional frustration because venous leg ulcer recurrence, lack of inputs, interdisciplinary work and training of nursing staff. There was an expected adherence to the treatment of women, and it emphasized the need for ongoing care, supported self-care and standard practices in treatment. Conclusion That treatment of chronic venous leg ulcers constitutes a challenge that requires collective investment, involving women, professionals, managers and health institutions.Objetivo Compreender as experiências e expectativas de enfermeiras no tratamento de mulheres com úlcera venosa crônica na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método Pesquisa fundamentada na fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz, com depoimentos obtidos em janeiro de 2012, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com sete enfermeiras. Resultados As enfermeiras revelam dificuldades apresentadas pelas mulheres com úlcera venosa crônica para realizar o autocuidado, percebem limitações na terapêutica ancoradas na desmotivação e nos valores e crenças das mulheres. Referem frustração profissional em razão da recidiva da lesão, falta de insumos e tecnologia, de trabalho interdisciplinar e da capacitação da equipe de enfermagem. Esperam a adesão das mulheres ao tratamento e ressaltam a necessidade do cuidado contínuo, do autocuidado apoiado e da padronização de condutas no tratamento. Conclusão O tratamento da úlcera venosa crônica constitui-se em um desafio que requer investimento coletivo, envolvendo a mulher, os profissionais, os gestores e as instituições de saúde

    The experience of women with abortion during adolescence as demanded by their mothers

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    OBJECTIVE: to understand the experience of women who induced an abortion during adolescence as demanded by their mothers. METHOD: qualitative study with a social phenomenology approach conducted in 2010 with three women through interviews with open questions. RESULTS: the participants tried to hide their pregnancies from their mothers and when the mothers found out about the pregnancies they decide to interrupt it, demanding that their daughters have an abortion, which was performed in an unsafe manner, regardless of the adolescents' desire. After the abortion, the adolescents experienced suffering, guilt, and regret for not having fought against their mothers' decisions. These women expect to be autonomous to make their own decisions, take care of their own health and become pregnant again. CONCLUSION: the study evidenced the decision for an abortion was centered on the adolescents' mothers, a result that deserves to be further explored in future research deepening the relationship established between daughter and mother in the situation of an induced abortion. We suggest the creation of opportunities for the triad of health professional/adolescent/family to dialogue, especially the mother, who in the context of family relations, can help the daughter to safely deal with an early pregnancy and prevent it instead of influencing the adolescent to induce an abortion.

    Knowledge about tuberculosis in individuals deprived of liberty of a regional penitentiary in the Zona da Mata Mineira - Brazil

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    Objective: To evaluate knowledge related to TB and to investigate the predictive factors of the prisoners' knowledge status in a regional penitentiary in the Zona da Mata Mineira - Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional and institutionally based study that was conducted with 729 individuals deprived of their liberty in a regional penitentiary. A questionnaire was applied and the detainees 'knowledge about tuberculosis was obtained from the participants' answers to questions about tuberculosis prevention, transmission and treatment. For data analysis, multiple logistic regression was used. Results: Approximately 40% of the detainees reported not having knowledge about transmission, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis and the lack of knowledge was associated with the following variables: lower education, lower income, closed regime, being the first prison, not having contact with TB outside and inside the prison, not showing symptoms of cough with secretion, weakness and chest pain and not having an HIV test. Conclusion: The lack of knowledge about tuberculosis was associated with education, income, prison terms, first prison, contact with TB outside and inside the prison, symptoms of tuberculosis and HIV testing. The recognition of these factors can contribute to the development of educational interventions aimed at controlling tuberculosis in this population.Objective: To evaluate knowledge related to TB and to investigate the predictive factors of the prisoners' knowledge status in a regional penitentiary in the Zona da Mata Mineira - Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional and institutionally based study that was conducted with 729 individuals deprived of their liberty in a regional penitentiary. A questionnaire was applied and the detainees 'knowledge about tuberculosis was obtained from the participants' answers to questions about tuberculosis prevention, transmission and treatment. For data analysis, multiple logistic regression was used. Results: Approximately 40% of the detainees reported not having knowledge about transmission, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis and the lack of knowledge was associated with the following variables: lower education, lower income, closed regime, being the first prison, not having contact with TB outside and inside the prison, not showing symptoms of cough with secretion, weakness and chest pain and not having an HIV test. Conclusion: The lack of knowledge about tuberculosis was associated with education, income, prison terms, first prison, contact with TB outside and inside the prison, symptoms of tuberculosis and HIV testing. The recognition of these factors can contribute to the development of educational interventions aimed at controlling tuberculosis in this population

    Ser docente de enfermagem, mulher e mãe: desvelando a vivência sob a luz da fenomenologia social

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    The trajectory of this study was focused on understanding the experience of being a nursing teacher, woman and mother and reconciling work, motherhood and other daily activities. Participants were 11 women, mothers, teachers at higher education Institutions. Social Phenomenology was adopted for the analysis. The context of meanings was evidenced by categories: Difficulty in performing multiple activities; care of oneself and conciliation of social roles. Women give priority to being a mother, so that they have less time to take care of themselves. In spite of desiring to invest in teaching, they expect to have more time available to be in touch with their children and partner. This study showed that the professional and personal worlds need an interface, which allows for co-existence between the different roles women play in society.A trajetória deste estudo voltou-se para a compreensão do ser docente de enfermagem, mulher e mãe ao conciliar a vida profissional, a maternidade e demais atividades do cotidiano. Participaram 11 mulheres, mães, docentes de instituições de ensino superior. Foi adotada a fenomenologia social para análise. O contexto de significados foi evidenciado a partir das categorias: dificuldade no desempenho de multiplicidade de atividades; cuidado de si mesma e conciliação dos papéis sociais. As mulheres priorizam o ser mãe, dispondo de pouco tempo para o cuidado de si mesma; e, embora tenham o desejo de investir na carreira docente, têm a expectativa de ter maior disponibilidade de tempo para o convívio com os filhos e com o companheiro. O estudo mostrou que os universos, profissional e pessoal, necessitam de interface que possibilite a convivência entre os diversos papéis exercidos pela mulher na sociedad

    Health education as a strategy to promote the development of the prematurely born child: perception of caregivers

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    The birth of a premature baby can cause impairment in the child's development, requiring a critical analysis from the health professional of their performance in the care directed to this public and their family. There is lack of scientific literature focused on the promotion of functional development of premature infants, making necessary the use of technologies that help the family in home care. Objective: To understand the knowledge and practices of caregivers of prematurely children, about the functional development mediated by an intervention with an educational technology. This was a qualitative, descriptive, exploratory and intervention research, with 11 mothers of prematurely born children, followed up by a service in a city of Minas Gerais. Performed in three steps. The first still in the follow up service, the second and third consisted of home visits. The analysis originated the categories “Expectations related to the educational material”, “Experiences with the educational material” and “Changes in care aroused by the appropriation of the educational material”. The work of the health educator articulated with an educational technology focused on promoting the child development of premature children contributes to the resignification of knowledge and everyday practices of care directed to this public

    The development of skills in Primary Health Care nurses for coping with social inequalities in health

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    The objective of this study was to identify and develop skills with Primary Health Care nurses to work the social inequalities in health. This is a qualitative research based on action-research, performed with six primary health care nurses in a municipality of Minas Gerais, who participated in educational workshops addressing coping strategies for social inequalities in health. The data collection occurred through a focal group and non-participant observation, from March to May 2018. The data were analyzed through the thematic content analysis technique. The identification and training of skills to cope with this was founded on knowledge, skills and attitudes. The participants stressed the importance of knowing their role in the scenario where they work, as well as the functioning of the Health Care Network and legislation to support them to coping with this problem, being the communicational skills essential in this process. The knowledge acquired in the workshop enabled participants to recognize attitudes in their professional routine, which enable them to act in the face of this reality. The present study indicates the importance of appreciating and strengthening the training of nurses for the development of competences to act on social inequalities