1,773 research outputs found

    Variation in quality of newly hatched chicks from Japanese breeder quail fed guava extract

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of guava extract as a dietary supplement for Japanese quail hens on incubation parameters, intestinal development, and the quality of newly hatched chicks. Six hundred and forty-eight eggs were collected from Japanese quail hens fed diets with 0.0, 3.0, 6.0, and 9.0 g/kg of guava extract. The study consisted of four treatments, six replicates, and 27 eggs per replicate. The guava extract contained 2% ellagic acid. The eggs were incubated at 37.5 °C and 65% relative air humidity. The hatch window, hatchability, embryo development in unhatched eggs, quality of newly hatched quails, and intestinal histomorphometry of a duodenum segment were evaluated. Differences among the treatments in hatchability and the hatch window were not significant. The guava extract did not affect mortality rate, live pecking, dead pecking, and contaminated and inverted eggs. The number of infertile eggs was lower in the groups that received 3.0 and 9.0 g/kg of extract in their diets. Use of up to 3.0 g/kg of guava extract in the diet increased the weight of both eggs and newly hatched chicks. The quality score of newly hatched quail was similar across treatments. The inclusion of 3.0 g/kg of guava extract in the diet of Japanese quail breeder hens increased the hatchling weight of the chicks and improved the villus to crypt ratio of their duodenum. Keywords: embryology, embryo metabolism, hatchery, incubation, breeder nutritio

    Clinical, epidemiological, and microbiological characteristics of bacteremia caused by high-level gentamicin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis

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    Enterococcus spp bacteremia is associated with high mortality and the appearance of high-level gentamicin resistance (HLGR) created additional challenges for the treatment of these infections. We evaluated the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with bacteremias caused by HLGR and non_HLGR Enterococcus faecalis isolates at a teaching hospital in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Patients with bacteremia due to E. faecalis diagnosed between January 1999 and December 2003 were included in the study. We collected clinical, epidemiological, and microbiological data from medical records. Banked isolates were typed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. We identified 145 cases of E. faecalis bacteremia: 66 (45.5%) were caused by HLGR isolates and 79 (54.5%) by non_HLGR. In the univariate analysis, patients with HLGR infection were older, had higher rates of bladder catheterization, and more often had treatment with cephalosporin, quinolone, and/or carbapenem compared with patients with non_HLGR infection (P < 0.05). Multivariate analysis indicated that older age, hematological malignancy, and previous use of vancomycin were independently associated with HLGR (P < 0.05). Mortality rates were not significantly different among patients with HLGR (50%) and non_HLGR (43%) infections (P = 0.40). Of the 32 genotyped isolates, 16 were distributed into 6 main electrophoresis patterns and 16 others had distinct patterns. E. faecalis bacteremia is associated with high mortality and is frequently caused by HLGR isolates at this teaching hospital. The variability among genotyped isolates suggests that endogenous infections, rather than patient-to-patient transmission of E. faecalis, are more common at this institution.89089

    A small universe after all?

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    The cosmic microwave background radiation allows us to measure both the geometry and topology of the universe. It has been argued that the COBE-DMR data already rule out models that are multiply connected on scales smaller than the particle horizon. Here we show the opposite is true: compact (small) hyperbolic universes are favoured over their infinite counterparts. For a density parameter of Omega_o=0.3, the compact models are a better fit to COBE-DMR (relative likelihood ~20) and the large-scale structure data (sigma_8 increases by ~25%).Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 7 Figure

    Acumulação diferencial de nutrientes por cinco cultivares de milho (Zea mays L.): I - acumulação de macronutrientes

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    The objective of the present work was to examine the differences in growth, yield, accumulation and transport of nutrients between the cultivars Agroceres 256, Agroceres 504, Centralmex, H-7974 and Piranão. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The soil type was a sandy oxisol of medium fertility, expect for K which was low. The experimental set-up was a randon block design with four replications. Common cultivation practices were followed, and the fertilizer used consisted of 83 g of a formula: 30-120-70, per meter length at planting, and 33 g of the formula: 50-0-45 per meter length as dressing 22 days after germination. The plant population density was 50,000 per hectare. Plants were collected for analysis at 20 days after germination, and there after at intervals of 20 days up to 120 days. The plants were divided into "stems + leaves", tassels, and ears for chemical analysis of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. Conclusions: Growth - The cultivars produce maximum quantities of dry matter of 327 to 381 g per plant at the age of 100 to 106 days. - Differences between cultivars in terms of dry matter accumulation in the vegetative parts of the plant is not necessarily relate to the dry weight of the ear. Accumulation of nutrients - There are no differences in the quantity of N, P and K taken-up by the cultivars, although during the period of rapid growth some differences may appear. - Differences in the accumulation of Ca, Mg and S are detected when the quantities of these nutrients approach the maximum. The cultivar H-7974 presented the highest quantities of Ca and Mg where as Agroceres 504 was richest in S. - The maximum level of nutrients are attained in the following period in days: N (89-100); P (101 -120); K (58-66); Ca (75-94); Mg (100-120) and S (93-95). - The maximum quantities taken-up in mg/plant are:N (3,169-3,878);P (541-642); K (3,850-4,693); Ca (582-782); Mg (654-943); S (444-799). Yield - No differences were found between cultivars for grain production. Transport of nutrients - The re were no differences in the amounts of nutrients in the grain between cultivars. - The transport of nutrients into the ears of the different cultivars are the following order (per hectare harvested, 50,000 plants): N (111-143 kg); P (22-30 kg); K (30-45 kg); Ca (0.7-1.1 kg); Mg (10-12 kg) and S (9-13 kg).No presente trabalho, os autores apresentam os resultados de um ensaio de campo empregando os cultivares Agroceres 256, Agroceres 504, Centralmex, H-7974 e Piranão no sentido de aquilatar diferenças no crescimento, produção e acumulação e exportação de nutrientes. O ensaio foi conduzido num regossol de fertilidade mediana, exceto em relação ao K que é baixo, situado no Município de Piracicaba, SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições. Foram seguidas as práticas culturais comuns, e a adubação constituiu de 83 g da fórmula 30-120-70 por metro linear por ocasião do plantio e 33 g por metro linear da fórmula 50-0-4, em cobertura 22 dias após a germinação. Plantas foram coletadas a partir dos 20 dias após a germinação, em intervalos de 20 dias até os 120 dias. As plantas foram divididas em "colmo + folhas", pendão e espiga e analisadas para N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Concluíram os autores que diferenças entre cultivares na acumulação de matéria seca na parte vegetativa não se traduzem, necessariamente, por um aumento de peso da matéria seca na espiga. Os cultivares atingem o máximo da quantidade de nutrientes nas seguintes épocas, em dias: N (89-100); P (101-120); K (58-66); Ca (74-94); Mg (100-120); S (93-95). Verificaram, ainda, que as quantidades máximas extraídas em mg/planta são: N (3169-3878); P (541-642); K (3850-4693); Ca (582-782); Mg (654-943); S (444-799). Finalmente, a exportação de nutrientes nas espigas por hectare (50.000 plantas) colhidas é: N (111-143 kg); P (22-30 kg); Ca (0,7-1,1 kg); Mg (10-12kg); S(9-13kg)

    Controlling quantum entanglement through photocounts

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    We present a protocol to generate and control quantum entanglement between the states of two subsystems (the system S{\cal S}) by making measurements on a third subsystem (the monitor M{\cal M}), interacting with S{\cal S}. For the sake of comparison we consider first an ideal, or instantaneous projective measurement, as postulated by von Neumann. Then we compare it with the more realistic or generalized measurement procedure based on photocounting on M{\cal M}. Further we consider that the interaction term (between S{\cal S} and M{\cal M}) contains a quantum nondemolition variable of S{\cal S} and discuss the possibility and limitations for reconstructing the initial state of S{\cal S} from information acquired by photocounting on M{\cal M}.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev

    Acumulação diferencial de nutrientes por cinco cultivares de milho (Zea mays L.): III - diagnose foliar

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    The objective of the present work was to examine the differences in nutrients levels between the cultivars Agroceres 256, Agroceres 504, Centralmex, H-7974 and Piranão. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The soil type was a sandy "Regossol" of medium fertility. Common cultivation practices were followed, and the fertilizer used consisted of 83 g of a formula: 30-120-70, per meter length at planting, and 33 g of the formula 50-0-45 per meter length as a dressing. The plant population density was 50,000 per hectare. Sixty days after planting and at flowering the leaves (+4) and the ear leaf, respectively, were harvested for diagnostic purposes. It was observed that differences exist in the concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg and Fe in the leaf (+4) dry matter of the cultivars at 60 days after planting, and in the concentrations of P, K, Cu and Fe during flowering. Such differences did not affect the production of grain. The extent of the differences between cultivars in the levels of nutrients in the leaves depends on the period of sampling. The harvestry of leaves at determined physiological periods tend to dimi-nuish these differences. Cultivars with similar yield potential may be regarded equally in relation to their leaf analysis, provided that one adopts an adequate range of nutrient levels.O trabalho foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de se aquilatar diferenças nos níveis críticos entre os cultivares Agroceres 256, Agroceres 504, Centralmex, H-7974 e Piranão. O ensaio foi conduzido no Município de Piracicaba, SP, tendo como suporte um Regossol arenoso de média fertilidade. Foram seguidas as práticas culturais comuns e a adubação constuiu de 83 g da fórmula 30-120-70, por metro linear no plantio e 33 g/ /metro linear da fórmula 50-0-45 em cobertura. A população de plantas foi de 50.000 por hectare. Aos 60 dias após o plantio e no florescimento foram coletadas as folhas (+4) e da inserção da espiga, para fins de diagnose. Foram observadas diferenças nas concentrações de P, K, Ca, Mg e Fe, na matéria seca das folhas (+4) dos cultivares aos 60 dias após o plantio, e nas concentrações de P, K, Cu e Fe na folha da inserção da espiga, na fase de florescimento. Diferenças estas que não afetam a produção de grãos. A extensão das diferenças entre cultivares nos níveis foliares dos nutrientes depende da época de amostragem. As coletas feitas em épocas fisiológicas determinadas tende a diminuir estas diferenças. Cultivares com potenciais de produção semelhantes podem ser tratados igualmente em relação à análise de folhas, desde que se adote uma faixa de teores adequados

    Low temperature behavior of poultry fat biodiesel:diesel blends

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    AbstractAs the worldwide consumption of poultry meat rises the use of poultry fat as a feedstock for biodiesel production becomes attractive considering economical and environmental reasons. However, poultry fat biodiesel still faces some restrictions due to its poor flow properties at low temperatures. In this study ethylic and methylic poultry fat biodiesels and their blends with diesel were evaluated in terms of flow properties. Modulated Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry (MT-DSC) was used to understand the physical meaning of properties as Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP), Pour Point (PP) and Cloud Point (CP), widely used in biodiesel characterization. Based on the MT-DSC studies, it was observed that the first crystallization peak temperature had values similar to CFPP and CP. This way CP was found to be associated with the first solidified material and not with the early formation of the first nuclei, as normally reported. On the other hand, these crystals already lead to the flow decrease, as indicate by the CFPP results. PP values were close to the second crystallization peak temperature, not being related to the complete solidification of the fuel

    Gravitational Collapse in Higher Dimensional Husain Space-Time

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    We investigate exact solution in higher dimensional Husain model for a null fluid source with pressure pp and density ρ\rho are related by the following relations (i) p=kρp=k\rho, (ii) p=kρB(v)ραp=k\rho-\frac{B(v)}{\rho^{\alpha}} (variable modified Chaplygin) and (iii) p=kραp=k\rho^{\alpha} (polytropic). We have studied the nature of singularity in gravitational collapse for the above equations of state and also for different choices of the of the parameters kk and BB namely, (i) k=0k=0, B=B= constant (generalized Chaplygin), (ii) B=B= constant (modified Chaplygin). It is found that the nature of singularity is independent of these choices of different equation of state except for variable Chaplygin model. Choices of various parameters are shown in tabular form. Finally, matching of Szekeres model with exterior Husain space-time is done.Comment: 12 latex pages, No figure, RevTex styl